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Aller à 2024 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2017 | 2015

Nombre de documents : 11.


Deep learning-based land use and land cover changes detection from satellite imagery : a case study of the city of Richard Toll. Ba Mandicou, Thiam Pape Ibrahima, Delay Etienne, Ngom Charles Abdoulaye, Diop Idy, Bah Alassane. 2024. In : ICMVA '24: Proceedings of the 2024 7th International Conference on Machine Vision and Applications. SCIEI, SSS. New York : ACM, 60-68. ISBN 979-8-4007-1655-3 International Conference on Machine Vision and Applications (ICMVA 2024). 7, Singapore, Singapour, 12 Mars 2024/14 Mars 2024.

Spatial distribution of degradation and deforestation of palm swamp peatlands and associated carbon emissions in the Peruvian Amazon. Marcus Matthew S., Hergoualc'H Kristell Anaïk, Honorio Coronado Eurídice N., Gutiérrez-Vélez Víctor Hugo. 2024. Journal of Environmental Management, 351:119665, 13 p.


Rapport méthodologique pour la production des cartes d'occupation du sol 2022 de l'agglomération d'Antananarivo - Madagascar. Dupuy Stéphane, Andriamanga Andoniaina Valérie, Gaetano Raffaele, Burnod Perrine. 2022. Montpellier : CIRAD, 17 p.

Soil macroinvertebrate communities: A world-wide assessment. Lavelle Patrick, Mathieu Jérôme, Spain Alister, Brown George G., Fragoso Carlos, Lapied Emmanuel, De Aquino Adriana, Barois Isabelle, Barrios Edmundo, Barros Maria Eleusa, Bedano José Camilo, Blanchart Eric, Caulfield Mark E., Chagueza Yamileth, Dai Jun, Decaëns Thibaud, Dominguez Anahí, Dominguez Yamileth, Feijoo Alexander, Folgarait Patricia, Fonte Steven J., Gorosito Norma, Huerta Esperanza, Jimenez Juan Jose, Kelly Courtland A., Loranger Gladys, Marchao Robélio, Marichal Raphaël, Praxedes Catarina, Rodriguez Leonardo, Rousseau Guillaume Xavier, Rousseau Laurent, Ruiz Nuria, Sanabria Catalina, Suarez Juan Carlos, Ebagnerin Tondoh Jerôme, De Valença Anne, Vanek Steven J., Vasquez Joël, Velasquez Elena, Webster Emily, Zhang Chi. 2022. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31 (7) : 1261-1276.
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Towards user-adaptive remote sensing: knowledge-driven automatic classification of Sentinel-2 time series. Arvor Damien, Betbeder Julie, Daher Felipe R.G., Blossier Tim, Le Roux Renan, Corgne Samuel, Corpetti Thomas, De Freitas Silgueiro Vinicius, Da Silva Jr Carlos Antonio. 2021. Remote Sensing of Environment, 264:112615, 27 p.


Changing landscapes of Southeast Asia and rodent‐borne diseases: decreased diversity but increased transmission risks. Morand Serge, Blasdell Kim R., Bordes Frédéric, Buchy Philippe, Carcy Bernard, Chaisiri Kittipong, Chaval Yannick, Claude Julien, Cosson Jean François, Desquesnes Marc, Jittapalapong Sathaporn, Jiyipong Tawisa, Karnchanabanthoen Anamika, Pornpan Pumhom, Rolain Jean-Marc, Tran Annelise. 2019. Ecological Applications, 29 (4):e01886, 15 p.
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Homisland-IO: a homogeneous land cover over the small islands of the Indian Ocean. Révillion Christophe, Attoumane Artadji, Tran Annelise, Herbreteau Vincent. 2019. In : Book of abstracts posters of the third international conference on Island ecology, evolution and conservation. Flores Olivier (ed.), Ah-Peng Claudine (ed.), Wilding Nicholas (ed.). Université de la Réunion. Saint-Denis : Université de la Réunion, 394. International conference on Island ecology, evolution and conservation. 3, Saint-Denis, Réunion, 8 Juillet 2019/13 Juillet 2019.

The MORINGA processing chain: Automatic object-based land cover classification of tropical agrosystems using multi-sensor satellite imagery. Gaetano Raffaele, Dupuy Stéphane, Lebourgeois Valentine, Le Maire Guerric, Tran Annelise, Jolivot Audrey, Bégué Agnès. 2019. . Milan : Italian Space Agency, 3 p. 2019 Living Planet Symposium, Milan, Italie, 13 Mai 2019/17 Mai 2019.

Remote sensing and GIS for mapping land cover and land-use in the region of Biskra -Algeria. Kendri Samira, Belhamra Mohamed, Huguenin Johann. 2019. In : 5th IAC International Agriculture Congress. Abstract book. Anatolia Sciences Academy. Istanbul : Anatolia Sciences Academy, Résumé, 1 p. International Agriculture Congress. 5, Istambul, Turquie, 21 Août 2019/24 Août 2019.




Trypanosoma from rodents as potential source of infection in human-shaped landscapes of South-East Asia. Pumhom Pornpan, Morand Serge, Tran Annelise, Jittapalapong Sathaporn, Desquesnes Marc. 2015. Veterinary Parasitology, 208 (3-4) : 174-180.

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