
Résultats de recherche pour (creators_affiliation:("(BFA)" OR "(CPV)" OR "(GMB)" OR "(MLI)" OR "(MRT)" OR "(NER)" OR "(SEN)" OR "(TCD)") OR contributors_affiliation:("(BFA)" OR "(CPV)" OR "(GMB)" OR "(MLI)" OR "(MRT)" OR "(NER)" OR "(SEN)" OR "(TCD)") OR editors_affiliation:("(BFA)" OR "(CPV)" OR "(GMB)" OR "(MLI)" OR "(MRT)" OR "(NER)" OR "(SEN)" OR "(TCD)") OR corp_creators_collectivite: ("(BFA)" OR "(CPV)" OR "(GMB)" OR "(MLI)" OR "(MRT)" OR "(NER)" OR "(SEN)" OR "(TCD)") OR title:("Burkina Faso" OR "Burkina-Faso" OR "Cap-Vert" OR "Cap Vert" or "Cabo Verde" or "Cabo-Verde" OR "Gambie" OR "Gambia" OR "Mali" OR "Mauritanie" OR "Mauritania" OR "Niger" OR "Sénégal" OR "Senegal" OR "Tchad" OR "Chad") OR titre_parallele_titre:("Burkina Faso" OR "Burkina-Faso" OR "Cap-Vert" OR "Cap Vert" or "Cabo Verde" or "Cabo-Verde" OR "Gambie" OR "Gambia" OR "Mali" OR "Mauritanie" OR "Mauritania" OR "Niger" OR "Sénégal" OR "Senegal" OR "Tchad" OR "Chad") OR autre_titre_titre:("Burkina Faso" OR "Burkina-Faso" OR "Cap-Vert" OR "Cap Vert" or "Cabo Verde" or "Cabo-Verde" OR "Gambie" OR "Gambia" OR "Mali" OR "Mauritanie" OR "Mauritania" OR "Niger" OR "Sénégal" OR "Senegal" OR "Tchad" OR "Chad") OR agrovoc_geo_motcle:("Burkina Faso" OR "Burkina-Faso" OR "Cap-Vert" OR "Cap Vert" or "Cabo Verde" or "Cabo-Verde" OR "Gambie" OR "Gambia" OR "Mali" OR "Mauritanie" OR "Mauritania" OR "Niger" OR "Sénégal" OR "Senegal" OR "Tchad" OR "Chad")) AND type:("article" OR "ouvrage" OR "chapitre_ouvrage" OR "these" OR "hdr" OR "actes_congres") AND date:(2018 OR 2019 OR 2020 OR 2021 OR 2022 OR 2023 OR 2024 OR 2025)

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1. Efficiency of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in genetic diversity study and differentiation of Borassus aethiopum Mart. and Borassus akeassii Bayton, Ouédr. & Guinko. Adeoti Zoul Kifouli, Salako Kolawolé Valère, Daa-Kpodé Ulysse Ayihaou, Ouedraogo Amadé, Santoni Sylvain, Aberlenc Frédérique, Kpatenon Mariano Joly, Latreille Muriel, Tollon-Cordet Christine, Etsè Kodjo Djidjolé, Abba Mahmoud Oumar Hissein, Faye Adana, Jaligot Estelle, Beulé Thierry. 2025. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 72 : 1903-1919.
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2. Understanding the implementation of antimicrobial resistance policies in Vietnam: A multilayer analysis of the veterinary drug value chain. Batie Chloé, Duy Nguyen Van, Minh Khue Nguyen Thi, Peyre Marie-Isabelle, Bordier Marion, Dien Nguyen Thi, Ton Vu Dinh, Goutard Flavie. 2025. Peer Community Journal, 5:e21, 27 p.
3. New, complete circularized genomes of Xanthomonas citri pv. mangiferaeindicae produced from short- and long-read co-assembly shed light on strains that emerged a decade ago on mango and cashew in Burkina Faso. Boyer Claudine, Lefeuvre Pierre, Zombre Cyrille, Rieux Adrien, Wonni Issa, Gagnevin Lionel, Pruvost Olivier. 2025. Phytopathology, 115 (1) : 14-19.
4. A conceptual framework for the contextualization of crop model applications and outputs in participatory research. Cheriere Timothée, Descheemaeker Katrien, Falconnier Gatien, Ganeme Aminata, Lairez Juliette, Sawadogo Hamado, Adam Myriam. 2025. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 45:8, 16 p.
5. Reuse out-of-year data to enhance land cover mapping via feature disentanglement and contrastive learning. Dantas Cássio F., Gaetano Raffaele, Paris Claudia, Ienco Dino. 2025. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 18 : 1681-1694.
6. Population structure and pathogenicity tests of Pyricularia oryzae on wild and cultivated rice in Mali. Diagne Diariatou, Adreit Henri, Milazzo Joëlle, Koita Ousmane, Tharreau Didier. 2025. Plant Pathology, 74 (2) : 536-547.
7. Mapping QTLs for early leaf spot resistance and yield component traits using an interspecific AB-QTL population in peanut. Gomis J., Sambou Aissatou, Nguepjop Joël Romaric, Tossim Hodo-Abalo, Seye Maguette, Djiboune Yvette Rachelle, Sambakhe Diarétou, Loko Dupérier, Conde Soukeye, Alyr Mounirou Hachim, Bertioli David J., Leal-Bertioli Soraya C.M., Rami Jean-François, Kane Aboubacry, Foncéka Daniel. 2025. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15, 13 p.
8. Does fertilizer type drive soil and litter macroinvertebrate communities in a sugarcane agroecosystem? Evidence from a 10-year field trial. Jacquin Estelle, Vermeire Marie-Liesse, Blanchart Eric, Detaille Charles, Goebel François-Régis, Jean Janine, Razafindrakoto Malalatiana, Bravin Matthieu. 2025. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 381:109431, 10 p.
9. Brown spot of rice: Worldwide disease impact, phenotypic and genetic diversity of the causal pathogen Bipolaris oryzae, and management of the disease. Kaboré Kouka Hilaire, Kassankogno Abalo Itolou, Tharreau Didier. 2025. Plant Pathology, 15 p.
10. Tree populations show low regeneration of valued species in West Africa. Lykke Anne Mette, Romer Nanna, Gonzalez Patrick, Glele Kakaï Romain Lucas, Rabiou Habou, Amegnaglo Kossi Béssan, Ganaba Souleymane, Sambou Bienvenu, Niang Fatimata, Herault Bruno, Guuroh Reginald Tang, Ouoba Paulin, Yaméogo Jérôme, Traoré Lassina, Sinsin Brice Augustin, Amahowe Ogoudje Isidore, Bay Signe S., Houehanou Thierry Dèhouégnon, Houessou Laurent G., Gouwakinnou Gérard N., Yetein Marius H., Tankoano Boalidioa, Ouedraogo Amadé, Ouédraogo Issaka, Taita Paulette, Amani Bienvenu H.K., Coulibaly Brahima, Kouyate Amadou Malé, Van Damme Patrick, Vanhove Wouter, Mahamane Ali, Bonache Carolina, Sambou Simon, Soumana Idrissa, Amani Abdou, Maârouhi Maman Maârouhi, Barfod Anders S.. 2025. Biological Conservation, 301:110891, 9 p.
11. Assessing antibiotic use practices on central Burkina Faso cattle farms and the associated risks to environmental and human health contamination: A pilot study. Soma Djifahamaï, Diarra Fatimata Bintou J., Bonkoungou Isidore Juste O., Somda Namwin Siourimè, Bako Evariste, Nikiema Marguerite Edith M., Sore Souleymane, Sawadogo Natéwindé, Barro Nicolas, Kassie Daouda. 2025. International Journal of One Health, 11 (1), 12 p.
12. Contribution of large-scale irrigation systems to food security and economic security: Evidence from the Bagré irrigation scheme in Burkina Faso. Tapsoba Abdoulaye, Gerard Françoise. 2025. Agricultural Systems, 224:104252, 19 p.
13. Improvement of iron and β-Carotene bioaccessibility in complementary foods: Biofortification of local crops With organic residual products and microorganisms. Thiam Mbeugué, Diouf Adama, Icard-Vernière Christèle, Avallone Sylvie, Ndiaye Ndèye Fatou, De Souza Marielle Atala, Médoc Jean-Michel, Idohou-Dossou Nicole, Humblot Christèle. 2025. Food Science and Nutrition, 13 (1):e4745, 11 p.
14. Early attainment of 20-hydroxyecdysone threshold shapes mosquito sexual dimorphism in developmental timing. Zhang Meichun, Wen Han, Sun Qiang, Zhang Dongjing, Li Yongjun, Xi Andrew, Zheng Xiaoying, Wu YU, Cao Jun, Bouyer Jérémy, Xi Zhiyong. 2025. Nature Communications, 16 (1), 821, 17 p.
15. Activating agricultural transitions to sustainability through participatory research and co-innovation. Stories of change across Africa, Asia and Latin America from the DeSIRA initiative. Toillier Aurélie (ed.), Guillonnet Renaud (ed.), Dolinska Aleksandra (ed.), Henriquez Priscila (ed.), Perez Myriam (ed.), Lima de Faria Margarida (ed.). 2024. Paris : CIRAD, 76 p. ISBN 978-2-87614-849-9
16. Dynamiques des systèmes de production au Sénégal. Recueil d'articles publiés de 2010 à 2021. Dramé Nani Khady (ed.), Rawski Christine (ed.). 2024. Cahiers Agricultures, 48 p.
17. Transformative participation for socio-ecological sustainability: Around the CoOPLAGE pathways. Hassenforder Emeline (ed.), Ferrand Nils (ed.). 2024. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 273 p. (Update sciences et technologies) ISBN 978-2-7592-3919-1
18. Modelling CO2 and N2O emissions from soils in silvopastoral systems of the West-African Sahelian band. Agbohessou Yélognissè frédi, Delon Claire, Grippa Manuela, Mougin Eric, Ngom Daouda, Gaglo Koudjo Espoir, Ndiaye Ousmane, Salgado Paulo, Roupsard Olivier. 2024. Biogeosciences, 21 (11) : 2811-2837.
19. Do provisioning ecosystem services change along gradients of increasing agricultural production? Ahammad Ronju, Tomscha Stephanie A., Gergel Sarah E., Baudron Frédéric, Duriaux‑Chavarría Jean‑Yves, Foli Samson, Gumbo Davidson, Rowland Dominic, Van Vianen Josh, Sunderland Terence Clarence Heethom. 2024. Landscape Ecology, 39 (5), 17 p.
20. Three decades of Faidherbia albida agroforestry in Far North Region, Cameroon. Akodewou Amah, Palou Madi Oumarou, Ambomo Tsanga Faustin, Rousgou Romain, Peltier Régis. 2024. In : Agroforestry at work. Torquebieau Emmanuel (ed.). Ede : Tropenbos International, 117-122. (Tropical Forest Issues, 62)
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