
Résultats pour : "Suisse"

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Nombre de documents : 44.

The impact of fungi on soil protist communities in European cereal croplands. Degrune Florine, Dumack Kenneth, Ryo Masahiro, Garland Gina, Romdhane Sana, Saghaï Aurélien, Banerjee Samiran, Edlinger Anna, Herzog Chantal, Pescador David S., García-Palacios Pablo, Fiore-Donno Anne-Marie, Bonkowski Michael, Hallin Sara, van der Heijden Marcel G.A., Maestre Fernando T., Philippot Laurent, Glemnitz Michael, Sieling Klaus, Rillig Matthias C.. 2024. Environmental Microbiology, 26 (7):e16673, 9 p.

Nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation are not located where they are most needed across the Alps. Dubo Titouan, Palomo Ignacio, Camacho Lucía Laorden, Locatelli Bruno, Cugniet Audrey, Racinais Natacha, Lavorel Sandra. 2023. Regional Environmental Change, 23:12, 15 p.

Simple assessment of temperate grassland suitability as habitat for three insect taxa. Dumont Bertrand, Rossignol Nicolas, Huguenin-Elie Olivier, Jeanneret Philippe, Jerrentrup Jana Sabrina, Lüscher Gisela, Taugourdeau Simon, Villerd Jean, Plantureux Sylvain. 2022. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6:881410, 13 p.

Food for everyone: Differential feeding habits of cryptic bat species inferred from DNA metabarcoding. Andriollo Tommy, Michaux Johan, Ruedi Manuel. 2021. Molecular Ecology, 30 (18) : 4584-4600.

Identification of differential responses of goat PBMCs to PPRV virulence using a multi-omics approach. Eloiflin Roger-Junior, Auray Gaël, Python Valérie, Rodrigues Valérie, Seveno Martial, Urbach Serge, El Koulali Khadija, Holzmuller Philippe, Totté Philippe, Libeau Geneviève, Bataille Arnaud, Summerfield Artur. 2021. Frontiers in Immunology, 12:745315, 14 p.

Practices in research, surveillance and control of neglected tropical diseases by One Health approaches: A survey targeting scientists from French-speaking countries. Molia Sophie, Saillard Juliette, Dellagi Koussai, Cliquet Florence, Bart Jean-Mathieu, Rotureau Brice, Giraudoux Patrick, Jannin Jean, Debré Patrice, Solano Philippe. 2021. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15 (3):e0009246, 19 p.

Torn between responsibility and loyalty: how the veterinarian profession designs antibiotic resistance policies that shake its foundations. Surdez Muriel, Piquerez Lorène, Hobeika Alexandre. 2021. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, 102 (2), n.spéc. 21st century vets: professional dynamics in the era of One Health : 191-211.

Modelling the monthly abundance of Culicoides biting midges in nine European countries using Random Forests machine learning. Cuéllar Ana Carolina, Kjaer Lene Jung, Baum Andreas, Stockmarr Anders, Skovgard Henrik, Nielsen Soren Achim, Andersson Mats Gunnar, Lindstrom Anders, Chirico Jan, Lühken Renke, Steinke Sonja, Kiel Ellen, Gethmann Jörn M., Conraths Franz J., Larska Magdalena, Smreczak Marcin, Orlowska Anna, Hammes Inger, Sviland Stale, Hopp Petter, Brugger Katharina, Rubel Franz, Balenghien Thomas, Garros Claire, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Allene Xavier, Lhoir Jonathan, Chavernac David, Delecolle Delphine, Mathieu Bruno, Delecolle Delphine, Setier Rio Marie-Laure, Scheid Bethsabée, Miranda Chueca Miguel Ángel, Barcelo Carlos, Lucientes Javier, Estrada Rosa, Mathis Alexander, Venail Roger, Tack Wesley, Bodker René. 2020. Parasites and Vectors, 13:194, 18 p.

Cost-effectiveness of surveillance and biosecurity scenarios for preventing CSF in Switzerland. Léger Anaïs, Grosbois Vladimir, Simons Robin, Stärk Katharina D.C., De Nardi Marco. 2019. Microbial Risk Analysis, 13, n.spéc. SPatial Assessments of Risk for Europe - Evaluating the incursion and spread of exotic animal disease through Europe:100080, 13 p.

Nature's contributions to people in mountains: A review. Martín-López Berta, Leister Ines, Cruz Pedro Lorenzo, Palomo Ignacio, Grêt-Regamey Adrienne, Harrison Paula A., Lavorel Sandra, Locatelli Bruno, Luque Sandra, Walz Ariane. 2019. PloS One, 14 (6):e0217847, 24 p.

Optimizing chemical wood modification with oligomeric lactic acid by screening of processing conditions. Grosse Charlotte, Grigsby Warren J., Noël Marion, Treu Andreas, Thévenon Marie-France, Gerardin Philippe. 2019. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 39 (6) : 385-398.

The menu varies with metabarcoding practices: A case study with the bat Plecotus auritus. Andriollo Tommy, Gillet François, Michaux Johan, Ruedi Manuel. 2019. PloS One, 14 (7):e0219135, 17 p.

Data synergy between leaf area index and clumping index Earth Observation products using photon recollision probability theory. Pisek Jan, Buddenbaum Henning, Camacho Fernando, Hill Joachim, Jensen Jennifer L.R., Lange Holger, Liu Zhili, Piayda Arndt, Qu Yonghua, Roupsard Olivier, Serbin Shawn P., Solberg Svein, Sonnentag Oliver, Thimonier Anne, Vuolo Francesco. 2018. Remote Sensing of Environment, 215 : 1-6.

Monthly variation in the probability of presence of adult Culicoides populations in nine European countries and the implications for targeted surveillance. Cuéllar Ana Carolina, Kjaer Lene Jung, Baum Andreas, Stockmarr Anders, Skovgard Henrik, Nielsen Soren Achim, Andersson Mats Gunnar, Lindstrom Anders, Chirico Jan, Lühken Renke, Steinke Sonja, Kiel Ellen, Gethmann Jörn M., Conraths Franz J., Larska Magdalena, Smreczak Marcin, Ortowska Anna, Hamnes Inger, Sviland Stale, Hopp Petter, Brugger Katharina, Rubel Franz, Balenghien Thomas, Garros Claire, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Allene Xavier, Lhoir Jonathan, Chavernac David, Delecolle Delphine, Mathieu Bruno, Delecolle Delphine, Setier-Rio Marie-Laure, Venail Roger, Scheid Bethsabée, Miranda Chueca Miguel Ángel, Barcelo Carlos, Lucientes Javier, Estrada Rosa, Mathis Alexander, Tack Wesley, Bodker René. 2018. Parasites and Vectors, 11:608, 19 p.

Spatial and temporal variation in the abundance of Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in nine European countries. Cuéllar Ana Carolina, Kjær Lene Jung, Kirkeby Carsten, Skovgard Henrik, Nielsen Soren Achim, Stockmarr Anders, Andersson Mats Gunnar, Lindstrom Anders, Chirico Jan, Lühken Renke, Steinke Sonja, Kiel Ellen, Gethmann Jörn M., Conraths Franz J., Larska Magdalena, Hamnes Inger, Sviland Stale, Hopp Petter, Brugger Katharina, Rubel Franz, Balenghien Thomas, Garros Claire, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Allene Xavier, Lhoir Jonathan, Chavernac David, Delecolle Jean Claude, Mathieu Bruno, Delecolle Delphine, Setier-Rio Marie-Laure, Venail Roger, Scheid Bethsabée, Miranda-Chueca Miguel Angel, Barcelo Carlos, Lucientes Javier, Estrada Rosa, Mathis Alexander, Tack Wesley, Bodker René. 2018. Parasites and Vectors, 11 (112), 18 p.

Évolution de la situation épidémiologique de la fièvre catarrhale ovine en Europe de 2014 à 2017. Mercier Alizé, Grandcollot-Chabot Marie, Falala Sylvain, Hendrikx Pascal, Zientara Stéphan, Breard Emmanuel, Sailleau Corinne, Zanella Gina, Bronner Anne, Calavas Didier, Cauchard Julien. 2018. Bulletin Epidémiologique (84) : 11-20.

Relations between agriculture and the city in Europe and the Mediterranean. Soulard Christophe-Toussaint, Perrin Coline, Valette Elodie. 2017. In : Toward sustainable relations between agriculture and the city. Soulard Christophe-Toussaint (ed.), Perrin Coline (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.). Cham : Springer International Publishing, 1-11. (Urban Agriculture) ISBN 978-3-319-71035-8

Research priorities for the conservation and sustainable governance of Andean forest landscapes. Mathez-Stiefel Sarah-Lan, Peralvo Manuel, Báez Selene, Rist Stephan, Buytaert Wouter, Cuesta Francisco, Fadrique Belén, Feeley Kenneth J., Groth Aaron A.P., Homeier Jürgen, Llambi Luis D., Locatelli Bruno, López Sandoval Maria Fernanda, Malizia Agustina, Young Kenneth R.. 2017. Mountain Research and Development, 37 (3) : 323-339.

Toward sustainable relations between agriculture and the city. Soulard Christophe-Toussaint (ed.), Perrin Coline (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.). 2017. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 240 p. (Urban Agriculture) ISBN 978-3-319-71035-8

Consommation européenne d'avocat. Un cru 2013-14 record... qui en appelle d'autres. Imbert Eric. 2014. Fruitrop (Ed. Française) (225) : 40-48.

European avocado consumption. A record vintage in 2013-14... and set to usher in more. Imbert Eric. 2014. Fruitrop (English ed.) (225) : 40-48.

Always Look on Both Sides: Phylogenetic Information Conveyed by Simple Sequence Repeat Allele Sequences. Barthe Stéphanie, Gugerli Felix, Barkley Noelle A., Maggia Laurent, Cardi Céline, Scotti Ivan. 2012. PloS One, 7 (7):e40699, 9 p.

Marché de la banane biologique : la massification d'un marché de niche. Dawson Carolina. 2012. Fruitrop (Ed. Française) (200) : 50-57.

Un exemple de transfert de technologie réussi dans le domaine de la micropropagation : la multiplication de Coffea arabica par embryogenèse somatique. Etienne Hervé, Bertrand Benoît, Montagnon Christophe, Bodadilla Landey Roberto, Dechamp Eveline, Jourdan Isabelle, Alpizar Edgardo, Malo Eduardo, Georget Frederic. 2012. Cahiers Agricultures, 21 (2-3) : 115-124.

The organic banana market: a niche market that grows and grows. Dawson Carolina. 2012. Fruitrop (English ed.) (200) : 50-57.

Clé simplifiée d'identification des espèces d'hyménoptères parasitoïdes des Tortricidae de la vigne. Villemant Claire, Delvare Gérard. 2011. In : La faune auxiliaire des vignobles de France. IFV. Paris : Ed. France agricole, 292-311. ISBN 978-2-85557-213-0

Biaises in the estimation of size-dependent mortality models: advantages of a semiparametric approach. Vieilledent Ghislain, Courbaud Benoît, Kunstler Georges, Dhôte Jean-François, Clark James S.. 2009. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 39 (8) : 1430-1443.

Multifunctionality: Epistemic diversity and concept oriented research clusters. Caron Patrick, Reig Ernest, Roep Dirk, Hediger Werner, Le Cotty Tristan, Barthélémy Denis, Hadynska Anna, Hadynski Jakub, Oostindie Henk, Sabourin Eric. 2008. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 7 (4-5) : 319-338.

Damassine, case study. Perret Anna, Devautour Hubert. 2007. In : Geographical indications, a way forward for local development : Summary of the International Training Module held on May 14th - 25th, 2007 in Prangins (near Genevas) Switzerland. Gerz Astrid (ed.), Barjolle Dominique (ed.), Sautier Denis (ed.). AGRIDEA, UMR INNOVATION. Lausanne : Agridea, 41-42. International Training Module Geographical Indications: A way forward for local development, Prangins, Suisse, 14 Mai 2007/25 Mai 2007.

Gruyère, case study. Thévenod-Mottet Erik, Sautier Denis. 2007. In : Geographical indications, a way forward for local development : Summary of the International Training Module held on May 14th - 25th, 2007 in Prangins (near Genevas) Switzerland. Gerz Astrid (ed.), Barjolle Dominique (ed.), Sautier Denis (ed.). AGRIDEA, UMR INNOVATION. Lausanne : Agridea, 43-44. International Training Module Geographical Indications: A way forward for local development, Prangins, Suisse, 14 Mai 2007/25 Mai 2007.

Deux stratégies divergentes de colonisation révélées chez Laccaria amethystina et Xerocomus spp. dans une forêt mixte. Fiore-Donno Anne-Marie, Martin Francis. 2002. In : Journées Jean Chevaugeon : IVe rencontres de phytopathologie - mycologie du 13 au 17 mars 2002. [Résumés]. CIRAD-MIDEC, INRA, CNRS, SFP. Montpellier : CIRAD, Résumé, 1 p. Journées Jean Chevaugeon, Rencontres de phytopathologie-mycologie. 4, Aussois, France, 13 Mars 2002/17 Mars 2002.

Juiceworld 2000. Le 12ème congrès international des jus de fruits. Aubert Bernard. 1996. Fruitrop (Ed. Française) (27) : 8-10. Congrès international de l'IFU (international federation of fruit juice producers). 12, Interlaken, Suisse, 21 Mai 1996/24 Mai 1996.

Les sources d'information dans le domaine de la production et de la santé animales. I : l'information primaire en anglais, français, espagnol. Giovannetti Jean-François, Meissonnier Etienne. 1985. Revue scientifique et Technique - Office International des Epizooties, 4 (4) : 725-750.

Presence en Suisse d'un Scaphixodes (Acarina, Ixodoidea) sur Prunella collaris. Morel Pierre-Claude, Aeschlimann A.. 1983. Bulletin de la Société Neuchâteloise des Sciences Naturelles, 106 : 23-27.

Symposium sur l'agrométéorologie au service de la protection des plantes. Perrier Xavier. 1982. Fruits, 37 (4) : 259-262.

Compte-rendu du Congrès des Polyphenols de 1980. 17-20 sept. Neuchatel (Suisse). Doat Jacqueline. 1980. Nogent-sur-Marne : GERDAT-CTFT, 5 p. Congrès des polyphénols, Neuchâtel, Suisse, 17 Septembre 1980/19 Septembre 1980.

Compte-rendu du Congrès des Polyphénols de 1980 - 17-18-19 sept. Doat Jacqueline. 1980. Nogent-sur-Marne : GERDAT-CTFT, 69 p. Congrès des polyphénols, Neuchâtel, Suisse, 17 Septembre 1980/19 Septembre 1980.

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