
Résultats pour : "éthanol"

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Nombre de documents : 62.

Article de revue

Influence of avoided biomass decay on a life cycle assessment of oil palm residues-based ethanol. Setiawan Arief Ameir Rahman, Bardant Teuku Beuna, Muryanto Muryanto, Triwahyuni Elka, Ishizaki Riaru, Dahnum Deliana, Putri Ary Mauliva Hada, Irawan Yan, Maryana Roni, Sudiyani Yanni, Sulaswatty Anny, Wiloso Edi Iswanto, Ahamed Tofael, Chéron-Bessou Cécile, Noguchi Ryozo. 2024. Energy, Ecology and Environment, 9 : 344-364.

Physicochemical characterization of special cassava starches and their application for bio-ethanol production through no-cook technology at very high gravity. Moreno Alzate Jhon Larry, Tran Thierry, Ceballos Hernan, Nguyen Chinh-Nghia, Nguyen Tien Cuong, Zhang Xiaofei, Newby Jonathan, Dufour Dominique, Chu-Ky Son. 2024. Industrial Crops and Products, 219:119095, 13 p.

Synthesis of potassium polyferrite KxFeyOz heterogeneous catalyst for sunflower oil ethanolic transesterification. Ouédraogo Igor W.K., Happi Tchuessa Emma Brice, Sawadogo Balkissa, Mouras Sylvie, Blin Joël. 2024. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 14 : 28837-28848.

Integrating carbon footprint to spatialized modeling: The mitigation potential of sugarcane ethanol production in the Brazilian Center-South. Palma Petrielli Gabriel, Pessoa Nogueira Guilherme, de Souza Henzler Daniele, Rinke Dias de Souza Nariê, Berbert Bruno Karina Maria, dos Santos Luciano Ana Cláudia, Le Maire Guerric, Hernandes Thayse Aparecida Dourado. 2023. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 189:106725, 12 p.

Development of a model for the alcoholic fermentation of cocoa beans by a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain. Kouame Christelle, Loiseau Gérard, Grabulos Joël, Boulanger Renaud, Mestres Christian. 2021. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 337:108917, 10 p.
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Characterization of semi-arid Chadian sweet sorghum accessions as potential sources for sugar and ethanol production. Naoura Gapili, Emendack Yves, Baloua Nébié, Vom Brocke Kirsten, Mahamat Alhabib Hassan, Sawadogo Nerbewende, Doyam Nodjasse Amos, Djinodji Reoungal, Trouche Gilles, Haydee Laza Echevarria. 2020. Scientific Reports, 10:14947, 11 p.

Ethanol production from residual lignocellulosic fibers generated through the steam treatment of whole sorghum biomass. Boboescu Iulian-Zoltan, Damay Jérémie, Kong Win Chang James, Beigbeder Jean-Baptiste, Duret Xavier, Beauchemin Sophie, Lalonde Olivier, Lavoie Jean-Michel. 2019. Bioresource Technology, 292:121975, 10 p.

Single-stage extraction of whole sorghum extractives and hemicelluloses followed by their conversion to ethanol. Damay Jérémie, Boboescu Iulian-Zoltan, Beigbeder Jean-Baptiste, Duret Xavier, Beauchemin Sophie, Lalonde Olivier, Lavoie Jean-Michel. 2019. Industrial Crops and Products, 137 : 636-645.

Surface sterilization methods impact measures of internal microbial diversity in ticks. Binetruy Florian, Dupraz Marlène, Buysse Marie, Duron Olivier. 2019. Parasites and Vectors, 12:268, 10 p.

Transitioning towards a circular economy in Québec an integrated process for 1st, 2nd & 3rd-generation ethanol from sweet sorghum & Chlorella vulgaris biomass. Boboescu Iulian-Zoltan, Beigbeder Jean-Baptiste, Damay Jérémie, Duret Xavier, Lalonde Olivier, Lavoie Jean-Michel. 2019. Industrial Biotechnology, 15 (3) : 169-178.

Implications of removing straw from soil for bioenergy: An LCA of ethanol production using total sugarcane biomass. Caldeira-Pires Armando, Benoist Anthony, Da Luz Sandra Maria, Chaves Silverio Vanessa, Silveira Cristiano M., Machado Frederico. 2018. Journal of Cleaner Production, 181 : 249-259.

A novel hybrid first and second generation hemicellulosic bioethanol production process through steam treatment of dried sorghum biomass. Damay Jérémie, Boboescu Iulian-Zoltan, Duret Xavier, Lalonde Olivier, Lavoie Jean-Michel. 2018. Bioresource Technology, 263 : 103-111.

Protective activity of camel's milk and urine mixture (Camelus dromedarius) against ethanol-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Elhag Ahmed Eisa, Faye Bernard, El Badwi Samia M.A.. 2017. Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 8 (10) : 378-387.

Shea nut shell based catalysts for the production of ethanolic biodiesel. Dejean Aristide, Ouédraogo Igor W.K., Mouras Sylvie, Valette Jérémy, Blin Joël. 2017. Energy for Sustainable Development, 40 : 103-111.

Diversificación de los almidones de yuca y sus posibles usos en la industria alimentaria. Pizarro Monica, Sanchez Teresa, Ceballos Hernan, Morante Nelson, Dufour Dominique. 2016. Revista Politécnica, 37 (2) : 1-6.

SC-CO2 Extraction of guayule biomass (Parthenium argentatum) – yield and selectivity towards valuable co-products, lipids and terpenics. Punvichai Teerasak, Amor Ali, Tardan Eric, Palu Serge, Pioch Daniel. 2016. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 6 (6) : 1777-1787.

Methodological issues in comparative life cycle assessment: treatment options for empty fruit bunches in a palm oil system. Wiloso Edi Iswanto, Bessou Cécile, Heijungs Reinout. 2015. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 20 (2) : 204-216.

Optimization of sugarcane farming as a multipurpose crop for energy and food production. Sabatier Damien, Martiné Jean-François, Chiroleu Frédéric, Roussel Camille, Letourmy Philippe, Van Antwerpen Rianto, Gabrielle Benoît, Ney Bertrand. 2015. Global Change Biology. Bioenergy, 7 (1) : 40-56.

Environmental assessment of biofuel pathways in Ile de France based on ecosystem modeling. Gabrielle Benoît, Gagnaire Nathalie, Massad Raia Silvia, Dufossé Karine, Bessou Cécile. 2014. Bioresource Technology, 152 : 511-518.

Biocarburants de seconde génération et bioraffinerie (Ref RE110 V2) : Version 2. Broust François, Girard Philippe, Van de Steene Laurent. 2013. Techniques de l'Ingénieur. Bioprocédés, 17 p.

Using a crop model to account for the effects of local factors on the LCA of sugar beet ethanol in Picardy region, France. Bessou Cécile, Lehuger Simon, Gabrielle Benoît, Mary Bruno. 2013. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 18 (1) : 24-36.

Use of bioethanol for biodiesel production. Brunschwig Christel, Moussavou Mounguengui Rédéo Wilfried, Blin Joël. 2012. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 38 (2) : 283-301.

Energy and carbon footprints of ethanol production using banana and cooking banana discard: A case study from Costa Rica and Ecuador. Graefe Sophie, Dufour Dominique, Giraldo Andrés, Munoz Luis Armando, Mora Paola, Solis Hortensia, Garcés Hernán, Gonzalez Alonso. 2011. Biomass and Bioenergy, 35 (7) : 2640-2649.

Evaluation and modelling the utility of SCCO2 to support efficient lipase mediated esterification. Baig Muhammad N., Santos R.C.D., Zetzl C., King J., Pioch Daniel, Bowra S.. 2011. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 49 (4) : 420-426.


Sweet sorghum : A suitable alternative energy crop. Braconnier Serge. 2010. International Innovation : 57-59.

Biocarburants de seconde génération (Ref RE110). Broust François, Girard Philippe, Van de Steene Laurent. 2008. Techniques de l'Ingénieur. Bioprocédés, 13 p.

Review of existing and emerging technologies for the production of biofuels in developing countries. Girard Philippe, Fallot Abigaïl. 2006. Energy Sustainable Development, 10 (2) : 92-108.

Effect of different coating treatments on the quality of mango fruit. Thai Thi Hoa, Ducamp Marie-Noelle, Lebrun Marc, Baldwin Elizabeth. 2002. Journal of Food Quality, 25 : 471-486.

Interest of combining an additive with diesel - ethanol blends for use in diesel engines. Satgé de Caro P., Mouloungui Zéphirin, Vaitilingom Gilles, Berge J.C.. 2001. Fuel, 80 : 565-574.

Ethanolyse de l'huile de colza en milieu basique non anhydre. Graille Jean, Lozano Paul, Pioch Daniel, Genestre P., Finiels Annie, Moreau C.. 1985. Revue Française des Corps Gras, 32 (8-9) : 311-316.

Compte-rendu de la Journée Technique organisée par le CEEMAT le 11 mars 1982 dans le cadre du SIMA : Energies renouvelables applications à l'agriculture des Pays Chauds. GERDAT-CEEMAT - FRA. 1982. Machinisme Agricole Tropical Information (80) : 03-31. Salon international de la machine agricole. 53, Paris, France, 8 Mars 1982/15 Mars 1982.

Perspectives actuelles de production et d'utilisation de carburants végétaux liquides. Groos. 1982. Machinisme Agricole Tropical Information (80) : 03-05. Journée technique SIMA sur les énergies renouvelables. Applications à l'agriculture des pays chauds. 53, Paris, France, 11 Mars 1982.

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Outils d'analyse des filières biomasse-énergie. Dessard Hélène, Gautier Denis, Gazull Laurent. 2018. In : Les enjeux de la transition énergétique : au Viêt Nam et en Asie du Sud-Est. Lagrée Stéphane (ed.). Paris : AFD-Maison d'édition de la connaissance, 137-170. (Etudes de l'AFD, 16) ISBN 978-604-943-809-7

Use of palm oil for biofuel. Roda Jean-Marc. 2018. In : Achieving sustainable cultivation of oil palm. Volume 1: Introduction, breeding and cultivation techniques. Rival Alain (ed.). Cambridge : Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 269-286. (Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, 27) ISBN 978-1-78676-104-0
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Diversifying biomass uses through new cropping systems. Goebel François-Régis, Chopart Jean-Louis, Poser Christophe, Braconnier Serge, Martiné Jean-François, Gérardeaux Edward. 2017. In : Sustainable development and tropical agri-chains. Biénabe Estelle (ed.), Rival Alain (ed.), Loeillet Denis (ed.). Dordrecht : Springer, 187-200. ISBN 978-94-024-1015-0

Intégrer les nouvelles valorisations de la biomasse dans la conception des systèmes de culture. Goebel François-Régis, Chopart Jean-Louis, Poser Christophe, Braconnier Serge, Martiné Jean-François, Gérardeaux Edward. 2016. In : Développement durable et filières tropicales. Biénabe Estelle (ed.), Rival Alain (ed.), Denis Loeillet (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 183-195. (Agricultures et défis du monde) ISBN 978-2-7592-2475-3

Corn distillers grain. Heuzé Valérie, Tran Gilles, Sauvant Daniel, Noblet J., Renaudeau David, Bastianelli Denis, Lessire Michel, Lebas François. 2015. In : Feedipedia: Animal feed resources information system = Feedipedia : Alimentation animale ressources système d'information. Heuzé Valérie (ed.), Tran Gilles (ed.), Thiollet Hélène (ed.). AFZ, CIRAD, FAO, INRA. s.l. : AFZ-CIRAD, 1-19.

Socio-economic effects of the sugarcane-to-ethanol production chain in Costa Rica. Fallot Abigaïl, Cardenas Adriana. 2014. In : Socio-economic impacts of bioenergy production. Eds. Dominik Rutz, Rainer Janssen. Cham : Springer, 215-231. ISBN 978-3-319-03828-5

Are biofuels a factor of sustainable development in a food insecurity context in Africa? : Case study of Burkina Faso. Dabat Marie-Hélène, Blin Joël, Hanff Elodie. 2012. In : Global sustainable development and renewable energy systems. Olla Phillip. Hershey : Information Science Reference, 152-171. (Premier reference source) ISBN 978-1-4666-1625-7

Actes de congrès

4ème Conférence biocarburants / bioénergies du 21 au 23 Novembre 2013 à Ouagadougou : Quel bilan et quelles voies d'avenir pour les biocarburants et les bioénergies en Afrique? Blin Joël (ed.), Mouras Sylvie (ed.), Wadre Amandine (ed.), Voron Anaïs (ed.). 2013. Ouagadougou : Ed. Sud Sciences et Technologies, 219 p. (Actes de conférences : 2iE) ISBN 978-2-67792145-1 Conférence Internationale sur les Biocarburants et Bioénergies. 4, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 21 Novembre 2013/23 Novembre 2013.

Communication avec actes

Definition of new sorghum ideotypes to meet the increasing demand of biofuels. Braconnier Serge, Gutjhard Sylvain, Trouche Gilles, Reddy Bellum, Roa Srinivas, Schaffert Robert E., Parella Rafael, Zacharias Arndt, Rettenmaier Nils, Reinhardt Guido, Monti Andrea, Amaducci Stefano, Marocco Adriano, Snijman Wikus, Terblanche Hannelie, Zavala-Garcia Francisco, Janssen Rainer, Rutz Dominik. 2011. In : 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition : from research to industry and market. Proceedings of the International Conference held in Berlin, Germany, 6-10 June 2011. Faulstich M. (ed.), Ossenbrink H. (ed.), Dallemand J.F. (ed.), Baxter D. (ed.), Grassi A. (ed.), Helm P. (ed.). ETA, WIP. Florence : ETA-Renewable Energies, 782-786. ISBN 978-88-89407-55-7 European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 19, Berlin, Allemagne, 6 Juin 2011/10 Juin 2011.

Modification de la base technologique de la production de canne à sucre au Brésil : un regard sur les perspectives actuelles du marché du travail. Goulart Duarte Fernanda, Goulart Duarte Laura Marie, Tourrand Jean-François. 2010. In : Le travail en agriculture dans les sciences pour l'action. Béguin Pascal (ed.), Dedieu Benoît (ed.). INRA-SAD, CIRAD-ES. Versailles : INRA-SAD, 120-129. ISBN 978-2-738012-75-3 Journées d'étude INRA SAD - CIRAD ES "Le travail en agriculture dans les sciences pour l'action", Parent, France, 24 Mars 2010/26 Mars 2010.

Sweet sorghum. An alternative energy crop. Janssen Rainer, Rutz Dominik, Braconnier Serge, Rao Srinivas, Schaffert Robert E., Parella Rafael, Zaccharias A., Rettenmaier Nils, Reinhardt Guido, Monti Andrea, Amaducci Stefano, Marocco Adriano, Snijman Wikus, Terblanche Hannelie, Zavala-Garcia Francisco. 2010. In : 18th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition : from research to industry and market. Proceedings of the International Conference held in Lyon, France, 3-7 May 2010. Spitzer J. (ed.), Dallemand J.F. (ed.), Baxter D. (ed.), Ossenbrink H. (ed.). ETA, WIP. Florence : ETA-Renewable Energies, 200-206. ISBN 978-88-89407-56-5 European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 18, Lyon, France, 3 Mai 2010/7 Mai 2010.

Communication sans actes

Development of new sorghum ideotypes to meet the increasing demand of bioethanol. Braconnier Serge, Trouche Gilles, Gutjahr Sylvain, Luquet Delphine, Dingkuhn Michaël. 2011. In : International Conference on Crop improvement, Ideotyping, and Modelling for African Cropping Systems under Climate Change - CIMAC, University of Hohenheim, 7-9 February 2011 : Book of abstracts. University of Hohenheim. Stuttgart : Hohenheim University, 63-66. International Conference on Crop Improvement, Ideotyping and Modelling for African Cropping Systems under Climate Change, Hohenheim, Allemagne, 7 Février 2011/9 Février 2011.

Environmental assessment of bioethanol production from lignocellulosic crops. Dufossé Karine, Gabrielle Benoît, Drouet Jean-Louis, Bessou Cécile. 2011. In : EcoTech and Tools, Environmental and Integrated Assessment of Complex Systems Conference, Montpellier, France, 30th November to 2nd December 2011. Montpellier SupAgro ; CEMAGREF. s.l. : s.n., 2 p. EcoTech andTools, Environmental and Integrated Assessment of Complex Systems Conference, Montpellier, France, 30 Novembre 2011/2 Décembre 2011.

Biocarburant : caractérisation et expérience Cirad. Vaitilingom Gilles, Rousset Patrick. 2005. In : Seminario Franco-Brasileiro sobre Biodesiel: Experiências Francesas et Brasileiras na Produção de Biocombustiveis, 4 de Julho 2005, São Paulo, Brasil. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (62 vues) Seminario Franco-Brasileiro sobre Biodesiel: Experiências Francesas et Brasileiras na Produção de Biocombustiveis, São Paulo, Brésil, 4 Juillet 2005.

Volatile constituent of dates from Phoenix dactylifera grown in Elche. Torres P., Reynes Max, Lebrun Marc, Ferry Michel. 1996. In : Le palmier dattier dans l'agriculture d'oasis des pays méditerranéens. Ferry Michel (ed.), Greiner Didier (ed.), Bedrani S. (ed.), Tonneau Jean-Philippe (ed.). CIRAD-SAR, INRA, GRIDAO. Paris : CIHEAM, 214. (Options méditerranéennes, 28) Journées Internationales sur le Palmier Dattier dans l'Agriculture d'Oasis des Pays Méditerranéens, Elche, Espagne, 25 Avril 1995/27 Avril 1995.


Extraction de composants de biomasse lignocellulosique et oléagineuse en milieu eau et CO2 supercritique et fonctionnalisation enzymatique. Baig Muhammad N.. 2012. Montpellier : UM2, 241 p. Thèse de doctorat : Génie des procédés : Université Montpellier 2

Greenhouse gas emissions of biofuels, improving life cycle assessments by taking into account local production factors. Bessou Cécile. 2009. Paris : AgroParisTech, 242 p. Thesis Ph. D. : Agronomy and Environment : AgroParisTech

Éléments d'adaptation de la méthodologie d'analyse de cycle de vie aux carburants végétaux : cas de la première génération. Benoist Anthony. 2009. Paris : Ecole des mines de Paris, 226 p. Thèse : Energétique : Ecole nationale supérieure des mines de Paris

Document technique et de recherche

Synthèse lipochimique et étude de composés à chaine ramifiée pour lubrifiant. Convention ADEME (AGRICE - CIRAD - VALAGRO - CHRISTOL GREASE n. 95 01 066. Rapport final décembre 1998. Pioch Daniel, Lozano Paul, Chirat Nathalie, Hoang Lê Chiên, Hudry S., Grignou H., Moigner L.. 1999. Montpellier : CIRAD-AMIS, 101 p.

Le manioc, plante alimentaire ou plante énergétique. Auvé A., Boireau P., Chuzel Gérard, Comes G., Correze P., Jacques P., Griffon Dany. 1983. Montpellier : ENGREF, 81 p.

Energies renouvelables et P.V.D. Dadant R.. 1981. Nogent-sur-Marne : GERDAT-IRAT, 25 p.

Le sorgho sucré. Bibliographie. GERDAT - REU. 1976. Paris : GERDAT-IRAT, 25 p.

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