
Résultats pour : "Arabidopsis"

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Nombre de documents : 29.

Article de revue

Identification of a sugarcane bacilliform virus promoter that is activated by drought stress in plants. Sun Sheng-Ren, Wu Xiao-Bin, Chen Jian-Sheng, Huang Mei-Ting, Fu Hua-Ying, Wang Qin-Nan, Rott Philippe, Gao San-Ji. 2024. Communications Biology, 7:368, 12 p.

AraDiv: A dataset of functional traits and leaf hyperspectral reflectance of Arabidopsis thaliana. Przybylska Stefania, Violle Cyrille, Vile Denis, Scheepens J.F., Lacombe Benoit, Le Roux Xavier, Perrier Lisa, Sales-Mabily Lou, Laumond Mariette, Vinyeta Mariona, Moulin Pierre, Beurier Grégory, Rouan Lauriane, Cornet Denis, Vasseur François. 2023. Scientific Data, 10:314, 8 p.

GARP transcription factors repress Arabidopsis nitrogen starvation response via ROS-dependent and -independent pathways. Safi Alaeddine, Medici Anna, Szponarski Wojciech, Martin Florence, Clément-Vidal Anne, Marshall-Colón Amy, Ruffel Sandrine, Gaymard F., Rouached Hatem, Leclercq Julie, Coruzzi Gloria M., Lacombe Benoit, Krouk G.. 2021. Journal of Experimental Botany, 72 (10) : 3881-3901.

Assessment of the roles of SPO11-2 and SPO11-4 in meiosis in rice using CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis. Fayos Ian, Meunier Anne Cecile, Vernet Aurore, Navarro Sanz Sergi, Portefaix Murielle, Lartaud Marc, Bastianelli Giacomo, Périn Christophe, Nicolas Alain, Guiderdoni Emmanuel. 2020. Journal of Experimental Botany, 71 (22) : 7046-7058.

Ectopic expression of the sesame MYB transcription factor SiMYB75 promotes root growth and modulates ABA-mediated tolerance to drought and salt stresses in Arabidopsis. Dossa Komivi, Mmadi Marie Ali, Zhou Rong, Liu Aili, Yang Yuanxiao, Diouf Diaga, You Jun, Zhang Xiurong. 2020. AoB Plants, 12 (1), 14 p.

Engineering meiotic recombination pathways in rice. Fayos Ian, Mieulet Delphine, Petit Julie, Meunier Anne Cecile, Périn Christophe, Nicolas Alain, Guiderdoni Emmanuel. 2019. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 17 (11) : 2062-2077.

The complex genetic architecture of shoot growth natural variation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Hanemian Mathieu, Marchadier Elodie, Tisne Sébastien, Bach Liên, Bazakos Christos, Gilbault Elodie, Haddadi Parham, Virlouvet Laetitia, Loudet Olivier. 2019. PLoS Genetics, 15 (4):e1007954, 17 p.


Identifying developmental phases in the Arabidopsis thaliana rosette using integrative segmentation models. Lievre Maryline, Granier Christine, Guédon Yann. 2016. New Phytologist, 210 (4) : 1466-1478.
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Multiple mechanisms of nitrate sensing by Arabidopsis nitrate transceptor NRT1.1. Bouguyon E., Brun F., Meynard Donaldo, Kubes M., Pervent M., Leran Sophie, Lacombe Benoit, Krouk G., Guiderdoni Emmanuel, Zazimalova E., Hoyerova K., Nacry Philippe, Gojon A.. 2015. Nature Plants, 1 (3):15015, 8 p.

The decoy substrate of a pathogen effector and a pseudokinase specify pathogen-induced modified-self recognition and immunity in plants. Wang Guoxun, Roux Brice, Feng Feng, Guy Endrick, Li Lin, Li Nannan, Zhang Xiaojuan, Lautier Martine, Jardinaud Marie-Françoise, Chabannes Matthieu, Arlat Mathieu, Chen She, He Chaozu, Noel Laurent D., Zhou Jian-Min. 2015. Cell Host and Microbe, 18 (3) : 285-295.

An auxin-mediated shift toward growth isotropy promotes organ formation at the shoot meristem in Arabidopsis. Sassi Massimiliano, Ali Olivier, Boudon Frédéric, Cloarec Gladys, Abad Ursula, Cellier Coralie, Chen Xu, Gilles Benjamin, Milani Pascale, Friml Jiri, Vernoux Teva, Godin Christophe, Hamant Olivier, Traas Jan. 2014. Current Biology, 24 (19) : 2335-2342.

ASL/LBD Phylogeny Suggests that Genetic Mechanisms of Root Initiation Downstream of Auxin Are Distinct in Lycophytes and Euphyllophytes. Coudert Yoan, Diévart Anne, Droc Gaëtan, Gantet Pascal. 2013. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 30 (3) : 569-572.

XopAC-triggered Immunity against Xanthomonas depends on Arabidopsis receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase genes PBL2 and RIPK. Guy Endrick, Lautier Martine, Chabannes Matthieu, Roux Brice, Lauber Emmanuelle, Arlat Mathieu, Noel Laurent D.. 2013. PloS One, 8 (8):e73469, 13 p.

New universal mitochondrial PCR markers reveal new information on maternal citrus phylogeny. Froelicher Yann, Mouhaya Wafa, Bassene Jean Baptiste, Costantino Gilles, Kamiri Mourad, Luro François, Morillon Raphaël, Ollitrault Patrick. 2011. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 7 (1) : 49-61.

The auxin signalling network translates dynamic input into robust patterning at the shoot apex. Vernoux Teva, Brunoud Géraldine, Farcot Etienne, Morin Valérie, Van Den Daele Hilde, Legrand Jonathan, Oliva Marina, Das Pradeep, Larrieu Antoine, Wells Darren, Guédon Yann, Armitage Lynne, Picard Franck, Guyomarc'h Soizic, Cellier Coralie, Parry Geraint, Koumproglou Rachil, Doonan John H., Estelle Mark, Godin Christophe, Kepinski Stefan, Bennett Malcolm J., De Veylder Lieven, Traas Jan. 2011. Molecular Systems Biology (7):508, 15 p.

In silico mapping of important genes and markers available in the public domain for efficient sorghum breeding. Ramu Punna, Deshpande S.P., Senthilvel S., Jayashree B., Billot Claire, Deu Monique, Ananda Reddy L., Hash Charles Tom. 2010. Molecular Breeding, 26 (3) : 409-418.

A grapevine Shaker inward K+ channel activated by the calcineurin B-like calcium sensor 1-protein kinase CIPK23 network is expressed in grape berries under drought stress conditions. Cuellar Térésa, Pascaud François, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Torregrosa Laurent, Adam-Blondon Anne-Françoise, Thibaud Jean-Baptiste, Sentenac Hervé, Gaillard Isabelle. 2010. Plant Journal, 61 (1) : 58-69.

Constitutive expression of OsGH3.1 reduces auxin content and enhances defense response and resistance to a fungal pathogen in rice. Domingo Concha, Andres Fernando, Tharreau Didier, Iglesias Domingo, Talon Manuel. 2009. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 22 (2) : 201-210.

Computer simulations reveal properties of the cell-cell signaling network at the shoot apex in Arabidopsis. Barbier de Reuille Pierre, Bohn-Courseau Isabelle, Ljung Karin, Morin Halima, Carraro Nicola, Godin Christophe, Traas Jan. 2006. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103 (5) : 1627-1632.

Identification of new gene expression regulators specifically expressed during plant seed maturation. Gutierrez Laurent, Conejero Geneviève, Castelain Mathieu, Guénin Stéphanie, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Thomasset Brigitte, Van Wuytswinkel Olivier. 2006. Journal of Experimental Botany, 57 (9) : 1919-1932.

The map-based sequence of the rice genome. Burr Benjamin, Sasaki Takuji, D'Hont Angélique, et al.. 2005. Nature, 436 : 793-800.

Evaluation of monocot and eudicot divergence using the sugarcane transcriptome. Vincentz Michel, Cara Frank A.A., Da Silva Felipe, Pedrosa Guilherme L., Hemerly Adriana S., Capella Adriana N., Marins Mozart, Ferreira Paulo C., França Suzelei C., Grivet Laurent. 2004. Plant Physiology, 134 (3) : 951-959.

Transcription and somatic transposition of the maise En/Spm transposon system in rice. Greco Rafaella, Ouwerkerk Pieter B.F., Taal A.J.C., Sallaud Christophe, Guiderdoni Emmanuel, Meijer Annemarie H., Hoge J.H.C., Pereira Andy. 2004. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 270 (6) : 514-523.

Plasma membrane aquaporins play a significant role during recovery from water deficit. Martre Pierre, Morillon Raphaël, Barrieu François, North Gretchen B., Nobel Park S., Chrispeels Maarten J.. 2002. Plant Physiology, 130 : 2101-2110.

The distribution of T-DNA in the genomes of transgenic Arabidopsis and rice. Barakat Abdelali, Gallois Patrick, Raynal Martine, Mestre-Ortega Dominique, Sallaud Christophe, Guiderdoni Emmanuel, Delseny Michel, Bernardi Giorgio. 2000. FEBS Letters (471) : 161-164.

Identification and disruption of a plant shaker-like outward channel involved in K+ release into the xylem sap. Gaymard F., Pilot Gérarld, Lacombe Benoit, Bouchez D., Bruneau Denis, Boucherez J., Michaux-Ferrière Nicole, Thibaud Jean-Baptiste, Sentenac Hervé. 1998. Cell, 94 : 647-655.


Analyse fonctionnelle, en système hétérologue, de promoteurs de gènes d'Hevea brasiliensis, en réponse aux stress biotiques et abiotiques. Cambillau Laurence. 2002. Montpellier : UM2, 24 p. Mémoire DEA : Développement et adaptation des plantes : Université Montpellier 2

Document technique et de recherche

Rapport de mission au symposium EUCARPIA. Guiderdoni Emmanuel. 1991. Montpellier : CIRAD-IRAT, 8 p. Genetic Manipulation in Plant Breeding : Molecular Biology - Breeding Interface, Reus-Salou, Espagne, 26 Mai 1991/30 Mai 1991.

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