
Résultats pour : "Castanea sativa"

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Nombre de documents : 23.

Article de revue

Durability against wood-destroying fungi of sweet chestnut and mixed sweet chestnut-poplar OSB. Thévenon Marie-France, Cremonini Corrado, Negro Francesco, Zanuttini Roberto. 2024. Wood Material Science and Engineering, 19 (4) : 851-857.

Density, extractives and decay resistance variabilities within branch wood from four agroforestry hardwood species. Terrasse Florence, Brancheriau Loïc, Marchal Rémy, Boutahar Nabila, Lotte Sylvain, Guibal Daniel, Pignolet Luc, Candelier Kévin. 2021. Iforest, 14 (3) : 212-220.

Improvement of modified wood properties with addition of chestnut tannins in lactic acid-based treatments. Grosse Charlotte, Noël Marion, Thévenon Marie-France, Gerardin Philippe. 2019. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 39 (2) : 124-135.

Physical properties of four ring-porous hardwood species: Influence of wood rays on tangential and radial wood shrinkage. Elaieb Mohamed Tahar, Shel Foued, Jalleli Mounir, Langbour Patrick, Candelier Kévin. 2019. Madera y Bosques, 25 (2):e12521695, 18 p.

Relationship between local and global modulus of elasticity in bending and its consequence on structural timber grading. Nocetti Michela, Brancheriau Loïc, Bacher Martin, Brunetti Michèle, Crivellaro Alan. 2013. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff, 71 (3) : 297-308.

The chestnut blight fungus world tour: successive introduction events from diverse origins in an invasive plant fungal pathogen. Dutech Cyril, Barrès Benoit, Bridier Julie, Robin Cécile, Milgroom Michael, Ravigné Virginie. 2012. Molecular Ecology, 21 (16) : 3931-3946.

The influence of cellulose content on tensile strength in tree roots. Genet Marie, Stokes Alexia, Salin Franck, Mickovski Slobodan B., Fourcaud Thierry, Dumail Jean-François, Van Beek Rens. 2005. Plant and Soil, 278 (1-2) : 1-9.

Elementi prefiniti per pavimenti di legno realizzati con assortimenti di castagno provenienti da bosco ceduo. Cielo Paolo, Thibaut Bernard, Zanuttini Roberto. 1996. Monti e Boschi (6) : 29-36.

Natural germination as resilience component in mediterranean coppice stands of Castanea sativa Mill. and Quercus ilex L. Bacilieri Roberto, Bouchet M.A., Bran D., Grandjanny M., Maistre M., Perret Phillippe, Romane F.. 1994. Acta Oecologica, 15 (4) : 417-429.

Germination and regeneration mechanisms in Mediterranean degenerate forests. Bacilieri Roberto, Bouchet M.A., Bran D., Grandjanny M., Maistre M., Perret Phillippe, Romane F.. 1993. Journal of Vegetation Science (4) : 241-246.

Architecture et sénescence des arbres. Barthélémy Daniel, Caraglio Yves, Drénou C., Figureau C.. 1992. Forêt Entreprise (83) : 15-35.

Communication avec actes

Etudes exploratoires du bouturage semi-ligneux du châtaignier. Breisch H.. 2002. In : Multiplication végétative des ligneux forestiers, fruitiers et ornementaux : troisième rencontre du groupe de la Sainte Catherine, Orléans du 22 au 24 novembre 2000. Verger M. (ed.). Loiret-Conseil général, Ville d'Orléans, INRA, CTA, CIRAD. Montpellier : CIRAD ISBN 2-87614-498-0 Rencontre du groupe de la Sainte Catherine. 3, Orléans, France, 22 Novembre 2000/24 Novembre 2000.

Production de plants de châtaignier de la variété Marigoule, Castanea crenata x Castanea sativa, par multiplication in vitro. Bourrain L., Navatel Jean-Claude. 2002. In : Multiplication végétative des ligneux forestiers, fruitiers et ornementaux : troisième rencontre du groupe de la Sainte Catherine, Orléans du 22 au 24 novembre 2000. Verger M. (ed.). Loiret-Conseil général, Ville d'Orléans, INRA, CTA, CIRAD. Montpellier : CIRAD, 10 p. ISBN 2-87614-498-0 Rencontre du groupe de la Sainte Catherine. 3, Orléans, France, 22 Novembre 2000/24 Novembre 2000.

Breeding for fruits. Lespinasse Yves, Bakry Frédéric. 1999. In : Proceedings of the World Conference on Horticultural Research (WCHR), Rome, Italy, 17-20 June 1998. Sansavini Silviero (ed.), Cantliffe D.J. (ed.), Corelli Grappadelli L. (ed.), Verzoni D. (ed.), Avermaete U. (ed.), Ganry Jacky (ed.), Robitaille H. (ed.), Janick Jules (ed.). ISHS, ASHS. Wageningen : ISHS, 251-271. (Acta Horticulturae, 495) ISBN 90-6605-931-1 World Conference on Horticultural Research. 1, Rome, Italie, 17 Juin 1998/20 Juin 1998.

Communication par affiche

LVL panels by rotary cutting of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill) stems from coppice stands : P 294. Thibaut Bernard. 1995. In : Caring for the forest : research in a changing world. s.l. : s.n., 169-170. IUFRO World Congress. 20, Tampere, Finlande, 6 Août 1995/12 Août 1995.

Communication sans actes

Breeding for fruits. Lespinasse Yves, Bakry Frédéric. 1998. In : Working group 2 : Current status of world horticultural research. I. Overview of research. II. Case studies. Ganry Jacky, Hugon Rémy. ISHS, ASHS. Wageningen : ISHS, 69-89. World Conference on Horticultural Research. 1, Rome, Italie, 17 Juin 1998/20 Juin 1998.

Growth-stresses related problems in using chestnut wood from coppice. Gril Joseph, Thibaut Bernard, Macchioni Nicola, Pividori M., Cielo Paolo. 1995. In : Proceedings of the International conference on progress in forest products research, September 19-22, 1995, Göttingen, Germany. Becker G. (ed.), Hecker M. (ed.); Institut für Forstbenutzung. Göttingen : Institut für Forstbenutzung, 43-46. International Conference on Progress in Forest Products Research, Göttingen, Allemagne, 19 Septembre 1995/22 Septembre 1995.

LVL panel production by rotary cutting of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) stems from coppice stands. Cielo Paolo, Macchioni Nicola, Thibaut Bernard, Zanuttini Roberto. 1995. In : Becker G. (ed.), Hecker M. (ed.); Institut für Forstbenutzung. International conference on progress in forest products research. Proceedings. Göttingen : Institut für Forstbenutzung, 147-151. International Conference on Progress in Forest Products Research, Göttingen, Allemagne, 19 Septembre 1995/22 Septembre 1995.

Ring shake in chestnut : an overview of researches carried out in the forest program. Uzielli L., Thibaut Bernard, Fioravanti M., Macchioni Nicola, Cont S.. 1995. In : Becker G. (ed.), Hecker M. (ed.); Institut für Forstbenutzung. International conference on progress in forest products research. Proceedings. Göttingen : Institut für Forstbenutzung, 51-54. International Conference on Progress in Forest Products Research, Göttingen, Allemagne, 19 Septembre 1995/22 Septembre 1995.

Rotary cutting of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) stems from coppice stands. Cielo Paolo, Macchioni Nicola, Thibaut Bernard, Zanuttini Roberto. 1994. In : International Conference on the Development of Wood Science. Technology and Forestry. 1. London : College of Brunel University, 13 p. International Conference on the Development of Wood Science/Technology and Forestry. 1, Missenden Abbey, Royaume-Uni, 6 Juillet 1994/8 Juillet 1994.

Valorisation du bois de châtaignier : prévoir et réduire les risques de roulure à la production. Thibaut Bernard, Jullien Delphine, Fournier Meriem, Chanson Bernard. 1993. In : Colloque bilan 1989-92. Agriculture demain. Aliment 2002. s.l. : s.n., 1-10. Agriculture demain aliment 2002, bilan 1989-92, France, 19 Octobre 1993/20 Octobre 1993.

Chapitre de rapport

Natural degenerate mediterranean forests : which future ? the examples of the holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) and chestnut (Castanea sativa mill.) coppice stands. Romane F., Bacilieri Roberto, Bran D., Bouchet M.A.. 1991. In : Responses of forest ecosystems to environmental changes. Teller A., Mathy P., Jeffers J.N.R. London : Elsevier, 374-380.

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