Nombre de documents : 20.
Article de revue
Fine mapping of Pi57 conferring broad spectrum resistance against Magnaporthe oryzae in introgression line IL-E1454 derived from Oryza longistaminata.
Dong Liying, Liu Shuguang, Xu Peng, Deng Wei, Li Xundong, Tharreau Didier, Li Jing, Zhou Jiawu, Wang Qun, Tao Dayun, Yang Qinzhong.
PloS One,
12 (10):e0186201, 11 p.
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Identification and mapping of a novel blast resistance gene Pi57 (t) in Oryza longistaminata.
Xu Jianlong, Dong Liying, Zhou Jiawu, Li Jing, Zhang Y., Hu F.Y., Liu S.F., Wang Qun, Deng Wei, Deng X.N., Tharreau Didier, Yang Qinzhong, Tao Dayun.
205 (1) : 95-102.
Diversity of the Ty-1 copia retrotransposon Tos17 in rice (Oryza sativa L.) and the AA genome of the Oryza genus.
Petit Julie, Bourgeois Emmanuelle, Stenger Wilfried, Bes Martine, Droc Gaëtan, Meynard Donaldo, Courtois Brigitte, Ghesquière Alain, Sabot François, Panaud Olivier, Guiderdoni Emmanuel.
Molecular Genetics and Genomics,
282 (6) : 633-652.
Communication sans actes
Towards a perennial upland rice.
McNally Kenneth L., Schmit Véronique, Courtois Brigitte.
. s.l. : Plant and Animal Genomes VI Conference, 10 p.
Plant and Animal Genomes Conference. 6, San Diego, États-Unis, 18 Janvier 1998/22 Janvier 1998.
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Document technique et de recherche
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