
Résultats pour : "chaîne d'approvisionnement alimentaire"

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Nombre de documents : 19.

The impact of the informal sector on supply chains in Africa. Parrot Laurent, Biard Yannick, Klaver Dieuwke, Kabré Edit, Vannière Henri. 2024. Supply Chain Forum, 12 p.

Les enjeux de l'évaluation et de la gouvernance des chaînes de valeur agricoles - Exemple de la mangue au Burkina Faso. Parrot Laurent, Biard Yannick, Klaver Dieuwke, Kabré Edit, Vannière Henri. 2023. Perspective (62) : 1-4.

The challenges of agricultural value chain assessment and governance - The example of mangoes in Burkina Faso. Parrot Laurent, Biard Yannick, Klaver Dieuwke, Kabré Edit, Vannière Henri. 2023. Perspective (62) : 1-4.

Operationalising emission and toxicity modelling of pesticides in LCA: the OLCA-Pest project contribution. Nemecek Thomas, Antón Assumpció, Basset-Mens Claudine, Gentil-Sergent Céline, Renaud-Gentié Christel, Melero Carlos, Naviaux Pierre, Peña Nancy, Roux Philippe, Fantke Peter. 2022. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 27 (4) : 527-542.

Slicing the fruit five ways: An economic, social, and environmental assessment of five mango food supply chains in Burkina Faso. Parrot Laurent, Biard Yannick, Klaver Dieuwke, Kabré Edit, Vannière Henri. 2022. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 30 : 1032-1043.

Adoption of ICTs in agri-food logistics: Potential and limitations for supply chain sustainability. Vernier Cédric, Loeillet Denis, Thomopoulos Rallou, Macombe Catherine. 2021. Sustainability, 13 (12):6702, 19 p.

Allowing for detachment processes in market innovation. The case of short food supply chains. Le Velly Ronan, Goulet Frédéric, Vinck Dominique. 2021. Consumption Markets and Culture, 24 (4) : 313-328.
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Brazilian foods and territories digital platform: Conceptual bases for development. Bolfe Edson Luis, Veloso Silva João Flavio, Sautier Denis, de Castro Victoria Daniel, do Nascimento Macario Carla. 2021. Brazilian Journal of Development, 7 (8) : 81305-81328.


Les systèmes alimentaires aux défis de la crise de la Covid-19 en Afrique : enseignements et incertitudes. Dury Sandrine, Alpha Arlène, Zakhia-Rozis Nadine, Giordano Thierry. 2021. Cahiers Agricultures, 30:12, 8 p.

Orchestrating a multi-stakeholder supply chain network: The case of exporters in cocoa certification in Cote d'Ivoire. Gboko Kouamé Casimir, Ruf François, Faure Guy. 2021. Journal of Innovation Economics and Management (34) : 33-56.
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Rice grain cadmium concentrations in the global supply-chain. Shi Zhengyu, Carey Manus, Meharg Caroline, Williams Paul N., Signes-Pastor Antonio J., Triwardhani Eridha Ayu, Pandiangan Febbyandi Isnanda, Campbell Katrina, Elliott Christopher T., Marwa Enerst M., Jiujin Xiao, Gomes Farias Júlia, Teixeira Nicoloso Fernando, De Silva P. Mangala C. S., Lu Ying, Norton Gareth J., Adomako Eureka, Green Andy, Moreno-Jiménez Eduardo, Zhu Yongguan, Carbonell-Barrachina Ángel Antonio, Haris Parvez I., Lawgali Youssef F., Sommella Alessia, Pigna Massimo, Brabet Catherine, Montet Didier, Njira Keston, Watts Michael J., Hossain Mahmud, Islam M. Rafiqul, Tapia Yasna, Oporto Carla, Meharg Andrew A.. 2020. Exposure and Health, 12 : 869-876.

Risks of smallholder exclusion from upgrading food chains. Soullier Guillaume, Moustier Paule, Lançon Frédéric. 2019. In : Food systems at risk. New trends and challenges. Dury Sandrine (ed.), Bendjebbar Pauline (ed), Hainzelin Etienne (ed.), Giordano Thierry (ed.), Bricas Nicolas (ed.). Rome : CIRAD-FAO, 79-82. ISBN 978-2-87614-751-5

Introducing the Green Protein Footprint method as an understandable measure of the environmental cost of anchovy consumption. Laso Jara, Margallo María, Serrano María, Vázquez-Rowe Ian, Avadi Tapia Angel Daniel, Fullana Pere, Bala Alba, Gazulla Cristina, Irabien Angel, Aldaco Rubén. 2018. Science of the Total Environment, 621 : 40-53.

Demand-side mitigation options of the agricultural sector: Potential, barriers and ways forward. Brunelle Thierry, Coat Mathilde, Viguié Vincent. 2017. OCL. Oilseeds and Fats, Crops and Lipids, 24 (1):D104, 7 p.

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