
Résultats pour : "chlordécone"

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Nombre de documents : 74.

Article de revue

Agri-STAMP: A spatial model representing the use and fate of pesticides over the long term. Tran Annelise, Dufleit Victor, Bonnal Vincent, Degenne Pascal, Lavarenne Jeremy, Lecat Lucie, Cattan Philippe. 2025. Science of the Total Environment, 959:178225, 18 p.
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Delayed environmental pollution caused by transient landscape storage - An example from the Lesser Antilles. Bizeul Rémi, Lajoie Oriane, Cerdan Olivier, Pak Lai-Ting, Foucher Anthony, Huon Sylvain, Grangeon Thomas, Evrard Olivier. 2025. Environmental Pollution, 366:125412, 15 p.

Analysis of chlordecone and its transformation products in environmental waters by a new SPME-GC-MS method and comparison with LLE-GC-MS/MS and LLE-LC-MS/MS: A case study in the French West Indies. Martin Déborah E., Muselet Delphine, Kanso Hussein, Alnajjar Perla, Mexler Juliette, Le Roux Yves, Pak Lai-Ting, Richard Antoine, Charlier Jean-Baptiste, Saaidi Pierre-Loïc. 2024. Science of the Total Environment, 948:174610, 17 p.

Fate of chlordecone in soil food webs in a banana agroecosystem in Martinique. Coulis Mathieu, Senecal Julie, Devriendt-Renault Yoann, Guérin Thierry, Parinet Julien, Pak Lai-Ting. 2024. Environmental Pollution, 362:124874, 10 p.

Pollution des sols agricoles, quel est l'état des connaissances ? Bravin Matthieu, Rambaud Aude, Krivine Jean-Paul. 2024. AFIS Science et Pseudo-Sciences (347) : 40-48.

Quantifying pesticide-contaminated sediment sources in tropical coastal environments (Galion Bay, French West Indies). Bizeul Rémi, Cerdan Olivier, Pak Lai-Ting, Le Callonec Laurence, Huon Sylvain, Sabatier Pierre, Evrard Olivier. 2024. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 24 : 3332-3349.

Tour d'horizon des contaminants présents dans les sols agricoles. Benoit Pierre, Doelsch Emmanuel, Bravin Matthieu. 2024. AFIS Science et Pseudo-Sciences (347) : 49-55.

Flow patterns and pathways of legacy and contemporary pesticides in surface waters in tropical volcanic catchments. Voltz Marc, Andrieux Patrick, Samouelian Anatja, Ponchant Lise, Grünberger Olivier, Bajazet Thierry, Comte Irina, Nanette Jean-Baptiste, Onapin Germain, Bussière François, Richard Antoine. 2023. Science of the Total Environment, 893:164815, 15 p.

Introducing sheep for agroecological weed management on banana plantations in Guadeloupe: A co-design process with farmers. Andrieu Nadine, Dorey Elodie, Lakhia Steewy, Meynard Paul, Hatil Esther, Normand Loïc, Gourdine Jean-Luc, Bambou Jean-Christophe. 2023. Agricultural Systems, 213:103783, 12 p.

Chlordecone in basal trunk wood of native trees growing in abandoned banana plantations in Guadeloupe, France. Nicolini Eric-André, Beauchêne Jacques, Bonnal Vincent, Hattermann Tom. 2022. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 352 : 31-42.

Chlordecone-contaminated epilithic biofilms show increased adsorption capacities. Hubas Cédric, Monti Dominique, Mortillaro Jean-Michel, Augagneur Sylvie, Carbon Anne, Duran Robert, Karama Solange, Meziane Tarik, Pardon Patrick, Risser Théo, Tapie Nathalie, Thiney Najet, Budzinski Hélène, Lauga Béatrice. 2022. Science of the Total Environment, 825:153942, 11 p.

Long-term pollution by chlordecone of tropical volcanic soils in the French West Indies: New insights and improvement of previous predictions. Comte Irina, Pradel Alice, Grabit Armand, Mottes Charles, Pak Lai-Ting, Cattan Philippe. 2022. Environmental Pollution, 303:119091, 8 p.

Pesticide resurrection. Mottes Charles, Sabatier Pierre, Evrard Olivier, Cottin Nathalie, Arnaud Fabien, Comte Irina, Piot Christine, Lesueur-Jannoyer Magalie, Lichtfouse Eric, Poulenard Jérôme. 2022. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 20 : 3357-3362.
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Evidence of chlordecone resurrection by Glyphosate in French West Indies. Sabatier Pierre, Mottes Charles, Cottin Nathalie, Evrard Olivier, Comte Irina, Piot Christine, Gay Bastien, Arnaud Fabien, Lefèvre Irène, Develle Anne-Lise, Deffontaines Landry, Plet Joanne, Lesueur-Jannoyer Magalie, Poulenard Jérôme. 2021. Environmental Science and Technology, 55 (4) : 2296-2306.
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Analysis of surface water reveals land pesticide contamination: An application for the determination of chlordecone-polluted areas in Guadeloupe, French West Indies. Rochette Romain, Bonnal Vincent, Andrieux Patrick, Cattan Philippe. 2020. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27 (33), dossier Environmental and Human Health Issues Related to Long Term Contamination by Chlordecone in the French West Indies : 41132-41142.

A Bayesian network approach for the identification of relationships between drivers of chlordecone bioaccumulation in plants. Liber Yohan, Cornet Denis, Tournebize Régis, Feidt Cyril, Mahieu Maurice, Laurent François, Bedell Jean-Philippe. 2020. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27 : 41046-41051.
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Physico-chemical and agronomic results of soil remediation by In Situ Chemical Reduction applied to a chlordecone-contaminated nitisol at plot scale in a French Caribbean banana plantation. Mouvet Christophe, Collet Bastien, Gaude Jean-Marie, Rangon Luc, Bristeau Sébastien, Senergues Mathilde, Lesueur-Jannoyer Magalie, Jestin Alexandra, Hellal Jennifer, Woignier Thierry. 2020. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27 (33) : 41063-41092.

The pesticide chlordecone is trapped in the tortuous mesoporosity of allophane clays. Woignier Thierry, Clostre Florence, Fernandes Paula, Soler Alain, Rangon Luc, Sastre-Conde Maria Isabel, Jannoyer-Lesueur Magalie. 2018. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25 (22) : 21350-21361.

Linking current river pollution to historical pesticide use: Insights for territorial management? Della Rossa Pauline, Jannoyer Magalie, Mottes Charles, Plet Joanne, Bazizi Abderazak, Arnaud Luc, Jestin Alexandra, Woignier Thierry, Gaude Jean-Marie, Cattan Philippe. 2017. Science of the Total Environment, 574 : 1232-1242.

Compost addition reduces porosity and chlordecone transfer in soil microstructure. Woignier Thierry, Clostre Florence, Fernandes Paula, Rangon Luc, Soler Alain, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie. 2016. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23 (1) : 98-108.

Comparative fate of an organochlorine, chlordecone, and a related compound, chlordecone-5b-hydro, in soils and plants. Clostre Florence, Cattan Philippe, Gaude Jean-Marie, Carles Céline, Letourmy Philippe, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie. 2015. Science of the Total Environment, 532 : 292-300.

Organochlorine (chlordecone) uptake by root vegetables. Clostre Florence, Letourmy Philippe, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie. 2015. Chemosphere, 118 : 96-102.

Contamination of free-range ducks by chlordecone in Martinique (FrenchWest Indies): A field study. Jondreville Catherine, Lavigne Anaïs, Jurjanz Stefan, Dalibard Christophe, Liabeuf Jean-Marie, Clostre Florence, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie. 2014. Science of the Total Environment, 493 : 336-341.

Decision support tool for soil sampling of heterogeneous pesticide (chlordecone) pollution. Clostre Florence, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie, Achard Raphaël, Letourmy Philippe, Cabidoche Yves-Marie, Cattan Philippe. 2014. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21 (3) : 1980-1992.
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Effect of home food processing on chlordecone (organochlorine) content in vegetables. Clostre Florence, Letourmy Philippe, Thuriès Laurent, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie. 2014. Science of the Total Environment, 490 : 1044-1050.

Soil type and growing conditions influence uptake and translocation of organochlorine (chlordecone) by cucurbitaceae species. Clostre Florence, Letourmy Philippe, Turpin Baptiste, Carles Céline, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie. 2014. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 225 (ID 2153), 11 p.

The Chlordecone crisis in the French West Indies : Its fate in soils and water. Voltz Marc, Cattan Philippe, Saison Carine, Berns Anne E., Colin François, Crabit Armand, Crevoisier David, Fernandez-Bayo Jesus, Levillain Joseph, Pak Lai-Ting, Samouelian Anatja, Cabidoche Yves-Marie. 2013. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, Résumé, 1 p. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienne, Autriche, 7 Avril 2013/12 Avril 2013.

Soil microstructure and organic matter: Keys for chlordecone sequestration. Woignier Thierry, Fernandes Paula, Soler Alain, Clostre Florence, Carles Céline, Rangon Luc, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie. 2013. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 262 : 357-364.

Analysis of environmental and farming factors of soil contamination by a persistent organic pollutant, chlordecone, in a banana production area of French West Indies. Levillain Joseph, Cattan Philippe, Colin François, Voltz Marc, Cabidoche Yves-Marie. 2012. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 159 : 123-132.

Chlordecone retention in the fractal structure of volcanic clay. Woignier Thierry, Clostre Florence, Macarie Hervé, Jannoyer Magalie. 2012. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 241-242 : 224-230.

Chlordécone aux Antilles : évolution des systèmes de culture et leur incidence sur la dispersion de la pollution. Jannoyer-Lesueur Magalie, Cattan Philippe, Monti Dominique, Saison Carine, Voltz Marc, Woignier Thierry, Cabidoche Yves-Marie. 2012. Agronomie, Environnement et Sociétés, 2 (1) : 45-58.

Contamination of harvested organs in root crops grown on chlordecone-polluted soils. Cabidoche Yves-Marie, Jannoyer-Lesueur Magalie. 2012. Pedosphere, 22 (4) : 562-571.

Sequestration of chlordecone in the porous structure of an andosol and effects of added organic matter: an alternative to decontamination. Woignier Thierry, Fernandes Paula, Jannoyer-Lesueur Magalie, Soler Alain. 2012. European Journal of Soil Science, 63 (5) : 717-723.

Antilles : pollution au chlordécone. Jannoyer Magalie. 2011. Courrier de la Planète (93) : 60-61.

Low water transport in fractal microstructure of tropical soils: application to chlordecone pesticide trapping. Woignier Thierry, Morell Marc, Morell Olivija, Duffours Laurent, Soler Alain. 2011. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, 11 (1-2) : 121-128.

Pollution durable des sols par la chlordécone aux Antilles : comment la gérer ? Cabidoche Yves-Marie, Jannoyer-Lesueur Magalie, Clermont Dauphin Claridge (collab.), Humbert G. (collab.), Lafont Antoine (collab.), Sansoulet Julie (collab.), Laurent François (collab.), Mahieu Maurice (collab.), Archimede Harry (collab.), Cattan Philippe (collab.), Achard Raphaël (collab.), Caron Audrey (collab.), Chabrier Christian (collab.). 2011. Innovations Agronomiques, 16 : 117-133. Systèmes durables de production et de transformation agricoles aux Antilles et en Guyane, Lamentin, Guadeloupe, 3 Novembre 2011/4 Novembre 2011.

Remédiation à la pollution par la chlordécone aux Antilles. Quénéhervé Patrick (ed.), Jannoyer Magalie (ed.), Lordinot Justine (ed.). 2011. Les Cahiers du PRAM (9-10) : 9-97.

Assessing pesticide pollution risk: From field to watershed. Houdart Marie, Tixier Philippe, Lassoudière André, Saudubray Frédéric. 2009. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 29 (2) : 321-327.

Determination of soil content in chlordecone (organochlorine pesticide) using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS). Brunet Didier, Woignier Thierry, Jannoyer Magalie, Achard Raphaël, Rangon Luc, Barthès Bernard. 2009. Environmental Pollution, 157 (11) : 3120-3125.

Long-term pollution by chlordecone of tropical volcanic soils in the French West Indies: a simple leaching model accounts for current residue. Cabidoche Yves-Marie, Achard Raphaël, Cattan Philippe, Clermont Dauphin Claridge, Massat F., Sansoulet Julie. 2009. Environmental Pollution, 157 : 1697-1705.

Contamination des racines et tubercules cultivés sur sol pollué par la chlordécone aux Antilles. Achard Raphaël, Cabidoche Yves-Marie, Caron Audrey, Nelson Romuald, Dufeal Denise, Lafont Antoine, Jannoyer Magalie. 2007. Les Cahiers du PRAM (7) : 45-50.



Stockage dans les sols et dissipation dans les eaux de la chlordécone, insecticide organochloré autrefois appliqué dans les bananeraies des Antilles Française. Cabidoche Yves-Marie, Clermont Dauphin Claridge, Achard Raphaël, Caron Audrey, Cattan Philippe, Chabrier Christian, Lafont Antoine, Jannoyer Magalie, Sansoulet Julie. 2007. Les Cahiers du PRAM (7) : 39-44.

Organochlorés en Martinique : état des lieux dans les denrées et milieux, mesures d'évaluation et gestion du risque. Bertrand Patrick, Audinay Armand, Bourbon Benoît (collab.), Quenel Philippe (collab.), Camy Didier (collab.), Delaunay Alain (collab.), Avril Eric (collab.), Chabrier Christian (collab.), Nelson Romuald (collab.). 2004. Phytoma-La Défense des Végétaux (573) : 36-40.

Chlordecone et autres insecticides dans la lutte contre le charançon du bananier Cosmopolites sordidus Germ. Vilardebo Anselme, Beugnon M., Melin Philippe, Lecoq J., Aubert Bernard. 1974. Fruits, 29 (4) : 267-278.


Crisis management of chronic pollution: contaminated soil and human health. Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie (ed.), Cattan Philippe (ed.), Woignier Thierry (ed.), Clostre Florence (ed.). 2016. Boca Raton : CRC Press, 290 p. (Urbanization, industrialization and the environment series, 2) ISBN 978-1-4987-3783-8

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Characterization of river pollution at the watershed scale. Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie, Mottes Charles, Clostre Florence, Carles Céline, Guene Mathilde, Plet Joanne, Della Rossa Pauline, Bazizi Abderazak, Cattan Philippe. 2016. In : Crisis management of chronic pollution: contaminated soil and human health. Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie (ed.), Cattan Philippe (ed.), Woignier Thierry (ed.), Clostre Florence (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 45-54. (Urbanization, industrialization and the environment series) ISBN 978-1-4987-3783-8

Chlordecone case study in the French West Indies. Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie, Clostre Florence, Woignier Thierry, Cattan Philippe. 2016. In : Crisis management of chronic pollution: contaminated soil and human health. Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie (ed.), Cattan Philippe (ed.), Woignier Thierry (ed.), Clostre Florence (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 3-13. (Urbanization, industrialization and the environment series) ISBN 978-1-4987-3783-8

Chlordecone contamination at the farm scale: management tools for cropping system and impact on farm sustainability. Clostre Florence, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie, Gaude Jean-Marie, Carles Céline, Meylan Louise, Letourmy Philippe. 2016. In : Crisis management of chronic pollution: contaminated soil and human health. Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie (ed.), Cattan Philippe (ed.), Woignier Thierry (ed.), Clostre Florence (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 239-247. (Urbanization, industrialization and the environment series) ISBN 978-1-4987-3783-8

Crisis management of chronic pollution by chlordecone: conclusions. Cattan Philippe, Clostre Florence, Woignier Thierry, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie. 2016. In : Crisis management of chronic pollution: contaminated soil and human health. Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie (ed.), Cattan Philippe (ed.), Woignier Thierry (ed.), Clostre Florence (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 279-283. (Urbanization, industrialization and the environment series) ISBN 978-1-4987-3783-8

From fields to rivers chlordecone transfer in water. Mottes Charles, Charlier Jean-Baptiste, Rocle Nicolas, Gresser Julie, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie, Cattan Philippe. 2016. In : Crisis management of chronic pollution: contaminated soil and human health. Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie (ed.), Cattan Philippe (ed.), Woignier Thierry (ed.), Clostre Florence (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 121-130. (Urbanization, industrialization and the environment series) ISBN 978-1-4987-3783-8

From soil to plants: crop contamination by chlordecone. Clostre Florence, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie, Gaude Jean-Marie, Carles Céline, Cattan Philippe, Letourmy Philippe. 2016. In : Crisis management of chronic pollution: contaminated soil and human health. Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie (ed.), Cattan Philippe (ed.), Woignier Thierry (ed.), Clostre Florence (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 131-142. (Urbanization, industrialization and the environment series) ISBN 978-1-4987-3783-8

Heterogeneity of soil pollution. Cattan Philippe, Woignier Thierry, Clostre Florence, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie. 2016. In : Crisis management of chronic pollution: contaminated soil and human health. Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie (ed.), Cattan Philippe (ed.), Woignier Thierry (ed.), Clostre Florence (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 31-44. (Urbanization, industrialization and the environment series) ISBN 978-1-4987-3783-8

Reduced pesticide bioavailability in soil by organic amendment. Woignier Thierry, Clostre Florence, Fernandes Paula, Soler Alain, Rangon Luc, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie. 2016. In : Crisis management of chronic pollution: contaminated soil and human health. Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie (ed.), Cattan Philippe (ed.), Woignier Thierry (ed.), Clostre Florence (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 211-222. (Urbanization, industrialization and the environment series) ISBN 978-1-4987-3783-8

The challenge of knowledge representation to better understand environmental pollution. Cattan Philippe, Tonneau Jean-Philippe, Charlier Jean-Baptiste, Ducreux Laure, Voltz Marc, Bricquet Jean-Pierre, Andrieux Patrick, Arnaud Luc, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie. 2016. In : Crisis management of chronic pollution: contaminated soil and human health. Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie (ed.), Cattan Philippe (ed.), Woignier Thierry (ed.), Clostre Florence (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 263-275. (Urbanization, industrialization and the environment series) ISBN 978-1-4987-3783-8

Diagnosis and management of field pollution in the case of an organochlorine pesticide, the chlordecone. Woignier Thierry, Clostre Florence, Cattan Philippe, Levillain Joseph, Cabidoche Yves-Marie, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie. 2014. In : Environmental risk assessment of soil contamination. Maria C. Hernandez-Soriano (ed.). Rijeka : InTech, 614-636. ISBN 978-953-51-1235-8

Communication par affiche

Relation entre la structure fractale des sols volcaniques et leur pouvoir de fixation de la chlordécone. Woignier Thierry, Soler Alain, Fernandes Paula, Duffours Laurent, Lebrun Marc. 2009. In : 2èmes Rencontres nationales de la Recherche sur les sites et sols pollués, 20-21 octobre 2009, Paris, France. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. Rencontres nationales de la Recherche sur les sites et sols pollués. 2, Paris, France, 20 Octobre 2009/21 Octobre 2009.

Communication sans actes

Effects of clay microstructure and compost quality on chlordecone retention in volcanic tropical soils: consequences on pesticide lability and plant contamination. Fernandes Paula, Jannoyer-Lesueur Magalie, Soler Alain, Achard Raphaël, Woignier Thierry. 2010. In : Soil Solutions for a Changing World: 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Brisbane, Australia, 1-6 August 2010. Eds. Robert J. Gilkes and Nattaporn Prakongkep. Brisbane : International Union of Soil Sciences, 4 p. World Congress of Soil Science. 19, Brisbane, Australie, 1 Août 2010/6 Août 2010.
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Pollution persistante des sols aux Antilles par des insecticides organochlorés : HCH et chlordécone encore pour des siècles ? Cabidoche Yves-Marie, Cattan Philippe, Clermont-Dauphin Cathy, Jannoyer Magalie, Loranger-Merciris Gladys. 2009. In : 2èmes Rencontres nationales de la Recherche sur les sites et sols pollués, 20-21 octobre 2009, Paris, France. s.l. : s.n., 8 p. Rencontres nationales de la Recherche sur les sites et sols pollués. 2, Paris, France, 20 Octobre 2009/21 Octobre 2009.

Panorama de la recherche agro-environnementale actuelle sur la chlordécone dans les Antilles. Jannoyer Magalie, Achard Raphaël, Fernandes Paula, Woignier Thierry, Charlier de Chily Agnès, Pinte Kevin, Gresser Julie. 2008. In : 38ème Congrès du Groupe français des pesticides, 21-23 mai 2008, Brest, France. GFP. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 1 p. Congrès du Groupe Français des Pesticides. 38, Brest, France, 21 Mai 2008/23 Mai 2008.

Stockage dans les sols à charges variables et dissipation dans les eaux de zoocides organochlorés autrefois appliqués en bananeraies aux Antilles : relation avec les systèmes de culture (APR Pesticide 2002). Achard Raphaël, Cabidoche Yves-Marie, Cattan Philippe, Clermont Dauphin Claridge, Lassoudière André. 2003. In : Séminaire du Ministère de l'ecologie et du développement durable sur l'APR pesticides, Rennes, 4-5 décembre 2003. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (11 vues) Séminaire du MEDD sur l'APR pesticides, Rennes, France, 4 Décembre 2003/5 Décembre 2003.


Etude de systèmes de culture alternatifs aux monocultures intensives conventionnelles. Restauration des fonctions éco-systémiques du sol. Dorel Marc. 2011. Pointe-à-Pitre : UAG, 140 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Université des Antilles et de la Guyane

Document technique et de recherche

Projet Cann'elec Guadeloupe. Programme de recherche de la phase 1. Pouzet Denis, Lejars Caroline. 2009. Montpellier : CIRAD, 19 p.

Rapport de mission

Rapport de mission en Guadeloupe 17 au 25 mai 2008. Séguy Lucien. 2008. Montpellier : CIRAD-PERSYST, 153 p.

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