
Résultats pour : "ectomycorhize"

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Nombre de documents : 42.

Article de revue

In situ soil imaging, a tool for monitoring the hourly to monthly temporal dynamics of soil biota. Belaud Emma, Jourdan Christophe, Barry-Etienne Dominique, Marsden Claire, Robin Agnès, Taschen Elisa, Hedde Mickaël. 2024. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 60 : 1055-1071.

Management of plant beneficial fungal endophytes to improve the performance of agroecological practices. Nasslahsen Bouchra, Prin Yves, Ferhout Hicham, Smouni Abdelaziz, Duponnois Robin. 2022. Journal of Fungi, 8 (10):1087, 15 p.

Host effect and high ectomycorrhizal diversity in tropical rainforests on ultramafic soils in New Caledonia. Carriconde Fabian, Gardes Monique, Bellanger Jean-Michel, Letellier Kelly, Gigante Sarah, Gourmelon Véronique, Ibanez Thomas, McCoy Stéphane, Goxe Julie, Read Jennifer, Maggia Laurent. 2019. Fungal Ecology, 39 : 201-212.

How deep can ectomycorrhizas go? A case study on Pisolithus down to 4 meters in a Brazilian eucalypt plantation. Robin Agnès, Pradier Céline, Sanguin Hervé, Mahé Frédéric, Lambais George Rodrigues, de Araujo Pereira Arthur Prudêncio, Germon Amandine, Cintra Santana Maiele, Tisseyre Pierre, Pablo Anne-laure, Heuillard Pauline, Sauvadet Marie, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Dini Andreote Fernando, Plassard Claude, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, Bran Nogueira Cardoso Elke Jurandy, Laclau Jean-Paul, Hinsinger Philippe, Jourdan Christophe. 2019. Mycorrhiza, 29 (6) : 637-648.
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The rhizosphere microbiome: A key component of sustainable cork oak forests in trouble. Maghnia Fatima Zahra, Abbas Younes, Mahe Frédéric, Prin Yves, El Ghachtouli Naima, Duponnois Robin, Sanguin Hervé. 2019. Forest Ecology and Management, 434 : 29-39.

Ectomycorrhizal communities associated with the legume Acacia spirorbis growing on contrasted edaphic constraints in New Caledonia. Houlès Anne, Vincent Bryan, David Magali, Ducousso Marc, Galiana Antoine, Juillot Farid, Hannibal Laure, Carriconde Fabian, Fritsch Emmanuel, Jourand Philippe. 2018. Microbial Ecology, 76 : 964-975.
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Ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity associated with endemic Tristaniopsis spp. (Myrtaceae) in ultramafic and volcano-sedimentary soils in New Caledonia. Waseem Muhammad, Ducousso Marc, Prin Yves, Domergue Odile, Hannibal Laure, Majorel Clarisse, Jourand Philippe, Galiana Antoine. 2017. Mycorrhiza, 27 (4) : 407-413.
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Habitat- and soil-related drivers of the root-associated fungal community of Quercus suber in the Northern Moroccan forest. Maghnia Fatima Zahra, Abbas Younes, Mahé Frédéric, Kerdouh Benaissa, Tournier Estelle, Ouadji Mohamed, Tisseyre Pierre, Prin Yves, El Ghachtouli Naima, Bakkali-Yakhlef Salahedine, Duponnois Robin, Sanguin Hervé. 2017. PloS One, 12 (11):e0187758, 17 p.

Impact du mode de gestion de la subéraie de la Maâmora (Maroc) sur la diversité des champignons ectomycorhiziens associés à Quercus suber. Maghnia Fatima Zahra, Sanguin Hervé, Abbas Younes, Verdinelli Marcello, Kerdouh Benaissa, El Ghachtouli Naima, Lancellotti Enrico, Bakkali Yakhlef Salah eddine, Duponnois Robin. 2017. Comptes Rendus. Biologies, 340 (5) : 298-305.

Transfer to forest nurseries significantly affects mycorrhizal community composition of Asteropeia mcphersonii wildings. Henry Charline, Raivoarisoa Jeanne-Françoise, Razafimamonjy Angélo, Ramanankierana Heriniaina, Andrianaivomahefa Paul, Ducousso Marc, Selosse Marc-André. 2017. Mycorrhiza, 27 (4) : 321-330.

Characterization of ectomycorrhizal communities of Asteropeia mcphersonii seedlings spontaneously growing in natural forest and in open disturbed areas. Henry Charline, Raivoarisoa Jeanne-Françoise, Razafimamonjy Angélo, Ramanankierana Heriniaina, Andrianaivomahefa Paul, Ducousso Marc, Selosse Marc-André. 2016. Botany Letters, 163 (3) : 273-279.

Asteropeia mcphersonii, a potential mycorrhizal facilitator for ecological restoration in Madagascar wet tropical rainforests. Henry Charline, Raivoarisoa Jeanne-Françoise, Razafimamonjy Angélo, Ramanankierana Heriniaina, Andrianaivomahefa Paul, Selosse Marc-André, Ducousso Marc. 2015. Forest Ecology and Management, 358 : 202-211.

Ectomycorrhizal fungi on the early colonizing shrub Sarcolaena oblongifolia F. facilitate the establishment of an endemic tree Uapaca bojeri L. in Madagascarian highland forests. Ramanankierana Heriniaina, Baohanta Rondro Harinisainana, Randriambanona Herizo, Prin Yves, Rakotoarimanga Christophe Nirina, Baudoin Ezékiel, Thioulouse Jean, Galiana Antoine, Lebrun Marc, Dreyfus Bernard, Duponnois Robin. 2014. International Journal of Ecology and Ecosolution, 1 (1) : 1-15.

Evidence of nickel (Ni) efflux in Ni-tolerant ectomycorhizal Pisolithus albus isolated from ultramafic soil. Majorel Clarisse, Hannibal Laure, Ducousso Marc, Lebrun Michel, Jourand Philippe. 2014. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 6 (5) : 510-518.

Ectomycorrhizal diversity enhances growth and nitrogen fixation of Acacia mangium seedlings. Diagne Nathalie, Thioulouse Jean, Sanguin Hervé, Prin Yves, Krasova-Wade Tatiana, Sylla Samba, Galiana Antoine, Baudoin Ezékiel, Neyra Marc, Svistoonoff Sergio, Lebrun Michel, Duponnois Robin. 2013. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57 : 468-476.

Diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with Eucalyptus in Africa and Madagascar. Ducousso Marc, Duponnois Robin, Thoen Daniel, Prin Yves. 2012. International Journal of Forestry Research, 2012 (ID 450715), 10 p.

Multi-host ectomycorrhizal fungi are predominant in a Guinean tropical rainforest and shared between canopy trees and seedlings. Diédhiou Abadala Gamby, Selosse Marc-André, Galiana Antoine, Diabaté Moussa, Dreyfus Bernard, Bâ Amadou Moustapha, Miana de Faria Sergio, Béna Gilles. 2010. Environmental Microbiology, 12 (8) : 2219-2232.

Controlled ectomycorrhization of an exotic legume tree species Acacia holosericea affects the structure of root nodule bacteria community and their symbiotic effectiveness on Faidherbia albida, a native sahelian Acacia. Faye Aliou, Krasova-Wade Tatiana, Thiao Mansour, Thioulouse Jean, Neyra Marc, Prin Yves, Galiana Antoine, Ndoye Ibrahima, Dreyfus Bernard, Duponnois Robin. 2009. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41 (6) : 1245-1252.

Molecular phylogeny of Pisolithus species from Moroccan forest woodlands. Bakkali-Yakhlef Salahedine, Mousain Daniel, Duponnois Robin, Ducousso Marc, Belkouri Abdellatif, Kerdouh Benaissa, Perrineau Marie-Mathilde, Abourouh Mohamed. 2009. Symbiosis, 49 (3) : 157-162.

Phylogenetic diversity of Moroccan cork oak woodlands fungi : mythe ou réalité ? Bakkali-Yakhlef Salahedine, Kerdouh Benaissa, Mousain Daniel, Ducousso Marc, Duponnois Robin, Abourouh Mohamed. 2009. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 13 (4) : 521-528.

Mycorrhizal status of native trees and shrubs from eastern Madagascar littoral forests with special emphasis on one new ectomycorrhizal endemic family, the Asteropeiaceae. Ducousso Marc, Ramanankierana Heriniaina, Duponnois Robin, Rabevohitra Andrianasola Raymond, Randrihasipara Laurent, Vincelette Manon, Dreyfus Bernard, Prin Yves. 2008. New Phytologist, 178 (2) : 233-238.

Ectomycorrhizal symbiosis affects functional diversity of rhizosphere fluorescent pseudomonads. Frey-Klett Pascale, Chavatte Michaël, Clausse Marie-Lise, Courrier Sébastien, Le Roux Christine, Raaijmakers Jos, Martinotti Maria Giovanna, Pierrat Jean-Claude, Garbaye Jean. 2005. New Phytologist, 165 (1) : 317-328.

Les champignons ectomycorhiziens des forêts naturelles et des plantations d'Afrique de l'Ouest : une source de champignons comestibles. Ducousso Marc, Bâ Amadou Moustapha, Thoen Daniel. 2003. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (275) : 51-63.

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Impact of roots, microorganisms and microfauna on the fate of soil phosphorus in the rhizosphere. Hinsinger Philippe, Herrmann Laetitia, Lesueur Didier, Robin Agnès, Trap Jean, Waithaisong Kittima, Plassard Claude. 2015. In : Phosphorus metabilism in plants. Plaxton William C. (ed.), Lambers Hans (ed.). Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 377-407. (Annual plant reviews, 48) ISBN 978-1-118-95885-8

Symbioses. Ducousso Marc, Galiana Antoine. 2015. In : Mémento du forestier tropical. Mille Gilles (ed.), Louppe Dominique (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 352-358. ISBN 978-2-7592-2340-4

Abundance, distribution and function of Pisolithus albus and other ectomycorrhyzal fungi of ultramafic soils in New Caledonia. Jourand Philippe, Carriconde Fabian, Ducousso Marc, Majorel Clarisse, Hannibal Laure, Prin Yves, Lebrun Michel. 2014. In : Ectomycorrhizal symbioses in tropical and neotropical forests. Bâ Amadou M. (ed.), McGuire Krista L. (ed.), Diédhiou Abdala G. (ed.). USA : CRC press, 100-125. ISBN 978-1-4665-9468-5

Mycorrhizal fungi diversity and their importance on the establishment of native species seedlings within Madagascarian degraded sclerophyllous forest. Baohanta Rondro Harinisainana, Randriambanona Herizo, Ducousso Marc, Rakotoarimanga Christophe Nirina, Prin Yves, Ramanankierana Heriniaina, Duponnois Robin. 2014. In : Ectomycorrhizal symbioses in tropical and neotropical forests. Eds. Amadou M. Bâ, Krista L. McGuire, Abdala G. Diédhiou. Boca Raton : CRC Press, 51-78. ISBN 978-1-4665-9468-5

Role of mycorrhizal fungi on the alleviation of heavy metal toxicity on plant. Amir Hamid, Jourand Philippe, Cavaloc Yvon, Ducousso Marc. 2014. In : Mycorrhizal Fungi: Use in sustainable agriculture and land restoration. Solaiman Zakaria M. (ed.), Abbott Lynette K. (ed.), Varma Ajit (ed.). New-York : Springer, 241-258. ISBN 978-3-662-45369-8

The controlled ectomycorrhization practices in tropical areas: fungal inoculum biotechnology, field results and research perspectives. Duponnois Robin, Sanguin Hervé, Bâ Amadou Moustapha, Galiana Antoine, Ducousso Marc, Baudoin Ezékiel, Lebrun Michel, Prin Yves. 2014. In : Ectomycorrhizal symbioses in tropical and neotropical forests. Eds. Amadou M. Bâ, Krista L. McGuire, Abdala G. Diédhiou. Boca Raton : CRC Press, 215-240. ISBN 978-1-4665-9468-5

Biotechnologie et mycorhization contrôlée en milieu tropical. Duponnois Robin, Bâ Amadou, Galiana Antoine, Baudoin Ezékiel, Sanguin Hervé, Lebrun Michel, Prin Yves. 2013. In : Des champignons symbiotiques contre la désertification : écosystèmes méditerranéens, tropicaux et insulaires. Duponnois Robin (ed.), Hafidi Mohamed (ed.), Ndoye Ibrahima (ed.), Ramanankierana Heriniaina (ed.), Bâ Amadou Moustapha (ed.). Marseille : IRD [Marseille], 262-279. ISBN 978-2-7592-1827-5

Diversité des symbioses ectomycorhiziennes dans les écosystèmes forestiers naturels sur sols ultramafiques de Nouvelle-Caledonie. Prin Yves, Ducousso Marc, Tassin Jacques, Béna Gilles, Jourand Philippe, Dumontet Vincent, Moulin Lionel, Contesto Céline, Ambrosi J.P., Chaintreuil Clémence, Dreyfus Bernard, Lebrun Michel. 2013. In : Des champignons symbiotiques contre la désertification : écosystèmes méditerranéens, tropicaux et insulaires. Duponnois Robin (ed.), Hafidi Mohamed (ed.), Ndoye Ibrahima (ed.), Ramanankierana Heriniaina (ed.), Bâ Amadou Moustapha (ed.). Marseille : IRD [Marseille], 444-473. ISBN 978-2-7592-1827-5

Ectotrophic mycorrhizal symbioses are dominant in natural ultramafic forest ecosystems of New Caledonia. Prin Yves, Ducousso Marc, Tassin Jacques, Béna Gilles, Jourand Philippe, Dumontet Vincent, Moulin Lionel, Contesto Céline, Ambrosi J.P., Chaintreuil Clémence, Dreyfus Bernard, Lebrun Michel. 2012. In : The mycorrhizal symbiosis in Mediterranean environment : importance in ecosystem stability and in soil rehabilitation strategies. Hafidi Mohamed (ed.), Duponnois Robin (ed.). New York : Nova Science Publishers, 26-48. (Environmental science, engineering and technology series) ISBN 978-1-62081-278-5

Biotechnological processes used in controlled ectomycorrhizal practices. Duponnois Robin, Bâ Amadou Mustapha, Mousain Daniel, Galiana Antoine, Baudoin Ezékiel, Dreyfus Bernard, Prin Yves. 2011. In : Diversity and biotechnology of ectomycorrhizae. Rai Mahendra (ed.), Varma Ajit (ed.). Heidelberg : Springer [Allemagne], 143-155. (Soil biology, 25) ISBN 978-3-642-15195-8

Collecting symbiotic bacteria and fungi. Herrmann Laetitia, Lesueur Didier, Giamperi F. 2011. In : Collecting Plant Genetic Diversity: Technical Guidelines - 2011 Update. Bioversity International, Rome, Italy. Guarino, L. (ed.), Ramanatha Rao. V. (ed.), Goldberg, E. (ed.). Bioversity International. Rome : Bioversity International, 1-17. ISBN 978-92-9043-922-6

Actes de congrès

Role of mycorrhizal fungi in the natural regeneration, sustainable management and biodiversity of Dipterocarp forests in South-Est Asia. FORDA - IDN, Ministère des affaires étrangères (France) - FRA, CIRAD-BIOS-UMR LSTM - FRA, IRD - FRA. 2015. Kuala Lumpur : LSTM-BioAsia, 10 p. BioAsia Mycodipt Workshop. 2, Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie, 13 Octobre 2015/15 Octobre 2015.

Communication par affiche

Importance of ectomycorrhizal fungi in ecological restoration of mining sites in New Caledonia, Koniambo Massif. Perrier N., Ducousso Marc, Rivière T., Tassin Jacques, Dumontet Vincent, Contesto Céline, Cossegal Magalie, Amir Hamid, Nourissier-Mountou Sophie, Dreyfus Bernard, Colin François, Prin Yves. 2003. In : International Meeting on Preservation and Ecological Restoration in Tropical Mining Environments, abstracts, 15th - 20th Julu 2003, New Caledonia. IAC, IRD, UNC. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 78. International Meeting on Preservation and Ecological Restoration in Tropical Mining Environments, Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie, 15 Juillet 2003/20 Juillet 2003.

Communication sans actes

Les symbioses ectomycorhiziennes existaient il y a plus de 87,6 millions d'années. Ducousso Marc, Bourgeois Caroline, Buyck Bart, Eyssartier Guillaume, Vincelette Manon, Rabevohitra Andrianasola Raymond, Béna Gilles, Randrihasipara Laurent, Dreyfus Bernard, Prin Yves. 2003. In : Colloque d'écologie microbienne, Carry-le-Rouet, 26-27-28 mai 2003. Centre d'océanologie de Marseille. s.l. : s.n., 50. Colloque d'écologie microbienne, Carry-le-Rouet, France, 26 Mai 2003/28 Mai 2003.


Stimuler les communautés mycorhiziennes par des plantes nurses pour la restauration écologique : exemple d'une forêt tropicale malgache après exploitation minière. Henry Charline. 2015. Montpellier : AgroParisTech, 215 p. Thèse de doctorat : Microbiologie parasitologie : AgroParisTech


Nouvelles compositions d'inocula fongiques, leur procédé de préparation et leur application à l'amélioration de la croissance des cultures. Duponnois Robin, Hafidi Mohamed, Prin Yves, Ouhdouch Yadir. 2015. Paris : INPI, 28 p. N° de dépôt : 1061126, N° de brevet : FR2969464 B1, N° de dépôt international : PCT/FR2011/052838, N° de brevet international : WO2012/085381 A1, N° de brevet : AR086142 A1, N° de brevet européen : EP2654435 A1

Reforestation of a soil area with co culture of tree species and nurse plants. Duponnois Robin, Baohanta Rondro Harinisainana, Ramanankierana Heriniaina, Prin Yves. 2013. Paris : INPI, 37 p. N° de dépôt : 12305223.5, N° de brevet : EP 2 630 859 A1, N° de dépôt international : PCT/EP2013/053606, N° de brevet international : WO 2013/124442 Al

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