
Résultats pour : "efficience d'utilisation de l'eau"

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Nombre de documents : 25.

Micronutrient fertiliser reinforcement by fulvate-lignosulfonate coating improves physiological responses in tomato. Gil-Ortiz Ricardo, Naranjo Miguel Angel, Atares Sergio, Vicente Oscar, Morillon Raphaël. 2023. Agronomy, 13 (8):2013, 15 p.

Potassium limitation of forest productivity – Part 1: A mechanistic model simulating the effects of potassium availability on canopy carbon and water fluxes in tropical eucalypt stands. Cornut Ivan, Delpierre Nicolas, Laclau Jean-Paul, Guillemot Joannès, Nouvellon Yann, Campoe Otavio, Stape Jose Luiz, Santos Vitoria Fernanda, Le Maire Guerric. 2023. Biogeosciences, 20 (14) : 3093-3117.

Assessing the efficiency of smallholder sugarcane production: The case of Faisalabad, Pakistan. Asghar Sobia, Tsusaka Takuji W., Jourdain Damien, Saqib Shahab E., Sasaki Nophea. 2022. Agricultural Water Management, 269:107643, 11 p.

Influence of weather and endogenous cycles on spatiotemporal yield variation in oil palm. Monzon Juan P., Jabloun Mohamed, Cock James, Caliman Jean-Pierre, Couedel Antoine, Donough Christopher, Ho Vun Vui Philippe, Lim Ya Li, Mathews Joshua, Oberthür Thomas, Prabowo Noto E., Rattalino Edreira Juan Ignacio, Sidhu Manjit, Slingerland Maja, Sugianto Hendra, Grassini Patricio. 2022. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 314:108789, 10 p.


Phenotyping protocol for drought tolerance in banana. Carpentier Sébastien Christian, Iyyakutty Ravi, Kissel Ewaut, Van Wesemael Jelle, Chase Rachel, Tomekpé Kodjo, Roux Nicolas. 2021. In : Practical guidelines for early screening and field evaluation of banana against Fusarium wilt, Pseudocercospora leaf spots and drought. Dita Miguel A. (ed.), Teixeira Luiz (ed.), Li Chunyu (ed.), Zheng Sijun (ed.), O'Neill Wayne (ed.), Daniels Jeff (ed.), Perez-Vicente Luis (ed.), Carreel Françoise (ed.), Roussel Véronique (ed.), Carlier Jean (ed.), Abadie Catherine (ed.), et al.. Montpellier : Biodiversity International, 64-83. ISBN 978-92-9255-192-6

Phenotypic flexibility and drought avoidance in taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott). Gouveia Carla S.S., Ganança José F.T., de Nóbrega Humberto G. M., de Freitas José G.R., Lebot Vincent, Pinheiro de Carvalho Miguel A.A.. 2020. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 32 (2) : 150-159.

Potassium fertilization increases hydraulic redistribution and water use efficiency for stemwood production in Eucalyptus grandis plantations. Asensio Verónica, Domec Jean-Christophe, Nouvellon Yann, Laclau Jean-Paul, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Jordan-Meille Lionel, Lavres José, Delgado Rojas Juan Sinforiano, Guillemot Joannès, Abreu-Junior Cassio Hamilton. 2020. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 176:104085, 11 p.

Selecting for water use efficiency, wood chemical traits and biomass with genomic selection in a Eucalyptus breeding program. Bouvet Jean-Marc, Makouanzi Garel Chrissy Ekomono, Brendel Olivier, Laclau Jean-Paul, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Epron Daniel. 2020. Forest Ecology and Management, 465:118092, 10 p.
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Water loss by transpiration and soil evaporation in coffee shaded by Tabebuia rosea Bertol. and Simarouba glauca dc. compared to unshaded coffee in sub-optimal environmental conditions. Padovan Maria D.P., Brook R.M., Barrios Mirna, Cruz-Castillo J.B., Vilchez Mendoza Sergio José, Costa Aureliano N., Rapidel Bruno. 2018. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 248 : 1-14.

Drip irrigation for agriculture: untold stories of efficiency, innovation and development. Venot Jean-Philippe (ed.), Kuper Marcel (ed.), Zwarteveen Margreet (ed.). 2017. Abingdon : Routledge, 358 p. (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management) ISBN 978-1-13-868707-3
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Effet de l'irrigation déficitaire contrôlée sur la productivité et l'efficience d'utilisation de l'eau du palmier dattier cv Majhoul. Sabri Ahmed, Bouaziz Ahmed, Hammani Ali, Kuper Marcel, Douaik Ahmed, Badraoui Mohamed. 2017. Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 5 (1) : 23-31.

Panda or Hydra? The untold stories of drip irrigation. Kuper Marcel, Venot Jean-Philippe, Zwarteveen Margreet. 2017. In : Drip irrigation for agriculture: untold stories of efficiency, innovation and development. Venot Jean-Philippe (ed.), Kuper Marcel (ed.), Zwarteveen Margreet (ed.). Abingdon : Routledge, 1-15. (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management) ISBN 978-1-13-868707-3
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Performances du goutte à goutte enterré pour l'irrigation de jeunes palmiers dattiers. Bourziza R., Hammani Ali, Kuper Marcel, Bouaziz Ahmed. 2017. Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 5 (1) : 5-12.

Biophysical and economic water productivity of dual-purpose cattle farming. Sraïri Mohamed Taher, Benjelloun R., Karrou M., Ates S., Kuper Marcel. 2016. Animal (Cambridge), 10 (2) : 283-291.

Une action collective analysée par ses acteurs : une association d'irrigants en Tunisie. Ben Mustapha Azza, Faysse Nicolas, Marlet Serge, Jamin Jean-Yves. 2016. Natures Sciences Sociétés, 23 (4) : 356-366.

Les performances des petites exploitations irriguées de la basse vallée de la Medjerda en Tunisie. Hanafi Salia, Frija Aymen, Jamin Jean-Yves, Zaïri Abdel Aziz, Hamdane Abdelkader, Mailhol Jean-Claude. 2015. Cahiers Agricultures, 24 (3) : 170-176.

A comparison of energy use, water use and carbon footprint of cassava starch production in Thailand, Vietnam and Colombia. Tran Thierry, Da Guillaume, Moreno Santander Martín Alonso, Vélez-Hernández Gustavo Adolfo, Giraldo Toro Andres, Piyachomkwan Kuakoon, Sriroth Klanarong, Dufour Dominique. 2015. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 100 : 31-40.

Adaptation of eucalypt trees to water and nutrient deficiencies: Insights from Brazilian experiments question conventional recommendations. Laclau Jean-Paul, Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Battie Laclau Patricia, Christina Mathias, Nouvellon Yann, Stape Jose Luiz, Moreira R., Le Maire Guerric, Bouillet Jean-Pierre. 2014. International Forestry Review, 16 (5), n.spéc. XXIV IUFRO World Congress abstracts, Résumé : 135-136. IUFRO World Congress. Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role of Research. 24, Salt Lake City, États-Unis, 5 Octobre 2014/11 Octobre 2014.


The efficiency of drip irrigation unpacked. Van der Kooij Saskia, Zwarteveen Margreet, Boesveld Harm, Kuper Marcel. 2013. Agricultural Water Management, 123 : 103-110.
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Accompagnement d'exploitations laitières pour mieux valoriser l'eau d'irrigation dans la plaine du Tadla au Maroc. Taher Srairi Mohamed, Kuper Marcel, Le Gal Pierre-Yves. 2011. Cahiers Agricultures, 20 (1-2) : 60-66.

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