Résultats pour : "macrophage"
Nombre de documents : 7.
Article de revue
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Trypanosomatid infections: How do parasites and their excreted–secreted factors modulate the inducible metabolism of l-Arginine in macrophages?
Holzmuller Philippe, Geiger Anne, Nzoumbou-Boko Romaric, Pissarra Joana, Hamrouni Sarra, Rodrigues Valérie, Dauchy Frédéric-Antoine, Lemesre Jean-Loup, Vincendeau Philippe, Bras-Gonçalves Rachel.
Frontiers in Immunology,
9:778, 14 p.
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Uptake of recombinant myeloperoxidase, free or fused to Fcy, by macrophages enhances killing activity toward micro-organisms.
Tournay C., Courtoy P.J., Marodi L., Totté Philippe, Wérenne John, Jacquet A., Garcia Quintana L., Bollen A., Moguilevsky N..
DNA and Cell Biology,
15 (8) : 617-624.
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