Integrating climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives in British Columbia's forests.
Peterson St Laurent Guillaume, Hoberg George, Locatelli Bruno, Hagerman Shannon.
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Social impacts of the Forest Stewardship Council certification in the Congo basin.
Cerutti Paolo Omar, Lescuyer Guillaume, Tacconi Luca, Eba'a Atyi Richard, Essiane Mendoula Edouard, Nasi Robert, Tabi Eckebil Paule Pamela, Tsanga Raphael.
International Forestry Review, 19 (S2), n.spéc. Forest concessions in Central Africa : 50-63.
Vers des Concessions 2.0 - Articuler gestion inclusive et exclusive dans les forêts de production en Afrique centrale.
Karsenty Alain, Vermeulen Cédric.
In : La gestion inclusive des forêts d'Afrique centrale: de la participation au partage des pouvoirs. Buttoud G. (ed.), Nguinguiri J.C. (ed.), Aubert Sigrid (ed.), Bakouma Jean (ed.), Karsenty Alain (ed.), Kouplevatskaya Buttoud Irina (ed.), Lescuyer Guillaume (ed.). Libreville : FAO-CIFOR, 205-223.
ISBN 978-602-387-029-5