
Résultats pour : "température du sol"

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Nombre de documents : 31.

The interactive effect of temperature and fertilizer types determines the dominant microbes in nitrous oxide emissions and the dicyandiamide efficacy in a vegetable soil. Xu Xiaoya, Liu Haiyang, Liu Yaowei, Lesueur Didier, Herrmann Laetitia, Di Hongjie, Tang Caixian, Xu Jianming, Li Yong. 2024. Soil Ecology Letters, 6:230213, 13 p.

Global maps of soil temperature. Lembrechts Jonas J., van den Hoogen Johan, Aalto Juha, Ashcroft Michael B., De Frenne Pieter, Kemppinen Julia, Kopecký Martin, Luoto Miska, Maclean Ilya M. D., Crowther Thomas W., Bailey Joseph J., Haesen Stef, Klinges David H., Niittynen Pekka, Scheffers Brett R., Van Meerbeek Koenraad, Aartsma Peter, Abdalaze Otar, Abedi Mehdi, Aerts Rien, Ahmadian Negar, Ahrends Antje, Alatalo Juha M., Alexander Jake M., Allonsius Camille Nina, Altman Jan, Ammann Christof, Andres Christian, Andrews Christopher, Ardö Jonas, Arriga Nicola, Arzac Alberto, Aschero Valeria, Assis Rafael L., Assmann Jakob Johann, Bader Maaike Y., Bahalkeh Khadijeh, Barančok Peter, Barrio Isabel C., Barros Agustina, Barthel Matti, Basham Edmund W., Bauters Marijn, Bazzichetto Manuele, Belelli Marchesini Luca, Bell Michael C., Benavides Juan C., Benito Alonso José Luis, Berauer Bernd J., Bjerke Jarle W., Björk Robert G., Björkman Mats P., Björnsdóttir Katrin, Blonder Benjamin, Boeckx Pascal, Boike Julia, Bokhorst Stef, Brum Bárbara N. S., Brůna Josef, Buchmann Nina, Buysse Pauline, Camargo Jose Luis C., Campoe Otavio, Candan Onur, Canessa Rafaella, Cannone Nicoletta, Carbognani Michele, Carnicer Jofre, Casanova-Katny Angélica, Cesarz Simone, Chojnicki Bogdan, Choler Philippe, Chown Steven L., Cifuentes Edgar F., Čiliak Marek, Contador Tamara, Convey Peter, Cooper Elisabeth J., Cremonese Eodardo, Curasi Salvatore R., Curtis Robin, Cutini Maurizio, Dahlberg C. Johan, Daskalova Gergana N., de Pablo Miguel Angel, Della Chiesa Stefano, Dengler Jürgen, Deronde Bart, Di Cecco Valter, Di Musciano Michele, Dick Jan, Dimarco Romina D., Dolezal Jiri, Dorrepaal Ellen, Dusek Jiri, Eisenhauer Nico, Eklundh Lars, Erickson Todd E., Erschbamer Brigitta, Eugster Werner, Ewers Robert M., Exton Dan A., Fanin Nicolas, Fazlioglu Fatih, Feigenwinter Iris, Fenu Giuseppe, Ferlian Olga, Fernández Calzado M. Rosa, Fernández-Pascual Eduardo, Finckh Manfred, Finger Higgens Rebecca, Forte T'ai G. W., Freeman Erika C., Frei Esther R., Fuentes-Lillo Eduardo, García Rafael A., García María B., Géron Charly, Gharun Mana, Ghosn Dany, Gigauri Khatuna, Gobin Anne, Goded Ignacio, Goeckede Mathias, Gottschall Felix, Goulding Keith, Govaert Sanne, Jessen Graae Bente, Greenwood Sarah, Greiser Caroline, Grelle Achim, Guénard Benoït, Guglielmin Mauro, Guillemot Joannès, Haase Peter, Haider Sylvia, Halbritter Aud H., Hamid Maroof, Hammerle Albin, Hampe Arndt, Haugum Siri V., Hederová Lucia, Heinesch Bernard, Helfters Carole, Hepenstrick Daniel, Herberich Maximiliane, Herbst Mathias, Hermanutz Luise, Hik David S., Hoffrén Raúl, Homeier Jürgen, Hörtnagl Lukas, Hoye Toke T., Hrbacek Filip, Hylander Kristoffer, Iwata Hiroki, Jackowicz-Korczynski Marcin, Jactel Hervé, Järveoja Järvi, Jastrzębowski Szymon, Jentsch Anke, Jiménez Juan J., Jónsdóttir Ingibjörg S., Jucker Tommaso, Jump Alistair S., Juszczak Radoslaw, Kanka Robert, Kašpar Vít, Kazakis George, Kelly Julia, Khuroo Anzar A., Klemedtsson Leif, Klisz Marcin, Kljun Natascha, Knohl Alexander, Kobler Johannes, Kollár Jozef, Kotowska Martyna M., Kovács Bence, Kreyling Juergen, Lamprecht Andrea, Lang Simone I., Larson Christian, Larson Keith, Laska Kamil, Le Maire Guerric, Leihy Rachel I., Lens Luc, Liljebladh Bengt, Lohila Annalea, Lorite Juan, Loubet Benjamin, Lynn Joshua, Macek Martin, Mackenzie Roy, Magliulo Enzo, Maier Regine, Malfasi Francesco, Malis František, Man Matěj, Manca Giovanni, Manco Antonio, Manise Tanguy, Manolaki Paraskevi, Marciniak Felipe, Matula Radim, Mazzolari Ana Clara, Medinets Volodymyr, Meeussen Camille, Merinero Sonia, de Cássia Guimarães Mesquita Rita, Meusburger Katrin, Meysman Filip J.R., Michaletz Sean T., Milbau Ann, Moiseev Dmitry, Moiseev Pavel, Mondoni Andrea, Monfries Ruth, Montagnani Leonardo, Moriana-Armendariz Mikel, Morra di Cella Umberto, Mörsdorf Martin, Mosedale Jonnathan R., Muffler Lena, Muñoz-Rojas Miriam, Myers Jonnathan A., Myers-Smith Isla H., Nagy Laszlo, Nardino Marianna, Naujokaitis-Lewis Ilona, Newling Emily, Nicklas Lena, Niedrist Georg, Niessner Armin, Nilsson Mats B., Normand Signe, Nosetto Marcelo, Nouvellon Yann, Nunez Martin, Ogaya Romà, Ogée Jérôme, Okello Joseph, Olejnik Janusz, Olesen Jørgen Eivind, Opedal Oystein H., Orsenigo Simone, Palaj Andrej, Pampuch Timo, Panov Alexey V., Pärtel Meelis, Pastor Ada, Pauchard Anibal, Pauli Harald, Pavelka Marian, Pearse William D., Peichl Matthias, Pellissier Loïc, Penczykowski Rachel M., Peñuelas Josep, Petit Bon Matteo, Petraglia Alessandro, Phartyal Shyam S., Phoenix Gareth K., Pio Casimiro, Pitacco Andrea, Pitteloud Camille, Plichta Roman, Porro Francesco, Portillo-Estrada Miguel, Poulenard Jérôme, Poyatos Rafael, Prokushkin Anatoly S., Puchalka Radoslaw, Puscas Mihai, Radujković Dajana, Randall Krystal, Ratier Backes Amanda, Remmele Sabine, Remmers Wolfram, Renault David, Risch Anita C., Rixen Christian, Robinson Sharon A., Robroek Bjorn J.M., Rocha Adrian V., Rossi Christian, Rossi Graziano, Roupsard Olivier, et al.. 2022. Global Change Biology, 28 (9) : 3110-3144.

Temperature and pH define the realized niche space of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Davison John, Moora Mari, Semchenko Marina, Binte Adenan Sakeenah, Ahmed Talaat, Akhmetzhanova Asem A., Atalalo Juha M., Al-Quraishy Saleh, Andriyanova Elena, Anslan Sten, Bahram Mohammad, Batbaatar Amgaa, Brown Charlotte, Bueno C. Guillermo, Cahill James, Cantero Juan José, Casper Brenda B., Cherosov Mikhail, Chideh Saida, Coelho Ana P., Coghill Matthew, Decocq Guillaume, Dudov Sergey, Fabiano Ezequiel Chimbioputo, Fedosov Vladimir E., Fraser Lauchlan, Glassman Sydney I., Helm Aveliina, Henry Hugh A.L., Herault Bruno, et al.. 2021. New Phytologist, 231 (2) : 763-776.

SoilTemp: A global database of near-surface temperature. Lembrechts Jonas J., Aalto Juha, Ashcroft Michael B., De Frenne Pieter, Kopecký Martin, Lenoir Jonathan, Luoto Miska, Maclean Ilya M. D., Roupsard Olivier, et al.. 2020. Global Change Biology, 26 (11) : 6616-6629.

Linking conifer root growth and production to soil temperature and carbon supply in temperate forests. Wang Yan, Mao Zhun, Bakker Mark, Kim J.H., Brancheriau Loïc, Buatois Bruno, Leclerc R., Selli L., Rey Hervé, Jourdan Christophe, Stokes Alexia. 2018. Plant and Soil, 426 (1-2) : 33-50.
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Tree root dynamics in montane and sub-alpine mixed forest patches. Wang Yan, Kim John H., Mao Zhun, Ramel Merlin, Pailler François, Perez Jean-Marc, Rey Hervé, Tron S., Jourdan Christophe, Stokes Alexia. 2018. Annals of Botany, 122 (5), n.spéc. Developmental Plant Cell Biology : 861-872.
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Uncertainty assessment and comparison of vegetation indices, surface emissivity models and split-window algorithms used to estimate surface temperature from satellite images. Kotchi Serge-Olivier, Viau Alain A., Barrette Nathalie, Gond Valéry, Jang Jae-Dong, Mostafavi Mir Abolfazl. 2017. In : Horizons in earth science research. Veress Benjamin (ed.), Szigethy Jozsi (ed.). New-York : Nova Science Publisher, 185-257. (Horizons in Earth Science Research, 15) ISBN 978-1-63485-696-6

Distance makes the difference in thermography for ecological studies. Faye Emile, Dangles Olivier, Pincebourde Sylvain. 2016. Journal of Thermal Biology, 56 : 1-9.

Estimation and uncertainty assessment of surface microclimate indicators at local scale using airborne infrared thermography and multispectral imagery. Kotchi Serge-Olivier, Barrette Nathalie, Viau Alain A., Jang Jae-Dong, Gond Valéry, Mostafavi Mir Abolfazl. 2016. In : Geospatial Technology - Environmental and Social Applications. Imperatore Pascuale (ed.), Pepe Antonio (ed.). Rijeka : Intech Publisher, 99-141. ISBN 978-953-51-4768-8

Fate of insecticidal Bacillus thuringiensis cry protein in soil: Differences between purified toxin and biopesticide formulation. Hung Truong Phuc, Truong Le Van, Binh Ngo Dinh, Frutos Roger, Quiquampoix Hervé, Staunton Siobhán. 2016. Pest Management Science, 72 (12) : 2247-2253.
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A toolbox for studying thermal heterogeneity across spatial scales: From unmanned aerial vehicle imagery to landscape metrics. Faye Emile, Rebaudo François, Yánez-Cajo Danilo, Cauvy Fraunie Sophie, Dangles Olivier. 2016. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7 (4) : 437-446.
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24-h variation in soil respiration after a long dry season in a Sudano-Sahelian region. Yemadje Pierrot Lionel, Guibert Hervé, Blavet Didier, Olina Jean-Paul, Chevallier Tiphaine, Deleporte Philippe, Bernoux Martial. 2015. Scientia Agrícola, 72 (5) : 452-458.

Influence des cycles humectation-dessiccation sur la minéralisation du carbone : cas de la zone cotonnière du Nord Cameroun. Yemadje Pierrot Lionel. 2015. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 135 p. Thèse de doctorat : Ecosystèmes et sciences agronomiques : Université de Montpellier

Physical protection of soil carbon in macroaggregates does not reduce the temperature dependence of soil CO2 emissions. Chevallier Tiphaine, Hmaidi Kaouther, Kouakoua Ernest, Bernoux Martial, Gallali Tahar, Toucet Joële, Jolivet Claudy, Deleporte Philippe, Barthès Bernard. 2015. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 178 (4) : 592-600.

Thermal landscapes and pest dynamic in Andean tropical agrosystems. Faye Emile. 2015. Paris : Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 280 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences de la nature et de l'homme : Université Pierre et Marie Curie

A satellite-based hybrid algorithm to determine the Priestley–Taylor parameter for global terrestrial latent heat flux estimation across multiple biomes. Yao Yunjun, Liang Shunlin, Li Xianglan, Chen Jiquan, Wang Kaicum, Jia Kun, Cheng Jie, Jiang Bo, Fisher Joshua B., Mu Qiaozhen, Grünwald Thomas, Bernhofer Christian, Roupsard Olivier. 2015. Remote Sensing of Environment, 165 : 216-233.

Soil CO2 efflux and soil carbon balance of a tropical rubber plantation. Satakhum Duangrat, Gay Frédéric, Chairungsee Naruenat, Kasemsap Poonpipope, Chantuma Pisamai, Thanisawanyangkura Sornprach, Thaler Philippe, Epron Daniel. 2013. Ecological Research, 28 (6) : 969-979.

Unexpected similar stability of soil microbial CO2 respiration in 20-year manured and in unmanured tropical soils. Chotte Jean-Luc, Diouf Mayécor, Assigbetse Komi, Lesueur Didier, Rabary Bodovololona, Sall Saidou. 2013. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 11 (2) : 135-142.

Ecosystem respiration in two Mediterranean evergreen holm oak forests: drought effects and decomposition dynamics. Reichstein Markus, Tenhunen John D., Roupsard Olivier, Ourcival Jean-Marc, Rambal Serge, Dore S., Valentini Riccardo. 2002. Functional Ecology, 16 (1) : 27-39.

Severe drought effects on ecosystem CO2 and H2O fluxes at three Mediterranean evergreen sites : revision of current hypotheses? Reichstein Markus, Tenhunen John D., Roupsard Olivier, Ourcival Jean-Marc, Rambal Serge, Miglietta Franco, Peressotti Alessandro, Pecchiari Marco, Tirone Giampiero, Valentini Riccardo. 2002. Global Change Biology, 8 (10) : 999-1017.

Derivation of the energy balance components using dual angle observation of radiative surface temperature : [Preprints]. Chehbouni A. Ghani, Nouvellon Yann, Boulet Gilles, Kerr Yann, Watts Chris. 2001. In : IGARSS 2001 : Sydney, Australia, 9-13 July 2001. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. s.l. : s.n., 3 p. IGARSS 2001. 21, Sydney, Australie, 9 Juillet 2001/13 Juillet 2001.

Estimation of surface sensible heat flux using dual angle observations of radiative surface temperature. Chehbouni A., Nouvellon Yann, Lhomme J.P., Watts Chris, Boulet Gilles, Kerr Y.H., Moran M. Susan, Goodrich D.C.. 2001. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 108 (1) : 55-65.

Etude et modélisation de certains effets du semis direct avec paillis de résidus sur les bilans hydrique, thermique et azoté d'une culture de maïs pluvial au Mexique. Findeling Antoine. 2001. Paris : ENGREF, 377 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences de l'eau : Ecole nationale du génie rural, des eaux et des forêts

Examination of the factors controlling directional effects on radiative surface temperature over vegetated surfaces : [Preprints]. Chehbouni A. Ghani, Nouvellon Yann, Boulet Gilles, Kerr Yann, Cayrol Pascale, Merlin Olivier, Watts Chris. 2001. In : IGARSS 2001 : Sydney, Australia, 9-13 July 2001. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. s.l. : s.n., 2 p. IGARSS 2001. 21, Sydney, Australie, 9 Juillet 2001/13 Juillet 2001.

Estimation of carbon allocation to the roots from soil respiration measurements of oil palm. Lamade Emmanuelle, Djégui Narcisse, Leterme Philippe. 1996. Plant and Soil, 181 : 329-339.

Estimation et suivi de la pluviométrie au Sénégal par satellite Météosat. Nègre T., Imbernon Jacques, Guinot J.P., Seguin B., Bergès J.C., Guillot B.. 1988. L'Agronomie Tropicale (1975), 43 (4) : 279-288.

Estimation et suivi de la pluviometrie au Senegal par utilisation du canal infrarouge thermique du satellite meteosat. Nègre T.. 1987. Paris : INA-PG, 70 p. Mémoire de fin d'études : Sciences du sol et bioclimatologie : Institut national agronomique Paris-Grignon

Campagnes cotonnières 1971 et 1972, section agronomie, El Salvador. Bertrand Roger. 1972. s.l. : GERDAT-IRCT, 25 p.

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