Résultats pour : "Autotétraploïde"
Nombre de documents : 8.
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Tetraploid Rangpur lime rootstock increases drought tolerance via enhanced constitutive root abscisic acid production.
Allario Thierry, Brumos Javier, Colmenero-Flores Jose M., Iglesias Domingo, Pina José Antonio, Navarro Luis, Talon Manuel, Ollitrault Patrick, Morillon Raphaël.
Plant, Cell and Environment,
36 (4) : 856-868.
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Large changes in anatomy and physiology between diploid Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia) and its autotetraploid are not associated with large changes in leaf gene expression.
Allario Thierry, Brumos Javier, Colmenero Jose M., Tadeo Francisco, Froelicher Yann, Talon Manuel, Navarro Luis, Ollitrault Patrick, Morillon Raphaël.
Journal of Experimental Botany,
62 (8) : 2507-2519. Plant and Animal Genomes Conference. 19, San Diego, États-Unis, 15 Janvier 2011/19 Janvier 2011.
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