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Nombre de documents : 50.

Article de revue

Effets bénéfiques potentiels des acides gras furaniques, des lipides alimentaires bioactifs. Alvarado Katherine, Durand Erwann, Vaysse Laurent, Liengprayoon Siriluck, Gaillet Sylvie, Coudray Charles, Casas François, Feillet-Coudray Christine. 2021. Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique, 56 (2) : 117-125.

Impact of surfactant concentration and antioxidant mode of incorporation on the oxidative stability of oil-in-water nanoemulsions. Ferreira da Silveira Tayse Ferreira, Laguerre Mickael, Bourlieu-Lacanal Claire, Lecomte Jérôme, Durand Erwann, Figueroa-Espinoza Maria-Cruz, Baréa Bruno, Barouh Nathalie, Castro Inar Alves, Villeneuve Pierre. 2021. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 141:110892, 9 p.

Metabolomics of pigmented rice coproducts applying conventional or deep eutectic extraction solvents reveal a potential antioxidant source for human nutrition. Barros Santos Millena, Barouh Nathalie, Durand Erwann, Baréa Bruno, Robert Mélina, Micard Valérie, Lullien-Pellerin Valérie, Villeneuve Pierre, Cameron Luiz Claudio, Ryan Elizabeth P., Larraz Ferreira Mariana Simões, Bourlieu-Lacanal Claire. 2021. Metabolites, 11 (2):110, 26 p.

Optimization of a protein extraction method from natural rubber sheets made of Hevea brasiliensis latex. Srisomboon Surattiya, Wadeesirisak Kanthida, Vaysse Laurent, Sainte-Beuve Jérôme, Musigamart Natedao, Liengprayoon Siriluck, Bonfils Frédéric, Rattanaporn Kittipong, Bottier Céline. 2021. Journal of Rubber Research, 24 : 27-39.
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Can fertilization be a driver of rubber plantation intensification? Chotiphan Rawiwan, Vaysse Laurent, Lacote Régis, Gohet Eric, Thaler Philippe, Sajjaphan Kannika, Bottier Céline, Char Christine, Liengprayoon Siriluck, Gay Frédéric. 2019. Industrial Crops and Products, 141:111813, 11 p.
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Irreversible hardening of a colloidal gel under shear: The smart response of natural rubber latex gels. De Oliveira Reis Guilherme, Gibaud Thomas, Saint-Michel Brice, Manneville Sébastien, Leocmach Mathieu, Vaysse Laurent, Bonfils Frédéric, Sanchez Christian, Menut Paul. 2019. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 539 : 287-296.

Rapid evolution of biochemical and physicochemical indicators of ammonia- stabilized Hevea latex during the first twelve days of storage. Bottier Céline, Gross Bryan, Wadeesirisak Kanthida, Srisomboon Surattiya, Jantarasunthorn Saowalak, Musigamart Natedao, Roytrakul Sittiruk, Liengprayoon Siriluck, Vaysse Laurent, Kunemann Philippe, Vallat Marie-France, Mougin Karine. 2019. Colloids and Surfaces. A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 570 : 487-498.

Rosmarinic acid and its esters inhibit membrane cholesterol domain formation through an antioxidant mechanism based, in nonlinear fashion, on alkyl chain length. Sherratt Samuel, Villeneuve Pierre, Durand Erwann, Mason R. Preston. 2019. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA). Biomembranes, 1861 (3) : 550-555.

Le caoutchouc naturel d'Hevea brasiliensis, un bioélastomère aux propriétés inégalées. Bottier Céline, Vaysse Laurent, Lecomte Sophie, Peruch Frédéric, Sainte-Beuve Jérôme, Bonfils Frédéric. 2018. L'Actualité Chimique (427-428) : 66-69.

Microbial communities in natural rubber coagula during maturation: Impacts on technological properties of dry natural rubber. Salomez M., Subileau Maeva, Vallaeys T., Santoni Sylvain, Bonfils Frédéric, Sainte-Beuve Jérôme, Intapun Jutharat, Granet Françoise, Vaysse Laurent, Dubreucq Eric. 2018. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 124 (2) : 444-456.

The sugar and polyol composition of Hevea brasiliensis latex depends on the clonal origin of the tree. Bellacicco Sophie, Prades Alexia, Char Christine, Vaysse Laurent, Granet Françoise, Lacote Régis, Gohet Eric, Flori Albert, Sainte Beuve Jérôme, Bonfils Frédéric. 2018. Journal of Rubber Research, 21 (3) : 224-235.

Mesostructure characterization by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation of natural rubber samples from different Hevea brasiliensis genotypes. Liengprayoon Siriluck, Chelbi Karim, Dubascoux Stéphane, Char Christine, Vaysse Laurent, Dubreucq Eric, Sainte Beuve Jérôme, Sriroth Klanarong, Bonfils Frédéric. 2017. Industrial Crops and Products, 109 : 936-943.

Rubber particle proteins REF1 and SRPP1 interact differently with native lipids extracted from Hevea brasiliensis latex. Wadeesirisak Kanthida, Castano Sabine, Berthelot Karine, Vaysse Laurent, Bonfils Frédéric, Peruch Frédéric, Rattanaporn Kittipong, Liengprayoon Siriluck, Lecomte Sophie, Bottier Céline. 2017. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA). Biomembranes, 1859 (2) : 201-210.
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Characterisation of macrogel composition from industrial natural rubber samples: Influence of proteins on the macrogel crosslink density. Rolere Sébastien, Bottier Céline, Vaysse Laurent, Sainte-Beuve Jérôme, Bonfils Frédéric. 2016. Express Polymer Letters, 10 (5) : 408-419.

Optimization of protein extraction from different Latex Samples of Hevea Brasiliensis. Srisomboon Surattiya, Wadeesirisak Kanthida, Sauvage François-Xavier, Rattanaporn Kittipong, Sriroth Klanarong, Vaysse Laurent, Bonfils Frédéric, Sainte-Beuve Jérôme, Liengprayoon Siriluck, Bottier Céline. 2014. Thaksin University Journal, 17 (4) : 26-34. International Conference on Rubber, Phattalung, Thaïlande, 28 Août 2014/30 Août 2014.

Comparative study of the mesostructure of natural and synthetic polyisoprene by size exclusion chromatography-multi-angle light scattering and asymmetrical flow field flow fractionation-multi-angle light scattering. Dubascoux Stéphane, Thepchaler Chalao, Dubreucq Eric, Wisunthorn Pansook Suwaluk, Vaysse Laurent, Kiatkamjornwong Suda, Nakason Charoen, Bonfils Frédéric. 2012. Journal of Chromatography A, 1224 (1) : 27-34.

SEC-MALS study of dynamic structuring of natural rubber : Comparative study of two Hevea brasiliensis genotypes. Wisunthorn Pansook Suwaluk, Liengprayoon Siriluck, Vaysse Laurent, Sainte-Beuve Jérôme, Bonfils Frédéric. 2012. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 124 (2) : 1570-1577.

Glycolipid composition of Hevea brasiliensis latex. Liengprayoon Siriluck, Sriroth Klanarong, Dubreucq Eric, Vaysse Laurent. 2011. Phytochemistry, 72 (14-15) : 1902-1913.

Effect of microorganisms during the initial coagulum maturation of Hevea natural rubber. Intapun Jutharat, Sainte-Beuve Jérôme, Bonfils Frédéric, Tanrattanakul Varapon, Dubreucq Eric, Vaysse Laurent. 2010. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 118 (3) : 1341-1348.

Characterisation of natural rubber cup coagula maturation conditions and consequences on dry rubber properties. Intapun Jutharat, Sainte-Beuve Jérôme, Bonfils Frédéric, Tanrattanakul Varapon, Dubreucq Eric, Vaysse Laurent. 2009. Journal of Rubber Research, 12 (4) : 171-184.

Development of a new procedure for lipid extraction from Hevea brasiliensis natural rubber. Liengprayoon Siriluck, Bonfils Frédéric, Sainte-Beuve Jérôme, Sriroth Klanarong, Dubreucq Eric, Vaysse Laurent. 2008. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 110 (6) : 563-569.

Effect of smoking on lipids content, macromolecular structure and rheological properties of Hevea brasiliensis sheet rubber. Rodphukdeekul Satit, Liengprayoon Siriluck, Santisopasri Vilai, Sriroth Klanarong, Bonfils Frédéric, Dubreucq Eric, Vaysse Laurent. 2008. Kasetsart Journal. Natural Sciences, 42 (2) : 306-314.

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Lipophilized antioxidants. Figueroa-Espinoza Maria-Cruz, Bourlieu Claire, Durand Erwann, Lecomte Jérôme, Villeneuve Pierre. 2019. In : Encyclopedia of food chemistry, volume 2. Varelis Peter (ed.), Melton Laurence (ed.), Shahidi Fereidoon (ed.). Amsterdam : Elsevier, 193-201. ISBN 978-0-12-814026-0
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Natural rubber. Vaysse Laurent, Bonfils Frédéric, Sainte-Beuve Jérôme, Cartault Marie. 2012. In : Polymer science: a comprehensive reference. Polymers for a sustainable environment and green energy. McGrath James E. (ed.), Hickner Michael A. (ed.), Höfer Rainer (ed.). Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, 281-293. ISBN 978-0-444-59387-0

Natural rubber. Vaysse Laurent, Bonfils Frédéric, Thaler Philippe, Sainte-Beuve Jérôme. 2009. In : Sustainable solutions for modern economies. Höfer Rainer (ed.). Cambridge : RSC, 339-367. (RSC Green Chemistry, 4) ISBN 978-1-84755-905-0

Communication invitée

EcoHealth/One Health: applications in agricultural and rural development. Roger François, Lafarge Tanguy, Goutard Flavie, Biénabe Estelle (collab.), Binot Aurélie (collab.), Blanchard Melanie (collab.), Bruckert Michaël (collab.), Cappelle Julien (collab.), De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel (collab.), Girard Philippe (collab.), Gohet Eric (collab.), Lienhard Pascal (collab.), Morand Serge (collab.), Nouvellon Yann (collab.), Rival Alain (collab.), Thoumazeau Alexis (collab.), Vagneron Isabelle (collab.), Vaysse Laurent (collab.). 2020. . SEARCA. Los Baños : SEARCA, 2 p. SEARCA - Stakeholders Forum, Los Baños, Philippines, 28 Octobre 2020/28 Octobre 2020.

Understanding of the dynamic structure of unvulcanized NR : an essential step to address its quality variability. Vaysse Laurent. 2018. In : Natural Rubber Trade Show and International Seminar. Surat Thani : Prince of Songkla University, 12. Natural Rubber Innovation Expo 2018 and International Seminar, Surat Thani, Thaïlande, 3 Mai 2018/5 Mai 2018.

Towards the identification and location of the biochemical drivers of natural rubber unique structure and properties. Vaysse Laurent, Bottier Céline, Liengprayoon Siriluck, Wadeesirisak Kanthida, Chaiyut Jutaporn, Srisomboon Surattiya, Jantarasunthorn Saowalak, Musigamart Natedao, Roytrakul Sittiruk, Lecomte Sophie, Peruch Frédéric, Rattanaporn Kittipong, Granet Françoise, Tella Marie, Char Christine, Bonfils Frédéric. 2017. In : Third Asia Pacific Rubber Conference APRC 2017. Prince of Songkla University. Surat Thani : Prince of Songkla University, 2 p. Asia Pacific Rubber Conference APRC 2017. 3, Surat Thani, Thaïlande, 16 Novembre 2017/17 Novembre 2017.

Communication avec actes

Rubber particle proteins, HbREF and HbSRPP, interact differently with lipids extracted from RRIM600 H. brasiliensis latex. Wadeesirisak Kanthida, Castano Sabine, Berthelot Karine, Peruch Frédéric, Vaysse Laurent, Bonfils Frédéric, Ratanaporn K., Liengprayoon Siriluck, Bottier Céline, Lecomte Sophie. 2016. In : 16th International Conference on Organized Molecular Films. University of Helsinki, Aalto university, Åbo Akademi, Tampere university of technology. Helsinki : University of Helsinki, Résumé, 58. International Conference on Organized Molecular Films. 16, Helsinki, Finlande, 25 Juillet 2016/29 Juillet 2016.
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Lipid composition of Hevea brasiliensis latex and dry rubber: Characterization and relation with some physical properties. Liengprayoon Siriluck, Dubreucq Eric, Sriroth Klanarong, Bonfils Frédéric, Vaysse Laurent. 2007. In : Natural rubber industry: R and D achievements and challenges : International Rubber Conference 2007, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 12-13 November 2007. CRRI, IRRDB. Phnom Penh : CRRI, 564-577. International Rubber Conference, Siem Reap, Cambodge, 12 Novembre 2007/13 Novembre 2007.

Maturation of natural rubber cup coagula: Characterization of industrial conditions. Intapun Jutharat, Tanrattanakul Varapon, Dubreucq Eric, Bonfils Frédéric, Sainte-Beuve Jérôme, Vaysse Laurent. 2007. In : Natural rubber industry: R and D achievements and challenges : International Rubber Conference 2007, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 12-13 November 2007. CRRI, IRRDB. Phnom Penh : CRRI, 529-537. International Rubber Conference, Siem Reap, Cambodge, 12 Novembre 2007/13 Novembre 2007.

Communication par affiche

Identification and quantification of phytoprostanes and phytofurans in coffee and cocoa by-and co-products. Ruesgas-Ramón Mariana, Vigor Claire, Rocher Amandine, Reversat Guillaume, Vercauteren Joseph, Oger Camille, Galano Jean-Marie, Durand Thierry, Durand Erwann, Figueroa-Espinoza Maria-Cruz. 2018. In : Abstracts of the 2018 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. AOCS. Minneapolis : AOCS, Résumé, 32. 2018 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. 109, Minneapolis, États-Unis, 6 Mai 2018/9 Mai 2018.

Rubber particle proteins HbREF and HbSRPP interact differently with native lipids extracted from RRIM600 H. brasiliensis latex. Wadeesirisak Kanthida, Castano Sabine, Berthelot Karine, Vaysse Laurent, Peruch Frédéric, Bonfils Frédéric, Liengprayoon Siriluck, Bottier Céline, Lecomte Sophie. 2017. . Edinburgh : s.n., 1 poster European Biophysical Societies' Association (EBSA) Congress. 11, Edinburgh, Royaume-Uni, 16 Juillet 2017/20 Juillet 2017.
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How natural rubber latex gels deform under stress: a study using a rheo-ultrasonic technic. De Oliveira Reis Guilherme, Menut Paul, Gibaud Thomas, Leocmach Mathieu, Vaysse Laurent, Bonfils Frédéric, Manneville Sébastien, Sanchez Christian. 2015. . Nantes : Groupe Français de Rhéologie, 1 poster Annual European Rheology Conference. 10, Nantes, France, 14 Avril 2015/17 Avril 2015.

Interaction of a major rubber protein (REF) with lipids extracted from Hevea brasiliensis latex. Wadeesirisak Kanthida, Castano Sabine, Berthelot Karine, Vaysse Laurent, Peruch Frédéric, Bonfils Frédéric, Sainte-Beuve Jérôme, Paemanee Atchara, Roytrakul Sittiruk, Sriroth Klanarong, Rattanaporn Kittipong, Liengprayoon Siriluck, Lecomte Sophie, Bottier Céline. 2015. . Dresden : s.n., 1 poster European Biophysics Congress. 10, Dresden, Allemagne, 18 Juillet 2015/22 Juillet 2015.

Study of irreversible strain hardening in Hevea brasiliensis latex gels. De Oliveira Reis Guilherme, Menut Paul, Vaysse Laurent, Bonfils Frédéric, Sanchez Christian. 2015. . Nantes : Groupe Français de Rhéologie, 1 poster Annual European Rheology Conference. 10, Nantes, France, 14 Avril 2015/17 Avril 2015.

Lipid composition of natural rubber sheet and relationship with its structure and properties. Liengprayoon Siriluck, Bonfils Frédéric, Sainte-Beuve Jérôme, Sriroth Klanarong, Dubreucq Eric, Vaysse Laurent. 2008. In : IRRDB-MRB International Rubber Conference 2008, Selangor, Malaysia. IRRDB. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. 2008 IRRDB International Natural Rubber Conference and Annual Meetings, Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie, 13 Octobre 2008/17 Octobre 2008.

Communication sans actes

Alkyl chain length of antioxidants modulates their activity in spray-dried emulsions. ten Klooster Sten, Villeneuve Pierre, Bourlieu-Lacanal Claire, Durand Erwann, Schroën Karin, Berton-Carabin Claire C.. 2020. . Euro Fed Lipid. Vigo : Euro Fed Lipid, Résumé, 1 p. International Symposium on Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidants. 3, Espagne, 23 Novembre 2020/24 Novembre 2020.

Microencapsulation of carotenoids and flavonoids by emulsion electrospraying using natural deep eutectic solvents. Basar Ahmet Ozan, Prieto Cristina, Durand Erwann, Turkoglu Sasmazel Hilal, Lagaron Jose. 2019. . FCT, Instituto Superior Técnico, IBET. Lisbonne : FCT, 1 p. International Meeting on Deep Eutectic Systems, Lisbonne, Portugal, 24 Juin 2019/27 Juin 2019.

Enzymatic functionalization of vinyl phenols and evaluation their resulting antioxidant properties in cell and emulsion model systems. Lecomte Jérôme, Durand Erwann, Villeneuve Pierre. 2018. In : Abstracts of the 2018 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. AOCS. Minneapolis : AOCS, Résumé, 3. 2018 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. 109, Minneapolis, États-Unis, 6 Mai 2018/9 Mai 2018.

Evaluation of antioxidant activity by Vesicle Conjugated Autoxidizable Triene (VesiCAT). Durand Erwann, Ruesgas-Ramón Mariana, Figueroa-Espinoza Maria-Cruz, Salaun Françoise Michel, Deyrieux Charlotte, Delavault André, Villeneuve Pierre. 2018. . Euro Fed Lipid. Graz : Euro Fed Lipid, Résumé, 1 p. International Symposium on Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidants. 2, Graz, Autriche, 4 Juin 2018/6 Juin 2018.

Evaluation of antioxidants and antimicrobials from plant extracts in pet food. Deyrieux Charlotte, Durand Erwann, Barouh Nathalie, Lecomte Jérôme, Michel-Salaun Françoise, Baréa Bruno, Kergourlay Gilles, Villeneuve Pierre. 2018. In : Abstracts of the 2018 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. AOCS. Minneapolis : AOCS, 17. 2018 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. 109, Minneapolis, États-Unis, 6 Mai 2018/9 Mai 2018.

Non-targeted screening for oxidized lipids in foods. Deyrieux Charlotte, Durand Erwann, Barouh Nathalie, Lecomte Jérôme, Michel-Salaun Françoise, Baréa Bruno, Kergourlay Gilles, Villeneuve Pierre. 2018. In : Abstracts of the 2018 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. AOCS. Minneapolis : AOCS, Résumé, 18. 2018 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. 109, Minneapolis, États-Unis, 6 Mai 2018/9 Mai 2018.

Synthesis of mono- and di-esters of phenolic acids from oleaginous meals, and evaluation of their antioxidant activity in emulsion and liposomes. Laguna Oscar, Durand Erwann, Baréa Bruno, Villeneuve Pierre, Lecomte Jérôme. 2018. . Euro Fed Lipid. Belfast : Euro Fed Lipid, Résumé, 1 p. Euro Fed Lipid Congress: Fats, Oils and lipids: Science technology and nutrition in a changing world. 16, Belfast, Irlande, 16 Septembre 2018/19 Septembre 2018.

Effect of fertilization and stimulation of Hevea brasiliensis trees on mineral compositions and properties of produced latex and rubber. Vaysse Laurent, Sathornluck S., Bottier Céline, Liengprayoon Siriluck, Char Christine, Bonfils Frédéric, Chotiphan Rawiwan, Lacote Régis, Gay Frédéric. 2017. . IRRDB. Jakarta : IRRDB, 9 p. International Rubber Conference & IRRDB Annual Meeting 2017, Jakarta, Indonésie, 18 Octobre 2017/20 Octobre 2017.

Fractionation of Hevea brasiliensis latex by centrifugation: (i) a comprehensive description of the biochemical composition of the 4 centrifugation fractions. Liengprayoon Siriluck, Vaysse Laurent, Jantarasunthorn Saowalak, Wadeesirisak Kanthida, Chaiyut Jutaporn, Srisomboon Surattiya, Musigamart Natedao, Roytrakul Sittiruk, Bonfils Frédéric, Char Christine, Bottier Céline. 2017. . IRRDB. Jakarta : IRRDB, 10 p. International Rubber Conference & IRRDB Annual Meeting 2017, Jakarta, Indonésie, 18 Octobre 2017/20 Octobre 2017.

Fractionation of Hevea brasiliensis latex by centrifugation: (ii) a mean to locate the drivers of natural rubber unique structure and properties? Chaiyut Jutaporn, Liengprayoon Siriluck, Bottier Céline, Lecomte Sophie, Peruch Frédéric, Rattanaporn Kittipong, Granet Françoise, Char Christine, Bonfils Frédéric, Vaysse Laurent. 2017. . IRRDB. Jakarta : IRRDB, 12 p. International Rubber Conference & IRRDB Annual Meeting, Jakarta, Indonésie, 18 Octobre 2017/20 Octobre 2017.

Impact of storage time of ammonia-stabilized latex on biochemical and physicochemical indicators of Hevea brasiliensis latex. Bottier Céline, Gross Bryan, Wadeesirisak Kanthida, Srisomboon Surattiya, Jantarasunthorn Saowalak, Liengprayoon Siriluck, Musigamart Natedao, Vaysse Laurent, Kunemann Philippe, Vallat Marie-France, Mougin Karine. 2017. . IRRDB. Jakarta : IRRDB, 14 p. International Rubber Conference & IRRDB Annual Meeting, Jakarta, Indonésie, 18 Octobre 2017/20 Octobre 2017.

Study of the interactions of a major rubber particle protein (REF1) with synthetic phospholipids in Langmuir monolayers. Wadeesirisak Kanthida, Castano Sabine, Caudy Nadia, Vaysse Laurent, Peruch Frédéric, Rattanaporn Kittipong, Liengprayoon Siriluck, Roytrakul Sittiruk, Lecomte Sophie, Bottier Céline. 2017. . IRRDB. Jakarta : IRRDB, 10 p. International Rubber Conference & IRRDB Annual Meeting 2017, Jakarta, Indonésie, 18 Octobre 2017/20 Octobre 2017.


Contribution à la compréhension de la variabilité de la qualité du caoutchouc naturel par une approche biochimique. Vaysse Laurent. 2015. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 71 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Science des procédés, sciences des aliments : Université de Montpellier

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