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Nombre de documents : 15.

Using the ODD protocol and NetLogo to replicate agent-based models. Grimm Volker, Berger Uta, Calabrese Justin M., Cortés-Avizanda Ainara, Ferrer Jordi, Franz Mathias, Groeneveld Jürgen, Hartig Florian, Jakoby Olivier, Jovani Roger, Kramer-Schadt Stephanie, Münkemüller Tamara, Piou Cyril, Premo L.S., Pütz Sandro, Quintaine Thomas, Rademacher Christine, Rüger Nadja, Schmolke Amelie, Thiele Jan C., Touza Julia, Railsback Steven F.. 2025. Ecological Modelling, 501:110967, 8 p.

Agent-based model for analyzing the impact of movement factors of sahelian transhumant herds. Traore Cheick Amed Diloma Gabriel, Delay Etienne, Diop Djibril, Bah Alassane. 2024. Human-Centric Intelligent Systems, 4 : 363-381.

Fishing in the Amazon: play first, negotiate later. Bonnet Marie-Paule, Da Hora Neriane, Chapuis Kevin, Le Page Christophe, Bommel Pierre, Cariele Joine, Melo Gustavo, Nasuti Stephanie. 2024. In : Sustainability science: Understand, co-construct, transform. Volume 3. Dangles Olivier (ed.), Sabrié Marie-Lise (ed.), Fréour Claire (ed.). Marseille : IRD, 80-83. ISBN 978-2-7099-3041-3

Sahelian transhumance simulator (STS). Traore Cheick Amed Diloma Gabriel, Delay Etienne, Diop Djibril, Bah Alassane. 2024. Software Impacts, 19:100627, 4 p.

Upwind flight partially explains the migratory routes of locust swarms. Sorel Maëva, Gay Pierre-Emmanuel, Vernier Camille, Cissé Sory, Piou Cyril. 2024. Ecological Modelling, 489:110622, 19 p.

Agent-based modeling of the spatio-temporal distribution of Sahelian transhumant herds. Traore Cheick Amed Diloma Gabriel, Delay Etienne, Bah Alassane, Diop Djibril. 2023. In : Intelligent systems and applications: Proceedings of the 2022 Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) Volume 2. Arai Kohei (ed.). Cham : Springer, 630-645. (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 543) ISBN 978-3-031-16077-6 Intelligent Systems Conference 2022 (IntelliSys 2022), Amsterdam, Pays-Bas, 1 Septembre 2022/2 Septembre 2022.

Exploring the outcomes of a simulation model: Collective action in the village of Diohine. Chapron Paul, Leclaire Mathieu, Reuillon Romain, Delay Etienne. 2023. . IASC. Nairobi : IASC, Résumé, 1 p. Biennial IASC Conference. 19, Nairobi, Kenya, 19 Juin 2023/24 Juin 2023.

Merging an agent-based modelling approach of nutritional ecology and a population dynamics model at landscape level for the management of the Senegalese grasshopper. Diouf Esther, Piou Cyril, Cease Arianne J., Toure Mamour, Baron Christian, Marescot Lucile. 2023. In : ECEM 2023 Book of abstracts. UFZ. Leipzig : UFZ, Résumé, p. 304. European Conference on Ecological Modelling (ECEM 2023). 9, Leipzig, Allemagne, 4 Septembre 2023/8 Septembre 2023.

Replication of the SequiaBasalto model. Soler-Navarro Diego J., Tenza Peral Alicia, Dieguez Francisco, Bommel Pierre, Janssen Marco A., Pérez Ibarra Irene. 2023. s.l. : s.n., 16 p.

Spatial modelling of Hypsignathus monstrosus movement and habitat use to explore the risk of Ebola virus transmission. Lee Cruz Larisa, Lenormand Maxime, Degenne Pascal, Schloesing Elodie, Cappelle Julien, Caron Alexandre, De Nys Hélène, Roger François, Tran Annelise. 2023. . GRC. Lucca : GRC, 1 p. Movement Ecology of Animals, Proximate and Ultimate Drivers of Animal Movement, Gordon Research Seminar, Lucca, Italie, 28 Mai 2023/2 Juin 2023.
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Support Diohine agro-pastoralists in their governance of Faidherbia Albida trees. Broutin Lucas, Fallot Abigail, Perrotton Arthur, Gonin Alexis, Masse Dominique, Delay Etienne. 2023. . IASC. Nairobi : IASC, Résumé, 1 p. Biennial IASC Conference. 19, Nairobi, Kenya, 19 Juin 2023/24 Juin 2023.

Importance of interindividual interactions in eco‐evolutionary population dynamics: The rise of demo‐genetic agent‐based models. Lamarins Amaïa, Fririon Victor, Folio Dorinda, Vernier Camille, Daupagne Léa, Labonne Jacques, Buoro Mathieu, Lefèvre François, Piou Cyril, Oddou-Muratorio Sylvie. 2022. Evolutionary Applications, 15 (12) : 1988-2001.

Biomass flows in an agro-pastoral village in West-Africa: Who benefits from crop residue mulching? Berre David, Diarisso Tidiane, Andrieu Nadine, Le Page Christophe, Corbeels Marc. 2021. Agricultural Systems, 187:102981, 12 p.
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Participatory modelling and simulation to support community forestry in northern Thailand. Wimolsakcharoen Wuthiwong, Trébuil Guy, Dumrongrojwatthana Pongchai, Le Page Christophe, Bousquet François. 2021. Nature and Environment, 10 (3):2564 : 48-55.

An in-silico analysis of information sharing systems for adaptable resources management: A case study of oyster farmers. Paget Nicolas, Bonte Bruno, Barreteau Olivier, Pigozzi Gabriella, Maurel Pierre. 2019. Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, 1 (1), 21 p.

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