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Nombre de documents : 21.

Article de revue

Competition and site weakly explain tree growth variability in undisturbed Central African moist forests. Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Rossi Vivien, Forni Eric, Fayolle Adeline, Ligot Gauthier, Allah-Barem Félix, Baya Fidèle, Bénédet Fabrice, Boyemba Faustin, Cornu Guillaume, Doucet Jean-Louis, Gillet Jean-François, Mazengue Mathurin, Mbasi Mbula Michel, Van Hoef Yorick, Zombo Isaac, Freycon Vincent. 2023. Journal of Ecology, 111 (9) : 1950-1967.

Predator and pollinator? An invasive hornet alters the pollination dynamics of a native plant. Rojas-Nossa Sandra V., O'Shea-Wheller Thomas A., Poidatz Juliette, Mato Salustiano, Osborne Juliet L., Garrido Josefina. 2023. Basic and Applied Ecology, 71 : 119-128.

Rethinking the nature of intraspecific variability and its consequences on species coexistence. Girard-Tercieux Camille, Marechaux Isabelle, Clark Adam T., Clark James S., Courbaud Benoît, Fortunel Claire, Guillemot Joannès, Kunstler Georges, Le Maire Guerric, Pélissier Raphaël, Rüger Nadja, Vieilledent Ghislain. 2023. Ecology and Evolution, 13 (3):e9860, 18 p.


Linking drone and ground-based liana measurements in a congolese forest. Kacamak Asli Begum, Barbier Nicolas, Aubry-Kientz Mélaine, Forni Eric, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Guibal Daniel, Loumeto Jean-Joël, Pollet Sasha, Rossi Vivien, Rowe Nick P., Van Hoef Yorick, Rejou-Mechain Maxime. 2022. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5:803194, 16 p.

The 4C approach as a way to understand species interactions determining intercropping productivity. Justes Eric, Bedoussac Laurent, Dordas Christos, Frak Ela, Louarn Gaëtan, Boudsocq Simon, Journet Etienne-Pascal, Lithourgidis Anastasios, Pankou Chrysanthi, Zhang Chaochun, Carlsson Georg, Jensen Erik Steen, Watson Christine, Li Long. 2021. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 13 p.

Accounting for competition in multi-environment tree genetic evaluations: a case study with hybrid pines. Belaber Ector C., Gauchat María E., Schoffen Cristian D., Munoz Facundo, Borralho Nuno, Sanchez Leopoldo, Cappa Eduardo Pablo. 2021. Annals of Forest Science, 78:2, 15 p.

Nutrient supply modulates species interactions below ground: dynamics and traits of fine roots in mixed plantations of Eucalyptus and Acacia mangium. Bordron Bruno, Germon Amandine, Laclau Jean-Paul, Oliveira I.R., Robin Agnès, Jourdan Christophe, Paula Ranieri Ribeiro, Pinheiro R.C., Guillemot Joannès, Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Bouillet Jean-Pierre. 2021. Plant and Soil, 460 : 559-577.

Resource acquisition and ecosystem services provided by bi-specific cover crop mixtures. Tribouillois Hélène, Bedoussac Laurent, Couëdel Antoine, Justes Eric. 2021. Legume Perspectives (20) : 17-21.

Impacts of biotic and abiotic parameters on immature populations of Aedes aegypti. Talaga Stanislas, Déjean Alain, Azémar Frédéric, Dumont Yves, Leroy Céline. 2020. Journal of Pest Science, 93 : 941-952.
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On-farm effect of bamboo intercropping on soil water content and root distribution in rubber tree plantation. Andriyana Yusef, Thaler Philippe, Chiarawipa Rawee, Sopharat Jessada. 2020. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, 29 (4) : 205-221.
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Mutual aid: When does resource scarcity favour group cooperation? Delay Etienne, Piou Cyril. 2019. Ecological Complexity, 40 (Part A):100790, 12 p.

Nitrogen fixation rate of Acacia mangium Wild at mid rotation in Brazil is higher in mixed plantations with Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden than in monocultures. Paula Ranieri Ribeiro, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Trivelin Paulo, Balieiro Fabiano de C., Nouvellon Yann, Oliveira Julianne de C., De Deus Junior José Carlos, Bordron Bruno, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2018. Annals of Forest Science, 75 (1):14, 14 p.

Acquisition des ressources et production de services écosystémiques par les mélanges bi-spécifiques de cultures intermédiaires. Tribouillois Hélène, Bedoussac Laurent, Couëdel Antoine, Justes Eric. 2017. Innovations Agronomiques, 62 : 17-32.

Improving accuracy of breeding values by incorporating genomic information in spatial-competition mixed models. Cappa Eduardo Pablo, El-Kassaby Yousry A., Munoz Facundo, Garcia Martín N., Villalba Pamela V., Klápste Jaroslav, Marcucci Poltri Susana N.. 2017. Molecular Breeding, 37:125, 13 p.

Lessons learned from the long-term analysis of cacao yield and stand structure in central Cameroonian agroforestry systems. Saj Stéphane, Jagoret Patrick, Essola Etoa Louis, Fonkeng Eltson Eteckji, Ngala Tarla Justin, Essobo Nieboukaho Jean-Daniel, Mvondo Sakouma Kenneth. 2017. Agricultural Systems, 156 : 95-104.

Plant functional traits have globally consistent effects on competition. Kunstler Georges, Falster Daniel S., Coomes David A., Hui Francis, Kooyman Robert, Laughlin Daniel C., Poorter Lourens, Vanderwel Mark, Vieilledent Ghislain, Wright S. Joseph, Aiba Masahiro, Baraloto Christopher, Caspersen John, Cornelissen J. Hans C., Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Hanewinkel Marc, Hérault Bruno, Kattge Jens, Kurokawa Hiroko, Onoda Yusuke, Peñuelas Josep, Poorter Hendrik, Uriarte Maria, Richardson Sarah, Ruiz-Benito Paloma, Sun I-Fang, Ståhl Göran, Swenson Nathan G., Thompson Jill, Westerlund Bertil, Wirth Christian, Zavala Miguel A., Zeng Hongcheng, Zimmerman Jess K., Zimmermann Niklaus E., Westoby Mark. 2016. Nature, 529 (7585) : 204-207.

The non-canonical tomato yellow leaf curl virus recombinant that displaced its parental viruses in Southern Morocco exhibits a high selective advantage in experimental conditions. Belabess Zineb, Peterschmitt Michel, Granier Martine, Tahiri Abdessalem, Blenzar Abdelali, Urbino Cica. 2016. Journal of General Virology, 97 (12) : 3433-3445.

A novel individual-tree mixed model to account for competition and environmental heterogeneity: A Bayesian approach. Cappa Eduardo Pablo, Munoz Facundo, Sanchez Leopoldo, Cantet Rodolfo J.C.. 2015. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 11:120, 15 p.

Communication avec actes

Velogenic Newcastle disease virus takes advantage of transmission capabilities to suppress lentogenic virus during coinfection. Liu Haijin, Servan de Almeida Renata, Gil Patricia, Albina Emmanuel. 2016. In : Programme and abstracts EPIZONE Going Viral. EPIZONE, INIA. Madrid : EPIZONE, Résumé, 43. Annual Meeting EPIZONE Going Viral. 10, Madrid, Espagne, 27 Septembre 2016/29 Septembre 2016.

Communication sans actes

A mathematical model of tree-grass interactions using impulsive differential equations and non-linear feedback functions of grass biomass onto fire-induced tree mortality. Tchuinte Tamen Alexis, Dumont Yves, Bowong Samuel, Tewa Jean Jules, Couteron Pierre. 2016. . Perpignan : Université de Perpignan, Résumé, 1 p. Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Conference (ETAMM 2016), Perpignan, France, 30 Mai 2016/3 Juin 2016.

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