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Nombre de documents : 51.

Intercropping: Ecosystem functioning and sustainable agriculture. Yu Rui-Peng, Dresboll Dorte B., Finckh Maria R., Justes Eric, Van Der Werf Wopke, Fletcher Andrew, Carlsson Georg, Li Long. 2025. Plant and Soil, 506 : 1-6.
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Root growth and belowground interactions in spring wheat / faba bean intercrops. Hadir Sofia, Döring Thomas, Justes Eric, Demie Dereje T., Paul Madhuri, Legner Nicole, Kemper Roman, Gaiser Thomas, Weedon Odette, Ewert Franck, Seidel Sabine Julia. 2025. Plant and Soil, 506 : 57-76.

Diversity, adoption and performances of inter-row management practices in immature rubber plantations. A review. Simon Charlotte, Thoumazeau Alexis, Chambon Bénédicte, Sajjaphan Kannika, Metay Aurélie. 2024. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 44:12, 29 p.

Do intercropping and mineral nitrogen fertilizer affect weed community structures in low-input maize-based cropping systems? Namatsheve Talent, Cardinael Rémi, Chikowo Régis, Corbeels Marc, Tatenda Rugare Joyful, Mabasa Stanford, Ripoche Aude. 2024. Crop Protection, 176:106486, 11 p.

Evaluation of the root traits in sugarcane - legume intercropping under contrasting nitrogen and water availability in Reunion Island. Chevalier Léa, Versini Antoine, Viaud Pauline, Graillot Sophie, Jourdan Christophe, Christina Mathias. 2024. . ISRR. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. ISRR International Symposium. 12, Leipzig, Allemagne, 2 Juin 2024/7 Juin 2024.

From the edge to the inside of the field. Lakhia Steewy, Barret Julie, Meynard Charles, Francius Eric, Damour Gaëlle. 2024. . Société française d’écologie et évolution. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. International Congress in Ecology and Evolution 2024, Lyon, France, 21 Octobre 2024/25 Octobre 2024.

Optimal species proportions, traits and sowing patterns for agroecological weed management in legume-cereal intercrops. Lebreton Pierre, Bedoussac Laurent, Bonnet Catherine, Journet Etienne-Pascal, Justes Eric, Colbach Nathalie. 2024. European Journal of Agronomy, 159:127266, 14 p.

Rubber-based agroforestry systems associated with food crops: A solution for sustainable rubber and food production? Nur Cahyo Andi, Dong Ying, Taryono, Nugraha Yudhistira, Junaidi Junaidi, Sahuri, Penot Eric, Hairmansis Aris, Purwestri Yekti Asih, Akbar Andrea, Asywadi Hajar, Ardika Risal, Eko Prasetyo Nur, Agustina Dwi Shinta, Alam Taufan, Oktavia Fetrina, Subandiyah Siti, Montoro Pascal. 2024. Agriculture (Basel), 14 (7), 20 p.

Sugarcane x jack bean competition in intercropping system under contrasted nitrogen and water availability. Christina Mathias, Viaud Pauline, Versini Antoine, Naudin Krishna. 2024. In : Synergies for a resilient future: from knowledge to action. Institut Agro Rennes-Angers, INRAE. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. Congress of the European Society for Agronomy (ESA 2024). 18, Rennes, France, 26 Août 2024/30 Août 2024.

Agronomic and socio-economic options for rubber intercropping in Sri Lanka: A forward analysis in the Moneragala and Ampara regions. Penot Eric, Le Guen Adeline, Chevreux Alys, Gallier Chloé, Ellis Hugo, Laville Johanna, Guillonnet Laura, Schirmer Louise, Fenech Paul, Schoepfer Swanny, Thoumazeau Alexis, Durand Claire. 2023. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (356), n.spéc. Agroforesterie : 43-65.

Diversification from field to landscape to adapt Mediterranean rainfed agriculture to water scarcity in climate change context. Molénat Jérôme, Barkaoui Karim, Benyoussef Salah, Mekki Insaf, Zitouna Rim, Jacob Frédéric. 2023. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 65:101336, 8 p.

The ESSU concept for designing, modeling and auditing ecosystem service provision in intercropping and agroforestry systems. A review. Rafflegeau Sylvain, Gosme Marie, Barkaoui Karim, Garcia Leo, Allinne Clémentine, Deheuvels Olivier, Grimaldi Juliette, Jagoret Patrick, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Mérot Anne, Metay Aurélie, Reyes Francisco, Saj Stéphane, Curry George Nicolas, Justes Eric. 2023. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43:43, 24 p.

Intercropping millet with low-density cowpea improves millet productivity for low and medium N input in semi-arid central Senegal. Senghor Yolande, Balde Alpha Bocar, Manga Anicet G.B., Affholder François, Letourmy Philippe, Bassene César, Kanfany Ghislain, Ndiaye Malick, Couedel Antoine, Leroux Louise, Falconnier Gatien. 2023. Heliyon, 9 (7):e17680, 13 p.

Le haricot mungo, Vigna radiata (L.), une alternative à l'association sorgho-niébé pour la diversification des cultures en conditions soudano-sahéliennes ? Raboin Louis-Marie, Batieno Benoit Joseph, Gozé Eric, Douzet Jean-Marie, Poda Léandre, Koala Wendegoudi Astrid, Agbevohia Koffi Aquilas, Hassami Djibre, Kabore Mariam, Adam Myriam, Dusserre Julie, Kabore Pierre. 2023. Cahiers Agricultures, 32:26, 11 p.

Modeling the impact of proportion, sowing date, and architectural traits of a companion crop on foliar fungal pathogens of wheat in crop mixtures. Levionnois Sébastien, Pradal Christophe, Fournier Christian, Sanner Jonathan, Robert Corinne. 2023. Phytopathology, 113 (10) : 1876-1889.

Sustainable intensification of sorghum-based cropping systems in semi-arid sub-Saharan Africa: The role of improved varieties, mineral fertilizer, and legume integration. Traoré Amadou, Falconnier Gatien, Couedel Antoine, Sultan Benjamin, Chimonyo Vimbayi G.P., Adam Myriam, Affholder François. 2023. Field Crops Research, 304:109180, 10 p.

Towards modern olive polycultures. Rosati Adolfo, Barkaoui Karim, Lauri Pierre-Eric. 2023. In : The olive: Botany and production. Fabbri Andrea (ed.), Baldoni Luciana (ed.), Caruso Tiziano (ed.), Famiani Franco (ed.). Wallingford : CABI, 640-657. ISBN 978-1-78924-734-3

Transitioning from monoculture to mixed cropping systems: The case of coffee, pepper, and fruit trees in Vietnam. Rigal Clément, Duong Tuan, Vo Cuong, Bon Le Van, Hoang Quôc Trung, Chau Thi Minh Long. 2023. Ecological Economics, 214:107980, 14 p.


Adoption factors and structural characteristics of irrigated olive grove agroforestry systems in Central Tunisia. Leauthaud Crystèle, Ben Yahmed Jihène, Husseini M., Rezgui Ferdaous, Ameur Fatah. 2022. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 46 (7) : 1025-1046.

Characterizing sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench) varieties diversity to identify those with contrasting traits of interest for intercropping systems in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa. Ganeme Aminata, Pulcherie Kondombo clarisse, Raboin Louis-Marie, Dusserre Julie, Kaboré Roger, Adam Myriam, Traoré Salifou. 2022. Plant Genetic Resources, 20 (2) : 87-97.

Food security and natural resources: diversification strategies. Cardinael Rémi, Deheuvels Olivier, Leroux Louise, Subervie Julie, Suwa-Eisenmann Akiko, Bessou Cécile, Bouquet Emmanuelle, Catry Thibault, Chikowo Régis, Corbeels Marc, Demarchi Gabriela, Diouf Abdoul Aziz, Falconnier Gatien N., Faye Ndeye Fatou, Gignoux Jérémie, Icard-Vernière Christèle, Jahel Camille, Katic Pamela, Libois François, Mercier Sabine, Mouquet-Rivier Claire, Namatsheve Talent, Renk Andréa, Sirdey Ninon, Tritsch Isabelle, Verger Eric O.. 2022. In : Sustainable food systems for food security. Need for combination of local and global approaches. Thomas Alban (ed.), Alpha Arlène (ed.), Barczak Aleksandra (ed.), Zakhia-Rozis Nadine (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 171-185. (Synthèses : Quae) ISBN 978-2-7592-3575-9

Impact of olive trees on the microclimatic and edaphic environment of the understorey durum wheat in an alley orchard of the Mediterranean area. Panozzo Anna, Huang Hsin-Ya, Bernazeau Bruno, Meunier Florence, Turc Olivier, Duponnois Robin, Prin Yves, Vamerali Teofilo, Desclaux Dominique. 2022. Agronomy (Basel), 12 (2):527, 20 p.

Performances agronomiques et modélisation des associations sorgho-niébé en zone Soudano-sahélienne du Burkina Faso. Ganeme Aminata. 2022. Ouagadougou : Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo, 220 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie et écologie végétales agroécologie et agrobiodiversité. Sciences biologiques appliquées : Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo

Réponse des rendements cannier à l'association avec des légumineuses, une méta-analyse. Viaud Pauline, Christina Mathias. 2022. . Saint-Gilles : CIRAD, 1 poster Comité scientifique et technique du DPP CapTerre, Saint-Gilles, Réunion, 24 Novembre 2022/24 Novembre 2022.

Cultivar grain yield in durum wheat-grain legumes intercrops could be estimated from sole crop yields and interspecific interaction index. Kammoun Bochra, Journet Etienne-Pascal, Justes Eric, Bedoussac Laurent. 2021. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12:733705, 14 p.

Enabling crop diversification to support transitions towards more sustainable European agri-food systems. Messéan Antoine, Viguier Loïc, Paresys Lise, Aubertot Jean-Noël, Canali Stefano, Iannetta Pietro, Justes Eric, Karley Alison, Keillor Beatrix, Kemper Laura, Muel Frédéric, Pancino Barbara, Stilmant Didier, Watson Christine, Willer Helga, Zornoza Raúl. 2021. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 8 (3) : 474-480.

Evaluation of the root growth response of sugarcane/legume association under contrasting nitrogen and water availability. Chevalier Léa. 2021. Montpellier : Institut Agro Montpellier, 35 p. Mémoire d'ingénieur : Agronomie. Eau, sol, environnement : Institut Agro Montpellier

Legume nitrogen fixation and symbioses in low-inputs rainfed rice rotations. Razafintsalama Harimenja, Sauvadet Marie, Trap Jean, Autfray Patrice, Ripoche Aude, Becquer Thierry. 2021. Sustainability, 13 (22), n.spéc. Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Soil Fertility:12349, 14 p.

Maize-cowpea intercropping as an ecological intensification option for low input systems in sub-humid Zimbabwe: Productivity, biological N2-fixation and grain mineral content. Namatsheve Talent, Chikowo Régis, Corbeels Marc, Mouquet-Rivier Claire, Icard-Vernière Christèle, Cardinael Rémi. 2021. Field Crops Research, 263:108052, 12 p.

Plant nitrogen nutrition status in intercrops- a review of concepts and methods. Louarn Gaëtan, Bedoussac Laurent, Gaudio Noemie, Journet Etienne-Pascal, Moreau Delphine, Jensen Erik Steen, Justes Eric. 2021. European Journal of Agronomy, 124:126229, 14 p.

Positive but variable effects of crop diversification on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Beillouin Damien, Ben-Ari Tamara, Malézieux Eric, Seufert Verena, Makowski David. 2021. Global Change Biology, 27 (19) : 4697-4710.

Productivité et efficience des systèmes agroforestiers à base d'oliviers au Maroc : cas de Moulay Driss Zerhoun. Amassaghrou Asmae, Bouaziz Ahmed, Daoui Khalid, Belhouchette Hatem, Ezzahouani Abdelaziz, Barkaoui Karim. 2021. Cahiers Agricultures, 30:2, 12 p.

Redefining the field to mobilize three-dimensional diversity and ecosystem services on the arable farm. Ditzler Lenora, van Apeldoorn Dirk, Schulte Rogier P.O., Tittonell Pablo, Rossing Walter A.H.. 2021. European Journal of Agronomy, 122:126197, 15 p.

Redesigning European cropping systems based on species mixtures - outcomes and lessons learnt from the H2020 project remix. Hohmann Pierre, Messmer Monika, Hauggaard-Nielsen Henrik, Steen Jensen Erik, Carlsson Georg, Finckh Maria R., Litrico-Chiarelli Isabelle, Von der Werf Wopke, Watson Christine, Olza Sonia, Aubertot Jean-Noël, Justes Eric. 2021. In : From its roots, organic inspires science, and vice versa. Book of abstracts of the Science Forum at the organic world Congress 2021, September 8-10 2021 Rennes, France. Rahmann Gerold (ed.), Rey Frédéric Rey (ed.) et al.. ISOFAR, ITAB. Braunschweig : Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Résumé, 161. (Thünen Report, 88) ISBN 978-3-86576-231-3 6th ISOFAR conference at the 20th Organic World Congress 2021, Rennes, France, 8 Septembre 2021/10 Septembre 2021.

Resource acquisition and ecosystem services provided by bi-specific cover crop mixtures. Tribouillois Hélène, Bedoussac Laurent, Couëdel Antoine, Justes Eric. 2021. Legume Perspectives (20) : 17-21.

Spatial and temporal diversity of service plant management strategies across vineyards in the south of France. Analysis through the Coverage Index. Fernández-Mena Hugo, Frey Hélène, Celette Florian, Garcia Leo, Barkaoui Karim, Hossard Laure, Naulleau Audrey, Métras Raphaëlle, Gary Christian, Metay Aurélie. 2021. European Journal of Agronomy, 123:126191, 14 p.

Translating the multi-factor approach to research into practice using a workshop approach focusing on species mixtures. Hauggaard-Nielsen Henrik, Lund Soren, Aare Ane K., Watson Christine, Bedoussac Laurent, Aubertot Jean-Noël, Chongtham Iman R., Bellostas Natalia, Topp Cairistiona F. E., Hohmann Pierre, Jensen Erik Steen, Stadel Maureen, Pinel Bertrand, Justes Eric. 2021. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 8 (3) : 460-473.
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Analysis resource use efficiency in sugarcane-legume intercropping system using STICS model. Viaud Pauline, Christina Mathias, Versini Antoine, Ripoche Aude, Naudin Krishna. 2020. . CIRAD, INRAE, INRIA. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 poster International Crop Modelling Symposium (iCROPM 2020). 2, Montpellier, France, 3 Février 2020/5 Février 2020.

Does inoculation with native rhizobia enhance nitrogen fixation and yield of cowpea through legume-based intercropping in the northern mountainous areas of Vietnam? Nguyen Trung Thanh, Atieno Mary, Herrmann Laetitia, Nakasathien Sutkhet, Sarobol Ed, Wongkaew Arunee, Nguyen Kien Tri, Lesueur Didier. 2020. Experimental Agriculture, 56 (6) : 825-836.
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Productivity and biological N2-fixation in cereal-cowpea intercropping systems in sub-Saharan Africa. A review. Namatsheve Talent, Cardinael Rémi, Corbeels Marc, Chikowo Régis. 2020. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 40 (4):30, 12 p.

Simulating the effects of water limitation on plant biomass using a 3D functional-structural plant model of shoot and root driven by soil hydraulic. Braghiere Renato K., Gérard Frédéric, Evers Jochem, Pradal Christophe, Pagès Loïc. 2020. Annals of Botany, 126 (4), n.spéc. Functional-Structural Plant Growth Modelling : 713-728.

Nutrient management of immature rubber plantations. A review. Vrignon Sylvain, Gay Frédéric, Ricard Sophie, Snoeck Didier, Perron Thibaut, Mareschal Louis, Laclau Jean-Paul, Gohet Eric, Malagoli Philippe. 2019. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 39 (1):11, 21 p.

A dataset of meta-analyses on crop diversification at the global scale. Beillouin Damien, Ben-Ari Tamara, Makowski David. 2019. Data in Brief, 24:103898, 11 p.

Do legume-based intercrops concurrently halt soil erosion and boost soil health in cassava cropping systems of Northern Vietnam? (LEGINCROP). Nguyen Trung Thanh, Herviault Timothée, Nguyen Hai Thy Thanh, Fouillet Esther, Le Bui Vinh, Otieno Mary, Le Viet Dung, Le Thuy Hang, Nguyen Tuan Anh, Hermann Laetitia, Lesueur Didier. 2018. . Gret, Cirad, AFD, ALiSEA, CANSEA. s.l. : s.n., 4 p. Agroecology Futures Regional Forum, Siem Reap, Cambodge, 6 Novembre 2018/9 Novembre 2018.

Productivity and pre-crop effects of various legume species in agricultural conditions in three french regions. Corre-Hellou Guénaëlle, Janus François, Mauline Martine, Baccar Rim, Lorin Mathieu, Poret Julien, Sorin Stéphane, Pelzer Elise, Médiène Safia, Jeuffroy Marie-Hélène, Bazot Mathieu, Journet Etienne-Pascal, Lecloux Eric, Justes Eric, Larribeau Alain. 2018. In : Book of abstracts of the XV European Society for Agronomy Congress : "Innovative cropping and farming systems for high quality food production systems". Agroscope. Genève : Agroscope, Résumé, 145. European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA 2018). 15, Genève, Suisse, 27 Août 2018/31 Août 2018.

Towards Agroecological Cropping Systems: the Role of Diversification in Time and Space for Supporting the Crop Production. Justes Eric, Alletto Lionel, Bedoussac Laurent, Bonnet C., Couëdel Antoine, Gavaland André, Journet Etienne-Pascal, Plaza-Bonilla Daniel, Rafaillac Didier, Viguier Loïc. 2018. In : Book of abstracts of the XV European Society for Agronomy Congress : "Innovative cropping and farming systems for high quality food production systems". Agroscope. Genève : Agroscope, Résumé, 33. European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA 2018). 15, Genève, Suisse, 27 Août 2018/31 Août 2018.

The household economics of rubber intercropping during the immature period in Northeast Thailand. Hougni Déo-Gratias J.M., Chambon Bénédicte, Penot Eric, Promkhambut Arunee. 2018. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 37 (8) : 787-803.

Acquisition des ressources et production de services écosystémiques par les mélanges bi-spécifiques de cultures intermédiaires. Tribouillois Hélène, Bedoussac Laurent, Couëdel Antoine, Justes Eric. 2017. Innovations Agronomiques, 62 : 17-32.

Impact of wheat/faba bean mixed cropping or rotation systems on soil microbial functionalities. Wahbi Sanâa, Prin Yves, Thioulouse Jean, Sanguin Hervé, Baudoin Ezékiel, Maghraoui Tasnime, Oufdou Khalid, Le Roux Christine, Galiana Antoine, Hafidi Mohamed, Duponnois Robin. 2016. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7 (1364), 9 p.

Growing woody biomass for bioenergy in a tree-based intercropping system in southern Ontario, Canada. Cardinael Rémi, Thevathasan Naresh, Gordon Andrew, Clinch Rachelle, Mohammed Idris, Sidders Derek. 2012. Agroforestry Systems, 86 (2) : 279-286.

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