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Nombre de documents : 27.

Comparative adult preference–larval performance relationship between a specialist and a generalist tephritid: Implication for predicting field host-range. Lauciello Noémie, Mille Christian, Hafsi Abir, Jacob Vincent, Duyck Pierre François. 2024. Ecology and Evolution, 14 (8):e70170, 12 p.

Heating effect on chromium speciation and mobility in Cr-rich soils: A snapshot from New Caledonia. Thery Gaël, Juillot Farid, Calmels Damien, Bollaert Quentin, Meyer Michael, Quiniou Thomas, David Magali, Jourand Philippe, Ducousso Marc, Fritsch Emmanuel, Landrot Gautier, Morin Guillaume, Quantin Cécile. 2024. Science of the Total Environment, 922:171037, 13 p.

Architectural traits underlie growth form diversity and polycarpic versus monocarpic life histories in Cerberiopsis (Apocynaceae). Salmon Camille, Isnard Sandrine, Caraglio Yves, Heuret Patrick. 2023. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 202 (4) : 510-528.

Behavior of trace metals during composting of mixed sewage sludge and tropical green waste: A combined EDTA kinetic and BCR sequential extraction study in New Caledonia. Klein Perrine, Gunkel-Grillon Peggy, Juillot Farid, Feder Frédéric, Kaplan Hélène, Thery Gaël, Pain Anthony, Bloc Meryle, Leopold Audrey. 2023. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195:589, 22 p.

Freshwater supply as sociotechnical tinkering: the co-creation of water knowledge and assemblages in New Caledonia. Peytavi Olga, Bouard Séverine, Le Meur Pierre-Yves, Lejars Caroline. 2023. Journal of Political Ecology, 30 (1), n.spéc. Knowledge co-creation and water conservation in the Global South : 413-423.

Informal and non-market operations in activity systems: representative survey of Kanak households in the indigenous villages of New Caledonia. Apithy Leïla, Bouard Séverine, Guyard Stéphane, Passouant Michel, Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Bélières Jean-François. 2023. Open Data Journal for Agricultural Research, 9, 9 p.

The nurse plant Acacia spirorbis enriches ectomycorrhizal community composition of a target species: Tristaniopsis calobuxus. Houlès Anne, Gotty Karine, Joussemet François, Vincent Bryan, Hannibal Laure, Patrois Magali, Jourand Philippe, Ducousso Marc. 2022. Diversity, 14 (2):107, 13 p.

Constrained optimization of landscape indices in conservation planning to support ecological restoration in New Caledonia. Justeau-Allaire Dimitri, Vieilledent Ghislain, Rinck Nicolas, Vismara Philippe, Lorca Xavier, Birnbaum Philippe. 2021. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58 (4) : 744-754.

Effects of conservation agriculture maize-based cropping systems on soil health and crop performance in New Caledonia. Kulagowski Rémy, Thoumazeau Alexis, Leopold Audrey, Lienhard Pascal, Boulakia Stéphane, Metay Aurélie, Sturm Tobias, Tixier Philippe, Brauman Alain, Fogliani Bruno, Tivet Florent. 2021. Soil and Tillage Research, 212:105079, 10 p.
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Integration and segregation in the evolution of agricultural development policies in New Caledonia. Bouard Séverine, Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Zenou Benoît. 2020. Pacific Geographies (54) : 4-14.

Amborella - Bearing Witness to the Past? Poncet Valérie, Birnbaum Philippe, Burtet‐Sarramegna Valérie, De Kochko Alexandre, Fogliani Bruno, Gâteblé Gildas, Isnard Sandrine, Jaffré Tanguy, Job Dominique, Munoz François, Munzinger Jérôme, Scutt Charles P., Tournebize Rémi, Trueba Santiago, Pillon Yohan. 2019. Annual Plant Reviews Online, 2 (3) : 867-908.

Changing ecological opportunities facilitated the explosive diversification of New Caledonian Oxera (Lamiaceae). Barrabé Laure, Lavergne Sébastien, Karnadi-Abdelkader Giliane, Drew Bryan T., Birnbaum Philippe, Gâteblé Gildas. 2019. Systematic Biology, 68 (3) : 460-481.

Regional rainfall and local topography jointly drive tree community assembly in lowland tropical forests of New Caledonia. Blanchard Grégoire, Munoz François, Ibanez Thomas, Hequet Vanessa, Vandrot Hervé, Girardi Jeremy, Birnbaum Philippe. 2019. Journal of Vegetation Science, 30 (5) : 845-856.

A leguminous species exploiting alpha- and beta-rhizobia for adaptation to ultramafic and volcano-sedimentary soils: an endemic Acacia spirorbis model from New Caledonia. Vincent Bryan, Juillot Farid, Fritsch Emmanuel, Klonowska Agnieszka, Gerbert Noëmie, Acherar Sarah, Grangeteau Cédric, Hannibal Laure, Galiana Antoine, Ducousso Marc, Jourand Philippe. 2019. FEMS Microbiology, Ecology, 95 (8):fiz099, 15 p.

Ectomycorrhizal communities associated with the legume Acacia spirorbis growing on contrasted edaphic constraints in New Caledonia. Houlès Anne, Vincent Bryan, David Magali, Ducousso Marc, Galiana Antoine, Juillot Farid, Hannibal Laure, Carriconde Fabian, Fritsch Emmanuel, Jourand Philippe. 2018. Microbial Ecology, 76 : 964-975.
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High endemism and stem density distinguish New Caledonian from other high-diversity rainforests in the Southwest Pacific. Ibanez Thomas, Blanchard Elodie, Hequet Vanessa, Keppel Gunnar, Laidlaw Melinda, Pouteau Robin, Vandrot Hervé, Birnbaum Philippe. 2018. Annals of Botany, 121 (1) : 25-35.

Impact of Austropuccinia psidii in New Caledonia, a biodiversity hotspot. Soewarto Julia, Carriconde Fabian, Hugot N., Bocs Stéphanie, Hamelin Chantal, Maggia Laurent. 2018. Forest Pathology, 48 (2):e12402, 12 p.

Impact of plant root functional traits and associated mycorrhizas on the aggregate stability of a tropical Ferralsol. Demenois Julien, Carriconde Fabian, Bonaventure Pauline, Maeght Jean-Luc, Stokes Alexia, Rey Freddy. 2018. Geoderma, 312 : 6-16.

Linkages between root traits, soil fungi and aggregate stability in tropical plant communities along a successional vegetation gradient. Demenois Julien, Rey Freddy, Ibanez Thomas, Stokes Alexia, Carriconde Fabian. 2018. Plant and Soil, 424 (1-2) : 319-334.
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From anticipation to practice: Social and economic management of a nickel plant's establishment in New Caledonia's north province. Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Grochain Sonia, Poithily David. 2017. In : Large-scale Mines and Local-level Politics. Filer Colin (ed.), Le Meur Pierre-Yves (ed.). Canberra : Australian National University, 61-97. (Asia-Pacific environment monographs, 12) ISBN 978-1-76046-149-2

Investigating freshwater governance in a decolonization context: Knowledge, values and policies. The case of New-Caledonia. Bouard Séverine, Budke Alexandre, Lejars Caroline, Bürkner Joachim, Le Meur Pierre-Yves, Sabinot Catherine, Daniell Katherine Anne. 2017. In : AAG Annual Meeting. AAG. Boston : AAG, Résumé, 1 p. AAG Annual Meeting, Boston, États-Unis, 5 Avril 2017/9 Avril 2017.

Tropical plant communities modifiy soil aggregate stability along a successional vegetation gradient on a Ferralsol. Demenois Julien, Carriconde Fabian, Rey Freddy, Stokes Alexia. 2017. Ecological Engineering, 109 (Part B) : 161-168.
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Burkholderia novacaledonica sp. nov. and B. ultramafica sp. nov. isolated from roots of Costularia spp. pioneer plants of ultramafic soils in New Caledonia. Guentas Linda, Gensous Simon, Cavaloc Yvon, Ducousso Marc, Amir Hamid, De Georges de Ledenon Benjamin, Moulin Lionel, Jourand Philippe. 2016. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 39 (3) : 151-159.


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