
Résultats pour : "Belize"

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Aller à 2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2017 | 2015 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009 | 2007 | 2006 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1995 | 1994

Nombre de documents : 29.


How can regional policy help address climate impacts in agriculture? evaluating the climate-smart agriculture strategy for Central America (EASAC). Howland Fanny, Le Coq Jean-François, Collazos Sara, Arana José, Blundo Genowefa, Castellanos Andrea, Martinez Baron Deissy. 2024. Climate Policy, 24 (10) : 1426-1442.

A revisited history of cacao domestication in pre-Columbian times revealed by archaeogenomic approaches. Lanaud Claire, Vignes Hélène, Utge José, Valette Gilles, Rhone Bénédicte, Garcia Caputi Mariella, Angarita Nieto Natalia Sofía, Fouet Olivier, Gaikwad Nilesh, Zarrillo Sonia, Powis Terry, Cyphers Ann, Valdez Francisco, Nunez S. Quirino Olivera, Speller Camilla, Blake Michael, Valdez Fred Jr., Raymond Scott, Rowe Sarah M., Duke Guy S., Romano Francisco Ernesto, Loor Solorzano Rey Gaston, Argout Xavier. 2024. Scientific Reports, 14:2972, 16 p.


Patterns of shade plant diversity in four agroforestry systems across Central America: a meta-analysis. Esquivel M. Jimena, Vilchez Mendoza Sergio José, Harvey Celia A., Ospina Mayra A., Somarriba Eduardo, Deheuvels Olivier, Virginio Filho Elias de Melo, Haggar Jeremy, Detlefsen Guillermo, Cerdan Carlos, Casanoves Fernando, Ordonez Jenny. 2023. Scientific Reports, 13:8538, 12 p.


Redox-related gene expression and sugar accumulation patterns are altered in the edible inflorescence produced by the cultivated form of pacaya palm (Chamaedorea tepejilote). Hosni Hanene, Diallo Abdoulaye, Morcillo Fabienne, Vaissayre Virginie, Collin Myriam, Tranchant-Dubreuil Christine, Dussert Stéphane, Joët Thierry, Castaño Felipe, Marquínez Xavier, Stauffer Fred W., Hodel Donald R., Castillo Mont Juan Jose, Adam Hélène, Jouannic Stefan, Tregear James. 2021. Annals of Botany, 128 (2) : 231-240.


The Criollo cacao tree (Theobroma cacao L.): A review. Lachenaud Philippe, Motamayor Juan Carlos. 2017. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 64 (8) : 1807-1820.
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The cacao Criollo genome v2.0: An improved version of the genome for genetic and functional genomic studies. Argout Xavier, Martin Guillaume, Droc Gaëtan, Fouet Olivier, Labadie Karine, Rivals Eric, Aury Jean-Marc, Lanaud Claire. 2017. BMC Genomics, 18:730, 9 p.


Banane (dossier). Loeillet Denis. 2015. Fruitrop (Ed. Française) (231) : 38-98.
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El sector cacao en Centroamérica. Estado de desarrollo en el año 2007. Orozco Aguilar Luis, Deheuvels Olivier, Villalobos Rodriguez Marilyn, Somarriba Chavez Eduardo. 2015. Turrialba : CATIE, 84 p. (Serie Técnica : CATIE. Informe técnico, 401) ISBN 978-9977-57-637-4


Cómo diseñamos y ejecutamos el Proyecto Cacao Centroamérica para estimular al sector cacaotero de Centroamérica? Somarriba Chavez Eduardo, Villalobos Rodriguez Marilyn, Cerda Rolando, Astorga Carlos, Orozco Shirley, Escobedo Adriana, Say Eduardo, Deheuvels Olivier, Orozco Aguilar Luis, Junkin Ruth, Villegas Romina, López Arlene, Salazar Jazmín. 2013. AgroForestería en las Américas (49) : 111-126.

Latitudinal patterns of herbivory in mangrove forests: Consequences of nutrient over-enrichment. Feller Ilka C., Chamberlain Anne H., Piou Cyril, Chapman Samantha, Lovelock Catherine E.. 2013. Ecosystems, 16 (7) : 1203-1215.


Discovery and mapping of a new expressed sequence tag-single nucleotide polymorphism and simple sequence repeat panel for large-scale genetic studies and breeding of Theobroma cacao L. Allègre Mathilde, Argout Xavier, Boccara Michel, Fouet Olivier, Roguet Yolande, Bérard Aurélie, Thévenin Jean-Marc, Chauveau Aurélie, Rivallan Ronan, Clément Didier, Courtois Brigitte, Gramacho Karina Peres, Boland-Auge Anne, Tahi Mathias Gnion, Umaharan Pathmanathan, Brunel Dominique, Lanaud Claire. 2012. DNA Research, 19 (1) : 23-35.

Elucidation of genetic identity and population structure of cacao germplasm within an international cacao genebank. Motilal Lambert A., Zhang Dapeng, Umaharan Pathmanathan, Boccara Michel, Mischke Sue, Sankar Antoinette, Meinhardt Lyndel W.. 2012. Plant Genetic Resources, 10 (3) : 232-241.


An integrated approach to control the black leaf streak disease (BLSD) of bananas, while reducing fungicide use and environmental impact. Ganry Jacky, Fouré Eric, De Lapeyre de Bellaire Luc, Lescot Thierry. 2011. In : Fungicides for plant and animal diseases. Dhanasekaran Dharumadurai (ed.), Thajuddin N. (ed.), Panneerselvam A. (ed.). Rijeka : InTech, 193-226. ISBN 978-953-307-804-5


Jatropha curcas como biocombustible: estado actual del cultivo en Mesoamérica. Cifuentes-Jara Miguel, Fallot Abigaïl. 2009. Recursos Naturales y Ambiente (56-57) : 166-171.




La papaye à Belize. CIRAD-FLHOR-ARF - FRA. 1999. Fruitrop (Ed. Française) (57) : 17.



Conditions naturelles des bananeraies en zones dollar et ACP. Lassoudière André. 1997. Fruitrop (Ed. Française) (37), numéro Supplément trismestriel : Recherche et Solutions : 4.

Typologie des bananeraies en zones dollar et ACP. Lassoudière André. 1997. Fruitrop (Ed. Française) (34), numéro supplément trimestriel : Recherche et solutions : 4.


Banane. L'ABC des filières bananes ACP. CIRAD-FLHOR - REU. 1995. Fruitrop (Ed. Française) (20) : 8-18.

OCM Banane (2ème partie). Les ACP dans une position délicate. Loeillet Denis. 1995. Fruitrop (Ed. Française) (14) : 8-10.

OCM banane. ACP : la douche écossaise. Loeillet Denis. 1995. Fruitrop (Ed. Française) (10) : 19-20.


Regional workshop on fruit diversification, Guadeloupe, April 26-28, 1993. IICA - CRI, CIRAD-FLHOR - FRA. 1994. Port of Spain : IICA, 150 p. (Regional Workshop on Tropical Fruit Crops IICA, A2/TT-93-01) Regional workshop on fruit diversification, Guadeloupe, 26 Avril 1993/28 Avril 1993.

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