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Nombre de documents : 67.


Passive acoustic monitoring of cave-dwelling bats with a sonotype classifier. Labadie Morgane, Morand Serge, Caron Alexandre, De Nys Hélène, Niama Fabien Roch, Nguilili Guytrich Franel, Tobi N'Kaya, Bourgarel Mathieu, Roemer Charlotte. 2025. Bioacoustics : 1-29.


Bacterial plant pathogens affect the locomotor behavior of the insect vector: A case study of Citrus volkameriana-Triozae erytreae-Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus system. Ameline Arnaud, Karkach Alain, Denoirjean Thomas, Grondin Martial, Molinari Maria Florencia, Turpin Patrick, Delatte Hélène, Reynaud Bernard. 2024. Insect Science, 31 (3) : 901-910.
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Dromedary camel behavior and welfare. Camel friendly management practices. Padalino Barbara (ed.), Faye Bernard (ed.). 2024. Cham : Springer, 262 p. (Animal Welfare, 24) ISBN 978-3-031-48599-2

Enteric methane emissions from zebu cattle are influenced by seasonal variations in rangeland fodder quality and intake. Gbenou Gérard Xavier, Assouma Mohamed Habibou, Bastianelli Denis, Kiendrebeogo Timbilfou, Bonnal Laurent, Zampaligre Nouhoun, Bois Bérénice, Sanogo Souleymane, Sib Ollo, Martin C., Dossa Luc Hippolyte. 2024. Animal (Cambridge), 18 (10):101320, 11 p.

Environmental factors associated to breeding areas of the South American locust Schistocerca cancellata on a regional scale. Scattolini Maria Celeste, Piou Cyril, Medina Héctor, Iglesias Rosario, Cerquetti Alina, Cigliano Maria Marta. 2024. Austral Ecology, 49 (8):e13568, 18 p.

Identification of semiochemical candidates involved in Glossina Palpalis Gambiensis larviposition site selection and behavioural responses of adult gravid females. Gimonneau Geoffrey, Buatois Bruno, Lapeyre Benoit, Wendemanegde Salou Ernest, Sanon Nadège, Ranaivoarisoa Judith Annick, Roux Olivier, Dormont Laurent. 2024. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 50 : 439-452.
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Video of rusty-spotted genets consuming bats and other prey: Behaviors observed and eco-epidemiological considerations. Labadie Morgane, Do Linh San Emmanuel, Morand Serge, Caron Alexandre, Niama Fabien Roch, Nguilili Guytrich Franel, Tobi N'Kaya, De Nys Hélène, Bourgarel Mathieu. 2024. Ecosphere, 15 (11), 10 p.


Comparative assessment of heat tolerance in weevils associated with a fire-prone ecosystem. Javal Marion, Terblanche John S., Smit Chantelle, Haran Julien. 2023. Ecological Entomology, 48 (2) : 240-250.

Contribution of woody plants to horses' diets in Mediterranean rangelands. Mikicic Estelle, Jouven Magali, Etienne Laura, Zoungrana Sombénéwendé Rasmata, Bastianelli Denis. 2023. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 76:36956, 12 p.

Foraging and mating behaviors of Hypsignathus monstrosus at the bat-human interface in a central African rainforest. Schloesing Elodie, Caron Alexandre, Chambon Rémi, Courbin Nicolas, Labadie Morgane, Nina Roch, Mouiti Mbadinga Frida, Ngoubili Wilfrid, Sandiala Danficy, Bourgarel Mathieu, De Nys Hélène, Cappelle Julien. 2023. Ecology and Evolution, 13 (7):e10240, 13 p.

Preference of Cosmopolites sordidus for fusarium wilt-diseased banana plants. Guillen Sanchez Cesar, De Lapeyre de Bellaire Luc, Sandoval Fernández Jorge Arturo, Tixier Philippe. 2023. Journal of Applied Entomology, 147 (2) : 140-146.



Association mapping of colour variation in a butterfly provides evidence that a supergene locks together a cluster of adaptive loci. Jay Paul, Leroy Manon, Le Poul Yann, Whibley Annabel, Arias Monica, Chouteau Mathieu, Joron Mathieu. 2022. Philosophical Transactions - Royal Society. Biological Sciences, 377 (1856), dossier Genomic architecture of supergenes: causes and evolutionary consequences, 14 p.

Effect of spectral sensitivity and light intensity response on the phototactic behavior of Exolontha castanea Chang (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae), a pest of sugarcane in China. Shuang Xian-Kun, Pan Xue-Hong, Liu Wei, Wei Ji-Li, Huang Cheng-Hua, Goebel François-Régis, Nikpay Amin. 2022. Agronomy (Basel), 12 (2):481, 13 p.

Faeces' odours attract gregarious locust hoppers. Vernier Camille, Barthès Nicolas, Chapuis Marie-Pierre, Foucaud Julien, Huguenin Joris, Leménager Nicolas, Piou Cyril. 2022. Journal of Insect Physiology, 143:104454, 10 p.

Familiarity reduces aggression but does not modify acoustic communication in pairs of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and black-chinned tilapia (Sarotherodon melanotheron). Akian Djetouan Dieudonne, Yao Kouakou, Parmentier Eric, Clota Frédéric, Baroiller Jean-François, Bégout Marie-Laure. 2022. Journal of Fish Biology, 100 (2) : 561-673.
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A common framework for developing robust soil fauna classifications. Hedde Mickaël, Blight Olivier, Briones Maria J. I., Bonfanti Jonathan, Brauman Alain, Brondani Margot, Calderon-Sanou Irene, Clause Julia, Conti Erminia, Cortet Jérôme, Decaëns Thibaud, Erktan Amandine, Gérard Sylvain, Goulpeau Arnaud, Iannelli Maeva, Joimel-Boulanger Sophie, Jouquet Pascal, Le Guillarme Nicolas, Marsden Claire, Martinez-Almoyna Camille, Mulder Christian, Perrin William, Pétillon Julien, Pey Benjamin, Potapov Anton M., Si-moussi Sara, Thuiller Wilfried, Trap Jean, Vergnes Alan, Zaitsev Andrey, Capowiez Line. 2022. Geoderma, 426:116073, 13 p.

A preliminary survey of pet dogs roaming behaviour in the periphery of protected area in Bhutan: A case study in Haa district. Dorji Tshering, Tenzin Tenzin, Rinzin Karma, Mahat Hiruka, Phimpraphai Waraphon, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel. 2022. Bhutan Journal of Natural Resources and Development, 9 (2) : 13-26.


Are elephants attracted by deforested areas in miombo woodlands? Amaya Paola C., Nourtier Marie, Montfort Frédérique, Fusari Alessandro, Randrianary Telina, Richard Emmanuelle, Prin Thomas, Valls-Fox Hugo. 2021. African Journal of Ecology, 59 (3) : 742-748.

Density-dependent mating behaviors reduce male mating harassment in locusts. Maeno Koutaro Ould, Piou Cyril, Ould Ely Sidi, Ould Mohamed Sid' Ahmed, Jaavar Mohamed el Hacen, Ghaout Saïd, Babah Ebbe Mohamed Abdallahi Ould. 2021. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118 (42):e2104673118, 10 p.

Insect-host control of obligate, intracellular symbiont density. Whittle Mathilda, Barreaux Antoine, Bonsall Michael B., Ponton Fleur, English Sinead. 2021. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288 (1963):20211993, 9 p.

Inter‐group social behavior, contact patterns and risk for pathogen transmission in cape buffalo populations. Wielgus Elodie, Caron Alexandre, Bennitt Emily, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Cain Bradley, Fritz Hervé, Miguel Eve, Cornélis Daniel, Chamaille-Jammes Simon. 2021. Journal of Wildlife Management, 85 (8) : 1574-1590.

Larviposition site selection mediated by volatile semiochemicals in Glossina palpalis gambiensis. Gimonneau Geoffrey, Ouedraogo Romaric, Salou Ernest Wendemanegde, Rayaissé Jean-Baptiste, Buatois Bruno, Solano Philippe, Dormont Laurent, Roux Olivier, Bouyer Jérémy. 2021. Ecological Entomology, 46 (2) : 301-309.
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A general model of the thermal constraints on the world's most destructive locust, Schistocerca gregaria. Maeno Koutaro Ould, Piou Cyril, Kearney Michael R., Ould Ely Sidi, Ould Mohamed Sid' Ahmed, Jaavar Mohamed el Hacen, Ould Babah Ebbe Mohamed Abdallahi. 2021. Ecological Applications, 31 (4):e02310, 18 p.
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Acoustic signals produced by Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and black-chinned tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron during intra- and interspecific pairings. Akian Djetouan Dieudonne, Yao Kouakou, Parmentier Eric, Joassard Lucette, Clota Frédéric, Baroiller Jean-François, Lozano Paul, Chatain Béatrice, Bégout Marie-Laure. 2020. Zoology, 143:125831, 10 p.

Characterization of trophic niche partitioning between carp (Cyprinus carpio) and roach (Rutilus rutilus) in experimental polyculture ponds using carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotopes. Nahon Sarah, Roussel Jean-Marc, Jaeger Christophe, Menniti Christophe, Kerhervé Philippe, Mortillaro Jean-Michel, Aubin Joël. 2020. Aquaculture, 522:735162, 6 p.

Daily activity patterns and co-occurrence of duikers revealed by an intensive camera trap survey across central african rainforests. Houngbegnon Fructueux G.A., Cornélis Daniel, Vermeulen Cédric, Sonké Bonaventure, Ntie Stephan, Fayolle Adeline, Fonteyn Davy, Lhoest Simon, Evrard Quentin, Yapi Fabrice, Sandrin François, Vanegas Liliana, Ayaya Idriss, Hardy Clément, Le Bel Sébastien, Doucet Jean-Louis. 2020. Animals, 10 (12):2200, 17 p.

Ordres des Coleoptera (Coléoptères). Aberlenc Henri-Pierre, Constantin Robert, Gomy Yves, Drumont Alain, Haran Julien, Soldati Laurent, Théry Thomas, Vayssières Jean-François. 2020. In : Les insectes du monde. Biodiversité, classification, clés de détermination des familles. Aberlenc Henri-Pierre (ed.). Plaissan : Museo-Ed. Quae, 713-844. (978-2-7592-3273-4)

Patterns of foraging activity and fidelity in a Southeast Asian flying fox. Schloesing Elodie, Chambon Rémi, Tran Annelise, Choden Kinley, Ravon Sébastien, Epstein Jonathan H., Hoem Thavry, Furey Neil M., Labadie Morgane, Bourgarel Mathieu, De Nys Hélène, Caron Alexandre, Cappelle Julien. 2020. Movement Ecology, 8:46, 13 p.


Deforestation and wildlife management: are elephants attracted by recently deforested areas? Valls-Fox Hugo, Fusari Alessandro, Amaya-Corredor Paola-Catalina, Nourtier Marie, Montfort Frédérique, Randrianary Telina, Richard E., Prin Thomas, Chardonnet Philippe. 2019. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, 39, n.spéc., Résumé : 621-622. IUFRO World Congress 2019 "Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development". 25, Curitiba, Brésil, 29 Septembre 2019/5 Octobre 2019.

Habitat characteristics and species interference influence space use and nest-site occupancy: implications for social variation in two sister species. Dufour Claire M.S., Pillay Neville, Avenant Nico, Watson Johan, Loire Etienne, Ganem Guila. 2019. Oikos, 128 (4) : 503-516.
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Oviposition preference and larval performance of Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae), spotted-wing drosophila: Effects of fruit identity and composition. Olazcuaga Laure, Rode Nicolas-Olivier, Foucaud Julien, Facon Benoît, Ravigné Virginie, Ausset Aurélien, Leménager Nicolas, Loiseau Anne, Gautier Mathieu, Estoup Arnaud, Hufbauer Ruth A.. 2019. Environmental Entomology, 48 (4) : 867-881.

Recruitment rate of nestmate in six tropical arboreal ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Tadu Zéphirin, Bagny-Beilhe Leïla, Aléné Désirée Chantal, Djiéto-Lordon Champlain. 2019. Journal of Insect Behavior, 32 : 252-266.
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Eurasian wild boar Sus scrofa (Linnaeus, 1758). Keuling Oliver, Podgórski Tomasz, Monaco Andrea, Melletti Mario, Merta Dorota, Albrycht Marzena, Genov Peter V., Gethöffer Friederike, Vetter Sebastian G., Jori Ferran, Scalera Riccardo, Gongora Jaime. 2018. In : Ecology, conservation and management of wild pigs and peccaries. Melletti Mario (ed.), Meijaard Erik (ed.). Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 202-233. ISBN 978-1-107-18731-3


Reproductive behaviour of two tilapia species (Oreochromis niloticus, Linné, 1758; Sarotherodon melanotheron, Rüppel, 1852) in freshwater intra and interspecific pairing context. Akian Djetouan Dieudonne, Yao Kouakou, Clota Frédéric, Lozano Paul, Baroiller Jean-François, Chatain Béatrice, Bégout Marie-Laure. 2017. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 193 : 104-113.
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Self-organized spatial structures of locust groups emerging from local interaction. Dkhili Jamila, Berger Uta, Idrissi Hassani Lalla Mina, Ghaout Saïd, Peters Ronny, Piou Cyril. 2017. Ecological Modelling, 361 : 26-40.

Spécialisation d'hôte au sein d'une communauté d'insectes phytophages : le cas des Tephritidae à La Réunion. Charlery De La Masseliere Maud. 2017. Saint-Denis : Université de la Réunion, 189 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie et environnement : Université de la Réunion


Defensive insect symbiont leads to cascading extinctions and community collapse. Sanders Dirk, Kehoe Rachel, van Veen Frank, McLean Alisa, Godfray A. Charles J., Dicke Marcel, Gols Rieta, Frago Enric. 2016. Ecology Letters, 19 (7) : 789-799.

Monitoring African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) and cattle (Bos taurus) movement across a damaged veterinary control fence at a Southern African wildlife/livestock interface. Chigwenhese Leoba, Murwira Amon, Zengeya Fadzai, Masocha Mhosisi, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Caron Alexandre. 2016. African Journal of Ecology, 54 (4) : 415-423.
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Visual, vibratory, and olfactory cues affect interactions between the red spider mite Tetranychus evansi and its predator Phytoseiulus longipes. Azandémè-Hounmalon Yeyinou Ginette, Torto Baldwin, Fiaboe Komi K. Mokpokpo, Subramanian Sevgan, Kreiter Serge, Martin Thibaud. 2016. Journal of Pest Science, 89 (1) : 137-152.
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Assessing hygienic behavior of Apis mellifera unicolor (Hymenoptera: Apidae), the endemic honey bee from Madagascar. Rasolofoarivao Henriette, Delatte Hélène, Raveloson-Ravaomanarivo Lala Harivelo, Reynaud Bernard, Clémencet Johanna. 2015. Genetics and Molecular Research, 14 (2) : 5879-5889.


Characterizing phase-related differences in behaviour of Schistocerca gregaria with spatial distribution analysis. Cissé Sory, Ghaout Saïd, Mazih Ahmed, Jourdan Hélène, Maeno Koutaro Ould, Piou Cyril. 2015. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 156 (2) : 128-135.

Circadian activity of Culicoides oxystoma (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), potential vector of bluetongue and African horse sickness viruses in the Niayes area, Senegal. Fall Moussa, Fall Assane Gueye, Seck Momar Talla, Bouyer Jérémy, Diarra Maryam, Balenghien Thomas, Garros Claire, Bakhoum Mame Thierno, Faye Ousmane, Baldet Thierry, Gimonneau Geoffrey. 2015. Parasitology Research, 114 (8) : 3151-3158.

Estimation of density threshold of gregarization of desert locust hoppers from field sampling in Mauritania. Cissé Sory, Ghaout Saïd, Mazih Ahmed, Abdallahi Ould Babah Mohamed, Piou Cyril. 2015. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 156 (2) : 136-148.

Host preferences and circadian rhythm of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), vectors of African horse sickness and bluetongue viruses in Senegal. Fall Moussa, Fall Assane Gueye, Seck Momar Talla, Bouyer Jérémy, Diarra Maryam, Lancelot Renaud, Gimonneau Geoffrey, Garros Claire, Bakhoum Mame Thierno, Faye Ousmane, Baldet Thierry, Balenghien Thomas. 2015. Acta Tropica, 149 : 239-245.

Inference of herder presence from GPS collar data of semi-free range cattle. Zengeya Fadzai, Murwira Amon, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel. 2015. Geocarto International, 30 (8) : 905-918.

Local and neighboring patch conditions alter sex-specific movement in banana weevils. Carval Dominique, Perrin Benjamin, Duyck Pierre François, Tixier Philippe. 2015. Ecology and Evolution, 5 (23) : 5735-5743.

Social organization and space use of a wild mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) group. Brockmeyer Timo, Kappeler Peter M., Willaume Eric, Benoit Laure, Mboumba Sylvère, Charpentier Marie J.E.. 2015. American Journal of Primatology, 77 : 1036-1048.
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Stay Out (Almost) All Night: Contrasting Responses in Flight Activity Among Tropical Moth Assemblages. Lamarre Greg P.A., Mendoza I., Rougerie Rodolphe, Decaëns Thibaud, Hérault Bruno, Bénéluz Frédéric. 2015. Neotropical Entomology, 44 (2) : 109-115.

To drink or not to drink? The influence of resource availability on elephant foraging and habitat selection in a semi-arid savanna. Valls Fox Hugo. 2015. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 162 p. Thèse de doctorat : Ecologie, évolution, ressources génétiques, paléontologie : Université de Montpellier

Tsetse diversity and abundance in Southern Burkina Faso in relation with the vegetation. Rayaissé Jean-Baptiste, Salou Ernest Wendemanegde, Kiéma Sébastien, Akoudjin Massouroudini, Kaba Dramane, Kagbadouno Moise S., Djohan Vincent, Camara Mamadou, Dayo Guiguigbaza-Kossigan, Courtin Fabrice, Solano Philippe, Bouyer Jérémy. 2015. Parasitology Research, 114 (9) : 3357-3363.

An investigation of social dynamics in Cape buffalo and implications for disease transmission at wildlife/domestic interfaces in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area. Caron Alexandre, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Miguel Eve, Grosbois Vladimir, Foggin Chris, Hofmeyr Markus, Cornélis Daniel. 2015. Gnusletter (1), « n.spéc. » African Buffalo, Résumé : 21-22. Symposium on African Buffalo. 1, Paris, France, 5 Novembre 2014/6 Novembre 2014.


Using next-generation sequencing methods to isolate and characterize 24 simple sequence repeat loci in mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx). Benoit Laure, Mboumba Sylvère, Willaume Eric, Kappeler Peter M., Charpentier Marie J.E.. 2014. Conservation Genetics Resources, 6 (4) : 903-905.


Eggs and hatchlings variations in desert locusts: phase related characteristics and starvation tolerance. Maeno Koutaro Ould, Piou Cyril, Ould Babah Mohamed A., Nakamura Satoshi. 2013. Frontiers in Physiology, 4, 10 p.


Behavioural responses of Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto M and S molecular form larvae to an aquatic predator in Burkina Faso. Gimonneau Geoffrey, Pombi Marco, Dabiré Roch Kounbobr, Diabaté Abdoulaye, Morand Serge, Simard Frédéric. 2012. Parasites and Vectors, 5:65, 11 p.


Endo/exophagy and circadian rhythm of culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), vectors of bluetongue virus. Viennet Elvina, Garros Claire, Crochet Didier, Lancelot Renaud, Moulia Catherine, Baldet Thierry, Balenghien Thomas. 2011. Ecohealth, 7, suppl., Résumé, S68-S69 International One Health Congress. 1, Victoria, Australie, 14 Février 2011/16 Février 2011.

Spatiotemporal dynamics of forage and water resources shape space use of West African savanna buffaloes. Cornélis Daniel, Benhamou Simon, Janeau Georges, Morellet Nicolas, Ouedraogo Moumouni, De Visscher Marie-Noël. 2011. Journal of Mammalogy, 92 (6) : 1287-1297.

Vector-host relationship assessment : comparison of two animal baited-traps in the collection of bluetongue virus vectors. Viennet Elvina, Garros Claire, Crochet Didier, Lancelot Renaud, Moulia Catherine, Baldet Thierry, Balenghien Thomas. 2011. Ecohealth, 7, suppl., Résumé, S151 International One Health Congress. 1, Victoria, Australie, 14 Février 2011/16 Février 2011.


Incorporating movement behavior and barriers to improve kernel home range space use estimates. Benhamou Simon, Cornélis Daniel. 2010. Journal of Wildlife Management, 74 (6) : 1353-1360.

Parental crowding influences life-history traits in Locusta migratoria females. Chapuis Marie-Pierre, Crespin Laurent, Estoup Arnaud, Augé-Sabatier Arnaud, Foucart Antoine, Lecoq Michel, Michalakis Yannis. 2010. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 100 (1) : 9-17.

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