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Nombre de documents : 26.


Assessing plant utilisation by communities bordering a protected area in Zimbabwe using utilitarian diversity metrics. Dowo G.M., Kativu Shakie, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel. 2024. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, 79 (1) : 87-99.

One health landscape in Zimbabwe: Current status, challenges and opportunities for institutionalisation. Matope Gift, Mugabe P.H., Kapungu F., Marimo S., De Nys Hélène, Knight-Jones Theo, Caron Alexandre, Richards S., Chirenda Joconiah. 2024. Wallingford : CABI, 11 p. (One Health Cases, Juillet)

Socio-economic and ecological factors linked to the adoption of foreign livestock breeds by Zimbabwean smallholders farmers in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area. Mudavanhu Chiedza R., Mugabe Prisca H., Imbayarwo-Chikosi Venancio H., Mukamuri Billy, Imbayarwo-Chikosi Venancio H., Caron Alexandre. 2024. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 77:37283 : 1-11.


Assessing rural-urban linkages and their contribution to territorial development: Insights from Zimbabwe's small and medium-sized cities. Mercandalli Sara, Girard Pierre, Dione Becaye, Michel Sandrine. 2023. Sustainability, 15 (7), n.spéc. Territorial Approaches to Sustainability:6223, 32 p.

Comparing antibiotic resistance in free-ranging vs. captive African wild herbivores. Brisson Lucie, Caron Alexandre, Mazuy-Cruchadet Christine, Gilot-Fromont Emmanuelle, Lécu Alexis, Bourgarel Mathieu, Petit Thierry, Sergentet Delphine. 2023. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 59 (2) : 224-233.
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Evaluating the determinants of wildlife tolerance in the Kavango-Zambezi transfrontier conservation area in Zimbabwe. Usman Muhammad Faizan, Le Bel Sébastien, Grimaud Patrice, Nielsen Martin Reinhardt. 2023. Journal for Nature Conservation, 75:126466, 10 p.

Longitudinal survey of astrovirus infection in different bat species in Zimbabwe: Evidence of high genetic astrovirus diversity. Chidoti Vimbiso, De Nys Hélène, Abdi Malika, Mashura Getrude, Pinarello Valérie, Chiweshe Ngoni, Matope Gift, Guerrini Laure, Pfukenyi Davies Mubika, Cappelle Julien, Mwandiringana Ellen, Missé Dorothée, Gori Elizabeth, Bourgarel Mathieu, Liégeois Florian. 2023. Peer Community Journal, 3:e106, 18 p.


Longitudinal survey of Coronavirus circulation and diversity in insectivorous bat colonies in Zimbabwe. Chidoti Vimbiso, De Nys Hélène, Pinarello Valérie, Mashura Getrude, Missé Dorothée, Guerrini Laure, Pfukenyi Davies Mubika, Cappelle Julien, Chiweshe Ngoni, Ayouba Ahidjo, Matope Gift, Peeters Martine, Gori Elizabeth, Bourgarel Mathieu, Liégeois Florian. 2022. Viruses, 14 (4):781, 18 p.

Modélisation et prédiction des dynamiques de surfaces en eau en périphérie des aires protégées au Zimbabwe. Le Pioufle Nolwenn. 2022. Rennes : Université de Rennes 1, 37 p. Mémoire de master 2 : Modélisation en écologie : Université de Rennes 1

Narrative web mapping for the restitution of a modeling work of animal mobility and associated risks of infectious disease transmission. Banza Kongolo Herman. 2022. Paris : AgroParisTech, 59 p. Mémoire de master spécialisé : SILAT : AgroParisTech

Spatio-temporal clustering and risk factor analysis of bovine theileriosis (Theileria parva) in Zimbabwe from 1995 to 2018. Manyenyeka Musaemura, Tagwireyi Whatmore Munetsi, Marufu Munyaradzi Christopher, Spargo Reverend Moregood, Etter Eric. 2022. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 69 (3) : 1186-1196.
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Community-based performance indicators for monitoring and evaluating livestock interventions. Gobvu V., Ncube S., Caron Alexandre, Mugabe P.H.. 2021. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 53 (3):387, 9 p.
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Modélisation des mouvements des buffles du Cap (Synceruss caffer caffer) en fonction de la disponibilité en eau et de l'occupation du sol. Dufleit Victor. 2021. Paris : Sorbonne université, 38 p. Mémoire de master 2 : Biodiversité et fonctionnement des écosystèmes (BIFE) : Sorbonne université

Modélisation spatiale des contacts entre ongulés sauvages et domestiques dans les paysages d'interface en Afrique Australe. Rumiano Florent, Caron Alexandre, Degenne Pascal, Gaucherel Cédric, Miguel Eve, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Tran Annelise. 2021. In : Les Rencontres d’écologie des paysages 2021 -Livret des résumés. SFE. Rennes : Société française d'écologie et d'évolution, Résumé, 1 p. Rencontres d'écologie des paysages (REP 2021), Rennes, France, 11 Octobre 2021/13 Octobre 2021.

A serological survey of Bacillus anthracis reveals widespread exposure to the pathogen in free-range and captive lions in Zimbabwe. Mukarati Norman L., Ndumnego Okechukwu C., Ochai Sunday O., Jauro Salomon, Loveridge Andrew J., Van Heerden Henriette, Matope Gift, Caron Alexandre, Hanyire Tapiwa G., De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Pfukenyi Davies Mubika. 2021. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 68 (3) : 1676-1684.
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The pattern of anthrax at the wildlife-livestock-human interface in Zimbabwe. Mukarati Norman L., Matope Gift, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Ndhlovu Daud N., Caron Alexandre, Pfukenyi Davies Mubika. 2020. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 14 (10):e0008800, 20 p.


Beef value chain analysis in Zimbabwe. Bennett Ben, Figuié Muriel, Vigne Mathieu, Chakoma Charles, Katic Pamela. 2019. s.l. : European Union-VCA4D, 234 p.

Brucellosis and chlamydiosis seroprevalence in goats at livestock–wildlife interface areas of Zimbabwe. Bhandi Solomon, Pfukenyi Davies Mubika, Matope Gift, Murondoti Absolom, Tivapasi Musavengana, Ndengu Masimba, Scacchia Massimo, Bonfini Barbara, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel. 2019. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 86 (1):a1670, 9 p.

Next-generation sequencing on insectivorous bat guano : An accurate tool to identify arthropod viruses of potential agricultural concern. Bourgarel Mathieu, Noel Valérie, Pfukenyi Davies Mubika, Michaux Johan, André Adrien, Becquer Thierry, Cerqueira Frédérique, Barrachina Célia, Boué Vanina, Talignani Loïc, Matope Gift, Missé Dorothée, Morand Serge, Liégeois Florian. 2019. Viruses, 11:1102, 14 p.

Spatial and seasonal patterns of FMD primary outbreaks in cattle in Zimbabwe between 1931 and 2016. Guerrini Laure, Pfukenyi Davies Mubika, Etter Eric, Bouyer Jérémy, Njagu Chenjerai, Ndhlovu Felistas, Bourgarel Mathieu, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Foggin Chris, Grosbois Vladimir, Caron Alexandre. 2019. Veterinary Research, 50:73, 12 p.


A pilot study to delimit tsetse target populations in Zimbabwe. Chikowore Gerald, Dicko Ahmadou Hamady, Chinwada Peter, Zimba Moses, Shereni William, Roger François, Bouyer Jérémy, Guerrini Laure. 2018. In : 9th International Congress of Dipterology abstracts volume. Kirk-Spriggs Ashley H.(ed.), Muller Burgert S.(ed.). Windhoek : International Congresses of Dipterology, Résumé, 50. ISBN 978-1-86847-181-2 International Congress of Dipterology (ICD9). 9, Windhoek, Namibie, 25 Novembre 2018/30 Novembre 2018.

A serological survey of anthrax in domestic dogs in Zimbabwe: A potential tool for anthrax surveillance. Mukarati Norman L., Ndumnego Okechukwu C., Van Heerden Henriette, Matope Gift, Caron Alexandre, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Pfukenyi Davies Mubika. 2018. Epidemiology and Infection, 146 (12) : 1526-1532.


Managing human wildlife conflict in Zimbabwe: a boundary perspective rather than a problematic species issue. Le Bel Sébastien, La Grange Mike, Czudek René. 2016. In : Problematic wildlife: a cross-disciplinary approach. Angelici Francesco M. (ed.). s.l. : Springer International Publishing, 123-142. ISBN 978-3-319-22245-5


Public-private-community partnerships to improve food security and livelihoods in the Southeast Lowveld: Towards improved livestock production in Zimbabwe. Faye Bernard. 2009. Harare : PARSEL, 72 p. (Project Thematic Bulletin Series 2 Livestok Component, 1) ISBN 978-0-7974-4111-8


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