
Résultats pour : "Alpes"

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Nombre de documents : 31.

Uncertainties in future ecosystem services under land and climate scenarios: The case of erosion in the Alps. Elleaume Nicolas, Locatelli Bruno, Makowski David, Vallet Ameline, Poulenard Jérôme, Oszwald Johan, Lavorel Sandra. 2025. Ecological Modelling, 502:111041, 13 p.

A Bayesian analysis of adaptation of mountain grassland production to global change. Elleaume Nicolas, Locatelli Bruno, Oszwald Johan, Crouzat Emilie, Lavorel Sandra. 2024. Journal of Applied Ecology, 61 (6), n.spéc. The global energy transition: ecological impact, mitigation and restoration : 1426-1440.

The importance of understanding the multiple dimensions of power in stakeholder participation for effective biodiversity conservation. Lécuyer L., Balian Estelle, Butler J.R.A., Barnaud C., Calla Simon, Locatelli Bruno, Newig J., Pettit Jethro, Pound Diana, Quetier F., Salvatori Valeria, Von Korf Y., Young J.C.. 2024. People and Nature, 6 (4) : 1407-1420.

Diameter, height and species of 42 million trees in three European landscapes generated from field data and airborne laser scanning data [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. Aussenac Raphaël, Monnet Jean-Matthieu, Klopcic Matija, Hawryło Pawel, Socha Jarosław, Mahnken Mats, Gutsch Martin, Cordonnier Thomas, Vallet Patrick. 2023. Open Research Europe, 3:32, 37 p.

Nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation are not located where they are most needed across the Alps. Dubo Titouan, Palomo Ignacio, Camacho Lucía Laorden, Locatelli Bruno, Cugniet Audrey, Racinais Natacha, Lavorel Sandra. 2023. Regional Environmental Change, 23:12, 15 p.

Actions and leverage points for ecosystem-based adaptation pathways in the Alps. Bruley Enora, Locatelli Bruno, Colloff Matthew J., Salliou Nicolas, Métris Thibault, Lavorel Sandra. 2021. Environmental Science and Policy, 124 : 567-579.

Historical reconfigurations of a social–ecological system adapting to economic, policy and climate changes in the French Alps. Bruley Enora, Locatelli Bruno, Vendel François, Bergeret Agnès, Elleaume Nicolas, Grosinger Julia, Lavorel Sandra. 2021. Regional Environmental Change, 21:34, 16 p.

Les populations travaillent avec la nature pour co-produire l'adaptation aux changements globaux dans les Alpes Françaises. Bruley Enora. 2021. Grenoble : Université Grenoble Alpes, 225 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biodiversité écologie environnement : Université Grenoble Alpes

Nature's contributions to people: Coproducing quality of life from multifunctional landscapes. Bruley Enora, Locatelli Bruno, Lavorel Sandra. 2021. Ecology and Society, 26 (1):12, 21 p.

Gérer les forêts pour atteindre les objectifs climatiques : des compromis à trouver. Valade Aude, Marie Guillaume. 2020. Sciences, Eaux et Territoires (33) : 78-81.


Mustering the power of ecosystems for adaptation to climate change. Lavorel Sandra, Colloff Matthew J., Locatelli Bruno, Gorddard Russell, Prober Suzanne M., Gabillet Marine, Devaux Caroline, Laforgue Denis, Peyrache-Gadeau Véronique. 2019. Environmental Science and Policy, 92 : 87-97.

Nature's contributions to people in mountains: A review. Martín-López Berta, Leister Ines, Cruz Pedro Lorenzo, Palomo Ignacio, Grêt-Regamey Adrienne, Harrison Paula A., Lavorel Sandra, Locatelli Bruno, Luque Sandra, Walz Ariane. 2019. PloS One, 14 (6):e0217847, 24 p.

Effects of fungal decay on elasticity and damping of small-diameter silver fir logs assessed by the vibrational resonant method. Barré Jean-Baptiste, Bourrier Franck, Brancheriau Loïc, Bertrand David, Rey Freddy. 2018. Wood Science and Technology, 52 (2) : 403-420.
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Decay extent assessment of small-diameter silver fir logs degraded in natural conditions in the French Northern Alps using NIRS and vibration resonance methods. Barré Jean-Baptiste, Bourrier Franck, Bertrand David, Thévenon Marie-France, Rey Freddy. 2017. Ecological Engineering, 109 (Part B) : 240-248.

Building resilience of human-natural systems of pastoralism in the developing world: interdisciplinary perspective. Dong Shikui (ed.), Kassam Karim-Aly S. (ed.), Tourrand Jean-François (ed.), Boone Randall B. (ed.). 2016. Cham : Springer, 295 p. ISBN 978-3-319-30730-5

Characterizing above- and belowground carbon partitioning in forest trees along an altitudinal gradient using area-based indicators. Mao Zhun, Wang Yan, Jourdan Christophe, Cécillon Lauric, Nespoulous Jérôme, Rey Hervé, Saint André Laurent, Stokes Alexia. 2015. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 47 (1) : 59-69.

Facilitative plant interactions and climate simultaneously drive alpine plant diversity. Cavieres Lohengrin A., Brooker Rob W., Butterfield Bradley J., Cook Bradley J., Kikvidze Zaal, Lortie Christopher J., Michalet Richard, Pugnaire Francisco I., Schöb Christian, Xiao Sa, Anthelme Fabien, Björk Robert G., Dickinson Katharine J.M., Cranston Brittany H., Gavilán Rosario, Gutiérrez-Girón Alba, Kanka Robert, Maaloui Jean-Paul, Mark Alan F., Noroozi Jalil, Parajuli Rabindra, Phoenix Gareth K., Reid Anya M., Ridenour Wendy M., Rixen Christian, Wipf Sonja, Zhao Liang, Escudero Adrián, Zaitchik Benjamin F., Lingua Emanuele, Aschehoug Erik T., Callaway Ragan M.. 2014. Ecology Letters, 17 (2) : 193-202.

Intra- and interspecific differences in diet quality and composition in a large herbivore community. Redjadj Claire, Darmon Gaëlle, Maillard Daniel, Chevrier Thierry, Bastianelli Denis, Verheyden Hélène, Loison Anne, Saïd Sonia. 2014. PloS One, 9 (2):e84756, 13 p.

Modelling root demography in heterogeneous mountain forests and applications for slope stability analysis. Mao Zhun, Jourdan Christophe, Bonis Marie-Laure, Pailler François, Rey Hervé, Saint André Laurent, Stokes Alexia. 2013. Plant and Soil, 363 (1-2) : 357-382.

Which processes drive fine root elongation in a natural mountain forest ecosystem? Mao Zhun, Bonis Marie-Laure, Rey Hervé, Saint André Laurent, Stokes Alexia, Jourdan Christophe. 2013. Plant Ecology and Diversity, 6 (2) : 231-243.

Competitive interactions between forest trees are driven by species' trait hierarchy, not phylogenetic or functional similarity: implications for forest community assembly. Kunstler Georges, Lavergne Sébastien, Courbaud Benoît, Thuiller Wilfried, Vieilledent Ghislain, Zimmermann Niklaus E., Kattge Jens, Coomes David A.. 2012. Ecology Letters, 15 (8) : 831-840.

Engineering ecological protection against landslides in diverse mountain forests : Choosing cohesion models. Mao Zhun, Saint André Laurent, Genet Marie, Mine François-Xavier, Jourdan Christophe, Rey Hervé, Courbaud Benoît, Stokes Alexia. 2012. Ecological Engineering, 45 : 55-69.

Multi-stemming and mechanical traits ensure persistence of subalpine woody plants exposed to a disturbance gradient. Stokes Alexia, Mine François-Xavier, Mao Zhun, Brancheriau Loïc. 2012. Journal of Vegetation Science, 23 (2) : 325-338.

Effects of competition on tree radial-growth vary in importance but not in intensity along climatic gradients. Kunstler Georges, Albert Cécile H., Courbaud Benoît, Lavergne Sébastien, Thuiller Wilfried, Vieilledent Ghislain, Zimmermann Niklaus E., Coomes David A.. 2011. Journal of Ecology, 99 (1) : 300-312.

Individual variability in tree allometry determines light resource allocation in forest ecosystems : A hierarchical Bayesian approach. Vieilledent Ghislain, Courbaud Benoît, Kunstler Georges, Dhôte Jean-François, Clark James S.. 2010. Oecologia, 163 (3) : 759-773.

Mortality of silver fir and Norway Spruce in the Western Alps - a semi-parametric approach combining size-dependent and growth-dependent mortality. Vieilledent Ghislain, Courbaud Benoît, Kunstler Georges, Dhôte Jean-François. 2010. Annals of Forest Science, 67 (3):305, 11 p.

Mechanical resistance of different tree species to rockfall in the French Alps. Stokes Alexia, Salin Franck, Kokutse Adzo Dzifa, Berthier Stéphane, Jeannin Henri, Mochan Shaun, Dorren Luuk, Kokutse Nomessi Kuma, Abd Ghani Murad, Fourcaud Thierry. 2005. Plant and Soil, 278 : 107-117.

Une nouvelle espèce pour la faune de France : Agrilus (Agrilus) cytisi Baudi, 1870 (Coleoptera Buprestidae). Curletti Gianfranco, Aberlenc Henri-Pierre. 2005. Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon, 74 (2) : 55-56.

Liste générée le Mon Mar 10 04:08:54 2025 CET.