Acacia nilotica : a traditional forage species among the Afar of Djibouti.
Audru J., Labonne M., Guérin Hubert, Bilha A..
In : Legume trees and other fodder trees as protein sources for livestock = [Légumineuses arbustives et autres arbres fourragers, sources de protéines pour le bétail]. Speedy A. (ed.), Pugliese P.L. (ed.); FAO; CIRAD-IEMVT
. Rome : FAO, 277-293.
(FAO Animal Production and Health Paper, 102)
FAO expert consultation on legume trees and other fodder trees as protein sources for livestock, Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie, 14 Octobre 1991/18 Octobre 1991.