
Résultats pour : "Modèle mathématique"

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Nombre de documents : 43.


Connecting plant phenotyping and modelling communities: Lessons from science mapping and operational perspectives. Saint Cast Clément, Lobet Guillaume, Cabrera-Bosquet Llorenç, Couvreur Valentin, Pradal Christophe, Tardieu François, Draye Xavier. 2022. In Silico Plants, 4 (1) : 1-13.

Fragmented landscape generator (flsgen): A neutral landscape generator with control of landscape structure and fragmentation indices. Justeau-Allaire Dimitri, Blanchard Grégoire, Ibanez Thomas, Lorca Xavier, Vieilledent Ghislain, Birnbaum Philippe. 2022. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 13 (7) : 1412-1420.

Mechanistic models of Rift Valley fever virus transmission dynamics: A systematic review. Cecilia Hélène, Drouin Alex, Métras Raphaëlle, Balenghien Thomas, Durand Benoit, Chevalier Véronique, Ezanno Pauline. 2022. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 16 (11):e0010339, 32 p.

Modeling sorghum-cowpea intercropping for a site in the savannah zone of Mali: Strengths and weaknesses of the Stics model. Traoré Amadou, Falconnier Gatien, Ba Alassane, Sissoko Fagaye, Sultan Benjamin, Affholder François. 2022. Field Crops Research, 285:108581, 16 p.

A comparative analysis of genomic and phenomic predictions of growth-related traits in three-way coffee hybrids. Mbebi Alain J., Breitler Jean-Christophe, Bordeaux Mélanie, Sulpice Ronan, McHale Marcus, Hao Tong, Toniutti Lucile, Alonso Castillo Jonny, Bertrand Benoît, Nikoloski Zoran. 2022. G3 - Genes Genomes Genetics, 12 (9):jkac170, 14 p.

Application of mathematical epidemiology to crop vector-borne diseases: The cassava mosaic virus disease case. Chapwanya Michael, Dumont Yves. 2021. In : Infectious diseases and our planet. Teboh-Ewungkem Miranda I. (ed.), Ngwa Gideon Akumah (ed.). Cham : Springer, 57-95. (Mathematics of Plant Earth, 7) ISBN 978-3-030-50826-8

On synergistic co-infection in crop diseases. The case of the Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease. Chapwanya Michael, Matusse Americo, Dumont Yves. 2021. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 90 : 912-942.
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Parameter estimation in a PDE model for the spatial spread of cocoa black pod disease. Nembot Fomba Christian Gaele, Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Soubeyran Samuel, Roques Lionel, Ambang Zachée, Soh Takam. 2021. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 83:101, 28 p.

Adaptation in general temporally changing environments. Roques Lionel, Patout Florian, Bonnefon Olivier, Martin Guillaume. 2020. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 80 (6) : 2420-2447.

Coupling pesticide emission and toxicity characterization models for LCA: Application to open-field tomato production in Martinique. Gentil Céline, Basset-Mens Claudine, Manteaux Sarah, Mottes Charles, Maillard Emmanuel, Biard Yannick, Fantke Peter. 2020. Journal of Cleaner Production, 277:124099, 13 p.

Forecast models of coffee leaf rust symptoms and signs based on identified microclimatic combinations in coffee-based agroforestry systems in Costa Rica. Merle Isabelle, Tixier Philippe, de Melo Virginio Filho Elias, Cilas Christian, Avelino Jacques. 2020. Crop Protection, 130, 105046, 15 p.
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Miridae control using sex-pheromone traps. Modeling, analysis and simulations. Djoukwe Tapi Myriam Sonia, Bagny-Beilhe Leïla, Dumont Yves. 2020. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 54:103082, 22 p.
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Modeling mass loss of biomass by NIR-spectrometry during the torrefaction process. Devos Perrine, Commandre Jean-Michel, Brancheriau Loïc, Candelier Kévin, Rousset Patrick. 2020. International Journal of Energy Research, 44 (12), n.spéc. Sustainable Energy and Green Technologies : 9787-9797.
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Modelling the monthly abundance of Culicoides biting midges in nine European countries using Random Forests machine learning. Cuéllar Ana Carolina, Kjaer Lene Jung, Baum Andreas, Stockmarr Anders, Skovgard Henrik, Nielsen Soren Achim, Andersson Mats Gunnar, Lindstrom Anders, Chirico Jan, Lühken Renke, Steinke Sonja, Kiel Ellen, Gethmann Jörn M., Conraths Franz J., Larska Magdalena, Smreczak Marcin, Orlowska Anna, Hammes Inger, Sviland Stale, Hopp Petter, Brugger Katharina, Rubel Franz, Balenghien Thomas, Garros Claire, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Allene Xavier, Lhoir Jonathan, Chavernac David, Delecolle Delphine, Mathieu Bruno, Delecolle Delphine, Setier Rio Marie-Laure, Scheid Bethsabée, Miranda Chueca Miguel Ángel, Barcelo Carlos, Lucientes Javier, Estrada Rosa, Mathis Alexander, Venail Roger, Tack Wesley, Bodker René. 2020. Parasites and Vectors, 13:194, 18 p.

Modelling transport of inhibiting and activating signals and their combined effects on floral induction: Application to apple tree. Belhassine Fares, Fumey Damien, Chopard Jérôme, Pradal Christophe, Martinez Sébastien, Costes Evelyne, Pallas Benoît. 2020. Scientific Reports, 10:13085, 14 p.

Spatial validation reveals poor predictive performance of large-scale ecological mapping models. Ploton Pierre, Mortier Frédéric, Rejou-Mechain Maxime, Barbier Nicolas, Picard Nicolas, Rossi Vivien, Dormann Carsten F., Cornu Guillaume, Viennois Gaëlle, Bayol Nicolas, Lyapustin Alexei I., Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Pélissier Raphaël. 2020. Nature Communications, 11:4540, 11 p.

V-Mango: A functional-structural model of mango tree growth, development and fruit production. Boudon Frédéric, Persello Séverine, Jestin Alexandra, Briand Anne-Sarah, Grechi Isabelle, Fernique Pierre, Guédon Yann, Lechaudel Mathieu, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Normand Frédéric. 2020. Annals of Botany, 126 (4), n.spéc. Functional-Structural Plant Growth Modelling : 745-763.

VectorNet data series 3: Culicoides abundance distribution models for Europe and surrounding regions. Balenghien Thomas, Alexander Neil, Arnþórsdóttir Auður Lilja, Bisia Marina, Blackwell Alison, Bodker René, Bourquia Maria, Boutsini Sofia, Carpenter Simon, Colenutt Claire, Culverwell Lorna, Cvetkovikj Aleksandar, Dascălu Lenuța, De Regge Nick, Dhollander Sofie, Elbers Armin R.W., England Marion, Filatov Sehrii, Garros Claire, Goffredo Maria, Haddad Nabil, Hoye Hoke Thomas, Hristescu Doru, Khallaayoune Khalid, Kocisova Alica, Larska Magdalena, Lucientes Javier, Mathieu Bruno, Miranda Miguel Angel, Murchie Archie, Nitescu Cristina, Ozoliņa Zanda, Pereira da Fonseca Isabel, Petric Dusan, Pudar Dubravka, Ramilo David, Richardson Jane, Seglina Zanda, Sghaier Soufien, Stefanovska Jovana, Stougiou Despoina, Sviland Stale, Tchakarova Simona, Van Bortel Wim, Verdun Castello Marta, Veronesi Eva, Versteirt Veerle, Wint William. 2020. Open Health Data, 7 (2), 7 p.

A functional structural model of grass development based on metabolic regulations and coordination rules. Gauthier Marion, Barillot Romain, Schneider Camille, Chambon Camille, Fournier Christian, Pradal Christophe, Robert Corinne, Andrieu Bruno. 2020. Journal of Experimental Botany, 71 (18) : 5454-5468.

A young age of subspecific divergence in the desert locust inferred by ABC Random Forest. Chapuis Marie-Pierre, Raynal Louis, Plantamp Christophe, Meynard Christine N., Blondin Laurence, Marin Jean-Michel, Estoup Arnaud. 2020. Molecular Ecology, 29 (23) : 4542-4558.
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Accounting for preferential sampling in species distribution models. Pennino Maria Grazia, Paradinas Iosu, Illian Janine B., Munoz Facundo, Bellido José María, López‐Quílez Antonio, Conesa David. 2019. Ecology and Evolution, 9 (1) : 653-663.

Application of exponential random graph models to determine nomadic herders' movements in Senegal. Belkhiria Jaber, Lo Modou Moustapha, Sow Fafa, Martínez-López Beatriz, Chevalier Véronique. 2019. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 66 (4) : 1642-1652.
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Architecture de Dataflow pour des systèmes modulaires et génériques de simulation de plante. Pradal Christophe. 2019. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 128 p. Thèse de doctorat : Informatique : Université de Montpellier

Building new kinds of meta-models to analyse experimentally (companion) modelling processes in the field of natural resource management. Bonte Bruno, Farolfi Stefano, Ferrand Nils, Abrami Géraldine, Diallo Mamadou Ciss, Dubois Dimitri, Johannet Anne, Gaudi Wanda Aquae. 2019. Environmental Modelling and Software, 120:104486, 24 p.

Deciphering hybrid larch reaction norms using random regression. Marchal Alexandre, Schlichting Carl D., Gobin Rémy, Balandier Philippe, Millier Frédéric, Munoz Facundo, Pâques Luc E., Sanchez Leopoldo. 2019. G3 - Genes Genomes Genetics, 9 (1) : 21-32.

Dynamique des populations d'azobé, Lophira alata Banks ex C. F. Gaertn., et implications pour sa gestion durable au Cameroun. Biwolé Achille Bernard, Ouédraogo Dakis-Yaoba, Betti Jean-Lagarde, Picard Nicolas, Rossi Vivien, Delion Sebastien, Lagoute Paul, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Lejeune Philippe, Doucet Jean-Louis. 2019. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 342 : 55-68.

Feature-rich networks: Going beyond complex network topologies. Interdonato Roberto, Atzmueller Martin, Gaito Sabrina, Kanawati Rushed, Largeron Christine, Sala Alessandra. 2019. Applied Network Science, 4:4, 13 p.

HVA22 from citrus: A small gene family whose some members are involved in plant response to abiotic stress. Gomes Ferreira Monique Drielle, Araújo Castro Jacqueline, Santana Silva Raner José, Micheli Fabienne. 2019. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 142 : 395-404.
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Implementation of control strategies for sterile insect techniques. Bliman Pierre-Alexandre, Cardona-Salgado Daiver, Dumont Yves, Vasilieva Olga. 2019. Mathematical Biosciences, 314 : 43-60.

Reconciling canopy interception parameterization and rainfall forcing frequency in the community land model for simulating evapotranspiration of rainforests and oil palm plantations in Indonesia. Fan Yuanchao, Meijide Ana, Lawrence David M., Roupsard Olivier, Carlson Kimberly M., Chen Hsin-Yi, Röll Alexander, Niu Furong, Knohl Alexander. 2019. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11 (3) : 732-751.

Simulation of maize evapotranspiration: An inter-comparison among 29 maize models. Kimball Bruce A., Boote Kenneth J., Hatfield Jerry L., Ahuja Lajpat R., Stöckle Claudio, Archontoulis Sotirios, Baron Christian, Basso Bruno, Bertuzzi Patrick, Constantin Julie, Deryng Delphine, Dumont Benjamin, Durand Jean-Louis, Ewert Franck, Gaiser Thomas, Gayler Sebastian, Hoffmann Munir P., Jiang Qianjing, Kim Soo-Hyung, Lizaso Jon, Moulin Sophie, Nendel Claas, Parker Philip, Palosuo Taru, Priesack Eckart, Qi Zhiming, Srivastava Amit Kumar, Stella Tommaso, Tao Fulu, Thorp Kelly R., Timlin Dennis, Twine Tracy E., Webber Heidi, Willaume Magali, Williams Karina E.. 2019. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 271 : 264-284.

Wild and cultivated biomass supply chain for biofuel production. A comparative study in West Africa. Bambara Linda Dominique, Sawadogo Marie, Roy Daniel, Blin Joël, Anciaux Didier, Ouiminga Salifou Kouchka. 2019. Energy for Sustainable Development, 53 : 1-14.

Impact of spatio-temporal shade dynamics on wheat growth and yield, perspectives for temperate agroforestry. Artru Sidonie, Garré Sarah, Dupraz Christian, Hiel Marie-Pierre, Blitz-Frayret Céline, Lassois Ludivine. 2017. European Journal of Agronomy, 82 (Part A) : 60-70.

Regional assessment of groundwater recharge in the lower Mekong Basin. Lacombe Guillaume, Douangsavanh Somphasith, Vongphachanh Sinxay, Pavelic Paul. 2017. Hydrology, 4 (4):60, 18 p.

Simulation de pratiques de gestion alternatives pour l'adaptation des plantations pérennes aux changements globaux. Vezy Rémi. 2017. Bordeaux : Université de Bordeaux, 272 p. Thèse de doctorat : Physique de l'environnement : Université de Bordeaux

Geostatistical modelling of chemical residues on archaeological floors in the presence of barriers. Negre Joan, Munoz Facundo, Lancelotti Carla. 2016. Journal of Archaeological Science, 70 : 91-101.

Lutte biologique contre la plante envahissante Rubus alceifolius (Rosaceae) par Cibdela janthina (Hymenoptera : Argidae) à La Réunion : Biologie et modélisation mathématique des interactions sous contrainte altitudinale. Mathieu Alexandre. 2015. Saint-Denis : Université de la Réunion, 277 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie des populations : Université de la Réunion

Modélisation du bilan couplé carbone-eau à l'échelle de l'arbre dans des plantations d'Eucalyptus sous contrainte hydrique et en nutriments. Christina Mathias. 2015. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 282 p. Thèse de doctorat : Ecosystèmes et sciences agronomiques : Montpellier SupAgro

Multivariate power-law models for streamflow prediction in the Mekong Basin. Lacombe Guillaume, Douangsavanh Somphasith, Vogel Richard M., McCartney Mathhew, Chemin Yann, Rebelo Lisa-Maria, Sotoukee Touleelor. 2014. Journal of Hydrology. Regional Studies, 2 : 35-48.

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