
Résultats pour : "adaptation physiologique"

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Nombre de documents : 58.

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Camelology : Definitions, history and scientific challenges. Faye Bernard, Gahlot Tarun Kumar. 2024. Journal of Camel Practice and Research, 31 (2) : 119-130.

Contrasted agronomical and physiological responses of five Coffea arabica genotypes under soil water deficit in field conditions. Sarzynski Thuan, Vaast Philippe, Rigal Clément, Marraccini Pierre, Delahaie Boris, Georget Frederic, Nguyen Chang Thi Quynh, Nguyen Hung Phi, Nguyen Hai Thi Thanh, Ngoc Quyen Luu, Ngan Giang Khong, Bossolasco Laurent, Etienne Hervé. 2024. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15, 15 p.

Dromedary and hybrid camels' milk composition. Akhmetsadykova Shynar, Shertay Ersultan, Konuspayeva Gaukhar, Faye Bernard, Ospanova Aikerim, Begdildayeva N.Zh., Bilal Zauresh, Amutova Farida, Issayeva A.B., Kondybayev Askar. 2024. Experimental Biology, 100 (3) : 109-117.

The salivary glands of the camel: An element of adaptation to desert conditions and mitigation of climate change impacts. Almansour Mansour, Jarrar Bashir, Faye Bernard, Al-Doaiss Amin, Shati Ali, Meriane Djamila. 2024. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, 17 (1) : 99-108.

Investigating the unaccounted ones: Insights on age-dependent reproductive loss in a viviparous fly. English Sinead, Barreaux Antoine, Leyland Robert, Lord Jennifer S., Hargrove John W., Vale Glyn A., Haines Lee R.. 2023. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11:1057474, 9 p.

Physiological and biochemical determinants of drought tolerance in tetraploid vs diploid sour orange citrus rootstock. Hussain Sajjad, Sohail Hamza, Noor Iqra, Ahmad Shakeel, Ejaz Shaghef, Ali Muhammad Arif, Haider Sakeen Tul-Ain, Sohail Muhammad, Jaffer Hayat, Ercisli Sezai, Morillon Raphaël, Khalid Muhammad Fasih. 2023. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 98 (6) : 772-785.

Adaptation of some quinoa genotypes (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), grown in a saharan climate in Algeria. Maamri Kelthoum, Djerroudi Zidane Ouiza, Chaabena Ahmed, Fiene Gabriele, Bazile Didier. 2022. Life, 12 (11), n.spéc. Plant Biotic and Abiotic Stresses:1854, 22 p.

Adaptive potential of Coffea canephora from Uganda in response to climate change. Oliveira de Aquino Sinara, Kiwuka Catherine, Tournebize Rémi, Gain Clément, Marraccini Pierre, Mariac Cédric, Bethume Kévin, Couderc Marie, Cubry Philippe, Andrade Alan Carvalho, Lepelley Maud, Darracq Olivier, Crouzillat Dominique, Anten Niels P.R., Musoli Pascal, Vigouroux Yves, De Kochko Alexandre, Manel Stéphanie, François Olivier, Poncet Valérie. 2022. Molecular Ecology, 31 (6) : 1800-1819.
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Effects of seawater and freshwater challenges on the Gh/Igf system in the saline-tolerant blackchin tilapia (Sarotherodon melanotheron). Link Karl, Shved Natallia, Serrano Nabil, Akgül Gülfirde, Caelers Antje, Faass Olivier, Mouttet Farouhar, Raabe Oksana, D'Cotta Helena, Baroiller Jean-François, Eppler Elisabeth. 2022. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 13:976488, 14 p.

A Perspective on plant phenomics: Coupling deep learning and near-infrared spectroscopy. Vasseur François, Cornet Denis, Beurier Grégory, Messier Julie, Rouan Lauriane, Bresson Justine, Ecarnot Martin, Stahl Mark, Heumos Simon, Gérard Marianne, Reijnen Hans, Tillard Pascal, Lacombe Benoit, Emanuel Amélie, Floret Justine, Estarague Aurélien, Przybylska Stefania, Sartori Kevin, Gillespie Lauren M., Baron Etienne, Kazakou Elena, Vile Denis, Violle Cyrille. 2022. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:13:836488, 12 p.

Using agronomic parameters to rate quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) cultivars response to saline irrigation under field conditions in eastern Morocco. Abidi lham, Hirich Abdelaziz, Bazile Didier, Mahyou Hamid, Gaboun Fatima, Alaoui Si Bennasseur. 2022. Environmental Sciences Proceedings, 16 (1):67, 5 p.

The genetic history of Mayotte and Madagascar cattle breeds mirrors the complex pattern of human exchanges in Western Indian Ocean. Magnier Jessica, Druet Tom, Naves Michel, Ouvrard Mélissa, Raoul Solène, Janelle Jérôme, Moazami-Goudarzi Katayoun, Lesnoff Matthieu, Tillard Emmanuel, Gautier Mathieu, Flori Laurence. 2022. G3 - Genes Genomes Genetics, 12 (4):jkac029, 14 p.

Adaptability and interspecific variability in growth and leaf traits of eucalypt. Makouanzi Ekomono Chrissy Garel, Loubassou Castela Bath Shéba Vitel, Mbama Mavie Parfait, Loubota Panzou Grace Jopaul, Vigneron Philippe. 2021. Iforest, 14 (6) : 560-568.

Adaptation and correlated fitness responses over two time scales in Drosophila suzukii populations evolving in different environments. Olazcuaga Laure, Foucaud Julien, Gautier Mathieu, Deschamps Candice, Loiseau Anne, Leménager Nicolas, Facon Benoît, Ravigné Virginie, Hufbauer Ruth A., Estoup Arnaud, Rode Nicolas-Olivier. 2021. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 34 (8) : 1225-1240.

Adaptation responses to early drought stress of West Africa sorghum varieties. Gano Baboucar, Dembele Joseph Sekou B, Tovignan Klanvi Thierry, Sine Bassirou, Vadez Vincent, Diouf Diaga, Audebert Alain. 2021. Agronomy (Basel), 11 (3):443, 21 p.

Arabica-like flavour in a heat-tolerant wild coffee species. Davis Aaron P., Mieulet Delphine, Moat Justin, Sarmu Daniel, Haggar Jeremy. 2021. Nature Plants, 7 : 413-418.

Association mapping and genomic selection for sorghum adaptation to tropical soils of Brazil in a sorghum multiparental random mating population. Bernardino Karine C., de Menezes Cícero B., de Sousa Sylvia M., Guimaraes Claudia Teixeira, Carneiro Pedro C.S., Schaffert Robert E., Kochian Leon V., Hufnagel Maciel Bárbara, Pastina Maria Marta, Magalhaes Jurandir V.. 2021. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 134 (1) : 295-312.

Dynamic development of white lupin rootlets along a cluster root. Le Thanh Tamara, Hufnagel Maciel Bárbara, Soriano Alexandre, Divol Fanchon, Brottier Laurent, Casset Célia, Péret Benjamin, Doumas Patrick, Marquès Laurence. 2021. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12:738172, 15 p.

Linking drought-induced xylem embolism resistance to wood anatomical traits in Neotropical trees. Levionnois Sébastien, Jansen Steven, Wandji Ruth Tchana, Beauchêne Jacques, Ziegler Camille, Coste Sabrina, Stahl Clément, Delzon Sylvain, Authier Louise, Heuret Patrick. 2021. New Phytologist, 229 (3) : 1453-1466.

Environmental and trophic determinism of fruit abscission and outlook with climate change in tropical regions. Tisne Sébastien, Denis Marie, Domonhedo Hubert, Pallas Benoît, Cazemajor Michel, Tranbarger Timothy John, Morcillo Fabienne. 2020. Plant-Environment Interactions, 1 (1) : 17-28.


Pearl millet genomic vulnerability to climate change in West Africa highlights the need for regional collaboration. Rhone Bénédicte, Defrance Dimitri, Berthouly-Salazar Cécile, Mariac Cédric, Cubry Philippe, Couderc Marie, Dequincey Anaïs, Assoumane Aichatou, Kane Ndjido Ardo, Sultan Benjamin, Barnaud Adeline, Vigouroux Yves. 2020. Nature Communications, 11:5274, 9 p.

Two contrasting patterns of crop seasonal adaptation revealed by a common garden experiment on flood recession sorghum in the Sahel. Fokou Yemata Oberline, Saidou Abdoul-Aziz, Kanmegne Gabriel, Berkoula Orphé, Audebert Alain, Sine Bassirou, Fonceka Daniel, Joly Hélène. 2020. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14 (5) : 871-879.

The evolution of sensitive periods in development: Insights from insects. English Sinead, Barreaux Antoine. 2020. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 36 : 71-78.

Salinity-induced changes in the rhizosphere microbiome improve salt tolerance of Hibiscus hamabo. Yuan Yongge, Brunel Caroline, van Kleunen Mark, Li Jummin, Jin Zexin. 2019. Plant and Soil, 443 : 525-537.

Salt-inducible expression of OsJAZ8 improves resilience against salt-stress. Peethambaran Preshobha K., Glenz René, Höninger Sabrina, Islam S. M. Shahinul, Hummel Sabine, Harter Klaus, Kolukisaoglu Üner, Meynard Donaldo, Guiderdoni Emmanuel, Nick Peter, Riemann Michael. 2018. BMC Plant Biology, 18:311, 15 p.

Different adaptation strategies of two citrus scion/rootstock combinations in response to drought stress. de Souza Joadson Dutra, De Andrade Silva Edson Mario, Coelho Filho Mauricio Antonio, Morillon Raphaël, Bonatto Diego, Micheli Fabienne, Da Silva Gesteira Abelmon. 2017. PloS One, 12 (5):e0177993, 23 p.

Ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity associated with endemic Tristaniopsis spp. (Myrtaceae) in ultramafic and volcano-sedimentary soils in New Caledonia. Waseem Muhammad, Ducousso Marc, Prin Yves, Domergue Odile, Hannibal Laure, Majorel Clarisse, Jourand Philippe, Galiana Antoine. 2017. Mycorrhiza, 27 (4) : 407-413.
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Intraspecific trait variation across multiple scales: The leaf economics spectrum in coffee. Martin Adam R., Rapidel Bruno, Roupsard Olivier, Van den Meersche Karel, de Melo Virginio Filho Elias, Barrios Mirna, Isaac Marney E.. 2017. Functional Ecology, 31 (3) : 604-612.
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Intraspecific trait variation and coordination: Root and leaf economics spectra in coffee across environmental gradients. Isaac Marney E., Martin Adam R., de Melo Virginio Filho Elias, Rapidel Bruno, Roupsard Olivier, Van den Meersche Karel. 2017. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8:1196, 13 p.

Juvenile coffee leaves acclimated to low light are unable to cope with a moderate light increase. Campa Claudine, Urban Laurent, Mondolot Laurence, Fabre Denis, Roques Sandrine, Lizzi Yves, Aarrouf Jawad, Doulbeau Sylvie, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Letrez Céline, Toniutti Lucile, Bertrand Benoît, La Fisca Philippe, Bidel Luc P.R., Etienne Hervé. 2017. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8:1126, 16 p.

Le caroubier, un arbre ancien et précieux sur le pourtour méditerranéen. Baumel Alex, Médail Frédéric, Viruel Juan, La Malfa Stefano, Sanguin Hervé. 2017. La Garance Voyageuse (118) : 25-29.

Root traits are related to plant water-use among rangeland Mediterranean species. Fort Florian, Volaire Florence, Guilioni Lydie, Barkaoui Karim, Navas Marie-Laure, Roumet Catherine. 2017. Functional Ecology, 31 (9) : 1700-1709.

Assessing the invasive potential of commercial Eucalyptus species in Brazil: Germination and early establishment. Müller Da Silva Paulo Henrique, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, de Paula Rinaldo Cesar. 2016. Forest Ecology and Management, 374 : 129-135.

Announcement of the international citrus microbiome (phytobiome) consortium. Wang Nian, Jin T., Trivedi P., Setubal J.C., Tang J., Machado Marcos Antonio, Triplett E., Coletta-Filho Helvécio D, Cubero Jaime, Deng Xiaoling, Wang X., Zhou Changyong, Ancona Veronica, Lu Zhanjun, Dutt M., Borneman J., Rolshausen P.E., Roper Caroline, Vidalakis G., Capote Nieves, Catara Vittoria, Pietersen Gerhard, Al-Sadi Abdullah M., Srivastava Amit Kumar, Graham J.H., Leveau J., Ghimire Sita R., Vernière Christian, Zhang Y.. 2015. Journal of Citrus Pathology, 2 (1) : 1-2.

Comparative study of the protein profiles of Sunki mandarin and Rangpur lime plants in response to water deficit. Oliveira Tahise M., Da Silva Fernanda R., Bonatto Diego, Neves Diana Matos, Morillon Raphaël, Maserti Bianca Elena, Coelho Filho Mauricio Antonio, Costa Marcio Gilberto Cardoso, Pirovani Carlos Priminho, Gesteira Abelmon S.. 2015. BMC Plant Biology, 15 (69), 16 p.

Effets de la latitude sur l'expression du photopériodisme du mil et sorgho : validation des cartes d'adaptation variétale au Mali. Sako Aichata Founé Mohamed, Vaksmann Michel, Kouressy Mamoutou. 2015. Journal de Confluens (1), spec. : 16. Journée Internationale de la Francophonie. 27, Paris, France, 20 Mars 2015.

Field phenomics for response of a rice diversity panel to ten environments in Senegal and Madagascar. 1. Plant phenological traits. Dingkuhn Michael, Sow Abdoulaye, Manneh Baboucarr, Radanielina Tendro, Raboin Louis-Marie, Dusserre Julie, Ramantsoanirina Alain, Shrestha Suchit, Ahmadi Nourollah, Courtois Brigitte. 2015. Field Crops Research, 183 : 342-355.

Food security through translational biology between wheat and rice. Valluru Ravi, Reynolds Matthew P., Lafarge Tanguy. 2015. Food and Energy Security, 4 (8) : 203-218.

Loss of floral repressor function adapts rice to higher latitudes in Europe. Gomez-Ariza Jorge, Galbiati Francesca, Goretti Daniela, Brambilla Vittoria, Shrestha Roshi, Pappolla Andrea, Courtois Brigitte, Fornara Fabio. 2015. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66 (7) : 2027-2039.

Pervasive local-scale tree-soil habitat association in a tropical forest community. Allie Elodie, Pélissier Raphaël, Engel Julien, Petronelli Pascal, Freycon Vincent, Deblauwe Vincent, Soucémarianadin Laure, Weigel Jean, Baraloto Christopher. 2015. PloS One, 10 (11), 16 p.

A simple framework to analyze water constraints on seasonal transpiration in rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) plantations. Sopharat Jessada, Gay Frédéric, Thaler Philippe, Sdoodee Sayan, Ayutthaya Supat Isarangkool Na, Tanavud Charlchai, Hammecker Claude, Do Frédéric C.. 2015. Frontiers in Plant Science, 5 (753), 11 p.

Adaptation of eucalypt trees to water and nutrient deficiencies: Insights from Brazilian experiments question conventional recommendations. Laclau Jean-Paul, Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Battie Laclau Patricia, Christina Mathias, Nouvellon Yann, Stape Jose Luiz, Moreira R., Le Maire Guerric, Bouillet Jean-Pierre. 2014. International Forestry Review, 16 (5), n.spéc. XXIV IUFRO World Congress abstracts, Résumé : 135-136. IUFRO World Congress. Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role of Research. 24, Salt Lake City, États-Unis, 5 Octobre 2014/11 Octobre 2014.

Transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of the jasmonate signalling pathway in response to abiotic and harvesting stress in Hevea brasiliensis. Pirrello Julien, Leclercq Julie, Dessailly Florence, Rio Maryannick, Piyatrakul Piyanuch, Kuswanhadi, Tang Chaorong, Montoro Pascal. 2014. BMC Plant Biology, 14 (341), 17 p.

Eggs and hatchlings variations in desert locusts: phase related characteristics and starvation tolerance. Maeno Koutaro Ould, Piou Cyril, Ould Babah Mohamed A., Nakamura Satoshi. 2013. Frontiers in Physiology, 4, 10 p.

Evolutionary history of almond tree domestication in the Mediterranean basin. Delplancke Malou, Alvarez Nadir, Benoit Laure, Espindola Anahi, Joly Hélène, Neuenschwander Samuel, Arrigo Nils. 2013. Molecular Ecology, 22 (4) : 1092-1104.

Genome sequence of Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. fuscans strain 4834-R reveals that flagellar motility is not a general feature of xanthomonads. Darrasse Armelle, Carrère Sébastien, Barbe Valérie, Boureau Tristan, Arrieta-Ortiz Mario L., Bonneau Sophie, Briand Martial, Brin Christelle, Cociancich Stéphane, Durand Karine, Fouteau Stéphanie, Gagnevin Lionel, Guérin Fabien, Guy Endrick, Indiana Arnaud, Koebnik Ralf, Lauber Emmanuelle, Munoz Alejandra, Noel Laurent D., Pieretti Isabelle, Poussier Stéphane, Pruvost Olivier, Robène-Soustrade Isabelle, Rott Philippe, Royer Monique, Serres-Giardi Laurana, Szurek Boris, Van Sluys Marie-Anne, Verdier Valérie, Vernière Christian, Arlat Mathieu, Manceau Charles, Jacques Marie Agnès. 2013. BMC Genomics, 14 (761), 30 p.

Thermotolerance adaptation to human-modified habitats occurs in the native range of the invasive ant Wasmannia auropunctata before long-distance dispersal. Foucaud Julien, Rey Olivier, Robert Stéphanie, Crespin Laurent, Orivel Jérôme, Facon Benoît, Loiseau Anne, Jourdan Hervé, Kenne Martin, Mbenoun Masse Paul Serge, Tindo Maurice, Vonshak Merav, Estoup Arnaud. 2013. Evolutionary Applications, 6 (4) : 721-734.

Homeologous gene expression in response to growing temperature in a recent allopolyploid (Coffea arabica L.). Combes Marie-Christine, Cenci Alberto, Baraille Hélène, Bertrand Benoît, Lashermes Philippe. 2012. Journal of Heredity, 103 (1) : 36-46.


Crop adaptation and improvement for drought-prone environments. Kane Ndjido Ardo (ed.), Foncéka Daniel (ed.), Dalton Timothy J. (ed.). 2022. Manhattan : New Prairie Press, 547 p. ISBN 978-1-944548-47-6


Contribution de la symbiose fixatrice d'azote dans l'adaptation d'une légumineuse à des sols contrastés : le modèle Acacia spirorbis et les contraintes édaphiques extrêmes rencontrées en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Vincent Bryan. 2018. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 250 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie des interactions : Université de Montpellier

Caractérisation de déterminants moléculaires du pouvoir pathogène d'Ehrlichia ruminantium : rôle du système de sécrétion de type IV et des protéines de la membrane externe. Moumène Amal. 2015. Pointe-à-Pitre : UAG, 194 p. Thèse de doctorat : Science de la vie. Microbiologie : Université des Antilles et de la Guyane

Evolution et spécialisation du pouvoir pathogène de Xanthomonas citri pv. citri : rôle des effecteurs de type 3. Escalon Aline. 2013. Saint-Denis : Université de la Réunion, 258 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences : Université de la Réunion

Evolution de l'agressivité des champignons phytopathogènes, couplage des approches théorique et empirique. Andanson Audrey. 2010. Nancy : Université de Nancy I, 162 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie végétale et forestière : Université de Nancy I

Pélodyte ponctué : Petites histoires évolutives. Variabilité des traits d'histoire de vie en populations fragmentées : stratégies de reproduction chez le Pélodyte ponctué, Pelodytes punctatus (Anoure). Jourdan Hélène. 2010. Montpellier : Université Montpellier 2, 216 p. Thèse de doctorat : Evolution, écologie, ressources génétiques, paléontologie : Université Montpellier 2


Plasticité phénotypique du palmier à huile: adaptation au stress et incidence sur le développement reproducteur. Jaligot Estelle. 2016. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 145 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Biodiversité, agriculture, alimentation, environnement : Université de Montpellier

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