
Résultats pour : "couvert forestier"

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Nombre de documents : 39.

Diversity of frontier processes in Amazonian subnational jurisdictions: Frontier metrics reveal major patterns of human-nature interactions. Briceno Castillo Guido Vicente, Betbeder Julie, Bégué Agnès, Cornu Guillaume, Katz Asprilla David Mauricio, Piketty Marie-Gabrielle, Le Clech Solen, Silgueiro Vinicius, Dessard Hélène, Blanc Lilian. 2025. Ecological Indicators, 171:113198, 16 p.

Landscape-level human disturbance results in loss and contraction of mammalian populations in tropical forests. Greco Ilaria, Beaudrot Lydia, Sutherland Chris, Tenan Simone, Hsieh Chia, Gorczynski Daniel, Sheil Douglas, Brodie Jedediah, Ahmed Mohammad Firoz, Ahumada Jorge, Amin Rajan, Baker-Watton Megan, Begum Ramie Husneara, Bisi Francesco, Bitariho Robert, Campos-Arceiz Ahimsa, Carvalho Jr Elildo A. R., Cornélis Daniel, Cremonesi Giacomo, Londe de Camargos Virgínia, Elimanantsoa Iariaella, Espinosa Santiago, Fayolle Adeline, Fonteyn Davy, Harihar Abishek, Hilser Harry, Granados Alys, Jansen Patrick A., Mohd-Azlan Jayasilan, Johnson Caspian, Johnson Steig, Lahkar Dipankar, Guimarães Moreira Lima Marcela, Scott Luskin Matthew, Magioli Marcelo, Martin Emanuel H., Martinoli Adriano, Gonçalves Morato Ronaldo, Mugerwa Badru, Pardo Lain E., Salvador Julia, Santos Fernanda, Vermeulen Cédric, Wright Patricia C., Rovero Francesco. 2025. PLoS Biology, 23 (2):3002976, 24 p.

Des systèmes de production agricole sous couvert forestier en Martinique : redécouverte d'une pratique ancienne. Pleyber Thomas, Penot Eric, Danthu Pascal, Bardou Gaël. 2024. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 361 : 1-18.

Tropical forest succession increases taxonomic and functional tree richness but decreases evenness. van der Sande Masha T., Poorter Lourens, Derroire Géraldine, do Espirito Santo Mario Marcos, Lohbeck Madelon, Müller Sandra Cristina, Bhaskar Radika, Van Breugel Michiel, Dupuy-Rada Juan Manuel, Durán Sandra M., Jakovac Catarina C., Paz Horacio, Rozendaal Danaë M. A., Brancalion Pedro H.S., Craven Dylan, Mora Ardilla Francisco, Almeida Jarcilene, Balvanera Patricia, Becknell Justin M., Finegan Bryan, Gomes César Ricardo, Hernández-Stefanoni José Luis, Kennard Deborah K., Letcher Susan G., Marin-Spiotta Erika, Muñoz Rodrigo, Reyes-García Casandra, Sanaphre-Villanueva Lucía, Utrera Luis P., et al.. 2024. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 33 (8):e13856, 15 p.

More than one quarter of Africa's tree cover is found outside areas previously classified as forest. Reiner Florian, Brandt Martin, Tong Xiaoye, Skole David, Kariryaa Ankit, Ciais Philippe, Davies Andrew, Hiernaux Pierre, Chave Jérôme, Mugabowindekwe Maurice, Igel Christian, Oehmcke Stefan, Gieseke Fabian, Li Sizhuo, Liu Siyu, Saatchi Sassan, Boucher Peter, Singh Jenia, Taugourdeau Simon, Dendoncker Morgane, Song Xiao-Peng, Mertz Ole, Tucker Compton J., Fensholt Rasmus. 2023. Nature Communications, 14:2258, 10 p.

Multi-sensor airborne lidar requires intercalibration for consistent estimation of light attenuation and plant area density. Vincent Grégoire, Verley Philippe, Brede Benjamin, Delaitre Guillaume, Maurent Eliott, Ball James, Clocher Ilona, Barbier Nicolas. 2023. Remote Sensing of Environment, 286:113442, 14 p.

Successional shifts in tree demographic strategies in wet and dry Neotropical forests. Rüger Nadja, Schorn Markus E., Kambach Stephan, Chazdon Robin L., Farrior Caroline E., Meave Jorge A., Muñoz Rodrigo, Van Breugel Michiel, Amissah Lucy, Bongers Frans, Craven Dylan, Herault Bruno, Jakovac Catarina C., Norden Natalia, Poorter Lourens, van der Sande Masha T., Wirth Christian, Delgado Diego, Dent Daisy H., DeWalt Saara J., Dupuy Juan Manuel, Finegan Bryan, Hall Jefferson, Hernández-Stefanoni José Luis, Lopez Omar R.. 2023. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32 (6) : 1002-1014.

Assessment of GEDI's LiDAR data for the estimation of canopy heights and wood volume of eucalyptus plantations in Brazil. Fayad Ibrahim, Baghdadi Nicolas, Alcarde Alvares Clayton, Stape Jose Luiz, Bailly Jean Stéphane, Ferraço Scolforo Henrique, Zribi Mehrez, Le Maire Guerric. 2021. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14 : 7095-7110.

A CNN-based approach for the estimation of canopy heights and wood volume from GEDI waveforms. Fayad Ibrahim, Ienco Dino, Baghdadi Nicolas, Gaetano Raffaele, Alcarde Alvares Clayton, Stape Jose Luiz, Ferraço Scolforo Henrique, Le Maire Guerric. 2021. Remote Sensing of Environment, 265:112652, 16 p.



Long-term (1990-2019) monitoring of forest cover changes in the humid tropics. Vancutsem Christelle, Achard Frédéric, Pekel J.F., Vieilledent Ghislain, Carboni S., Simonetti Dario, Gallego Javier, Aragao Luiz E.O.C., Nasi Robert. 2021. Science Advances, 7 (10):eabe1603, 21 p.

Looking beyond forest cover: an analysis of landscape-scale predictors of forest degradation in the Brazilian Amazon. Bourgoin Clément, Betbeder Julie, Le Roux Renan, Gond Valéry, Oszwald Johan, Arvor Damien, Baudry Jacques, Boussard Hugues, Le Clech Solen, Mazzei Lucas, Dessard Hélène, Läderach Peter, Reymondin Louis, Blanc Lilian. 2021. Environmental Research Letters, 16 (11):114045, 15 p.

Taking the pulse of Earth's tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots., et al., Baisie Michel (collab.), Bénédet Fabrice (collab.), Naisso Petrus (collab.), Sist Plinio (collab.), Droissart Vincent (collab.), Rejou-Mechain Maxime (collab.), Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie (collab.), Derroire Géraldine (collab.), Herault Bruno (collab.), Blanc Lilian (). 2021. Biological Conservation:108849, 27 p.

Towards user-adaptive remote sensing: knowledge-driven automatic classification of Sentinel-2 time series. Arvor Damien, Betbeder Julie, Daher Felipe R.G., Blossier Tim, Le Roux Renan, Corgne Samuel, Corpetti Thomas, De Freitas Silgueiro Vinicius, Da Silva Jr Carlos Antonio. 2021. Remote Sensing of Environment, 264:112615, 27 p.

Neighbourhood-mediated shifts in tree biomass allocation drive overyielding in tropical species mixtures. Guillemot Joannès, Kunz Matthias, Schnabel Florian, Fichtner Andreas, Madsen Christopher P., Gebauer Tobias, Härdtle Werner, von Oheimb Goddert, Potvin Catherine. 2020. New Phytologist, 228 (4) : 1256-1268.

TammReview: Influence of forest management activities on soil organic carbon stocks: A knowledge synthesis. Mayer Mathias, Prescott Cindy, Abaker Wafa E.A., Augusto Laurent, Cécillon Lauric, Ferreira Gabriel W.D., James Jason, Jandl Robert, Katzensteiner Klaus, Laclau Jean-Paul, Laganière Jérôme, Nouvellon Yann, Paré David, Stanturf John A., Vanguelova Elena I., Vesterdal Lars. 2020. Forest Ecology and Management, 466:118127, 25 p.

Terrestrial laser scanning reveals convergence of tree architecture with increasingly dominant crown canopy position. Martin-Ducup Olivier, Ploton Pierre, Barbier Nicolas, Momo Takoudjou Stéphane, Mofack Gislain II, Kamdem Narcisse Guy, Fourcaud Thierry, Sonké Bonaventure, Couteron Pierre, Pélissier Raphaël. 2020. Functional Ecology, 34 (12) : 2442-2452.
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UAV-based canopy textures assess changes in forest structure from long-term degradation. Bourgoin Clément, Betbeder Julie, Couteron Pierre, Blanc Lilian, Dessard Hélène, Oszwald Johan, Le Roux Renan, Cornu Guillaume, Reymondin Louis, Mazzei Lucas, Sist Plinio, Läderach Peter, Gond Valéry. 2020. Ecological Indicators, 115:106386, 11 p.

Globally consistent impact of tropical cyclones on the structure of tropical and subtropical forests. Ibanez Thomas, Keppel Gunnar, Menkes Christophe, Gillepsie Thomas W., Lengaigne Matthieu, Mangeas Morgan, Rivas-Torres Gonzalo, Birnbaum Philippe. 2019. Journal of Ecology, 107 (1) : 279-292.

Influence of shaded systems on Xylosandrus compactus infestation in Robusta coffee along a rainfall gradient in Uganda. Bukomeko Hannington, Jassogne Laurence, Kagezi Godfrey, Mukasa David, Vaast Philippe. 2018. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 20 (3) : 327-333.

Habitat- and soil-related drivers of the root-associated fungal community of Quercus suber in the Northern Moroccan forest. Maghnia Fatima Zahra, Abbas Younes, Mahé Frédéric, Kerdouh Benaissa, Tournier Estelle, Ouadji Mohamed, Tisseyre Pierre, Prin Yves, El Ghachtouli Naima, Bakkali-Yakhlef Salahedine, Duponnois Robin, Sanguin Hervé. 2017. PloS One, 12 (11):e0187758, 17 p.

Interest of integrating spaceborne LiDAR data to improve the estimation of biomass in high biomass forested areas. Hajj Mohammad, Baghdadi Nicolas, Fayad Ibrahim, Vieilledent Ghislain, Bailly Jean Stéphane, Tong Minh Dinh Ho. 2017. Remote Sensing, 9 (3):e213, 19 p.

Landsat-8 cloud-free observations in wet tropical areas: A case study in South East Asia. Laborde Henri, Douzal Vincent, Ruiz Piña Hugo Antonio, Morand Serge, Cornu Jean Francois. 2017. Remote Sensing Letters, 8 (6) : 537-546.

Moving forward socio-economically focused models of deforestation. Dezécache Camille, Salles Jean Michel, Vieilledent Ghislain, Hérault Bruno. 2017. Global Change Biology, 23 (9) : 3484-3500.
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Spatial and temporal variation in the trends of hydrological response of forested watersheds in Thailand. Techamahasaranont Jessada, Shrestha Sangam, Babel Mukand Singh, Shrestha Rajendra Prasad, Jourdain Damien. 2017. Environmental Earth Sciences, 76 (12):430, 18 p.

Tree cover in Central Africa: Determinants and sensitivity under contrasted scenarios of global change. Aleman Julie, Blarquez Olivier, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Bremond Laurent, Favier Charly. 2017. Scientific Reports, 7:41393, 12 p.

Analysis of the diurnal cycles for a better understanding of the mean annual cycle of forests greenness in Central Africa. Philippon Nathalie, De Lapparent B., Gond Valéry, Sèze Geneviève, Martiny Nadège, Camberlin Pierre, Cornu Guillaume, Morel B., Bigot S., Brou T., Dubreuil Vincent. 2016. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 223 : 81-94.

Completing the picture: Importance of considering participatory mapping for REDD+ measurement, Reporting and verification (MRV). Beaudoin Guillaume, Rafanoharana Serge, Boissière Manuel, Wijaya Arief, Wardhana Wahyu. 2016. PloS One, 11 (12):e0166592, 24 p.

Emerging evidence on the effectiveness of tropical forest conservation. Börner Jan, Baylis Kathy, Corbera Esteve, Ezzine de Blas Driss, Ferraro Paul, Honey-Rosés Jordi, Lapeyre Renaud, Persson U. Martin, Wunder Sven. 2016. PloS One, 11 (11):e0159152, 11 p.

Forest cover and carbon stock change dynamics in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Case of the wood-fuel supply basin of Kinshasa. Gond Valéry, Dubiez Emilien, Boulogne Marine, Gigaud Morgan, Peroches Adrien, Pennec Alexandre, Fauvet Nicolas, Peltier Régis. 2016. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (327) : 19-28.

Le bois: une ressource majeure au service du développement économique. Gazull Laurent. 2016. In : Une nouvelle ruralité émergente : Regards croisés sur les transformations rurales africaines. Pesche Denis (ed.), Losch Bruno (ed.), Imbernon Jacques (ed.). Montpellier : CIRAD-NEPAD, 44-45. ISBN 978-2-87614-718-8

Importance des forêts d'Afrique centrale. Marquant Baptiste, Mosnier Aline, Bodin Blaise, Dessard Hélène, Feintrenie Laurène, Molto Quentin, Gond Valéry, Bayol Nicolas, Batti Abmed (collab.), Eba'a Atyi Richard (collab.), Chevalier Jean-François (collab.). 2015. In : Les forêts du Bassin du Congo - Forêts et changements climatiques. De Wasseige Carlos (ed.), Tadoum Martin (ed.), Eba'a Atyi Richard (ed.), Doumenge Charles (ed.). Neufchâteau : Weyrich, 17-35. ISBN 978-2-87489-356-8

The importance of Central Africa's forests. Marquant Baptiste, Mosnier Aline, Bodin Blaise, Dessard Hélène, Feintrenie Laurène, Molto Quentin, Gond Valéry, Bayol Nicolas, Batti Abmed (collab.), Eba'a Atyi Richard (collab.), Chevalier Jean-François (collab.), Doumenge Charles (collab.). 2015. In : The forests of the Congo Basin - Forests and climate change. De Wasseige Carlos (ed.), Tadoum Martin (ed.), Eba'a Atyi Richard (ed.), Doumenge Charles (ed.). Neufchâteau : Weyrich, 17-35. ISBN 978-2-87489-355-1

Les forêts du bassin du Congo - Etat des forêts 2013. De Wasseige Carlos (ed.), Flynn John (ed.), Louppe Dominique (ed.), Hiol Hiol François (ed.), Mayaux Philippe (ed.). 2014. Neufchâteau : Weyrich, 325 p. ISBN 978-2-87489-298-1

Vegetation structure and greenness in Central Africa from Modis multi-temporal data. Gond Valéry, Fayolle Adeline, Pennec Alexandre, Cornu Guillaume, Mayaux Philippe, Camberlin Pierre, Doumenge Charles, Fauvet Nicolas, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie. 2013. Philosophical Transactions - Royal Society. Biological Sciences, 368 (1625), 8 p.
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