
Résultats pour : "métabolite"

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Nombre de documents : 22.

Article de revue

Metabolite fingerprinting of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) landraces assessed for post-harvest physiological deterioration (PPD). Lebot Vincent, Lawac Floriane, Muñoz-Cuervo Ismael, Mercier Pierre-Edouard, Legendre Laurent. 2023. Food Chemistry, 421:136217, 11 p.

Metabolic responses to drought stress and rehydration in leaves and roots of three Citrus scion/rootstock combinations. Rodrigues de Oliveira Sousa Andressa, De Andrade Silva Edson Mario, Coelho Filho Mauricio Antonio, Cardoso Costa Marcio Gilberto, dos Santos Soares Filho Walter, Micheli Fabienne, Maserti Bianca Elena, Da Silva Gesteira Abelmon. 2022. Scientia Horticulturae, 292:110490, 13 p.

Plasma metabolome profiling by high-performance chemical isotope-labelling LC-MS after acute and medium-term intervention with golden berry fruit (Physalis peruviana L.), confirming its impact on insulin-associated signaling pathways. Vaillant Fabrice, Corrales-Agudelo Vanesa, Moreno-Castellanos Natalia, Ángel-Martín Alberto, Henao-Rojas Juan Camilo, Muñoz-Durango Katalina, Poucheret Patrick. 2021. Nutrients, 13 (9):3125, 16 p.

Genipap (Genipa americana L.) juice intake biomarkers after medium-term consumption. Dickson Livia, Tenon Mathieu, Svilar Ljubica, Fança-Berthon Pascale, Martin Jean-Charles, Rogez Hervé, Vaillant Fabrice. 2020. Food Research International, 137:109375, 8 p.

What is the role of putrescine accumulated under potassium deficiency ? Cui Jing, Pottosin Igor, Lamade Emmanuelle, Tcherkez Guillaume. 2020. Plant, Cell and Environment, 43 (6) : 1331-1347.

Coumaroyl-isocitric and caffeoyl-isocitric acids as markers of pineapple fruitlet core rot disease. Barral Bastien, Chillet Marc, Lechaudel Mathieu, Lugan R., Schorr-Galindo Sabine. 2019. Fruits, 74 (1) : 11-17.

Effects of potassium fertilization on oil palm fruit metabolism and mesocarp lipid accumulation. Mirande-Ney Cathleen, Tcherkez Guillaume, Gilard Françoise, Ghashghaie Jaleh, Lamade Emmanuelle. 2019. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67:33 : 9432-9440.
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Responses to K deficiency and waterlogging interact via respiratory and nitrogen metabolism. Cui Jing, Abadie Cyril, Carroll Adam, Lamade Emmanuelle, Tcherkez Guillaume. 2019. Plant, Cell and Environment, 42 (2) : 647-658.
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Tandem mass spectrometry imaging and in situ characterization of bioactive wood metabolites in Amazonian tree species Sextonia rubra. Fu Tingting, Touboul David, Della Negra Serge, Houël Emeline, Amusant Nadine, Duplais Christophe, Fisher Gregory L., Brunelle Alain. 2018. Analytical Chemistry, 90 (12) : 7535-7543.
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Fungal endophytes of Vanilla planifolia across Réunion Island: isolation, distribution and biotransformation. Khoyratty Shahnoo, Dupont Joël, Lacoste Sandrine, Palama Tony Lionel, Young Hae Choi, Kim Hye Kyong, Payet Bertrand, Grisoni Michel, Fouillaud Mireille, Verpoorte Robert, Kodja Hippolyte. 2015. BMC Plant Biology, 15 (142), 19 p.

Maternal early pregnancy serum metabolites and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus. Enquobahrie Daniel A., Denis Marie, Tadesse Mahlet, Gelaye Bizu, Ressom Habtom W., Williams Michelle A.. 2015. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 100 (11) : 4348-4356.

Metabolic fate of ellagitannins: Implications for health, and research perspectives for innovative functional foods. García-Muñoz Cristina, Vaillant Fabrice. 2014. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 54 (12) : 1584-1598.

Determining adrenocortical activity as a measure of stress in African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) based on faecal analysis. Ganswindt A., Tordiffe A.S.W., Stam E., Howitt M.J., Jori Ferran. 2012. African Zoology, 47 (2) : 262-269.

Metabolome of Vanilla planifolia (Orchidaceae) and related species under Cymbidium mosaic virus (CymMV) infection. Palama Tony Lionel, Grisoni Michel, Fock-Bastide Isabelle, Jade Katia, Bartet Laetitia, Young Hae Choi, Verpoorte Robert, Kodja Hippolyte. 2012. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 60 : 25-34.

Toxic effect of Ustilago scitaminea on sugarcane callus. II. Culture filtrate action and comparison with the effects of U. maydis and kinetin. Péros Jean-Pierre, Chagvardieff Pierre. 1987. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, 94 (3) : 301-307.

Essais sol-plante. Dynamique de l'azote dans la croissance et le développement du végétal. Martin-Prével Pierre, Montagut Gérard. 1966. Fruits, 21 (6) : 283-294.

Actes de congrès

Population genetics and genetic conservation of forest trees. Baradat Philippe (ed.), Adams W.Thomas (ed.), Mueller Starck G. (ed.). 1995. Amsterdam : SPB Academic Publishing, 479 p. ISBN 90-5103-109-2 International symposium on population genetics and gene conservation, Carcan Maubuisson, France, 24 Août 1992/28 Août 1992.

Communication sans actes

A secondary metabolite is involved in recognition of the rice blast fungus. Collemare J., Böhnert Heidi U., Pianfetti M., Fudal Isabelle, Tharreau Didier, Lebrun Marc-Henri. 2006. In : Journées Jean Chevaugeon : VIe rencontres de phytopathologie - mycologie de la Societé française de phytopathologie du 15 au 19 janvier 2006 [Résumés]. Fernandez Diana (ed.), Carlier Jean (ed.), Tharreau Didier (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, IRD, Bayer cropscience, SFP. Montpellier : CIRAD, Résumé, 42. Journées Jean Chevaugeon, Rencontres de phytopathologie-mycologie. 6, Aussois, France, 15 Janvier 2006/19 Janvier 2006.

Integrated grammar representation of genes, metabolites and morphology: The example of hordeomorphs. Buck-Sorlin Gerhard H., Kniemeyer Ole, Kurth Winfried. 2004. In : Proceedings of the 4th International workshop on functional-structural plant models (FSPM), abstracts of papers and posters, 7-11 June 2004, Montpellier, France. Godin Christophe (ed.), Hanan Jim (ed.), Kurth Winfried (ed.), Lacointe André (ed.), Takenaka Akio (ed.), Prusinkiewicz Przemyslaw (ed.), Dejong Thedore M. (ed.), Beveridge Christine (ed.). CIRAD-AMIS-UMR AMAP. Montpellier : CIRAD-AMAP, 386-389. International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models (FSPM). 4, Montpellier, France, 7 Juin 2004/11 Juin 2004.

Les métabolites secondaires et leurs conséquences sur les propriétés physiques des bois tropicaux : études préliminaires. Gérard Jean, Thibaut Anne, Mondolot Cosson Laurence, Andary C., Moretti C., Brémaud Iris, Thibaut Bernard. 2003. In : Annales des 6èmes Journées scientifiques de la forêt et du bois : présentation des résultats scientifiques des recherches soutenues par le programme concerte bois-matériau et le projet du contrat de plan Etat-Région Lorraine. GIS BCE, ARBOLOR. Bordeaux : GIS-BCE, 264. Journées scientifiques de la forêt et du bois, Epinal, France, 3 Juin 2003/5 Juin 2003.

Recherche des mécanismes de résistance à la deltaméthrine chez S. littoralis : rôle des oxydases dans la résistance. Pinchard Véronique, Vaissayre Maurice. 1994. In : Mededelingen Faculteit Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen = ISSN 0368-9697. (1994). - vol.59 : s.n., 653-663. International symposium on Crop protection. 46, Gent, Belgique, 3 Mai 1994.

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