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Nombre de documents : 60.

Ultrasonic transmission through small tubes such as rat tibias for axial Young's modulus estimation: Discussion and recommendations. Laux Didier, Rondet Eric, Grabulos Joël, Dore Rémi, Ollier Léa, Virsolvy Anne, Mariano-Goulart Denis, Maimoun Laurent. 2022. Applied Acoustics, 188:Applied Acoustics, 8 p.

Changing landscapes of Southeast Asia and rodent‐borne diseases: decreased diversity but increased transmission risks. Morand Serge, Blasdell Kim R., Bordes Frédéric, Buchy Philippe, Carcy Bernard, Chaisiri Kittipong, Chaval Yannick, Claude Julien, Cosson Jean François, Desquesnes Marc, Jittapalapong Sathaporn, Jiyipong Tawisa, Karnchanabanthoen Anamika, Pornpan Pumhom, Rolain Jean-Marc, Tran Annelise. 2019. Ecological Applications, 29 (4):e01886, 15 p.
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Long-term follow-up of muscle lipid accumulation, mitochondrial activity and oxidative stress and their relationship with impaired glucose homeostasis in high fat high fructose diet-fed rats. Wang Yang, Fouret Gilles, Bonafos Béatrice, Blachnio-Zabielska Agnieszka, Leroy Thibault, Crouzier David, Baréa Bruno, Gaillet Sylvie, Moro Cedric, Lecomte Jérôme, Coudray Charles, Feillet-Coudray Christine. 2019. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 64 : 182-197.
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20-Week follow-up of hepatic steatosis installation and liver mitochondrial structure and activity and their interrelation in rats fed a high-fat–high-fructose diet. Fouret Gilles, Gaillet Sylvie, Lecomte Jérôme, Bonafos Béatrice, Djohan Ferdinand, Baréa Bruno, Badia Eric, Coudray Charles, Feillet-Coudray Christine. 2018. British Journal of Nutrition, 119 (4) : 368-380.

Natural enemies of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus and Paysandisia archon. Ortega-Garcia Lola, Tabone Elisabeth, Beaudoin-Ollivier Laurence, Ment Dana, Buradino Maurane, Jaques Josep A., Garrido-Jurado Immaculada, Dembilio Oscar, Quesada Moraga Enrique. 2017. In : Handbook of major palm pests: biology and management. Soroker Victoria (ed.), Colazza Stefano (ed.). Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 171-186. ISBN 978-1-119-05745-1

Protective activity of camel's milk and urine mixture (Camelus dromedarius) against ethanol-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Elhag Ahmed Eisa, Faye Bernard, El Badwi Samia M.A.. 2017. Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 8 (10) : 378-387.

Global population divergence and admixture of the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus). Puckett Emily E., Park Jane, Combs Matthew, Blum Michael J., Bryant Juliet, Caccone Adalgisa, Costa Federico, Deinum Eva E., Esther Alexandra, Himsworth Chelsea G., Keightley Peter D., Ko Albert, Lundkvist Ake, McElhinney Lorraine M., Morand Serge, Robins Judith, Russell James, Strand Tanja M., Suarez Olga, Yon Lisa, Munshi-South Jason. 2016. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283 (1841)

Hypoglycaemic, hypolipidaemic and antioxidant effects of blackberry beverage consumption in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Azofeifa Gabriela, Quesada Silvia, Navarro Laura, Hidalgo Olman, Portet Karine, Pérez Ana Mercedes, Vaillant Fabrice, Poucheret Patrick, Michel Alain. 2016. Journal of Functional Foods, 26 : 330-337.

Molecular phylogeny of Southeast Asian arboreal murine rodents. Pagès Marie, Fabre Pierre-Henri, Chaval Yannick, Mortelliti Alessio, Nicolas Violaine, Wells Konstans, Michaux Johan, Lazzari Vincent. 2016. Zoologica Scripta, 45 (4) : 349-364.

Zoonotic trypanosomes in South East Asia: attempts to control Trypanosoma lewisi using human and animal trypanocidal drugs. Desquesnes Marc, Yangtara Sarawut, Kunphukhieo Pawinee, Jittapalapong Sathaporn, Herder Stéphane. 2016. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 44 : 514-521.

Aboriginal and invasive rats of Genus Rattus as hosts of infectious agents. Kosoy Michael, Khlyap Lyudmila, Cosson Jean François, Morand Serge. 2015. Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 15 (1) : 3-12.

How important are rats as vectors of leptospirosis in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam? Loan Hoang Kim, Van Cuong Nguyen, Takhampunya Ratree, Tuan Kiet Bach, Campbell James, Ngoc Them Lac, Bryant Juliet, Tippayachai Bousaraporn, Van Hoang Nguyen, Morand Serge, Be Hien Vo, Carrique-Mas Juan. 2015. Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 15 (1) : 56-64.

Progress on research on rodents and rodent-borne zoonoses in South-east Asia. Blasdell Kim R., Bordes Frédéric, Chaisiri Kittipong, Chaval Yannick, Claude Julien, Cosson Jean François, Latinne Alice, Michaux Johan, Morand Serge, Pagès Marie, Tran Annelise. 2015. Wildlife Research, 42 (2) : 98-107.

Relative age determination of Rattus tiomanicus using allometric measurements. Verwilghen Aude, Rabillard Marie-Agnès, Chaval Yannick, Rieffel Dominique, Sinaga Martua Hasiholan, Naim Mohd, Caliman Jean-Pierre, Giraudoux Patrick, Raoul Francis. 2015. Mammalia, 79 (1) : 81-90.

The importance of parasite geography and spillover effects for global patterns of host-parasite associations in two invasive species. Wells Konstans, O'Hara Robert B., Morand Serge, Lessard Jean-Philippe, Ribas Alexis. 2015. Diversity and Distributions, 21 (4) : 477-486.

The mitochondrial-targeted antioxidant, MitoQ, increases liver mitochondrial cardiolipin content in obesogenic diet-fed rats. Fouret Gilles, Tolika Evanthia, Lecomte Jérôme, Bonafos Béatrice, Aoun Manar, Murphy Michael P., Ferreri Carla, Chatgilialoglu Chryssostomos, Dubreucq Eric, Coudray Charles, Feillet-Coudray Christine. 2015. Biochimica and Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics, 1847 (10) : 1025-1035.

Coumatetralyl resistance of Rattus tanezumi infesting oil palm plantations in Indonesia. Andru Julie, Cosson Jean François, Caliman Jean-Pierre, Benoit Etienne. 2013. Ecotoxicology, 22 (2) : 377-386.

Cytonuclear discordance among Southeast Asian black rats (Rattus rattus complex). Pagès Marie, Bazin Eric, Galan Maxime, Chaval Yannick, Claude Julien, Herbreteau Vincent, Michaux Johan, Piry Sylvain, Morand Serge, Cosson Jean François. 2013. Molecular Ecology, 22 (4) : 1019-1034.

Influence of risk factors on renal leptospiral load in naturally infected wild black rats. Desvars Amélie, Michault Alain, Chiroleu Frédéric. 2013. Acta Tropica, 125 (3) : 258-261.

Molecular demonstration of Trypanosoma evansi and Trypanosoma lewisi DNA in Wild Rodents from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Thailand. Milocco Cristina, Kamyingkird Ketsarin, Desquesnes Marc, Jittapalapong Sathaporn, Herbreteau Vincent, Chaval Yannick, Douangboupha Bounneuang, Morand Serge. 2013. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 60 (1) : 17-23.

The diversity of microparasites of rodents: A comparative analysis that helps in identifying rodent-borne rich habitats in Southeast Asia. Bordes Frédéric, Herbreteau Vincent, Dupuy Stéphane, Chaval Yannick, Tran Annelise, Morand Serge. 2013. Infection Ecology and Epidemiology, 1 (20178), 10 p.

The effect of the DNA preparation method on the sensitivity of PCR for the detection of Trypanosoma evansi in rodents and implications for epidemiological surveillance efforts. Pruvot Mathieu, Kamyingkird Ketsarin, Desquesnes Marc, Sarataphan Nachai, Jittapalapong Sathaporn. 2013. Veterinary Parasitology, 191 (3-4) : 203-208.

Awara (Astrocaryum vulgare M.) pulp oil: Chemical characterization, and anti-inflammatory properties in a mice model of endotoxic shock and a rat model of pulmonary inflammation. Bony Emilie, Boudard Frédéric, Brat Pierre, Dussossoy Emilie, Portet Karine, Poucheret Patrick, Giaimis Jean, Michel Alain. 2012. Fitoterapia, 83 (1) : 33-43.

Detection of Trypanosoma lewisi from wild rats in Southern China and its genetic diversity based on the ITS1 and ITS2 sequences. Tang Hai-Jun, Lan You-Gen, Wen Yan-Zi, Zhang Xi-Chen, Desquesnes Marc, Yang Ting-Bao, Hide Geoff, Lun Zhao-Rong. 2012. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 12 (5) : 1046-1051.

Rodent-borne diseases in Thailand: targeting rodent carriers and risky habitats. Herbreteau Vincent, Bordes Frédéric, Jittapalapong Sathaporn, Morand Serge. 2012. Infection Ecology and Epidemiology, 2 (18637), 5 p.

Animal leptospirosis in small tropical areas. Desvars A., Cardinale Eric, Michault Alain. 2011. Epidemiology and Infection, 139 (1) : 167-188.

Attempted transmission of Trypanosoma evansi to rats and mice by direct ingestion of contaminated blood and via engorged ticks. Vergne Timothée, Kamyingkird Ketsarin, Desquesnes Marc, Jittapalapong Sathaporn. 2011. Acta Protozoologica, 50 (2) : 133-136.

Phylogeography and molecular epidemiology of yersinia pestis in Madagascar. Vogler Amy. J., Chan Fabien, Wagner David.M., Roumagnac Philippe, Lee Judy, Nera Roxanne, Eppinger Mark, Ravel Jacques, Rahalison Lila, Rasoamanana Bruno W., Beckstrom-Sternberg Stephen M., Achtman Mark, Chanteau Suzanne, Keim Paul. 2011. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 5 (9):e1319, 11 p.

Specific primers for PCR amplification of the ITS1 (ribosomal DNA) of Trypanosoma lewisi. Desquesnes Marc, Kamyingkird Ketsarin, Yangtara Sarawut, Milocco Cristina, Ravel Sophie, Ming-Hui Wang, Zhao-Rong Lun, Morand Serge, Jittapalapong Sathaporn. 2011. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 11 (6) : 1361-1367.

Toxoplasmosis in Rodents: ecological survey and first evidences in Thailand. Jittapalapong Sathaporn, Sarataphan Nachai, Maruyama Soichi, Hugot Jean-Pierre, Morand Serge, Herbreteau Vincent. 2011. Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 11 (3) : 231-237.

Conservation of endangered endemic seabirds within a multi-predator context: The Barau's petrel in Réunion Island. Dumont Yves, Russell J.C., Lecomte Viviane, Le Corre Matthieu. 2010. Natural Resource Modeling, 23 (3) : 381-436.

Gastrointestinal helminth Infections in asian house rats (Rattus tanezumi) from northern and northeastern Thailand. Chaisiri Kittipong, Chaeychomsri Win, Siruntawineti Jindawan, Ribas Alexis, Herbreteau Vincent, Morand Serge. 2010. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 39 (1) : 29-35.

Human-dominated habitats and helminth parasitism in Southeast Asian murids. Chaisiri Kittipong, Chaeychomsri Win, Siruntawineti Jindawan, Herbreteau Vincent, Morand Serge. 2010. Parasitology Research, 107 (4) : 931-937.

Pneumocystis carinii and Pneumocystis wakefieldiae in wild Rattus norvegicus trapped in Thailand. Chabé Magali, Herbreteau Vincent, Hugot Jean-Pierre, Bouzard Noémie, Deruyter Lucie, Morand Serge, Dei-Cas Eduardo. 2010. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 57 (2) : 213-217.

Intraguild predation and mesopredator release effect on long-lived prey. Russell James C., Lecomte Vincent, Dumont Yves, Le Corre Matthieu. 2009. Ecological Modelling, 220 (8) : 1098-1104.

Propriétés anti-inflammatoires de l'huile de pulpe d'awara (Astrocaryum vulgare, Arecaceae) dans un modèle de rat asthmatiforme. Bony Emilie, Calas C., Dussossoy Emilie, Pallet Dominique, Brat Pierre, Michel Alain. 2009. In : 11ème Symposium international d'Aromathérapie et plantes médicinales, 17-19 avril 2009, Grasse, France. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. Symposium international d'aromathérapie et plantes médicinales. 11, Grasse, France, 17 Avril 2009/19 Avril 2009.

Structural validation of an individual-based model for plague epidemics simulation. Laperrière Vincent, Badariotti Dominique, Banos Arnaud, Müller Jean Pierre. 2009. Ecological Complexity, 6 (2) : 102-112.

Recent discoveries of new hantaviruses widen their range and question their origins. Henttonen Heikki, Buchy Philippe, Suputtamongkol Yupin, Jittapalapong Sathaporn, Herbreteau Vincent, Laakkonen Juha, Chaval Yannick, Galan Maxime, Dobigny Gauthier, Charbonnel Nathalie, Michaux Johan, Cosson Jean François, Morand Serge, Hugot Jean-Pierre. 2008. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1149 : 84-89. Biennial Conference of the Society for Tropical Veterinary Medicine. 9, Mexico, Mexique, 17 Juin 2007/22 Juin 2007.

Effects of garlic powders with varying alliin contents on hepatic drug metabolizing enzymes in rats. Le Bon Anne-Marie, Vernevaut Marie-France, Guénot Lucien, Kahane Rémi, Auger Jacques, Arnault Ingrid, Haffner Thomas, Siess Marie-Hélène. 2003. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51 (26) : 7617-7623.


Crop protection in coconut plantations in Fiji. De Taffin Gabriel, Fauoro Vilsoni, Lal S.N., Mereseini Nagatalevu. 1994. Suva : Ministry of Agriculture, 20 p.

Le comportement de Rattus norvegicus en situation de contrainte alimentaire : influence de la présence de la mère expérimentée. Colas François. 1991. In : Actes du colloque international "Le Rongeur et l'Espace". Le Berre M. (ed.), Le Guelte L. (ed.). Paris : Raymond chabaud, 327-338. Le rongeur et l'espace, Lyon, France, 1989.

Analyse des protéines des mutants du virus rabique. Diallo Adama. 1984. s.l. : s.n., 102 p. Thèse de doctorat : Microbiologie. Option Virologie : Université de Paris VII

Rapport de mission à la SOSU-HV, République de Haute Volta, mai 1979. Bassereau D.. 1979. Paris : GERDAT-IRAT, 21 p.

Extraits du manuel de riziculture ADRAO. Participation IRAT. GERDAT - REU. 1978. Montpellier : GERDAT-IRAT, 150 p.

Maïs. Compte-rendu de l'essai du 1/12/1977 au 17/03/1978 (Essai n. 249 RAPT). Reboul Jean-Louis. 1978. Pirae : GERDAT-IRAT, 13 p.

Activité de Bacillus thuringiensis sur les imagos de Glossina tachinoides. Provost Alain, Haas Brian. 1975. In : Rapport annuel 1974. N'Djamena : Laboratoire de Farcha, 19-23.

Action de la fertilisation azotée et de l'amendement organique sur le rendement et la valeur nutritionnelle d'un mil souna III. Ganry Francis, Bideau J., Nicoli J.. 1974. L'Agronomie Tropicale. Série 1, Riz et Riziculture et Cultures Vivrières Tropicales, 29 (10) : 1006-1015.

Le cocotier dans l'archipel des Comores. Delorme Marc. 1973. Oléagineux, 28 (7) : 341-346.

Protection des jeunes palmiers contre les rats. GERDAT - CIV. 1971. Oléagineux, 31 (4) : 165-168.

Ixodes Randrianasoli sp. n. (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae), parasite de Rattus rattus (Rodentia) à Madagascar. Uilenberg Gerrit, Hoogstraal H.. 1969. Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée, 44 (1) : 93-96.

Ixodes albignaci sp. n. (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae), parasite d'Insectivora et de Rodentia à Madagascar. Uilenberg Gerrit, Hoogstraal H.. 1969. Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée, 43 (5) : 605-610.

Présence de Trichinella spiralis (Owen, 1835) chez les carnivores et suidés sauvages de la région du delta du fleuve Sénégal. Grétillat Simon, Vassiliades Georges. 1967. Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Série 3, Sciences de la Vie, 264.D : 1297-1300.

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