
Résultats pour : "sol pollué"

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Nombre de documents : 30.

L'évaluation des risques pour la santé humaine et celle des sols. Fabure Juliette, Avadi Angel, Bravin Matthieu. 2024. AFIS Science et Pseudo-Sciences (347) : 63-70.

Ne pas confondre contamination et pollution. Bravin Matthieu, Pandard Pascal. 2024. AFIS Science et Pseudo-Sciences (347) : 56-62.

Tour d'horizon des contaminants présents dans les sols agricoles. Benoit Pierre, Doelsch Emmanuel, Bravin Matthieu. 2024. AFIS Science et Pseudo-Sciences (347) : 49-55.

Long-term pollution by chlordecone of tropical volcanic soils in the French West Indies: New insights and improvement of previous predictions. Comte Irina, Pradel Alice, Grabit Armand, Mottes Charles, Pak Lai-Ting, Cattan Philippe. 2022. Environmental Pollution, 303:119091, 8 p.

Physico-chemical and agronomic results of soil remediation by In Situ Chemical Reduction applied to a chlordecone-contaminated nitisol at plot scale in a French Caribbean banana plantation. Mouvet Christophe, Collet Bastien, Gaude Jean-Marie, Rangon Luc, Bristeau Sébastien, Senergues Mathilde, Lesueur-Jannoyer Magalie, Jestin Alexandra, Hellal Jennifer, Woignier Thierry. 2020. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27 (33) : 41063-41092.

Contrôle de l'accumulation de cations toxiques chez le riz par modification des transporteurs et de l'architecture racinaires : application à une culture sur des sols contaminés par le Césium 137. Mohamed Sonia. 2017. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 406 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie intégrative des plantes : Montpellier SupAgro

Production of low-Cs+ rice plants by inactivation of the K+ transporter OsHAK1 with the CRISPR-Cas system. Nieves-Cordones Manuel, Mohamed Sonia, Tanoi Keitaro, Kobayashi Natsuko I., Takagi Keiko, Vernet Aurore, Guiderdoni Emmanuel, Périn Christophe, Sentenac Hervé, Very Anne-Aliénor. 2017. Plant Journal, 92 (1) : 43-56.

Chlordecone contamination at the farm scale: management tools for cropping system and impact on farm sustainability. Clostre Florence, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie, Gaude Jean-Marie, Carles Céline, Meylan Louise, Letourmy Philippe. 2016. In : Crisis management of chronic pollution: contaminated soil and human health. Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie (ed.), Cattan Philippe (ed.), Woignier Thierry (ed.), Clostre Florence (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 239-247. (Urbanization, industrialization and the environment series) ISBN 978-1-4987-3783-8

From soil to plants: crop contamination by chlordecone. Clostre Florence, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie, Gaude Jean-Marie, Carles Céline, Cattan Philippe, Letourmy Philippe. 2016. In : Crisis management of chronic pollution: contaminated soil and human health. Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie (ed.), Cattan Philippe (ed.), Woignier Thierry (ed.), Clostre Florence (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 131-142. (Urbanization, industrialization and the environment series) ISBN 978-1-4987-3783-8

Abundance, distribution and function of Pisolithus albus and other ectomycorrhyzal fungi of ultramafic soils in New Caledonia. Jourand Philippe, Carriconde Fabian, Ducousso Marc, Majorel Clarisse, Hannibal Laure, Prin Yves, Lebrun Michel. 2014. In : Ectomycorrhizal symbioses in tropical and neotropical forests. Bâ Amadou M. (ed.), McGuire Krista L. (ed.), Diédhiou Abdala G. (ed.). USA : CRC press, 100-125. ISBN 978-1-4665-9468-5

Contamination of free-range ducks by chlordecone in Martinique (FrenchWest Indies): A field study. Jondreville Catherine, Lavigne Anaïs, Jurjanz Stefan, Dalibard Christophe, Liabeuf Jean-Marie, Clostre Florence, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie. 2014. Science of the Total Environment, 493 : 336-341.

Effect of home food processing on chlordecone (organochlorine) content in vegetables. Clostre Florence, Letourmy Philippe, Thuriès Laurent, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie. 2014. Science of the Total Environment, 490 : 1044-1050.

Role of mycorrhizal fungi on the alleviation of heavy metal toxicity on plant. Amir Hamid, Jourand Philippe, Cavaloc Yvon, Ducousso Marc. 2014. In : Mycorrhizal Fungi: Use in sustainable agriculture and land restoration. Solaiman Zakaria M. (ed.), Abbott Lynette K. (ed.), Varma Ajit (ed.). New-York : Springer, 241-258. ISBN 978-3-662-45369-8

Soil nitrogen balance resulting from N fixation and rhizodeposition by the symbiotic association Anthyllis vulneraria/Mesorhizobium metallidurans grown in highly polluted Zn, Pb and Cd mine tailings. Mathieu Stéphanie, Escarré José, Brunel Brigitte, Méjamolle Angélique, Soussou Souhir, Galiana Antoine, Cleyet-Marel Jean-Claude. 2014. Plant and Soil, 375 (1-2) : 175-188.

Soil type and growing conditions influence uptake and translocation of organochlorine (chlordecone) by cucurbitaceae species. Clostre Florence, Letourmy Philippe, Turpin Baptiste, Carles Céline, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie. 2014. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 225 (ID 2153), 11 p.

Soil microstructure and organic matter: Keys for chlordecone sequestration. Woignier Thierry, Fernandes Paula, Soler Alain, Clostre Florence, Carles Céline, Rangon Luc, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie. 2013. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 262 : 357-364.

Analysis of environmental and farming factors of soil contamination by a persistent organic pollutant, chlordecone, in a banana production area of French West Indies. Levillain Joseph, Cattan Philippe, Colin François, Voltz Marc, Cabidoche Yves-Marie. 2012. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 159 : 123-132.

Biodiversity of Mimosa pudica rhizobial symbionts (Cupriavidus taiwanensis, Rhizobium mesoamericanum) in New Caledonia and their adaptation to heavy metal-rich soils. Klonowska Agnieszka, Chaintreuil Clémence, Tisseyre Pierre, Miche Lucie, Melkonian Rémy, Ducousso Marc, Laguerre Gisèle, Brunel Brigitte, Moulin Lionel. 2012. FEMS Microbiology, Ecology, 81 (3) : 618-635.

Root-induced changes in pH and dissolved organic matter binding capacity affect copper dynamic speciation in the rhizosphere. Bravin Matthieu, Garnier Cédric, Lenoble Véronique, Gérard Frédéric, Dudal Yves, Hinsinger Philippe. 2012. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 84 (1) : 256-268.

Sequestration of chlordecone in the porous structure of an andosol and effects of added organic matter: an alternative to decontamination. Woignier Thierry, Fernandes Paula, Jannoyer-Lesueur Magalie, Soler Alain. 2012. European Journal of Soil Science, 63 (5) : 717-723.

Anthyllis vulneraria/Mesorhizobium metallidurans, an efficient symbiotic nitrogen fixing association able to grow in mine tailings highly contaminated by Zn, Pb and Cd. Mahieu Stéphanie, Frérot Hélène, Vidal Céline, Galiana Antoine, Heulin Karine, Maure Lucette, Brunel Brigitte, Lefèbvre Claude, Escarré José, Cleyet-Marel Jean-Claude. 2011. Plant and Soil, 342 (1-2) : 405-417.

Development of a new plant-based biotest to assess trace element phytoavailability in contamined soils : selection of target-plant species for standardisation. Lemal Laure, Bravin Matthieu, Letourmy Philippe, Hinsinger Philippe, Doelsch Emmanuel. 2011. In : Ecosystem protection in as Sustainable world: a challenge for science and regulation : 21th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy, 15-19 May 2011. SETAC Europe. s.l. : s.n., 3 p. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting. 21, Milan, Italie, 15 Mai 2011/19 Mai 2011.
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Pollution durable des sols par la chlordécone aux Antilles : comment la gérer ? Cabidoche Yves-Marie, Jannoyer-Lesueur Magalie, Clermont Dauphin Claridge (collab.), Humbert G. (collab.), Lafont Antoine (collab.), Sansoulet Julie (collab.), Laurent François (collab.), Mahieu Maurice (collab.), Archimede Harry (collab.), Cattan Philippe (collab.), Achard Raphaël (collab.), Caron Audrey (collab.), Chabrier Christian (collab.). 2011. Innovations Agronomiques, 16 : 117-133. Systèmes durables de production et de transformation agricoles aux Antilles et en Guyane, Lamentin, Guadeloupe, 3 Novembre 2011/4 Novembre 2011.

Remédiation à la pollution par la chlordécone aux Antilles. Quénéhervé Patrick (ed.), Jannoyer Magalie (ed.), Lordinot Justine (ed.). 2011. Les Cahiers du PRAM (9-10) : 9-97.

Projet Cann'elec Guadeloupe. Programme de recherche de la phase 1. Pouzet Denis, Lejars Caroline. 2009. Montpellier : CIRAD, 19 p.

Rhizosphere pH gradient controls copper availability in a strongly acidic soil. Bravin Matthieu, Tentscher P., Rose Jérôme, Hinsinger Philippe. 2009. Environmental Science and Technology, 43 (15) : 5686-5691.

Fluorescent pseudomonads occuring in Macrotermes subhyalinus mound structures decrease Cd toxicity and improve its accumulation in sorghum plants. Duponnois Robin, Kisa Marija, Assigbetse Komi, Prin Yves, Thioulouse Jean, Issartel M., Moulin Patricia, Lepage Michel. 2006. Science of the Total Environment, 370 (2-3) : 391-400.

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