
Résultats pour : "souris"

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Nombre de documents : 39.

AFM1 exposure in male balb/c mice and intervention strategies against its immuno-physiological toxicity using clay mineral and Lactic acid bacteria alone or in combination. Aloui Amina, Ben Salah-Abbès Jalila, Belgacem Hela, Dhif Haifa, Zinedine Abdellah, Riba Amar, Meile Jean-Christophe, Durand Noel, Brabet Catherine, Abbes Samir. 2024. Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, 46 (2) : 199-211.
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Evaluation of NS4A, NS4B, NS5 and 3'UTR Genetic Determinants of WNV Lineage 1 Virulence in Birds and Mammals. Fiacre Lise, Lowenski Steeve, Bahuon Céline, Dumarest Marine, Lambrecht Bénédicte, Dridi Maha, Albina Emmanuel, Richardson Jennifer, Zientara Stéphan, Jiménez-Clavero Miguel Angel, Pardigon Nathalie, Gonzalez Gaëlle, Lecollinet Sylvie. 2023. Viruses, 15 (5), n.spéc. Usutu, West Nile and Tickborne Encephalitis Viruses:1094, 22 p.

Furan fatty acid extracted from Hevea brasiliensis latex increases muscle mass in mice. Pelletier François, Durand Erwann, Chaiyut Jatuporn, Bronstein Clémence, Pessemesse Laurence, Vaysse Laurent, Liengprayoon Siriluck, Gaillet Sylvie, Brioche Thomas, Bertrand-Gaday Christelle, Coudray Charles, Sultan Ariane, Feillet-Coudray Christine, Casas François. 2023. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 166:115330, 11 p.

Long term circulation of Sars-Cov-2 related lineages in bats in Cambodia. Ou Tey Putita, Karlsson E., Guillebaud Julia, Auerswald Heidi, Dussart Philippe, Simon-Lorière Etienne, Cappelle Julien, Duong Veasna. 2023. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 130, suppl. 2 : S111. International Congress on Infectious Diseases (ICID KL 2022), Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie, 17 Novembre 2022/20 Novembre 2022.

Preventive nutritional supplementation with furan fatty acid in a DIO mouse model increases muscle mass and reduces metabolic disorders. Dore Laetitia, Durand Erwann, Bonafos Béatrice, Chaiyut Jatuporn, Vaysse Laurent, Liengprayoon Siriluck, Gaillet Sylvie, Pessemesse Laurence, Lambert Karen, Bertrand-Gaday Christelle, Coudray Charles, Sultan Ariane, Casas François, Feillet-Coudray Christine. 2023. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 164:114945, 10 p.

Low dose gamma irradiation of Trypanosoma evansi parasites identifies molecular changes that occur to repair radiation damage and gene transcripts that may be involved in establishing disease in mice post-irradiation. Kangethe Richard T., Winger Eva M., Settypalli Tirumala Bharani Kumar, Datta Sneha, Wijewardana Viskam, Lamien Charles E., Unger Hermann, Coetzer Theresa H.T., Cattoli Giovanni, Diallo Adama. 2022. Frontiers in Immunology, 13, 19 p.

Pathogenic effects and prepatent periods of Trypanosoma evansi isolates from Indonesia in mice. Sawitri Dyah H., Wardhana April H., Sadikin Mohamad, Wibowo Heri, Desquesnes Marc. 2022. Sains Malaysiana, 51 (11) : 3579-3590.

Comparison of infectivity and virulence of clones of Trypanosoma evansi and Ttrypanosoma equiperdum Venezuelan strains in mice. Perrone Trina, Aso Pedro Maria, Mijares Alfrédo, Holzmuller Philippe, Gonzatti Marisa, Parra N.. 2018. Veterinary Parasitology, 253 : 60-64.

Cloning, expression, molecular characterization and preliminary studies on immunomodulating properties of recombinant Trypanosoma congolense calreticulin. Bossard Géraldine, Grébaut Pascal, Thevenon Sophie, Seveno Martial, Berthier David, Holzmuller Philippe. 2016. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 45 : 320-331.

Molecular phylogeny of Southeast Asian arboreal murine rodents. Pagès Marie, Fabre Pierre-Henri, Chaval Yannick, Mortelliti Alessio, Nicolas Violaine, Wells Konstans, Michaux Johan, Lazzari Vincent. 2016. Zoologica Scripta, 45 (4) : 349-364.

Cashew apple extract inhibition of fat storage and insulin resistance in the diet-induced obesity mouse model. Beejmohun Vickram, Mignon Cyril, Mazollier Aude, Peytavy-Izard Marie, Pallet Dominique, Dornier Manuel, Chapal Nicolas. 2015. Journal of Nutritional Science, 4:e38, 9 p.

An adenoviral vector expressing lipoprotein A, a major antigen of Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides, elicits robust immune responses in mice. Carozza Marlène, Rodrigues Valérie, Unterfinger Yves, Galea Sandra, Coulpier Muriel, Klonjkowski Bernard, Thiaucourt François, Totté Philippe, Richardson Jennifer. 2015. Vaccine, 33 (1) : 141-148.

Plasminogen controls inflammation and pathogenesis of influenza virus infections via fibrinolysis. Berri Fatima, Rimmelzwaan Guus F., Hanss Michel, Albina Emmanuel, Foucault-Grunenwald Marie-Laure, Lê Vuong B., Vogelzang-van Trierum Stella E., Gil Patricia, Camerer Eric, Martinez Dominique, Lina Bruno, Lijnen Roger, Carmeliet Peter, Riteau Béatrice. 2013. PLoS Pathogens, 9 (3):e100322, 12 p.

Protective effect of tropical highland blackberry juice (Rubus adenotrichos Schltdl.) against UVB-mediated damage in human epidermal keratinocytes and in a reconstituted skin equivalent model. Calvo-Castro Laura, Syed Deeba N., Chamcheu Jean C., Vilela Fernanda M.P., Pérez Ana Mercedes, Vaillant Fabrice, Rojas Miguel, Mukhtar Hasan. 2013. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 89 (5) : 1199-1207.

MBT/Pas mouse: A relevant model for the evaluation of Rift Valley fever vaccines. Ayari-Fakhfakh Saïda Emna, Zaverucha do Valle Tânia, Guillemot Laurent, Panthier Jean-Jacques, Bouloy Michèle, Ghram Abdeljelil, Albina Emmanuel, Cetre-Sossah Catherine. 2012. Journal of General Virology, 93 (7) : 1456-1464.

Rodent-borne diseases in Thailand: targeting rodent carriers and risky habitats. Herbreteau Vincent, Bordes Frédéric, Jittapalapong Sathaporn, Morand Serge. 2012. Infection Ecology and Epidemiology, 2 (18637), 5 p.

Animal leptospirosis in small tropical areas. Desvars A., Cardinale Eric, Michault Alain. 2011. Epidemiology and Infection, 139 (1) : 167-188.

Attempted transmission of Trypanosoma evansi to rats and mice by direct ingestion of contaminated blood and via engorged ticks. Vergne Timothée, Kamyingkird Ketsarin, Desquesnes Marc, Jittapalapong Sathaporn. 2011. Acta Protozoologica, 50 (2) : 133-136.

In vivo delivery of siRNA and evaluation of its antiviral effect against peste des petits ruminants virus. Nizamani Zaheer Ahmed. 2010. Montpellier : UM2, 136 p. Thèse de doctorat : Virologie. Sciences chimiques et biologiques pour la santé : Université Montpellier 2

Monitoring the pleomorphism of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense isolates in mouse: Impact on its transmissibility to Glossina palpalis gambiensis. Janelle Jérome, Koffi Mathurin, Jamonneau Vincent, Patrel Delphine, Cuny Gérard, Ravel Sophie. 2009. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 9 (6) : 1260-1264.

Host genetics in african trypanosomiasis. Courtin David, Berthier David, Thevenon Sophie, Dayo Guiguigbaza-Kossigan, Garcia André, Bucheton Bruno. 2008. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 8 (3) : 229-238.

Early responses associated with chronic pathology in murine schistosomiasis. Cetre-Sossah Catherine, Montesano M.A., Freeman Jr.G.L., Willard M.T., Colley D.G., Secor W.E. 2007. Parasite Immunology, 29 (5) : 241-249.

Observation dans les Niayes du Sénégal d'une souche de Trypanosoma (Duttonella) vivax transmissible d'un bovin à des souris par la seringue. Diaite Amadou, Gueye Arona, Thiongane Yaya, Lo Moustapha, Dieye T.N., Vassiliades Georges. 1998. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 51 (2) : 127-129.

Protection against Cowdria ruminantium infection in mice with gamma interferon produced in animal cells. Totté Philippe, Vachiery Nathalie, Heremans H., Billiau A., Wérenne John. 1994. In : Animal cell technology: basic and applied aspects = [Technologie de la cellule animale : aspects de niveau simple et appliqué]. Kobayashi T. (ed.). Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 595-599.

Fluram induces species dependent C- and G-bands in mammalian chromosomes, revealing heterogenous distribution of chromosomal proteins. Cuellar Térésa, Gosálvez T., Del Castillo P., Stockert Juan C.. 1991. Genome (Ottawa), 34 (5) : 772-776.

Structure et fonction des antigènes de classe I du complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité du bovin. Bensaïd Albert. 1990. Aix-en-Provence : Université d'aix-marseille 2, 150 p. Thèse de doctorat : Immunologie : Université d'Aix-Marseille II

Congélation des embryons. Principe, méthode et résultats de la cryoconservation des embryons de bovins. Etude expérimentale de la survie du demi-embryon de souris congelé. Le Bel Sébastien. 1987. Maisons-Alfort : CIRAD-IEMVT, 61 p. Mémoire DESS : Productions Animales en Régions Chaudes : Université de Paris-Val-de-Marne

Mechanismes of self-cure from Trypanosoma congolense infection in mice. Pinder M., Chassin P., Fumoux F.. 1986. Journal of Immunology, 136 (5) : 1427-1434.

Analyse des protéines des mutants du virus rabique. Diallo Adama. 1984. s.l. : s.n., 102 p. Thèse de doctorat : Microbiologie. Option Virologie : Université de Paris VII

A specific immune mechanism for the resistance of C5781/6 mice to african trypanosomes. Pinder M., Chassin P.. 1984. Bobo-Dioulasso : CRTA, 25 p.

Effet néfaste du lévamisole sur la trypanosomose expérimentale de la souris. Libeau Geneviève, Pinder M.. 1981. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 34 (4) : 399-404.

Présence de Trichinella spiralis (Owen, 1835) chez les carnivores et suidés sauvages de la région du delta du fleuve Sénégal. Grétillat Simon, Vassiliades Georges. 1967. Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Série 3, Sciences de la Vie, 264.D : 1297-1300.

Rapport annuel 1955. IEMVT - TCD. 1956. N'Djamena : Laboratoire de Farcha, 63 p.

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