
Résultats pour : "variant"

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Nombre de documents : 23.

Article de revue

Genetic and morphological variants of Acidovorax avenae subsp. avenae cause red stripe of sugarcane in China. Zhao Jian-Ying, Chen Juan, Hu Zhong-Ting, Li Juan, Fu Hua-Ying, Rott Philippe, Gao San-Ji. 2023. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14:1127928, 11 p.

Specificity and genetic polymorphism in the Vfm quorum sensing system of plant pathogenic bacteria of the genus Dickeya. Hugouvieux-Cotte-Pattat Nicole, Royer Monique, Gueguen Erwan, Le Guen Paul, Süssmuth Roderich, Reverchon Sylvie, Cociancich Stéphane. 2022. Environmental Microbiology, 24 (3), n.spéc. Pathogen and Antimicrobial Resistance Ecology : 1467-1483.

The novel hamster-adapted SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant may be selectively advantaged in humans. Fantini Jacques, Devaux Christian, Yahi Nouara, Frutos Roger. 2022. Journal of Infection, 84 (5) : 53-54.

New allelic variants found in key rice salt-tolerance genes: an association study. Negrão Sonia, Almadanim M. Cecilia, Pires Ines, Abreu Isabel, Maroco João. P, Courtois Brigitte, Gregorio Glenn, McNally Kenneth L., Oliveira Margarida. 2013. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 11 (1) : 87-100.

Molecular evidence for the association of a strain of Uganda variant of East African cassava mosaic virus to symptom severity in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) fields in Togo. Adjata K.D., Muller Emmanuelle, Peterschmitt Michel, Traoré Oumar, Gumedzoe M.Y.D.. 2009. American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 5 (4) : 196-201.

Screening and evaluation of SSR primers in gel systems for the detection of off-types in cocoa field genebanks. Motilal Lambert A., Boccara Michel. 2004. Ingenic newsletter (9) : 21-26.

Search for methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphisms associated with the "mantled" variant phenotype in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). Jaligot Estelle, Beulé Thierry, Baurens Franc-Christophe, Billotte Norbert, Rival Alain. 2004. Genome (Ottawa), 47 (1) : 224-228.

Field performance of embryogenic cell suspension-derived banana plants (Musa 'AAA', cv. 'Grande naine'). Côte François-Xavier, Folliot Michel, Domergue Régis, Dubois Cécile. 2000. Euphytica, 112 : 245-251.

Phenotypic variation in micropropagated bananas and plantains. Côte François-Xavier, Sandoval J., Marie Philippe, Auboiron Erik. 1998. Revista Corbana, 23 (50) : 177-198.

Suitability of RAPD analysis for the detection of somaclonal variants in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq). Rival Alain, Bertrand L., Beulé Thierry, Combes Marie-Christine, Trouslot Pierre, Lashermes Philippe. 1998. Plant Breeding (117) : 73-76.

Chromosome number variations in micropropagated true-to-type and off-type banana plants (Musa AAA `Grande Naine' cv.). Sandoval Jorge A., Côte François-Xavier, Escoute Jacques. 1996. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology. Plant, 32 (1) : 14-17.

Variants of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) obtained by organogenesis from irradiated petals. Simard M.H., Michaux-Ferrière Nicole, Silvy A.. 1992. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 29 : 37-42.

Sisals (Agave sisalana P.) induits in vitro : expression de la variabilité du caractère inerme ou épineux des marges foliaires. Frydrych Danielle. 1985. Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France. Actualités Botaniques (3-4) : 157.

Communication avec actes

Agronomic performance and trueness-to-type of Coffea arabica hybrids mass-propagated by somatic embryogenesis. Etienne Hervé, Alpizar Edgardo, Dechamp Eveline, Bertrand Benoît. 2005. In : 20th International Conference on Coffee Science, 11-15 October 2004, Bangalore, India = 20ème Colloque Scientifique International sur le Café ; 20. Internationales Wissenshaftliches Kolloquium über Kaffee ; 20e Coloquio Cientifico Internacional sobre el Café. ASIC. Paris : ASIC, 897-907. ISBN 2-900212-19-7 Colloque Scientifique International sur le Café. 20, Bangalore, Inde, 11 Octobre 2004/15 Octobre 2004.

Chromosome counts in true-to-type and off-type banana plantlets (AAA, cv. Grande Naine). Sandoval J., Côte François-Xavier, Escoute Jacques, Soleymani A., Teisson Claude. 1993. In : Breeding banana and plantain for resistance to diseases and pests. Ganry Jacky (ed.). CIRAD-FLHOR. Montpellier : CIRAD-FLHOR, 380. ISBN 2-87614-108-6 International symposium on genetic improvement of bananas for resistance to diseases and pests, Montpellier, France, 7 Septembre 1992/9 Septembre 1992.

Pratice of pineapple breeding. Cabot Chantal. 1987. In : Symposium on tropical and subtropical fruit breeding. Giacometti D.C.. National Center for Genetic Resources. Wageningen : ISHS, 25-31. (Acta Horticulturae, 196) ISBN 90-6605-422-0 Tropical and Subtropical Fruit Breeding, Brasilia, Brésil, 29 Janvier 1986/30 Janvier 1986.

Communication sans actes

Les différentes espèces de Phytophthora pathogènes du cacaoyer. Blaha Georges. 2000. In : Bases génétiques de la résistance des cacaoyers aux maladies à Phytophthora : Résumés des communications = Genetic basis of cocoa tree resistance to Phytophthora diseases. Abstracts. Cilas Christian (ed.). CIRAD, CAOBISCO, CNRA, UWI-CRU, IRAD. Montpellier : CIRAD, 4-5. Scientific Closing Seminar of CAOBISCO / CIRAD / CNRA / CRU / IRAD Project, Montpellier, France, 19 Septembre 2000/20 Septembre 2000.

Field performance of embryogenic cell suspension-derived banana plants (Musa 'AAA', cv. 'Grand Nain'). Côte François-Xavier, Folliot Michel, Domergue Régis, Dubois Cécile. 1999. In : The International symposium on the molecular and cellular biology of banana. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research. New York : Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, 30. International Symposium on the Molecular and Cellular Biology of Banana, Ithaca, États-Unis, 22 Mars 1999/25 Mars 1999.


Méthylation de l'ADN génomique et variations épigénétiques chez les végétaux : le cas de l'anomalie florale "mantled" chez le palmier à huile. Jaligot Estelle. 2003. Montpellier : UM2, 197 p. Thèse de doctorat : Physiologie végétale : Université Montpellier 2


Document technique et de recherche

Dénombrements chromosomiques sur les variants de "Figue sucrée". Bakry Frédéric. 1992. Capesterre Belle Eau : CIRAD-IRFA, 1 p.

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