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Nombre de documents : 37.

Diversity, adoption and performances of inter-row management practices in immature rubber plantations. A review. Simon Charlotte, Thoumazeau Alexis, Chambon Bénédicte, Sajjaphan Kannika, Metay Aurélie. 2024. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 44:12, 29 p.

Early effects of conservation agriculture on soil organic carbon dynamics of Mollisols in Cambodia. Koun Pengly, Vernet Pierre-Antoine, Filloux Titouan, Sar Veng, Seng Vang, Srimongkol Porntip, Tantachasatid Phakphoom, Sen Reaksmey, Pheap Sambo, Tivet Florent, Thoumazeau Alexis. 2024. Soil Use and Management, 40 (1):e12922, 14 p.
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Effects of fertilization practices and understory on soil health and oil palm performances in smallholdings: An Indonesian case study. Thoumazeau Alexis, Mettauer Romane, Turinah Turinah, Junedi Heri, Baron Victor, Chéron-Bessou Cécile, Ollivier Jean. 2024. Agricultural Systems, 213:103802, 10 p.

How can we measure the impact of agroecological practices on soil functions? First assessment after 6 years of using the biofunctool soil health kit. Alain B., Felix-Faure Jim, Thoumazeau Alexis. 2024. In : Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences, Florence - Italy May 19 - 21, 2024 - Abstract Book. SISS. Florence : SISS, Résumé, 1 p. Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS 2024), Florence, Italie, 19 Mai 2024/21 Mai 2024.

Agroecological crop protection for sustainable agriculture. Deguine Jean-Philippe, Aubertot Jean-Noël, Bellon Stéphane, Côte François-Xavier, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Lescourret Françoise, Ratnadass Alain, Scopel Eric, Andrieu Nadine, Barberi Paolo, Becker Nathalie, Bouyer Jérémy, Brévault Thierry, Cerdan Claire, Cortesero Anne-Marie, Dangles Olivier, Delatte Hélène, Yen Dinh Phuong Thi, Dreyer Hans, Duru Michel, Flor Rica Joy, Gardarin Antoine, Husson Olivier, Jacquot Maxime, Javelle Aurélie, Justes Eric, Xuan Lam Mai Thi, Launay Marie, Van Le Vang, Longis Sandrine, Martin José, Munier-Jolain Nicolas, Thu Nguyen Nga Thi, Ngoc Nguyen Truc Thi, Penvern Servane, Petit Sandrine, Poisot Anne-Sophie, Robin Marie-Hélène, Rolland Bernard, Rusch Adrien, Sabourin Eric, Sanguin Hervé, Sarthou Jean-Pierre, Sester Mathilde, Simon Sylvaine, Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Steinberg Christian, Tchamitchian Marc, Thoumazeau Alexis, Tibi Anaïs, Tivet Florent, Tixier Philippe, Trinh Xuan Thi, Vialatte Aude, Wyckhuys Kris, Lamichhane Jay Ram. 2023. In : Advances in Agronomy: Volume 178. Sparks Donald L. (ed.). Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1-59. (Advances in Agronomy, 178) ISBN 978-0-443-19260-9
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Agronomic and socio-economic options for rubber intercropping in Sri Lanka: A forward analysis in the Moneragala and Ampara regions. Penot Eric, Le Guen Adeline, Chevreux Alys, Gallier Chloé, Ellis Hugo, Laville Johanna, Guillonnet Laura, Schirmer Louise, Fenech Paul, Schoepfer Swanny, Thoumazeau Alexis, Durand Claire. 2023. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (356), n.spéc. Agroforesterie : 43-65.

Soil health in temperate agroforestry: Influence of tree species and position in the field. Mettauer Romane, Thoumazeau Alexis, Le Gall Samuel, Soiron Alexis, Rakotondrazafy Nancy, Berard Annette, Brauman Alain, Meziere Delphine. 2023. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 69 (10) : 1781-1800.
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Towards the agroecological management of rubber plantations: insights from research works in Thailand and Ivory Coast. Gay Frédéric, Chambon Bénédicte, Rawiwan Chotipan, Kouakou Aymard, Panklang Phantip, Perron Thibaut, Sajjaphan Kannika, Simon Charlotte, Thoumazeau Alexis. 2023. . IRRDB. Kuala Lumpur : IRRDB, Résumé, 1 p. International Rubber Conference 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie, 20 Février 2023/21 Février 2023.

Biofunctool® : un outil de terrain " low tech " pour évaluer la santé des sols. Brauman Alain, Thoumazeau Alexis. 2022. In : Transformations agroécologiques pour des systèmes alimentaires durables. Panorama de la recherche France-CGIAR = Agroecological transformation for sustainable food systems. Insight on France-CGIAR research. Atta-Krah Kwesi (ed.), Chotte Jean-Luc (ed.), Gascuel Chantal (ed.), Gitz Vincent (ed.), Hainzelin Etienne (ed.), Quintero Marcela (ed.), Sinclair Fergus L. (ed.). Agropolis. Montpellier : Agropolis International, 137. (Les dossiers d'Agropolis International, 26)

How 75 years of rubber monocropping affects soil fauna and nematodes as the bioindicators for soil biodiversity quality index. Panklang Phantip, Thaler Philippe, Thoumazeau Alexis, Chiarawipa Rawee, Sdoodee Sayan, Brauman Alain. 2022. Acta Agriculturæ Scandinavica. Section B, Soil and Plant Science, 72 (1) : 612-622.

Rubber, rubber and rubber: How 75 years of successive rubber plantations rotations affect topsoil quality? Panklang Phantip, Thoumazeau Alexis, Chiarawipa Rawee, Sdoodee Sayan, Sebag David, Gay Frédéric, Thaler Philippe, Brauman Alain. 2022. Land Degradation and Development, 33 (8) : 1159-1169.
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Soil health in temperate agroforestry systems: What effects of tree rows and tree species? Mettauer Romane, Thoumazeau Alexis, Le Gall Samuel, Soiron Alexis, Rakotondrazafy Nancy, Berard Annette, Brauman Alain, Meziere Delphine. 2022. In : En transition vers un monde viable. Québec : Université de Laval-IUAF-ICRAF, Résumé, 1 p. Congrès mondial d'agroforesterie. 5, Québec, Canada, 17 Juillet 2022/20 Juillet 2022.

Soil, biodiversity and biomass of agroforestry systems in Baucau area (Timor-Leste). Cogne Marguerite, Freycon Vincent, Piponiot-Laroche Camille, Thoumazeau Alexis, Peltier Régis. 2022. Montpellier : CIRAD-GIZ, 31 p.

Biofunctool®, a multifunctional approach of soil health related to soil biota activities. Brauman Alain, Simon C., Panklang Phantip, Kouakou A., Peerawat Monrawee, Perron Thibaut, Suvannang Nopmanee, Kolo Y., Konate S., Lefevre Clara, Thoumazeau Alexis. 2021. In : Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity – Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity 19–22 April 2021. Proceedings. FAO. Rome : FAO, 224-231. ISBN 978-92-5-135218-2 Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity, Rome, Italie, 19 Avril 2021/22 Avril 2021.

Effects of conservation agriculture maize-based cropping systems on soil health and crop performance in New Caledonia. Kulagowski Rémy, Thoumazeau Alexis, Leopold Audrey, Lienhard Pascal, Boulakia Stéphane, Metay Aurélie, Sturm Tobias, Tixier Philippe, Brauman Alain, Fogliani Bruno, Tivet Florent. 2021. Soil and Tillage Research, 212:105079, 10 p.
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Feuille de route des recherches du Cirad à 10 ans sur la filière Palmier à huile. Rival Alain, Langlais Christian, Feintrenie Laurene, Morcillo Fabienne, Ollivier Laurence, Rafflegeau Sylvain, Thoumazeau Alexis, Tisne Sébastien, Côte François-Xavier. 2021. Montpellier : CIRAD, 70 p.

Investigating the links between management practices and economic performances of smallholders' oil palm plots. A case study in Jambi province, Indonesia. Mettauer Romane, Baron Victor, Turinah, Demitria Puspita, Smit Hans, Alamsyah Zulkifli, Penot Eric, Bessou Cécile, Chambon Bénédicte, Ollivier Jean, Thoumazeau Alexis. 2021. Agricultural Systems, 194:103274, 10 p.
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Managing soil quality to improve sustainability of rubber plantations, what do we know? Gay Frédéric, Brauman Alain, Chotiphan Rawiwan, Gohet Eric, Laclau Jean-Paul, Lienprayoon S., Mareschal Louis, Malagoli Philippe, Thoumazeau Alexis, Nouvellon Yann, Suvannang Nopmanee, Thaler Philippe, Perron Thibaut. 2021. In : Natural rubber systems and climate change. Proceedings and extended abstracts from the online workshop, 23–25 June 2020. Pinizzotto Salvatore (ed.), Aziz Abdul (ed.), Gitz Vincent (ed.), Sainte-Beuve Jérôme (ed.), Nair Lekshmi (ed.), Gohet Eric (ed.), Penot Eric (ed.), Meybeck Alexandre (ed.). IRSG, IRRDB, CGIAR, FTA, CIFOR, CIRAD. Bogor : CGIAR-CIFOR, 42-45. (FTA Working Paper) Workshop on Natural Rubber Systems and Climate Change, s.l., 23 Juin 2020/25 Juin 2020.

Relationships between physico-chemical, biological and functional approaches for soil quality assessment. A case study along a gradient of disturbance. Heepngoen Pusanisa, Thoumazeau Alexis, Renevier Marie-Sophie, Sajjaphan Kannika, Gay Frédéric, Brauman Alain. 2021. European Journal of Soil Biology, 104:103300, 11 p.
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EcoHealth/One Health: applications in agricultural and rural development. Roger François, Lafarge Tanguy, Goutard Flavie, Biénabe Estelle (collab.), Binot Aurélie (collab.), Blanchard Melanie (collab.), Bruckert Michaël (collab.), Cappelle Julien (collab.), De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel (collab.), Girard Philippe (collab.), Gohet Eric (collab.), Lienhard Pascal (collab.), Morand Serge (collab.), Nouvellon Yann (collab.), Rival Alain (collab.), Thoumazeau Alexis (collab.), Vagneron Isabelle (collab.), Vaysse Laurent (collab.). 2020. . SEARCA. Los Baños : SEARCA, 2 p. SEARCA - Stakeholders Forum, Los Baños, Philippines, 28 Octobre 2020/28 Octobre 2020.

A new in-field indicator to assess the impact of land management on soil carbon dynamics. Thoumazeau Alexis, Chevallier Tiphaine, Baron Victor, Rakotondrazafy Nancy, Panklang Phantip, Marichal Raphaël, Kibblewhite Mark, Sebag David, Tivet Florent, Bessou Cécile, Gay Frédéric, Brauman Alain. 2020. Geoderma, 375:114496, 10 p.

Biofunctool®: A new framework to assess the impact of land management on soil quality. Part A: Concept and validation of the set of indicators. Thoumazeau Alexis, Bessou Cécile, Renevier Marie-Sophie, Trap Jean, Marichal Raphaël, Mareschal Louis, Decaëns Thibaud, Bottinelli Nicolas, Jaillard Benoît, Chevallier Tiphaine, Suvannang Nopmanee, Sajjaphan Kannika, Thaler Philippe, Gay Frédéric, Brauman Alain. 2019. Ecological Indicators, 97 : 100-110.

Biofunctool®: A new framework to assess the impact of land management on soil quality. Part B: Investigating the impact of land management of rubber plantations on soil quality with the Biofunctool® index. Thoumazeau Alexis, Bessou Cécile, Renevier Marie-Sophie, Panklang Phantip, Puttaso Porntip, Peerawat Monrawee, Heepngoen Pusanisa, Polwong Prapatsorn, Koonklang Nitjaporn, Sdoodee Sayan, Chantuma Pisamai, Lawongsa Phrueksa, Nimkingra Prakaijan, Thaler Philippe, Gay Frédéric, Brauman Alain. 2019. Ecological Indicators, 97 : 429-437.

Biofunctool®: a new set of indicators to assess the impact of land management onsoil functioning. Thoumazeau Alexis, Bessou Cécile, Panklang Phantip, Suvannang Nopmanee, Thaler Philippe, Tivet Florent, Gay Frédéric, Brauman Alain. 2019. In : Book of abstarcts of the Wageningen Soil Conference 2019. WUR, ISRIC, IBED. Wageningen : Wageningen University and Research, Résumé, 64. Wageningen Soil Conference 2019: Understanding soil fonctions, Wageningen, Pays-Bas, 27 Août 2019/30 Août 2019.

Effects of compost application on soil macrofauna and soil functions in oil palm plantation – Biofunctool® approach. Marichal Raphaël, Baron Victor, Thoumazeau Alexis, Renevier Marie-Sophie, Caliman Jean-Pierre, Brauman Alain. 2019. In : Book of abstarcts of the Wageningen Soil Conference 2019. WUR, ISRIC, IBED. Wageningen : Wageningen University and Research, Résumé, 41. Wageningen Soil Conference 2019: Understanding soil fonctions, Wageningen, Pays-Bas, 27 Août 2019/30 Août 2019.

Les cycles de vie d'un écosystème. Bessou Cécile, Thoumazeau Alexis, Chevallier Tiphaine. 2019. TDC - Textes et Documents pour la Classe (1124) : 18-21.

Multi-functional assessment of soil health under Conservation Agriculture in Cambodia. Pheap Sambo, Lefevre Clara, Thoumazeau Alexis, Leng Vira, Boulakia Stéphane, Koy Ra, Hok Lyda, Lienhard Pascal, Brauman Alain, Tivet Florent. 2019. Soil and Tillage Research, 194:104349, 9 p.
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Too good to be true? Permanent rubber agroforestry systems. Reality and challenges in Thailand. Thaler Philippe, Chambon Bénédicte, Tongkaemkaew Uraiwan, Penot Eric, Brauman Alain, Sajjaphan Kannika, Suvannang Nopmanee, Panklang Phantip, Thoumazeau Alexis, Béral A., Thériez Marion, Stroesser Laetitia. 2019. In : 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Book of abstracts. Dupraz Christian (ed.), Gosme Marie (ed.), Lawson Gerry (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, Agropolis International, MUSE. Montpellier : CIRAD-INRA, Résumé, p. 604. World Congress on Agroforestry. 4, Montpellier, France, 20 Mai 2019/22 Mai 2019.

Using the LANCA® model to account for soil quality within LCA: First application and approach comparison in two contrasted tropical case studies. Thoumazeau Alexis, Bustany Céline, Rodrigues Jérémy, Bessou Cécile. 2019. Indonesian Journal of Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability, 3 (1), 13 p.

Biofunctool®: a new framework to assess the impact of land management on soil quality. Thoumazeau Alexis, Bessou Cécile, Renevier Marie-Sophie, Panklang Phantip, Puttaso Porntip, Peerawat Monrawee, Prapatsorn P., Koonklang Nitjaporn, Sdoodee Sayan, Chantuma Pisamai, Lawongsa Phrueksa, Nimkingrat P., Jaillard Benoît, Chevallier Tiphaine, Suvannang Nopmanee, Sajjaphan Kannika, Thaler Philippe, Gay Frédéric, Brauman Alain. 2018. In : Book of abstract Soil organic matter management in agriculture Assessing the potential of the 4per1000 initiative. Thünen Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture. Braunschweig : Thünen Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture, 51. International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter Management in Agriculture, Braunschweig, Allemagne, 29 Mai 2018/30 Mai 2018.

Development of a new in situ, time-and cost-effective indicator to assess the impact of land management on soil organic carbon dynamics. Thoumazeau Alexis, Gay Frédéric, Chevallier Tiphaine, Panklang Phantip, Prapatson Polwong, Tivet Florent, Bessou Cécile, Brauman Alain. 2018. In : Book of abstract Soil organic matter management in agriculture Assessing the potential of the 4per1000 initiative. Axel Don (ed;), Christopher Poeplau (ed.), Heinz Flessa (ed.). Braunschweig : Thünen Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture, 25. International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter Management in Agriculture, Braunschweig, Allemagne, 29 Mai 2018/30 Mai 2018.

First proposition to include an integrated indicator of soil quality within the life cycle assessment framework. Thoumazeau Alexis, Gay Frédéric, Tixier Philippe, Brauman Alain, Bessou Cécile. 2018. In : Book of abstracts of the 11th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2018 (LCA Food) "Global food challenges towards sustainable consumption and production". Rattanawan Mungkung (ed.), Shabbir H. Gheewala (ed.). Bangkok : Life Cycle Assessment, 78. International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2018 (LCA Food). 11, Bangkok, Thaïlande, 16 Octobre 2018/20 Octobre 2018.

Investing in SMART tools to assess soil biological functioning. Pheap Sambo, Thoumazeau Alexis, Chaivanhna Soulikone, Lefevre Clara, Ngang Channaty, Sar Veng, Leng Vira, Kuok Fidero, Hok Lyda, Ra Koy, Tivet Florent, Lienhard Pascal, Brauman Alain. 2018. . Siem Reap : s.n., 1 poster Agroecology futures regional forum, Siem Reap, Cambodge, 6 Novembre 2018/9 Novembre 2018.

Soil quality assessment of soybean-based conservation agriculture cropping systems. Pengly Koun, Hok Lyda, Pheap Sambo, Vira Leng, Lefevre Clara, Thoumazeau Alexis, Brauman Alain, Koy Ra, Tivet Florent. 2018. . Siem Reap : s.n., 1 poster Agroecology futures regional forum, Siem Reap, Cambodge, 6 Novembre 2018/9 Novembre 2018.

SituResp®: A time- and cost-effective method to assess basal soil respiration in the field. Thoumazeau Alexis, Gay Frédéric, Alonso Pascal, Suvannang Nopmanee, Phongjinda Audjima, Panklang Phantip, Chevallier Tiphaine, Bessou Cécile, Brauman Alain. 2017. Applied Soil Ecology, 121 : 223-230.

"Biofunctool": a framework to assess the impact of agricultural practices on soil quality based on soil functions. Thoumazeau Alexis, Bessou Cécile, Gay Frédéric, Thaler Philippe, Trap Jean, Phongjinda Audjima, Suvannang Nopmanee, Sajjaphan Kannika, Brauman Alain. 2016. . Montpellier : INRA-IRD, 2 p. International EcoSummit Congress 2016, Montpellier, France, 29 Août 2016/1 Septembre 2016.

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