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Nombre de documents : 29.

Article de revue

Antibiotic resistance profiles of sentinel bacteria isolated from aquaculture in Cambodia. Peng Chanthol, Moniroth Sopheavattey, Khy Panha, Chea Sopheaktra, Thanh Channmuny, Heng Oudam, Sarter Samira, Cheng Sokleaph, Caruso Domenico. 2024. Journal of Water and Health, 22 (6) : 1033-1043.

Leviers de substitution à l'usage de pesticides dans les systèmes cacaopiscicoles intégrés en Côte d'Ivoire. Kouadio Antoine, Pepey Elodie, Boussou Charles, Brou Séri, Fertin Lucas, Pouil Simon. 2024. Cahiers Agricultures, 33:30, 10 p.

Methylation profile of the testes of the flatfish Solea senegalensis. Ramírez Daniel, Rodríguez María Esther, Mukiibi Robert, Peñaloza Carolina, D'Cotta Helena, Robledo Diego, Rebordinos Laureana. 2024. Aquaculture Reports, 39:102405, 11 p.

Farmed animal production in tropical circular food systems. Oosting Simon J., van der Lee Jan, Verdegem Marc C.J., de Vries Marion, Vernooij Adriaan, Bonilla-Cedrez Camila, Kabir Kazi. 2022. Food Security, 14 (1) : 273-292.

Mitochondrial genetic diversity among farmed stocks of Oreochromis spp. (Perciformes, Cichlidae) in Madagascar. Hubert Nicolas, Pepey Elodie, Mortillaro Jean-Michel, Steinke Dirk, Andria-Mananjara Diana Edithe, De Verdal Hugues. 2021. Diversity, 13 (7):281, 11 p.

Prototyping a knowledge-based system to identify botanical extracts for plant health in Sub-Saharan Africa. Silvie Pierre, Martin Pierre, Huchard Marianne, Keip Priscilla, Gutierrez Alain, Sarter Samira. 2021. Plants, 10 (5):896, 24 p.

An investigation of links between metabolic rate and feed efficiency in European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax. Rodde Charles, De Verdal Hugues, Vandeputte Marc, Allal François, Nati Julie, Besson Mathieu, Blasco Felipe R., Benzie John A.H., McKenzie David J.. 2021. Journal of Animal Science, 99 (6), 9 p.

Characterization of trophic niche partitioning between carp (Cyprinus carpio) and roach (Rutilus rutilus) in experimental polyculture ponds using carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotopes. Nahon Sarah, Roussel Jean-Marc, Jaeger Christophe, Menniti Christophe, Kerhervé Philippe, Mortillaro Jean-Michel, Aubin Joël. 2020. Aquaculture, 522:735162, 6 p.

First series of seafood datasets in ecoinvent: Setting the pace for future development. Avadi Tapia Angel Daniel, Vázquez-Rowe Ian, Symeonidis Avraam, Moreno-Ruiz Emilia. 2020. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 25 (7) : 1333-1342.
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Population, temperature and feeding rate effects on individual feed efficiency in European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Rodde Charles, Vandeputte Marc, Allal François, Besson Mathieu, Clota Frédéric, Vergnet Alain, Benzie John A.H., De Verdal Hugues. 2020. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7:578976, 11 p.

Species composition in the Molobicus hybrid tilapia strain. Bartie Kerry L., Taslima Khanam, Bekaert Michaël, Wehner Stefanie, Syaifudin Mochamad, Taggart John B., De Verdal Hugues, Rosario Westly, Muyalde Nerafe, Benzie John A.H., McAndrew Brendan J., Penman David J.. 2020. Aquaculture, 526:735433, 7 p.

Implementing ecological intensification in fish farming: Definition and principles from contrasting experiences. Aubin Joël, Callier Myriam, Rey-Valette Hélène, Mathé Syndhia, Wilfart Aurélie, Legendre Marc, Slembrouck Jacques, Caruso Domenico, Chia Eduardo, Masson Gérard, Blancheton Jean-Paul, Ediwarman, Haryadi Joni, Prihadi Tri Heru, De Matos Casaca Jorge, Tamassia Sergio T.J., Tocqueville Aurélien, Fontaine Pascal. 2019. Reviews in Aquaculture, 11 (1) : 149-167.
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Dynamics of research in aquaculture in North Africa and support for sustainable development and innovation. Kara Mohamed Hichem, Lacroix Denis, Rey-Valette Hélène, Mathé Syndhia, Blancheton Jean-Paul. 2018. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture, 26 (3) : 309-318.

Nutrients load in ponds both water and soil due to application of different levels of carbon and nitrogen with feeding. Islam Md. Ariful, Nusrat Naima, Khan Md. Zulfikar, Billah Shaikh Motasim, Amin Md. Sadiqul, Kabir Kazi. 2018. Asian Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 3 (4) : 1-16.

Quels types d'éco-aquaculteurs face à l'intensification écologique ? L'exemple de l'aquaculture en étang en France et au Brésil. Rey-Valette Hélène, Mathé Syndhia, Chia Eduardo, Aubin Joël. 2015. Revue d'Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement, 96 (2) : 313-337.

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Sex control in Tilapias. Baroiller Jean-François, D'Cotta Helena. 2019. In : Sex control in aquaculture. Wang Hanping (ed.), Piferrer Francesc (ed.), Chen Songlin (ed.), Shen Zhi-Gang (ed.). Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 191-234. ISBN 978-1-119-12726-0

Climate change and aquaculture: interactions with fisheries and agriculture. Beveridge Malcolm C.M., Dabbadie Lionel, Soto Doris, Ross Lindsay G., Bueno Pedro B., Aguilar-Manjarrez José. 2018. In : Impacts of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture: Synthesis of current knowledge, adaptation and mitigation options. Barange Manuel (ed.), Bahri Tarûb (ed.), Beveridge Malcolm C.M. (ed.), Cochrane Kevern L. (ed.), Funge-Smith Simon (ed.), Poulain Florence (ed.). Rome : FAO, 491-500. (FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper, 627) ISBN 978-92-5-130607-9

Climate change and aquaculture: vulnerability and adaptation options. Soto Doris, Ross Lindsay G., Handisyde Neil, Bueno Pedro B., Beveridge Malcolm C.M., Dabbadie Lionel, Aguilar-Manjarrez José, Cai Junning, Pongthanapanich Tipparat. 2018. In : Impacts of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture: Synthesis of current knowledge, adaptation and mitigation options. Barange Manuel (ed.), Bahri Tarûb (ed.), Beveridge Malcolm C.M. (ed.), Cochrane Kevern L. (ed.), Funge-Smith Simon (ed.), Poulain Florence (ed.). Rome : FAO, 465-490. (FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper, 627) ISBN 978-92-5-130607-9

Effects of climate change on aquaculture: drivers,impacts and policies. Dabbadie Lionel, Aguilar-Manjarrez José, Beveridge Malcolm C.M., Bueno Pedro B., Ross Lindsay G., Soto Doris. 2018. In : Impacts of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture: Synthesis of current knowledge, adaptation and mitigation options. Barange Manuel (ed.), Bahri Tarûb (ed.), Beveridge Malcolm C.M. (ed.), Cochrane Kevern L. (ed.), Funge-Smith Simon (ed.), Poulain Florence (ed.). Rome : FAO, 449-463. (FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper, 627) ISBN 978-92-5-130607-9

Pêche et aquaculture artisanales. Franz Nicole, Basurto Xavier, Beveridge Malcolm C.M., Dabbadie Lionel, De Young Cassandra, Ellenbroek Anton, Gentile Aureliano, Lovatellie Alessandro, Reantaso Melba, Siar Susana, Viparthi Kiran, Virdin John, Watanabe Hiromoto, Westlund Lena. 2018. In : La situation mondiale des pêches et de l’aquaculture 2018 : Atteindre les objectifs de développement. FAO. Rome : FAO, 157-164. ISBN 978-92-5-130692-5

Small-scale fisheries and aquaculture. Franz Nicole, Basurto Xavier, Beveridge Malcolm C.M., Dabbadie Lionel, De Young Cassandra, Ellenbroek Anton, Gentile Aureliano, Lovatellie Alessandro, Reantaso Melba, Siar Susana, Viparthi Kiran, Virdin John, Watanabe Hiromoto, Westlund Lena. 2018. In : The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 2018: Meeting the sustainable development goals. FAO. Rome : FAO, 138-144. ISBN 978-92-5-130562-1

La notion d'acceptabilité sociale : de quoi s'agit-il et comment peut-on intervenir ? Rey-Valette Hélène, Mathé Syndhia. 2017. In : Durabilité des aliments pour le poisson en aquaculture : réflexions et recommandations sur les aspects technologiques, économiques, sociaux et environnementaux. Le Gouvello Raphaëla (ed.), Simard François (ed.). Paris : IUCN, 72-76. ISBN 978-2-8317-1831-6

Communication par affiche

13 years of changes in the extent and physiognomy of mangroves after shrimp farming abandonment, Bali, Indonesia. Rahmani Rinny, Proisy Christophe, Viennois Gaëlle, Andayani Ariani, Sidik Frida, Riza Farhan Aulia, Gusmawati Niken Financia, Prospéri Maria-Juliana, Germain Olivier, Lemonnier Hugues, Subki Berni, Suhardjono, Widagti Nuryani, Gaspar Philippe. 2015. In : Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (Multi-Temp) 2015. LISTIC, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc. Annecy : IEEE, 1 p. International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp 2015). 8, Annecy, France, 22 Juillet 2015/24 Juillet 2015.

Communication sans actes

Trophic functioning of integrated rice agriculture to fish aquaculture in Madagascar: Insights from stable isotopes (δ13C & δ15N). Mortillaro Jean-Michel, Andria Mananjara Diana E., Randriamihanta Tiana H., Andriamaniraka Harilala, Martel Philippe, Andriamarolaza Rija, Raliniaina Modestine, Mikolasek Olivier, Aubin Joël. 2019. . IRD, RIFAFE. Bogor : IRD-Indonesian national Research Institute for Freshwater Aquaculture and Fisheries Extension (RIFAFE), 1 p. Ecological intensification: A new paragon for sustainable aquaculture Conference, Bogor, Indonésie, 28 Octobre 2019/30 Octobre 2019.
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Conditions de mise en conformite avec les normes europeennes de !'aquaculture crevettiere des Philippines et implications pour le developpement. Otero Jean-Michel. 2006. Montpellier : CIRAD-EMVT, 100 p. Mémoire d'ingénieur : Industries alimentaires régions chaudes : Ecole nationale supérieure des industries agricoles et alimentaires

Rapport d'expertise

Rapport de mission

Échange Sud-Sud sur l'aquaculture du Gourami Géant. Mortillaro Jean-Michel, Slembrouck Jacques. 2017. Montpellier : ISEM, 60 p.


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