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Nombre de documents : 80.

Grafting coffee for sustainability: Improving productivity, plant vigour and soil microbiome. Pham Thuyen Thi, Duong Benoit, Skovmand Bosselmann Aske. 2025. In : Coffee - A Glimpse into the Future. DaMatta Fábio M. (ed), Ramalho José C. (ed). Londres : Academic Press, 317-348. (Advances in Botanical Research, 114) ISBN 978-0-443-22294-8
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Exploration of the statistical relationships between rainfall indices and cotton yields in northern Cameroon, to strengthen the resilience of farmers to climate change. Knops Clara. 2024. Montpellier : Institut Agro Montpellier, 62 p. Mémoire de master 2 : Water and Agriculture : Institut Agro Montpellier

Impact of climate change on maize productivity and nitrogen cycling in the sub-humid tropics: a field case study under rainfall extremes in Zimbabwe. Bouhenache Abderrahim, Cardinael Rémi, Clivot Hugues, Chikowo Régis, Shumba Armwell, Matimba Emmanuel M., Mazungunye Hope, Recous Sylvie, Lashermes Gwenaëlle. 2024. In : Synergies for a resilient future: from knowledge to action. Institut Agro Rennes-Angers, INRAE. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 2 p. Congress of the European Society for Agronomy. 18, Rennes, France, 26 Août 2024/30 Août 2024.

Mapping and monitoring peatland conditions from global to field scale. Minasny Budiman, Adetsu Diana Vigah, Aitkenhead Matt, Artz Rebekka R. E., Baggaley Nikki, Barthelmes Alexandra, Beucher Amélie, Caron Jean, Conchedda Giulia, Connolly John, Deragon Raphaël, Evans Chris, Fadnes Kjetil, Fiantis Dian, Gagkas Zisis, Gilet Louis, Gimona Alessandro, Glatzel Stephan, Greve Mogens H., Habib Wahaj, Hergoualc'H Kristell Anaïk, Hermansen Cecilie, Kidd Darren B., Koganti Triven, Kopansky Dianna, Large David J., Larmola Tuula, Lilly Allan, Liu Haojie, Marcus Matthew, Middleton Maarit, Morrison Keith, Petersen Rasmus Jes, Quaife Tristan, Rochefort Line, Rudiyanto, Toca Linda, Tubiello Francesco N., Weber Peter Lystbæk, Weldon Simon, Widyatmanti Wirastuti, Williamson Jenny, Zak Dominik. 2024. Biogeochemistry, 167 : 383-425.

Philippines: why increase in research and development (R&D) for agriculture and fisheries is needed? Ancog Rico, Pulhin Juan, Agbisit Elpidio, Rasco Eufemio, Bantayan Nathaniel C., Camacho Jose V., Guizol Philippe, Sombilla Mercedita. 2024. Montpellier : CIRAD-SALSA-UPLB, 4 p. (Policy Brief / SALSA, 1)

Spatial distribution of degradation and deforestation of palm swamp peatlands and associated carbon emissions in the Peruvian Amazon. Marcus Matthew S., Hergoualc'H Kristell Anaïk, Honorio Coronado Eurídice N., Gutiérrez-Vélez Víctor Hugo. 2024. Journal of Environmental Management, 351:119665, 13 p.

The potential of wealth taxation to address the triple climate inequality crisis. Chancel Lucas, Bothe Philipp, Voituriez Tancrède. 2024. Nature Climate Change, 14 : 5-7.

Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from cattle farming in the dry and subhumid tropical zones of Benin. Idrissou Yaya, Vall Eric, Assouma Mohamed Habibou, Lecomte Philippe, Alkoiret T.I.. 2023. In : Handbook of nature-based solutions to mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Leal Filho W. (ed.), Nagy G.J. (ed.), Ayal D. (ed.). Cham : Springer, 18 p. ISBN 978-3-030-98067-2

Covid-19 management by farmers and policymakers in Burkina Faso, Colombia and France: Lessons for climate action. Andrieu Nadine, Hossard Laure, Graveline Nina, Dugué Patrick, Guerra P., Chirinda N.. 2021. Agricultural Systems, 190:103092, 6 p.
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Towards a theory-based assessment of the Climate Smart Agriculture Strategy (EASAC) for the SICA Region. Collazos Acosta Sara, Howland Fanny, Le Coq Jean-François. 2021. . Medellin : s.n., 3 p. Latin American workshop on climate-smart agriculture, Medellin, Colombie, 14 Juillet 2021/14 Juillet 2021.

Can an innovation platform support a local process of climate-smart agriculture implementation? A case study in Cauca, Colombia. Osorio-García Ana Milena, Paz L., Howland Fanny, Ortega L.A., Acosta Alba Ivonne, Arenas L., Chirinda N., Martínez-Barón Deissy, Bonilla-Findji Osana, Loboguerrero Ana María, Chia Eduardo, Andrieu Nadine. 2020. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 44 (3) : 378-411.
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Exploring the future of land use and food security: A new set of global scenarios. Mora Olivier, Le Mouël Chantal, De Lattre-Gasquet Marie, Donnars Catherine, Dumas Patrice, Réchauchère Olivier, Brunelle Thierry, Manceron Stéphane, Marajo-Petitzon Elodie, Moreau Clémence, Barzman Marco, Forslund Agneta, Marty Pauline. 2020. PloS One, 15 (7):e0235597, 29 p.

Genotypic variation in source and sink traits affects the response of photosynthesis and growth to elevated atmospheric CO2. Fabre Denis, Dingkuhn Michael, Yin Xinyou, Clément-Vidal Anne, Roques Sandrine, Soutiras Armelle, Luquet Delphine. 2020. Plant, Cell and Environment, 43 (3) : 579-593.
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Integración de género en políticas de agricultura, seguridad alimentaria y cambio climático: el caso de Honduras. Howland Fanny, Acosta Mariola, Muriel Juliana, Le Coq Jean-François. 2020. Rome : CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, 59 p.

Machine learning using digitized herbarium specimens to advance phenological research. Pearson Katelin D., Nelson Gil, Aronson Myla F.J., Bonnet Pierre, Brenskelle Laura, Davis Charles C., Denny Ellen G., Ellwood Elizabeth R., Goeau Hervé, Heberling J. Mason, Joly Alexis, Lorieul Titouan, Mazer Susan J., Meineke Emily K., Stucky Brian J., Sweeney Patrick W., White Alexander E., Soltis Pamela S.. 2020. BioScience, 70 (7) : 610-620.

Does climate opportunity facilitate smallholder farmers' adaptive capacity in the Sahel? Lalou Richard, Sultan Benjamin, Muller Bertrand, Ndonky Alphousseyni. 2019. Palgrave Communications, 5:81, 11 p.

Genetic improvement in dromedary camels: Challenges and opportunities. Abri Mohammed A. Al, Faye Bernard. 2019. Frontiers in Genetics, 10:167, 5 p.

Matching policy and science: Rationale for the '4 per 1000 - soils for food security and climate' initiative. Soussana Jean-François, Lutfalla Suzanne, Ehrhardt Fiona, Rosenstock Todd S., Lamanna Christine, Havlik Petr, Richards Meryl, Wollenberg Eva, Chotte Jean-Luc, Torquebiau Emmanuel, Ciais Philippe, Smith Peter, Lal Rattan. 2019. Soil and Tillage Research, 188, n.spéc. Soil Carbon and Climate Change: the 4 per Mille Initiative : 3-15.
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Multi-level governance and power in climate change policy networks. Di Gregorio Monica, Fatorelli Leandra, Paavola Jouni, Locatelli Bruno, Pramova Emilia, Nurrochmat Dodik Ridho, May Peter, Brockhaus Maria, Sari Intan Maya, Dyah Kusumadewi Sonya. 2019. Global Environmental Change, 54 : 64-77.

A collaborative approach to bring insights from local observations of climate change impacts into global climate change research. Reyes-Garcia Victoria, García-del-Amo David, Benyei Petra, Fernández-Llamazares Alvaro, Gravani Konstantina, Junqueira André B., Labeyrie Vanesse, Li Xiaoyue, Matias Denise M.S., McAlvay Alex, Mortyn Peter Graham, Porcuna-Ferrer Anna, Schlingmann Anna, Soleymani-Fard Ramin. 2019. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 39 : 1-8.

Accounting for land use contribution to climate change in agricultural LCA: Which methods? Which impacts? Bessou Cécile, Benoist Anthony, Tailleur Aurélie, Godard Caroline, Gac Armelle, Lebas de la Cour Julie, Boissy Joachim, Mischler Pierre. 2018. In : Book of abstracts of the 11th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2018 (LCA Food) "Global food challenges towards sustainable consumption and production". Rattanawan Mungkung (ed.), Shabbir H. Gheewala (ed.). Bangkok : Life Cycle Assessment, 85. International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2018 (LCA Food). 11, Bangkok, Thaïlande, 16 Octobre 2018/20 Octobre 2018.

Can global climate change affect prices in the world banana market? Blake Daniella, Dawson Carolina, Loeillet Denis, Staver Charles. 2018. German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 67 (1) : 48-64.

Cassava whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in East African farming landscapes: A review of the factors determining abundance. Macfadyen S., Paull C., Boykin L.M., De Barro Paul, Maruthi M.N., Otim M.O., Kalyebi A., Vassão D.G., Sseruwagi Peter, Tay Wee Tek, Delatte Hélène, Seguni Z., Colvin John, Omongo Christopher A.. 2018. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 108 (5) : 565-582.


Combining global tree cover loss data with historical national forest cover maps to look at six decades of deforestation and forest fragmentation in Madagascar. Vieilledent Ghislain, Grinand Clovis, Rakotomalala Fety, Ranaivosoa Rija, Rakotoarijaona Jean-Roger, Allnutt Thomas F., Achard Frédéric. 2018. Biological Conservation, 222 : 189-197.

Food systems for sustainable development: Proposals for a profound four-part transformation. Caron Patrick, Ferrero y de Loma-Osorio Gabriel, Nabarro David, Hainzelin Etienne, Guillou Marion, Andersen Inger, Arnold Tom, Astralaga Margarita, Beukeboom Marcel, Bickersteth Sam, Bwalya Martin, Caballero Paula, Campbell Bruce M., Divine Ntiokam, Fan Shenggen, Frick Martin, Friis Anette, Gallagher Martin, Halkin Jean-Pierre, Hanson Craig, Lasbennes Florence, Ribera Teresa, Rockstrom Johan, Schuepbach Marlen, Steer Andrew, Tutwiler Ann, Verburg Gerda. 2018. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 38 (4):41, 12 p.

How to Make New Technologies Effective in Africa. Fok Michel. 2018. In : 77th Plenary Meeting of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC). International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC). Abidjan : ICAC, Résumé, 2 p. Plenary Meeting of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC). 77, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, 2 Décembre 2018/6 Décembre 2018.

Impacts of 1.5 versus 2.0 °C on cereal yields in the West African Sudan Savanna. Faye Babacar, Webber Heidi, Naab Jesse B., MacCarthy Dilys Sefakor, Adam Myriam, Ewert Franck, Lamers John P.A., Schleussner Carl-Friedrich, Ruane Alex C., Gessner Ursula, Hoogenboom Gerrit, Boote Ken, Shelia Vakhtang, Saeed Fahad, Wisser Dominik, Hadir Sofia, Laux Patrick, Gaiser Thomas. 2018. Environmental Research Letters, 13 (3):e034014, 14 p.

Implications of climate change for global mango production: challenges and opportunities. Lu Ping, Normand Frédéric, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Legave Jean Michel. 2018. . s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 1 p. International Mango Conference, Vengurle, Inde, 8 Mai 2018/10 Mai 2018.
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Innovation platforms for climate smart agriculture in Honduras. Müller Christian, Salgado Ricardo, Duron Marlon, Le Coq Jean-François, De Varax Magali, Gamba-Trimiño Catherine, Howland Fanny, Chia Eduardo, Gallardo Omar, Andrieu Nadine. 2018. Rome : CGIAR, 8 p.

Investigating demogenetic consequences of spatial dispersal on Atlantic salmon populations using an Individual-based demogenetic metapopulation model. Buoro Mathieu, Hugon Florèn, Piou Cyril, Prévost Etienne. 2018. In : Booklet of Sfécologie 2018. Société Française d'Écologie et d'Évolution. Rennes : Société Française d'Écologie et d'Évolution, Résumé, 365. International Conference on Ecological Sciences : Sfécologie 2018, Rennes, France, 22 Octobre 2018/25 Octobre 2018.

Methodological Guide to Co-design Climate-smart Options with Family Farmers. Andrieu Nadine, Howland Fanny, Acosta-Alba Ivonne, Osorio A.M., Le Coq Jean-François, Chia Eduardo. 2018. s.l. : s.n., 27 p.

Multi-level policy measures to support sustainable agriculture intensification for smallholders. Chatrchyan Allison M., Yin Christina, Torquebiau Emmanuel, Nagothu Udaya Sekhar. 2018. In : Agricultural development and sustainable intensification: technology and policy challenges in the face of climate change. Nagothu Udaya Sekhar (ed.). Abingdon : Routledge, 250-273. ISBN 978-1-138-30059-0

Pan‐tropical prediction of forest structure from the largest trees. Bastin Jean-François, Rutishauser Ervan, Kellner James R., Saatchi Sassan, Pélissier Raphaël, Herault Bruno, Slik J.W. Ferry, Bogaert Jan, De Cannière Charles, Marshall Andrew Robert, Poulsen John R., Alvarez Loayza Patricia, Andrade Ana, Angbonga-Basia Albert, Araujo-Murakami Alejandro, Arroyo Luzmila, Ayyappan Narayanan, de Azevedo Celso Paulo, Banki Olaf, Barbier Nicolas, Barroso Jorcely, Beeckman Hans, Bitariho Robert, Boeckx Pascal, Boehning-Gaese Katrin, Brandão Hilandia, Brearley Francis Q., Breuer-Ndoundou Hockemba Mireille, Brienen Roel Jacobus Wilhelmus, Camargo Jose Luis C., Campos-Arceiz Ahimsa, Cassart Benoit, Chave Jérôme, Chazdon Robin L., Chuyong George B., Clark David B., Clark Connie J., Condit Richard, Honorio Coronado Eurídice N., Davidar Priya, De Haulleville Thales, Descroix Laurent, Doucet Jean-Louis, Dourdain Aurélie, Droissart Vincent, Duncan Thomas, Silva Espejo Javier, Espinosa Santiago, Farwing Nina, Fayolle Adeline, Feldpausch Ted R., Ferraz Antonio, Fletcher Christine D., Gajapersad Krisna, Gillet Jean-François, do Amaral Iêda Leão, Gonmadje Christelle, Grogan James, Harris David, Herzog Sebastian K., Homeier Jürgen, Hubau Wannes, Hubbell Stephen P., Hufkens Koen, Hurtado Johanna, Kamdem Narcisse Guy, Kearsley Elizabeth, Kenfack David, Kessler Michael, Labriere Nicolas, Laumonier Yves, Laurance Susan G.W., Laurance William F., Lewis Simon L., Libalah Moses Bakonck, Ligot Gauthier, Lloyd Jon, Lovejoy Thomas E., Malhi Yadvinder, Marimon Beatriz Schwantes, Marimon Ben Hur Junior, Martin Emanuel, Matius Paulus, Meyer Victoria, Mendoza Bautista Casimero, Monteagudo-Mendoza Abel, Mtui Arafat, Neill David, Parada Gutierrez Germaine Alexander, Pardo Guido, Parren Marc, Parthasarathy Narayanaswamy, Phillips Oliver L., Pitman Nigel C.A., Ploton Pierre, Ponette Quentin, Ramesh B.R., Razafimahaimodison Jean-Claude, Rejou-Mechain Maxime, Gonçalves Rolim Samir, Saltos Hugo Romero, Brum Rossi Luiz Marcelo, Spironelo Wilson Roberto, Rovero Francesco, Saner Philippe, Sasaki Denise, Schulze Mark, Silveira Marcos, Singh James, Sist Plinio, et al.. 2018. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27 (11) : 1366-1383.
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Reconciling food and perennial export crop production in a changing environment. Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Motilal Lambert A., Bekele Frances. 2018. . Port of Spain : FAO, 1 p. International Conference on “Climate Change Impacts on Food & Nutrition Security", Port of Spain, Trinité-et-Tobago, 12 Novembre 2018/15 Novembre 2018.

Relationships between climate at origin and seedling traits in eight Panafrican provenances of Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn. under imposed drought stress. Bayala Jules, Sanon Z., Bazié Paulin, Sanou Josias, Roupsard Olivier, Jourdan Christophe, Raebild Anders, Kelly Bokary Allaye, Okullo John B., Thiam Massamba, Yidana J.A.. 2018. Agroforestry Systems, 92 (6) : 1455-1467.
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Simulating the impacts of climate variability and change on crop varietal diversity in Mali (West-Africa) using agent-based modeling approach. Belem Mahamadou, Bazile Didier, Coulibaly Harouna. 2018. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 21 (2):e8, 18 p.

Trade-offs in using European forests to meet climate objectives. Luyssaert Sebastiaan, Marie Guillaume, Valade Aude, Chen Yi-Ying, Njakou Djomo Sylvestre, Ryder James, Otto Juliane, Naudts Kim, Lanso Anne Sofie, Ghattas Josefine, McGrath Matthew J.. 2018. Nature, 562 : 259-262.

Understanding climate change adaptation dynamics in central Somaliland. Crane Todd, Marshall K., Ahmed Mohamed Aden, Awaleh Ismael Ali, Wane Abdrahmane, Galié Alessandra, Ahmed Mohamed, Ahmed Hussein, Mohamed Bedra, Awil Asma, Mohamed Hamda, Ali Gulied. 2018. Addis Ababa : ILRI-CGIAR, 20 p. ISBN 92-9146-575-5

Which ways forward for sustainable cotton production in Africa in the context of climate change? Bachelier Bruno, Balarabe Oumarou, Boulakia Stéphane, Demenois Julien, Gérardeaux Edward, Goebel François-Régis, Loison Romain. 2018. In : 77th Plenary Meeting of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC). International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC). Abidjan : ICAC, 2 p. Plenary Meeting of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC). 77, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, 2 Décembre 2018/6 Décembre 2018.
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Articulating national and local policies for the adoption of climate smart agricultural practices: conditions of success and bottlenecks. Loboguerrero Ana Maria, Le Coq Jean-François. 2017. . UDELAR, UCU, ALACIP. Montevideo : UDELAR, Résumé, 1 p. Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencia Politica. 9, Montevideo, Uruguay, 26 Juillet 2017/28 Juillet 2017.

Can livestock contribute to the ecological intensification of the agriculture in the oasis: A case study from the Drâa Valley? Sraïri Mohamed Taher, Mansour S., Alary Véronique, Benidir Mohamed. 2017. Atlas Journal of Biology : p. 322. International American Moroccan Agricultural Sciences Conference - AMAS Conference III. 3, Ouarzazate, Maroc, 13 Décembre 2016/16 Décembre 2016.

Climate Smart Rice Cropping systems in Vietnam. State of knowledge and prospects. Tivet Florent, Boulakia Stéphane. 2017. Montpellier : CIRAD, 41 p.

Climate change policies for agricultural sector in Honduras: synergy, trade off and coordination failure among sub-sector and scale. Le Coq Jean-François, De Varax Magali, Andrieu Nadine, Howland Fanny. 2017. . UDELAR, UCU, ALACIP. Montevideo : UDELAR, Résumé, 1 p. Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencia Politica. 9, Montevideo, Uruguay, 26 Juillet 2017/28 Juillet 2017.

Designing cotton ideotypes for the future: Reducing risk of crop failure for low input rainfed conditions in Northern Cameroon. Loison Romain, Audebert Alain, Debaeke Philippe, Hoogenboom Gerrit, Leroux Louise, Oumarou Palaï, Gérardeaux Edward. 2017. European Journal of Agronomy, 90 : 162-173.

Findings from implementing the Climate-Smart Agriculture Prioritization Framework in Mali. Sogoba Bougouna, Andrieu Nadine, Howland Fanny, Samake O., Corner-Dolloff Caitlin, Bonilla-Findji Osana, Zougmoré Robert B.. 2017. Rome : FAO, 9 p.

Groundwater use in North Africa as a cautionary tale for climate change adaptation. Kuper Marcel, Amichi Hichem, Mayaux Pierre-Louis. 2017. Water International, 42 (6) : 725-740.

Prioritizing investments for climate-smart agriculture: Lessons learned from Mali. Andrieu Nadine, Sogoba Bougouna, Zougmoré Robert B., Howland Fanny, Samake O., Bonilla-Findji Osana, Lizarazo M., Nowak Andreea, Dembele C., Corner-Dolloff Caitlin. 2017. Agricultural Systems, 154 : 13-24.

Roots, tubers and bananas: Planning and research for climate resilience. Thiele Graham, Khan Awais, Heider Bettina, Kroschel Jürgen, Harahagazwe Dieudonné, Andrade Maria, Bonierbale Merideth, Friedmann Michael, Gemenet Dorcus, Cherinet Mihiretu, Quiroz Roberto, Faye Emile, Dangles Olivier. 2017. Open Agriculture, 2 (1) : 350-361.

The role of systems of innovation in adapting to climate change: The case of the Kenyan coffee and dairy sectors. Gebreeyesus Kinfe Asayehegn, Iglesias Ana, Triomphe Bernard, Pédelahore Philippe, Temple Ludovic. 2017. Journal of Innovation Economics and Management (24) : 127-149.

Climate change projections of West Nile virus infections in Europe: Implications for blood safety practices. Semenza Jan C., Tran Annelise, Espinosa Laura, Sudre Bertrand, Domanovic Dragoslav, Paz Shlomit. 2016. Environmental Health, 15 (28), suppl. 1. Healthy-Polis: Challenges and Opportunities for Urban Environmental Health and Sustainability, 12 p.

Conservation agriculture for climate-resilient rainfed uplands in the Western regions of Cambodia: challenges, opportunities, and lessons from a 10-Year R and D program. Kong Rada, Sar Veng, Leng Vira, Trang Sopheak, Boulakia Stéphane, Tivet Florent, Séguy Lucien. 2016. In : Learning and coping with change: Case stories of climate change adaptation in Southeast Asia. Sajise Percy E. (ed.), Cadiz Maria Celeste H. (ed.), Bantayan Rosario B. (ed.). SEARCA. Los Baños : SEARCA, 55-81. ISBN 978-971-560-176-4

Ecosystem Services and Climate Change. Locatelli Bruno. 2016. In : Routledge handbook of ecosystem services. Potschin Marion (ed.), Haines-Young Roy (ed.), Fish Robert (ed.), Turner R. Kerry (ed.). New York : Routledge, 481-490. ISBN 978-1-138-02508-0

GIS-modelling of land-use trends: Impact of drought in the Naghamish Basin (North Western Egypt). Saidi Slim, Gintzburger Gustave, Bonnet Pascal, Daoud Ibrahim, Alary Véronique. 2016. Rangeland Journal, 38 (6) : 605-618.

Sustainable biomass production in eucalypt plantations under climate changes: insights from a throughfall exclusion experiment. Laclau Jean-Paul. 2016. In : IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania 2016: Forests for sustainable development the role of research. IUFRO. Beijing : IUFRO, 42. IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania 2016, Beijing, Chine, 24 Octobre 2016/27 Octobre 2016.

Towards a consensual method to assess climate change impacts from bio-based systems. Benoist Anthony, Cornillier Claire. 2016. In : SETAC Europe Annual Meeting: Environmental contaminants from land to sea: continuities and interface in environmental toxicology and chemistry. Nantes : SETAC Europe, 2 p. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting: Environmental contaminants from land to sea: continuities and interface in environmental toxicology and chemistry. 26, Nantes, France, 22 Mai 2016/26 Mai 2016.

Vulnerability of commercial tree species to water Stress in logged forests of the Guiana Shield. Fargeon Hélène, Aubry-Kientz Mélaine, Brunaux Olivier, Descroix Laurent, Gaspard Romain, Guitet Stéphane, Rossi Vivien, Hérault Bruno. 2016. Forests, 7 (5):105, 21 p.

Will El Nino benefit oil palm production in Ecuador? A new perspective on a global climatic phenomenon. Dubos Bernard, Hermosa Roberto, Beltran José, Baron Victor, Torres Enrique. 2016. In : Sustainable palm oil and climate change: The way forward through mitigation and adaptation. Bali : ICOPE, Résumé, 1 poster International Conference on Oil Palm and Environment (ICOPE 2016), Bali, Indonésie, 16 Mars 2016/18 Mars 2016.

Worldwide evaluations of quinoa: Preliminary results from post international year of quinoa FAO projects in nine countries. Bazile Didier, Pulvento Cataldo, Verniau Alexis, Al-Nusairi Mohammad, Ba Djibi, Breidy Joelle, Hassan Layth, Maarouf Ibrahim Mohammed, Mambetov Omurbek, Otambekova Munira, Sephavand Niaz Ali, Shams Amr, Souici Djamel, Miri Khaled, Padulosi Stefano. 2016. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7 (850), 18 p.

The global expansion of quinoa: Trends and limits. Bazile Didier, Jacobsen Sven-Erik, Verniau Alexis. 2016. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7 (622), 6 p.

The one health concept to dovetail health and climate change policies. Roger François, Bonnet Pascal, Steinmetz Philippe, Salignon Pierre, Peyre Marie-Isabelle. 2016. In : Climate change and agriculture worldwide. Torquebiau Emmanuel (ed.), Manley David (trad.), Cowan Paul (trad.). Heidelberg : Springer, 239-250. ISBN 978-94-017-7460-4

Creating and sharing new knowledge through joint learning on water governance and climate change adaptation in three Latin American model forests: the EcoAdapt case. Prins Kees, Cáu Cattán Alejandra, Azcarrúnz Nataly, Real Alejandra, Vilugron Lorena, Leclerc Grégoire, Vignola Raffaele, Morales Mariela, Louman Bastiaan. 2015. Vienne : IUFRO, 41 p. (IUFRO Occasional Paper, 30) ISBN 978-3-902762-51-1

Cropping system sensitivity to climate change in the northern uplands of Lao PDR. An agroclimatic modeling approach. Lechevallier Esther. 2015. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 67 p. Mémoire d'ingénieur : Agronomie. Production végétale durable : Montpellier SupAgro

Etude de l'impact du dérèglement climatique sur les plantes. Fabre Denis, Lafarge Tanguy. 2015. In : Changement climatique et agriculture : comprendre, s'adapter, innover. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 p. Salon International de l'Agriculture (SIA 2015). 52, Paris, France, 21 Février 2015/1 Mars 2015.

Integrating climate change mitigation and adaptation in agriculture and forestry: Opportunities and trade-offs. Locatelli Bruno, Pavageau Charlotte, Pramova Emilia, Di Gregorio Monica. 2015. WIREs Climate Change, 6 (6) : 585-598.

Interactions of mean climate change and climate variability on food security extremes. [P-2223-18]. Ruane Alex C., McDermid Sonali P., Mavromatis Theodoros, Hudson Nicholas I., Morales Monica D., Simmons John, Agalawatte Prabodha, Ahmad A., Ahmad Shakeel, Ahuja L., Anapalli Saseendran S., Anothai Jakarat, Asseng Senthold, Bellocchi Gianni, Dumont Benjamin, Bert Federico, Bertuzzi Patrick, Bhatia Virender S., Bindi Marco, Biggs Jody, Broad Ian, Byun-Wu Lee, Cammarano Davide, Carretero Ramiro, Chung Uran, De Sanctis Giacomo, Debats Stephanie, Dhliwayo Thanda, Estes Lyndon, Ewert Franck, Feng Liping, Ferrise Roberto, Gaiser Thomas, Garcia Guillermo, Gastal François, Gbegbelegbe Sika, Geethalakshmi Vellingiri, Gérardeaux Edward, Goldberg Richard, Grant Brian, Guevara Edgardo, Hickman Jonathan, Hoffmann Holger, Huang Huanping, Hussain Jamshad, Justino Flavio Barbosa, Karunaratne Asha S., Klumpp Katja, Koehler Ann-Kristin, Kouakou Patrice Koffi. 2015. In : Our Common Future under Climate Change. International scientific conference Abstract Book 7-10 July 2015. Paris, France. CFCC15. Paris : CFCC15, 321-322. Our Common Future under Climate Change, Paris, France, 7 Juillet 2015/10 Juillet 2015.
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Is climate change research truly collaborative? Bento Sofia, Varanda Marta Pedro, Richard-Ferroudji Audrey, Faysse Nicolas. 2015. Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais, 3 (2) : 217-236.

Effets des changements climatiques sur l'activité des organismes du sol et la décomposition des litières en milieu méditerranéen. Coulis Mathieu. 2013. Montpellier : Université Montpellier 2, 199 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie des populations et écologie : Université Montpellier 2

Bringing forest carbon projects to the market. Chenost Clément, Gardette Yves-Marie, Demenois Julien, Grondard Nicolas, Perrier Martin, Wemaëre Matthieu. 2010. s.l. : UNEP, 165 p.

How to account for CO2 emissions from biomass in an LCA. Rabl Ari, Benoist Anthony, Dron Dominique, Peuportier Bruno, Spadaro Joseph V., Zoughaib Assaad. 2007. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 12 (5) : p. 281.

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