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Nombre de documents : 14.

Diversity of pesticide use trajectories during agroecological transitions in vineyards: The case of the French DEPHY network. Fouillet Esther, Delière Laurent, Flori Albert, Rapidel Bruno, Mérot Anne. 2023. Agricultural Systems, 210:103725, 14 p.

Inferring multilocal typologies of agrosystems and farmers' practices: A methodological basis for the setting of participatory breeding designs. Hamadou Hamidou Hadiara, Saidou Abdoul-Aziz, Joly Hélène, Moussa Tchoffo Rahilatou, Sani Issa Mahaman Sanoussi, Saadou Souley Mahamane Nourou, Bakasso Yacoubou. 2023. Heliyon, 9 (3):e13992, 14 p.

Relations entre structure des exploitations et gestion des effluents d'élevage sur les Hautes Terres de Madagascar. Ramarovahoaka Noelly, Vigne Mathieu, Fanjaniaina Marie Lucia, Randrianarisoa Anjaniaina Valérie, Nivonirina Nora Amédia, Andriamananjara Andry, Salgado Paulo, Stark Fabien Shandor, Rafolisy Tovonarivo, Becquer Thierry. 2023. Cahiers Agricultures, 32:20, 9 p.

Adoption factors and structural characteristics of irrigated olive grove agroforestry systems in Central Tunisia. Leauthaud Crystèle, Ben Yahmed Jihène, Husseini M., Rezgui Ferdaous, Ameur Fatah. 2022. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 46 (7) : 1025-1046.

Suitability of large-scale tree plantation models in Africa, Asia and Latin America for forest restoration objectives. Peroches Adrien, Baral Himlal, Chesnes Marion, López-Sampson Arlene, Lescuyer Guillaume. 2022. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 351 : 29-44.

Towards a sustainable bioeconomy through industrial symbiosis: Current situation and perspectives. Bijon Nicolas, Wassenaar Tom, Junqua Guillaume, Dechesne Magali. 2022. Sustainability, 14 (3):1605, 26 p.

Challenging agroecology through the characterization of farming practices' diversity in Mediterranean irrigated areas. Akakpo Koladé, Bouarfa Sami, Benoît Marc, Leauthaud Crystèle. 2021. European Journal of Agronomy, 128:126284, 12 p.

Implementing organic farming in vineyards. Mérot Anne, Belhouchette Hatem, Saj Stéphane, Wery Jacques. 2020. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 44 (2) : 164-187.

Development of a spatial sampling protocol using GIS to measure health disparities in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, a medium-sized African city. Kassie Daouda, Roudot Anna, Dessay Nadine, Piermay Jean-Luc, Salem Gérard, Fournet Florence. 2017. International Journal of Health Geographics, 16:14, 16 p.

A proposal of linear assessment scheme for the udder of dairy camels (Camelus dromedarius L.). Ayadi Moez, Aljumaah Riyadh Saleh, Samara Emad Mohammed, Faye Bernard, Caja Gerardo. 2016. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 48 (5) : 927-933.

Gestion durable des systèmes agroforestiers à base de caféiers sous pression de bioagresseurs. Ngo-Dinh Charlotte. 2013. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 47 p. Mémoire de fin d'études : Ingénieur agronome. Production végétale durable : Montpellier SupAgro

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