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Nombre de documents : 96.


Governance and resilience as entry points for transforming food systems in the countdown to 2030. Schneider Kate R., Remans Roseline, Bekele Tesfaye Hailu, Aytekin Destan, Conforti Piero, Dasgupta Shouro, DeClerck Fabrice, Dewi Deviana, Fabi Carola, Gephart Jessica A., Masuda Yuta J., McLaren Rebecca, Saisana Michaela, Aburto Nancy, Ambikapathi Ramya, Arellano Rodriguez Mariana, Barquera Simon, Battersby Jane, Beal Ty, Béné Christophe, Cafiero Carlo, Campeau Christine, Caron Patrick, Cattaneo Andrea, Candel Jeroen, Covic Namukolo, del Pino Alvarez Inmaculada, Dominguez Barreto Ana Paula, Elouafi Ismahane, Frazier Tyler J., Fremier Alexander, Foley Pat, Golden Christopher D., Gonzalez Fischer Carlos, Guarin Alejandro, Hendriks Sheryl, Herforth Anna, Honorati Maddalena, Huang Jikun, Getaneh Yonas, Kennedy Gina, Laar Amos, Lal Rattan, Lidder Preetmoninder, Legese Feye Getachew, Loken Brent, Malapit Hazel, Marshall Quinn, Mulatu Kalkidan A., Munguia Ana, Nordhagen Stella, Resnick Danielle, Suhardiman Diana, Sumaila Ussif Rashid, Sun Bangyao, Terefe Mengesha Belay, Torero Maximo, Tubiello Francesco N., van Dooren Corné, Valero Morales Isabel, Vivero-Pol Jose-Luis, Webb Patrick, Wiebe Keith, Haddad Lawrence, Herrero Mario, Moncayo Jose Rosero, Fanzo Jessica. 2025. Nature Food, 6 : 105-116.

Intertwined people-nature relations are central to nature-based adaptation to climate change. Locatelli Bruno, Lavorel Sandra, Colloff Matthew J., Crouzat Emilie, Bruley Enora, Fedele Giacomo, Grêt-Regamey Adrienne, Plieninger Tobias, Andersson Erik, Abbott Mick, Butler James, Devisscher Tahia, Djoudi Houria, Dubo Titouan, González-García Alberto, Karim Paulina G., Múnera-Roldán Claudia, Neyret Margot, Quetier F., Salliou Nicolas, Walters Gretchen. 2025. Philosophical Transactions - Royal Society. Biological Sciences, 380 (1917):20230213, 13 p.


Assessing plant utilisation by communities bordering a protected area in Zimbabwe using utilitarian diversity metrics. Dowo G.M., Kativu Shakie, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel. 2024. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, 79 (1) : 87-99.

Caring for groundwater: How care can expand and transform groundwater governance. Zwarteveen Margreet, Dominguez Guzmán Carolina, Kuper Marcel, Saidani Mohamed Amine, Kemerink-Seyoum Jeltsje, Cleaver Frances, Kulkarni Himanshu, Bossenbroek Lisa, Ftouhi Hind, Verzijl Andres, Aslekar Uma, Kadiri Zakaria, Chitata Tavengwa, Leonardelli Irene, Kulkarni Seema, Bhat Sneha. 2024. International Journal of the Commons, 18 (1) : 384-396.

Manure contribution to rural livelihoods at farm and landscape levels: a systemic approach in semi-arid Central Tunisia. Alary Véronique, Frija Aymen, Abdeladhim Mohamed, Sghaier Mariem, Leauthaud Crystèle, Farhat Manel, Sghaier Mariem. 2024. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 29 p.

Which diversification trajectories make coffee farming more sustainable? Poncet Valérie, Van Asten Piet J.A., Millet Claude Patrick, Vaast Philippe, Allinne Clémentine. 2024. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 68:101432, 11 p.

The historical trajectory of a coffee agri-food system: A case study in Oaxaca, Mexico. Ramírez León Alejandra, Avila-Foucat Sophie, Ezzine De Blas Driss. 2024. Ambio, 53 (12) : 1847-1863.


Inventory credit to enhance food security in Burkina Faso. Le Cotty Tristan, Maître d'Hôtel Elodie, Subervie Julie. 2023. World Development, 161:106092, 15 p.

Local indicators of climate change impacts described by indigenous peoples and local communities: Study protocol. Reyes-Garcia Victoria, Alvarez-Fernandez Santiago, Benyei Petra, García-del-Amo David, Junqueira André B., Labeyrie Vanesse, Li Xiaoyue, Porcher Vincent, Porcuna-Ferrer Anna, Schlingmann Anna, Soleymani-Fard Ramin. 2023. PloS One, 18 (1):e0279847, 15 p.

Using anticipation to unveil drivers of local livelihoods in Transfrontier Conservation Areas: a call for more environmental justice. Bourgeois Robin, Guerbois Chloé, Giva Nicia, Mugabe Prisca, Mukamuri Billy B., Fynn Richard W.S., Daré William's, Motsholapheko Moseki, Nare Lerato, Delay Etienne, Ducrot Raphaëlle, Bucuane Joaquim, Mercandalli Sara, Le Page Christophe, Caron Alexandre. 2023. People and Nature, 5 (2), n.spéc. The Multiple Values of Nature : 726-741.


Cadre conceptuel et méthode pour des diagnostics nationaux et territoriaux - Activer la transformation durable et inclusive de nos systèmes alimentaires. David-Benz Hélène, Sirdey Ninon, Deshons Alice, Orbell Claire, Herlant Patrick. 2022. Rome : FAO-CIRAD, 70 p. ISBN 978-92-5-135754-5 ; 978-2-87614-773-7

Collaborative modeling and simulation to mitigate high-elevation rangeland degradation inEastern Bhutan. Raj Gurung Tayan, Le Page Christophe, Trébuil Guy. 2022. Mountain Research and Development, 42 (4) : 14-24.

Diverse stakeholder perspectives and ecosystem services ranking: Application of the Q-methodology to Hawane Dam and Nature Reserve in Eswatini. Mahlalela Linda Siphiwo, Jourdain Damien, Mungatana Eric Dada, Lundhede Thomas Hedemark. 2022. Ecological Economics, 197:107439, 14 p.

Equitable livelihoods must underpin food systems transformation. Huang Jikun, Neufeld Lynnette M., Badiane Ousmane, Caron Patrick, Forsse Lisa S.. 2022. Nature Food, 3 (6) : 394-396.

Food systems profile. The Lao people's Democratic Republic. Catalysing the sustainable and inclusive transformation of food systems. Boulom Sayvisene (collab.), Nanthanavone Thongdeuane (collab.), Guéneau Stéphane (collab.), Mehta Meeta Punjabi (collab.), Khosla Pooja (collab.), Tuazon Maria Antonia (collab.), Vagneron Isabelle (collab.), Werleigh Leyla (collab.), Tefft James (collab.). 2022. Rome : FAO-European Union, 46 p. ISBN 978-92-5-136303-4

Mosaic glimpses: Serious games, generous constraints, and sustainable futures in Kandal, Cambodia. Venot Jean-Philippe, Bruun Jensen Casper, Delay Etienne, Daré William's. 2022. World Development, 151:105779, 11 p.

Opportunities to improve eco-agriculture through transboundary governance in transfrontier conservation areas. Chitakira Munyaradzi, Nhamo Luxon, Torquebiau Emmanuel, Magidi James, Ferguson Willem, Mpandeli Sylvester, Mearns Kevin, Mabhaudhi Tafadzwanashe. 2022. Diversity, 14 (6):461, 15 p.

Smallholders' livelihoods in the presence of commercial farms in central Kenya. Giger Markus, Reys Aurélien, Anseeuw Ward, Mutea Emily, Kiteme Boniface. 2022. Journal of Rural Studies, 96 : 343-357.


Biomass of timber species in Central American secondary forests: Towards climate change mitigation through sustainable timber harvesting. Souza Oliveira Maïri, Finegan Bryan, Casanoves Fernando, Delgado Diego, Sepulveda Norvin, Aguilar Porras Adriana, Chamorro María Alejandra, Morales Aymerich Jean Pierre, Ngo Bieng Marie-Ange. 2021. Forest Ecology and Management, 496:119439, 9 p.

Transformation of coffee-growing landscapes across Latin America. A review. Harvey Celia A., Pritts Alyssa A., Zwetsloot Marie J., Jansen Kees, Pulleman Mirjam, Armbrecht Inge, Avelino Jacques, Barrera Juan Francisco, Bunn Christian, Hoyos García Javier, Isaza Carlos, Munoz-Ucros Juana, Pérez-Alemán Carlos J., Rahn Eric, Robiglio Valentina, Somarriba Eduardo, Valencia Vivian. 2021. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 41:62, 19 p.

Tryout and (Dis)adoption of conservation agriculture. Evidence from Western Madagascar. Razafimahatratra Hanitriniana Mamy, Bignebat Céline, David-Benz Hélène, Bélières Jean-François, Penot Eric. 2021. Land Use Policy, 100:104929, 13 p.


Archetypes of climate-risk profiles among rural households in Limpopo, South Africa. Paumgarten Fiona, Locatelli Bruno, Witkowski E.T.F.. 2020. Weather, Climate, and Society, 12 (3) : 545-560.

Editorial: Proceedings of the 2nd ISESSAH Conference 2018. Raboisson Didier, Vosough Ahmadi Bouda, Peyre Marie-Isabelle, Hogeveen Henk, Gunn George John, Rushton Jonathan. 2020. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7:52, 3 p. ISESSAH 2018 Conference. 2, Montpellier, France, 14 Mai 2018/15 Mai 2018.

L'insertion socio-économique des jeunes ruraux comme révélateur du changement structurel en Afrique subsaharienne : la trajectoire rurale revisitée. Girard Pierre. 2020. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 287 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences économiques : Université de Montpellier


Dimensions of smallholder farming's attractiveness in Yucatán, with a focus on decent work aspects. Blundo Canto Genowefa, Becerril García Javier, Knerr Béatrice. 2019. In : Traditional smallholder farmers in a growing economy and a globalized world: Evidence from the state of Yucatán. Knerr Béatrice (ed.), Becerril García Javier (ed.). Kassel : Kassel University Press, 33-57. (International Rural Development, 10) ISBN 978-3-86219-906-8

Economic feasibility of six smallholder coffee farming associations implementing the Centroamericano coffee hybrid in San Pedro Yepocapa, Guatemala. Brown Taya, Ribera Luis, Lombardini Leonardo, Palma Marco, Montagnon Christophe. 2019. In : 27th Biennial ASIC Conference, Portland, 16-20 September 2018. Book of abstracts 2019. ASIC, SCA. Portland : ASIC, Résumé, 1 p. Biennial ASIC Conference. 27, Portland, États-Unis, 16 Septembre 2018/20 Septembre 2018.

How does fair trade affect farmers' food security? A review of empirical studies. Sirdey Ninon, Lemeilleur Sylvaine. 2019. In : Systèmes alimentaires = Food systems. Fort Fatiha (ed.). Paris : Classiques Garnier, 93-113. (Systèmes alimentaires, 4) ISBN 978-2-406-09828-7

La forêt comme commun en Afrique Centrale: une lutte de subsistance dans la globalisation. Boutinot Laurence, Baticle Christophe, Dkamela Guy Patrice. 2019. In : Communs, aujourd'hui ! Enjeux planétaires d'une gestion locale des ressources renouvelables. Delmas Bruno (ed.), Le Roy Etienne (ed.), Giraud, Gaël (ed.). Paris : Karthala, 135-157. (Hommes et sociétés) ISBN 978-2-8111-2564-6

Mountains as a critical source of ecosystem services: The case of the Drakensberg, South Africa. Ngwenya S.J., Torquebiau Emmanuel, Ferguson Willem. 2019. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 21 (2) : 1035-1052.
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Nature's contributions to people in mountains: A review. Martín-López Berta, Leister Ines, Cruz Pedro Lorenzo, Palomo Ignacio, Grêt-Regamey Adrienne, Harrison Paula A., Lavorel Sandra, Locatelli Bruno, Luque Sandra, Walz Ariane. 2019. PloS One, 14 (6):e0217847, 24 p.

Trade-offs between food security and forest exploitation by mestizo households in Ucayali, Peruvian Amazon. Andrieu Nadine, Blundo Canto Genowefa, Cruz-Garcia Gisella S.. 2019. Agricultural Systems, 173 : 64-77.

The importance of agricultural land uses in the provision of ecosystem services. A gender perspective in Nicaragua. Cifuentes Jaime, Feintrenie Laurene, Gutiérrez-Montes Isabel, Sibelet Nicole. 2019. In : 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Book of abstracts. Dupraz Christian (ed.), Gosme Marie (ed.), Lawson Gerry (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, Agropolis International, MUSE. Montpellier : CIRAD-INRA, Résumé, p. 221. World Congress on Agroforestry. 4, Montpellier, France, 20 Mai 2019/22 Mai 2019.


Agriculture de conservation et moyens d'existence des exploitations agricoles. Cas du Moyen Ouest de Madagascar. Razafimahatratra Hanitriniaina Mamy. 2018. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 169 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences économiques : Montpellier SupAgro

Analysis of landscape performance assessment by key stakeholders in a transfrontier conservation area. Chitakira Munyaradzi, Torquebiau Emmanuel, Ferguson Willem, Mearns Kevin. 2018. Landscape Research, 43 (5) : 665-678.
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Beyond family farming: the determining influence of political and territorial issues. Introduction. Bonnal Philippe. 2018. In : Diversity of family farming around the World. Existence, transformations and possible futures of family farms. Bosc Pierre-Marie (ed.), Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.), Bonnal Vincent (ed.), Gasselin Pierre (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.), Bélières Jean-François (ed.). Cham : Springer, 255-257. ISBN 978-94-024-1616-9

Climate change and aquaculture: vulnerability and adaptation options. Soto Doris, Ross Lindsay G., Handisyde Neil, Bueno Pedro B., Beveridge Malcolm C.M., Dabbadie Lionel, Aguilar-Manjarrez José, Cai Junning, Pongthanapanich Tipparat. 2018. In : Impacts of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture: Synthesis of current knowledge, adaptation and mitigation options. Barange Manuel (ed.), Bahri Tarûb (ed.), Beveridge Malcolm C.M. (ed.), Cochrane Kevern L. (ed.), Funge-Smith Simon (ed.), Poulain Florence (ed.). Rome : FAO, 465-490. (FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper, 627) ISBN 978-92-5-130607-9

Conservation et valorisation durable des ressources forestières dans un contexte de vulnérabilité sociale dans la Réserve de Biosphère de Mananara-Nord. Rakotondrabe Manohisoa. 2018. Antananarivo : Université d'Antananarivo, 251 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences agronomiques et environnementales : Université d'Antananarivo

Desert land reclamation programs and family land dynamics in the Western Desert of the Nile Delta (Egypt), 1960–2010. Alary Véronique, Aboul-Naga Adel, Osman Mona-Abdelzaher, Daoud Ibrahim, Abdelraheem Sahar, Salah Ehab, Juanès Xavier, Bonnet Pascal. 2018. World Development, 104 : 140-153.

Hunters and hunting across indigenous and colonist communities at the forest-agriculture interface: an ethnozoological study from the Peruvian Amazon. Francesconi Wendy, Bax Vincent, Blundo Canto Genowefa, Willcock Simon, Cuadros Sandra, Vanegas Martha, Quintero Marcela, Torres-Vitolas Carlos A.. 2018. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 14:54, 11 p.


Integration into international markets of cotton family farms in Mali. Soumaré Mamy, Bélières Jean-François, Passouant Michel, Sidibé Moumouni. 2018. In : Diversity of family farming around the World. Existence, transformations and possible futures of family farms. Bosc Pierre-Marie (ed.), Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.), Bonnal Vincent (ed.), Gasselin Pierre (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.), Bélières Jean-François (ed.). Cham : Springer, 43-59. ISBN 978-94-024-1616-9

Introduction. Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Bosc Pierre-Marie, Bonnal Philippe, Bélières Jean-François, Gasselin Pierre, Valette Elodie. 2018. In : Diversity of family farming around the World. Existence, transformations and possible futures of family farms. Bosc Pierre-Marie (ed.), Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.), Bonnal Vincent (ed.), Gasselin Pierre (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.), Bélières Jean-François (ed.). Cham : Springer, 1-9. ISBN 978-94-024-1616-9

L'informel et le non-marchand dans les systèmes d'activités : enquête représentative sur les ménages kanak en tribus de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Apithy Leïla, Guyard Stéphane, Bouard Séverine, Passouant Michel, Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Bélières Jean-François. 2018. Cahiers Agricultures, 27 (2):25501, 7 p.

Local anchoring and migration as two faces of the same coin: Introduction. Valette Elodie. 2018. In : Diversity of family farming around the World. Existence, transformations and possible futures of family farms. Bosc Pierre-Marie (ed.), Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.), Bonnal Vincent (ed.), Gasselin Pierre (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.), Bélières Jean-François (ed.). Cham : Springer, 79-80. ISBN 978-94-024-1616-9

Long-term accumulation strategies and family farms in Cameroon. Pedelahore Philippe. 2018. In : Diversity of family farming around the World. Existence, transformations and possible futures of family farms. Bosc Pierre-Marie (ed.), Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.), Bonnal Vincent (ed.), Gasselin Pierre (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.), Bélières Jean-François (ed.). Cham : Springer, 193-205. ISBN 978-94-024-1616-9

Mieux connaître la diversité des exploitations agricoles et leurs modes de fonctionnement...un élément indispensable pour orienter les actions de développement. Raharison Tahina, Razafimahatratra Hanitriniana Mamy, Bélières Jean-François, Autfray Patrice, Audouin Sarah, Muller Bertrand. 2018. Journal de l'Agro-Ecologie, 7 : 28-38.

Multi-localized diversified family farming in Nicaragua. Freguin-Gresh Sandrine. 2018. In : Diversity of family farming around the World. Existence, transformations and possible futures of family farms. Bosc Pierre-Marie (ed.), Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.), Bonnal Vincent (ed.), Gasselin Pierre (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.), Bélières Jean-François (ed.). Cham : Springer, 81-97. ISBN 978-94-024-1616-9


Urban and peri-urban agriculture,the dairy farms of Cairo, Egypt. Daburon Annabelle, Alary Véronique, Ali Ahmed, El-Srogi Mohammad, Tourrand Jean-François. 2018. In : Diversity of family farming around the World. Existence, transformations and possible futures of family farms. Bosc Pierre-Marie (ed.), Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.), Bonnal Vincent (ed.), Gasselin Pierre (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.), Bélières Jean-François (ed.). Cham : Springer, 29-42. ISBN 978-94-024-1616-9

What drives the vulnerability of rural communities to climate variability? Consensus and diverging views in the Congo Basin. Pavageau Charlotte, Locatelli Bruno, Sonwa Denis Jean, Tiani Anne Marie. 2018. Climate and Development, 10 (1) : 49-60.
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The contribution of NTFPs gathering: To rural people's livelihoods around two timber concessions in Gabon. Midoko Iponga Donald, Mikolo-Yobo Christian, Lescuyer Guillaume, Mba Assoumou Fidèle, Levang Patrice, Chupezi Tieguhong Julius, Ngoye Alfred. 2018. Agroforestry Systems, 92 (1) : 157-158.


Analyzing ecosystem services to manage territories. Locatelli Bruno, Vallet Ameline, Fedele Giacomo, Rapidel Bruno. 2017. In : Living territories to transform the world. Caron Patrick (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.), Wassenaar Tom (ed.), Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge Geo (ed.), Papazian V (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae-AFD, 106-110. (Agricultures et défis du monde) ISBN 978-2-7592-2731-0

Formaliser les droits d'accès aux forêts communautaires au Cameroun et à Madagascar. Karpe Philippe, Aubert Sigrid. 2017. In : La formalisation des droits sur la terre : bilan des expériences et des réflexions. Contributions des membres du Comité technique Foncier et développement ». Comité technique Foncier et développement. s.l. : AFD-MAEDI, 90-95. (Regards sur le foncier, 2)

Gestion de la faune dans les concessions forestières en Afrique centrale. Dubiez Emilien, Karsenty Alain, Dessard Hélène. 2017. In : Communautés locales et utilisation durable de la faune en Afrique centrale. van Vliet N. (ed.), Nguinguiri J. -C. (ed.), Cornelis D. (ed.), Le Bel S. (ed.). Bogor : FAO-CIFOR, 209-229. ISBN 978-602-387-054-7



Landscape management strategies in response to climate risks in Indonesia. Fedele Giacomo. 2017. Montpellier : AgroParisTech, 205 p. Thèse de doctorat : Science de l'environnement : AgroParisTech

Les aires communautaires de chasse dans les concessions forestières. Une piste d'actions pour rendre plus inclusif le volet faune de l'aménagement forestier. Cornélis Daniel, Ampolo Alain Noël, Nguinguiri Jean Claude, Ratiarison Sandra, Bockandza Frédéric Paco. 2017. In : Communautés locales et utilisation durable de la faune en Afrique centrale. van Vliet N. (ed.), Nguinguiri J. -C. (ed.), Cornelis D. (ed.), Le Bel S. (ed.). Bogor : FAO-CIFOR, 103-117. ISBN 978-602-387-054-7

Local livelihood under different governances of tourism development in China – A case study of Huangshan mountain area. Qian Cheng, Sasaki Nophea, Jourdain Damien, Kim Sohee Minsun, Shivakoti Ganesh Prasad. 2017. Tourism Management, 61 : 221-233.

Mechanisms mediating the contribution of ecosystem services to human well-being and resilience. Fedele Giacomo, Locatelli Bruno, Djoudi Houria. 2017. Ecosystem Services, 28 (Part A) : 43-54.

Relations between agriculture and the city in Europe and the Mediterranean. Soulard Christophe-Toussaint, Perrin Coline, Valette Elodie. 2017. In : Toward sustainable relations between agriculture and the city. Soulard Christophe-Toussaint (ed.), Perrin Coline (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.). Cham : Springer International Publishing, 1-11. (Urban Agriculture) ISBN 978-3-319-71035-8

To what extent have the links between ecosystem services and human well-being been researched in Africa, Asia, and Latin America? Cruz-Garcia Gisella S., Sachet Erwan, Blundo Canto Genowefa, Vanegas Martha, Quintero Marcela. 2017. Ecosystem Services, 25 : 201-212.

Toward "Concessions 2.0": Articulating inclusive and exclusive management in production forests in Central Africa. Karsenty Alain, Vermeulen Cédric. 2017. International Forestry Review, 19 (S2), n.spéc. Forest concessions in Central Africa : 101-113.

Toward sustainable relations between agriculture and the city. Soulard Christophe-Toussaint (ed.), Perrin Coline (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.). 2017. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 240 p. (Urban Agriculture) ISBN 978-3-319-71035-8

Urban farms under pressure: Cairo's dairy producers, Egypt. Daburon Annabelle, Alary Véronique, Ali Ahmed, El Sorougy Mohamed, Tourrand Jean-François. 2017. In : Toward sustainable relations between agriculture and the city. Soulard Christophe-Toussaint (ed.), Perrin Coline (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.). Cham : Springer International Publishing, 73-88. (Urban Agriculture) ISBN 978-3-319-71035-8

What explains wildlife value orientations? A study among central African forest dwellers. Rickenbach Olivia, Reyes-Garcia Victoria, Moser Gabrielle, Garcia Claude. 2017. Human Ecology, 45 (3) : 293-306.

The cost of making compensation payments to local forest populations in a REDD+ pilot project in Madagascar. Brimont Laura, Ezzine de Blas Driss, Karsenty Alain. 2017. Madagascar Conservation and Development, 12 (1), 9 p.



Avances en la comprensión de la transición forestal en fincas costarricenses. Louman Bastiaan, Gutiérrez Isabel, Le Coq Jean-François, Brenes Cristian, Wulfhorst J.D., Casanoves Fernando, Yglesias Maribel, Rios Sandra. 2016. Revista Iberoamericana de Economia Ecologica, 26 : 191-206.

Evaluation des impacts des mesures mises en oeuvre durant les 20 ans du plan d'action environnemental malgache en matière de conservation et d'appui au développement des communautés. Razafintsalama Manitra Harison. 2016. Antananarivo : Université d'Antananarivo, 236 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences agronomiques : Université d'Antananarivo

Impacts of drought and responses of rural populations in West Africa: A systematic review. Gautier Denis, Denis David, Locatelli Bruno. 2016. WIREs Climate Change, 7 (5) : 666-681.

Le recueil de multiples finalités de l'environnement en amont d'un diagnostic de vulnérabilité et de résilience. Application à un bassin versant au Laos. Buchheit Pauline. 2016. Paris : AgroParisTech, 340 p. Thèse de doctorat : Science de l'environnement : AgroParisTech

Mainstreaming impact evaluation in nature conservation. Baylis Kathy, Honey-Rosés Jordi, Börner Jan, Corbera Esteve, Ezzine de Blas Driss, Ferraro Paul, Lapeyre Renaud, Persson U. Martin, Pfaff Alex, Wunder Sven, Smukler Sean. 2016. Conservation Letters, 9 (1) : 58-64.


Are alternative livelihood projects effective at reducing local threats to specified elements of biodiversity and/or improving or maintaining the conservation status of those elements? Roe Dilys, Booker Francesca, Day Mike, Zhou Wen, Allebone Webb Sophie, Hill Nicolas A.O., Kumpel Noelle F., Petrokofsky Gillian, Redford Kent, Russell Diane, Shepherd Gill, Wright Juliet, Sunderland Terry C.H.. 2015. Environmental Evidence, 4 (22), 22 p.

Conclusion : Apports méthodologiques et conceptuels. Bonnal Philippe, Bosc Pierre-Marie, Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Gasselin Pierre, Bélières Jean-François, Valette Elodie. 2015. In : Diversité des agricultures familiales : Exister se transformer, devenir. Bosc Pierre-Marie (ed.), Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.), Bonnal Philippe (ed.), Gasselin Pierre (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.), Bélières Jean-François (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 327-353. (Nature et société)

Diversité des agricultures familiales : Exister, se transformer, devenir. Bosc Pierre-Marie (ed.), Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.), Bonnal Philippe (ed.), Gasselin Pierre (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.), Bélières Jean-François (ed.). 2015. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 383 p. (Nature et société) ISBN 978-2-7592-2266-7
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Introduction. Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Bosc Pierre-Marie, Bonnal Philippe, Bélières Jean-François, Gasselin Pierre, Valette Elodie. 2015. In : Diversité des agricultures familiales : Exister se transformer, devenir. Bosc Pierre-Marie (ed.), Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.), Bonnal Philippe (ed.), Gasselin Pierre (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.), Bélières Jean-François (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 13-20. (Nature et société)

The South African 'Ecological Reserve', A Travelling Concept. Bourblanc Magalie. 2015. Politikon - South African Journal of Political Studies, 42 (2) : 275-292.

Understanding farm trajectories and development pathways: Two decades of change in southern Mali. Falconnier Gatien N., Descheemaeker Katrien, Van Mourik Thomas A., Sanogo Ousmane, Giller Ken E.. 2015. Agricultural Systems, 139 : 210-222.


Effects of landscape segregation on livelihood vulnerability: Moving from extensive shifting cultivation to rotational agriculture and natural forests in Northern Laos. Castella Jean-Christophe, Lestrelin Guillaume, Hett Cornelia, Bourgoin Jeremy, Fitriana Yulia Rahma, Heinimann Andreas, Pfund Jean-Laurent. 2013. Human Ecology, 41 (1) : 63-76.

Improving the management of commercial Non-Timber Forest Products in Cambodia for the benefit of local communities. Boissière Manuel, Mulcahy Glen, Sethaphal Lao, Chou Beang Ly. 2013. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (317) : 21-34.

Livelihoods and fishing strategies of small-scale fishing households faced with resource decline: A case study of Singkarak Lake, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Yuerlita. 2013. Bangkok : AIT, 139 p. Thesis Ph. D. : Natural resources management : Asian Institute of Technology


Role of livelihood capital in shaping the farming strategies and outcomes of smallholder rubber producers in southern Thailand. Longpichai Onanong, Perret Sylvain, Shivakoti Ganesh Prasad. 2012. Outlook on Agriculture, 41 (2) : 117-124.

The forgotten D: Challenges of addressing forest degradation in complex mosaic landscapes under REDD+. Mertz Ole, Müller Daniel, Sikor Thomas, Hett Cornelia, Heinimann Andreas, Castella Jean-Christophe, Lestrelin Guillaume, Ryan Casey M., Reay David D., Schmidt-Vogt Dietrich, Danielsen Finn, Theilade Ida, Van Noordwijk Meine, Verchot Louis, Burgess Neil D., Berry Nicholas J., Pham Thuy Thu, Messerli Peter, Xu Jianchu, Fensholt Rasmus, Hostert Patrick, Pflugmacher Dirk, Bruun Thilde Bech, de Neergaard Andreas, Dons Klaus, Dewi Sonya, Rutishauser Ervan, Sun Zhanli. 2012. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography, 112 (1) : 63-76.


Measuring participation: Case studies on village land use planning in northern Lao PDR. Lestrelin Guillaume, Bourgoin Jeremy, Bouahom Bounthong, Castella Jean-Christophe. 2011. Applied Geography, 31 (3) : 950-958.


Why do farmers prefer oil palm? Lessons learnt from Bungo district, Indonesia. Feintrenie Laurène, Chong Wan Kian, Levang Patrice. 2010. Small-Scale Forestry, 9 (3) : 379-396.

The livelihood impacts of oil palm: smallholders in Indonesia. Rist Lucy, Feintrenie Laurène, Levang Patrice, De Foresta Hubert. 2010. Biodiversity and Conservation, 19 (4) : 1009-1024.

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