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Nombre de documents : 63.


A novel approach to use the DayCent model for simulating agroforestry systems with multiple components. Laub Moritz, Le Goff Ulysse, Prébandier Marc, Six Johan, Cardinael Rémi. 2025. Agroforestry Systems, 99:25, 17 p.


Estimating herbaceous aboveground biomass using an indirect method based on the herbaceous layer characteristic. Diatta Ousmane, N'Goran Adjoua Ange-Jokébed, Fassinou Cofélas, Salgado Paulo, Ndiaye Ousmane, Diatta Sekouna, Ngom Daouda, Tagesson Torbern, Taugourdeau Simon. 2024. Biomass, 4 (4), n.spéc. Innovative Systems for Biomass Crop Production and Use : 1191-1199.

Multi-step kinetic mechanism coupled with CFD modeling of slow pyrolysis of biomass at different heating rates. Sangare Diakaridia, Moscosa-Santillan Mario, Bostyn Stéphane, Belandria Verónica, De la Cruz Martínez Alejandro, Van De Steene Laurent. 2024. Chemical Engineering Journal, 479:147791, 14 p.

Peut-on estimer la biomasse des communautés d'invertébrés du sol à partir d'images composites ? Lemoine Mika, Coulis Mathieu. 2024. . INRAE, CNRS, Université Paul-Valery Montpellier 3, InstitutAgro Montpellier. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 1 p. Journées Annuelles du réseau TEBIS "Traits Écologiques et Biologiques des organIsmes du Sol". 12, Montpellier, France, 7 Octobre 2024/9 Octobre 2024.


A framework for national-scale predictions of forage dry mass in Senegal: UAVs an intermediate step between field measurements and Sentinel-2 images. Nungi-Pambu Maïalicah, Lo Adama, Fassinou Cofélas, Tageson Torbern, Fensholt Rasmus, Diouf Abdoul Aziz, Menassol Jean-Baptiste, Assouma Mohamed Habibou, Touré Ibra, Taugourdeau Simon. 2024. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 45 (13) : 4199-4218.
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Can low-input agriculture in semi-arid Burkina Faso feed its soil, livestock and people? Assogba Gildas Geraud Comlan, Berre David, Adam Myriam, Descheemaeker Katrien. 2023. European Journal of Agronomy, 151:126983, 15 p.

Combining abilities and heterosis for biomass yield and quality related traits in single-cut forage sorghum adapted to temperate climates. Sory Amadou Jean-Baptiste, Rocher Aline, Jeanson Patrice, Alcouffe Joël, Devaud Quentin, Trouche Gilles, De Bellis Fabien, Pot David. 2023. In : Sorghum in the 21st century: Resiliency and sustainability in the face of climate change. Book of abstracts. CIRAD, Kansas State University, Collaborative Research on Sorghum and Millet, SorghumID, IRD, CERAAS. Montpellier : CIRAD-Kansas State University, Résumé, p. 267. Sorghum in the 21st Century, Global Sorghum Conference, Montpellier, France, 5 Juin 2023/9 Juin 2023.

Comparative effects of bmr-12 and D genes on sorghum stover quality. Thera Korothimi, Doumbia Mohamed, Yebedié Ankounidjou, Tekete Mohamed Lamine, Sissoko Salifou, Kouressy Mamoutou, Sissoko Aliou, Diakité Mahamadou, Sanogo Sekouba, Kamissoko Sayon, Seyni Diakité Ousmane, Diarra Danfing dit Youssouf, Vaksmann Michel, Témé Niaba, Coulibaly Harouna, Pot David. 2023. In : Sorghum in the 21st century: Resiliency and sustainability in the face of climate change. Book of abstracts. CIRAD, Kansas State University, Collaborative Research on Sorghum and Millet, SorghumID, IRD, CERAAS. Montpellier : CIRAD-Kansas State University, p. 271. Sorghum in the 21st Century, Global Sorghum Conference, Montpellier, France, 5 Juin 2023/9 Juin 2023.
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Dynamique à court terme de la masse sur pied et de la digestibilité de fourrages herbacés sous pâture ou mis en défens dans le Sahel sénégalais. Diatta Ousmane, Salgado Paulo, Diatta Sekouna, Ndiaye Ousmane, Ngom Daouda, Bastianelli Denis, Assouma Mohamed Habibou, Ickowicz Alexandre, Taugourdeau Simon. 2023. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 76:37271, 8 p.

Développement d'un outil d'évaluation environnementale multicritère de projets de recherche et développement - Analyse de cycle de vie (ACV) organisationelle. Benoist Anthony, Bourget Quentin, Biard Yannick. 2023. . CIRAD. Montpellier : CIRAD, 2 p. Journées d'intégration des nouvelles arrivantes et nouveaux arrivants du CIRAD, Montpellier, France, 19 Avril 2023/20 Avril 2023.

Grazing effects on vegetation dynamics in the savannah ecosystems of the Sahel. Gebremedhn Haftay Hailu, Ndiaye Ousmane, Mensah Sylvanus, Fassinou Cofélas, Taugourdeau Simon, Tagesson Torbern, Salgado Paulo. 2023. Ecological Processes, 12:54, 12 p.

Influence of physical-anatomical wood variables on charcoal physical-mechanical properties. Couto Allan Motta, Monteiro Thiago Campos, Trugilho Paulo Fernando, Lima Jose Tarcisio, Moreira da Silva Jose Reinaldo, Napoli Alfredo, De Almeida Diego Pierre. 2023. Journal of Forestry Research, 34 (2) : 531-538.




Agroforestry as a climate solution: Moving from potential to practice. Terasaki Hart Drew, Yeo Samantha, Almaraz Maya, Beillouin Damien, Cardinael Rémi, Garcia Edenise, Kay Sonja, Taylor Lovell Sarah, Rosenstock Todd S., Sprenkle-Hyppolite Starry, Stolle Fred, Suber Marta, Thapa Bhuwan, Wood Stephen, Cook-patton Susan. 2022. In : En transition vers un monde viable. Québec : Université Laval-IUAF-ICRAF Congrès mondial d'agroforesterie. 5, Québec, Canada, 17 Juillet 2022/20 Juillet 2022.

Building a global carbon database to characterize agroforestry as a natural climate solution. Cook-patton Susan, Biswas Tanushree, Cardinael Rémi, Culbertson Katherine, DeStefano Andrea, Garcia Edenise, Jacobson Michael, Neupane Kripa, Rosenstock Todd S., Sprenkle-Hyppolite Starry, Suber Marta, Surdoval Alison, Terasaki Hart Drew, Thapa Bhuwan, Valverde Yesenia, Wood Stephen, Yeo Samantha, Zarate Alina. 2022. In : En transition vers un monde viable. Québec : Université de Laval-IUAF-ICRAF, Résumé, 1 p. Congrès mondial d'agroforesterie. 5, Québec, Canada, 17 Juillet 2022/20 Juillet 2022.

Building a global carbon database to characterize agroforestry as a natural climate solution. Jacobson Michael, Cook-patton Susan, Biswas Tanushree, Cardinael Rémi, Culbertson Katherine, DeStefano Andrea, Garcia Edenise, Neupane Kripa, Rosenstock Todd, Sprenkle-Hyppolite Starry, Suber Marta, Surdoval Alison, Terasaki Hart Drew, Thapa Bhuwan, Valverde Yesenia, Wood Stephen, Yeo Samantha, Zarate Alina. 2022. In : EURAF 2022 Book of abstracts = Agroforestry for the green deal transition. Research and innovation towards the sustainable development of agriculture and forestry. Spano Donatella (ed.), Trabucco Antonio (ed.), Camilli Francesca (ed.), Paris Pierluigi (ed.), Mantino Alberto (ed.),Rosati Adolfo (ed.), Panozzo Anna (ed.), Libert Antoine (ed.). UniNuoro, EURAF. Nuoro : UniNuoro-EURAF, Résumé, p. 94. European Agroforestry Conference, EURAF2022. 6, Nuoro, Italie, 16 Mai 2022/20 Mai 2022.

Global biomass supply modeling for long-run management of the climate system. Rose Steven K., Popp Alexander, Fujimori Shinichiro, Havlik Petr, Weyant John, Wise Marshall, Van Vuuren Detlef P., Brunelle Thierry, Cui Ryna Yiyun, Daioglou Vassilis, Frank Stefan, Hasegawa Tomoko, Humpenöder Florian, Kato Etsushi, Sands Ronald D., Sano Fuminori, Tsutsui Junichi, Doelman Jonathan, Muratori Matteo, Prudhomme Rémi, Wada Kenichi, Yamamoto Hiromi. 2022. Climatic Change, 172, 3, 27 p.

Limited yield penalties in an early transition to conservation agriculture in cotton-based cropping systems of Benin. Yemadje Pierrot Lionel, Takpa O'Neil Gilchrist, Amonmide Isidore, Balarabe Oumarou, Sêkloka Emmanuel, Guibert Hervé, Tittonell Pablo. 2022. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6:1041399, 13 p.

Spontaneous combustion of wheat straw residue at different cooling temperatures: Combined effect of water sorption and air oxidation. Wongthonglueang Thanaphon, Rousset Patrick, Commandre Jean-Michel, Van De Steene Laurent, Valette Jérémy. 2022. Thermochimica Acta, 712:179216, 8 p.

Synergistic effect of biomass potassium content and oxidative atmosphere: Impact on torrefaction severity and released condensables. Macedo Lucélia, Silveira Edgar A., Rousset Patrick, Valette Jérémy, Commandre Jean-Michel. 2022. Energy, 254 (Part C):124472, 16 p.


Assessment of GEDI's LiDAR data for the estimation of canopy heights and wood volume of eucalyptus plantations in Brazil. Fayad Ibrahim, Baghdadi Nicolas, Alcarde Alvares Clayton, Stape Jose Luiz, Bailly Jean Stéphane, Ferraço Scolforo Henrique, Zribi Mehrez, Le Maire Guerric. 2021. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14 : 7095-7110.

Char burnout characteristics of various Vietnamese woody biomass: Effect of lean and rich oxygen concentration on char conversion. Le Duc Dung, Pham Anh Tuan, Nguyen Huu Linh, Nam Nguyen Hong, Ohno Emi, Ishii Hiroki, Van De Steene Laurent. 2021. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments, 44 (2) : 260-267.

Effect of leaching and fungal attacks during storage on chemical properties of raw and torrefied biomasses. De Freitas Homem De Faria Bruno, Lanvin Charline, Valette Jérémy, Rousset Patrick, De Cassia Oliveira Carneiro Angelica, Caldeira-Pires Armando, Candelier Kévin. 2021. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 12 : 1447-1463.
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Estimating crop parameters using Sentinel-1 and 2 datasets and geospatial field data. Mercier Audrey, Betbeder Julie, Denize Julien, Roger Jean-Luc, Spicher Fabien, Lacoux Jérôme, Roger David, Baudry Jacques, Hubert-Moy Laurence. 2021. Data in Brief, 38:107408, 5 p.

Evaluating process-based sugarcane models for simulating genotypic and environmental effects observed in an international dataset. Jones M.R., Singels A., Chinorumba S., Poser Christophe, Christina Mathias, Shine J., Annandale J., Hammer Graeme. 2021. Field Crops Research, 260:107983, 17 p.

Kinetic and structural changes during gasification of cashew nut shell char particles. Nguyen Hong Nam, Khuong Duy Anh, Vu Thi Thu Ha, Mai Thi Nga, Tsubota Toshiki, Tran Van Bay, Blin Joël, Van De Steene Laurent. 2021. Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 40 (2):e13580, 12 p.


Biomass residues as twenty-first century bioenergy feedstock—a comparison of eight integrated assessment models. Hanssen Steef V., Daioglou Vassilis, Steinmann Zoran J. N., Frank Stefan, Popp Alexander, Brunelle Thierry, Lauri Pekka, Hasegawa Tomoko, Huijbregts Mark A. J., Van Vuuren Detlef P.. 2020. Climatic Change, 163 : 1569-1586.

How electrical engine power load and feedstock moisture content affect the performance of a fixed bed gasification genset. Huchon Valentin, Pinta François, Commandre Jean-Michel, Van De Steene Laurent. 2020. Energy, 197:117144, 10 p.

Modeling mass loss of biomass by NIR-spectrometry during the torrefaction process. Devos Perrine, Commandre Jean-Michel, Brancheriau Loïc, Candelier Kévin, Rousset Patrick. 2020. International Journal of Energy Research, 44 (12), n.spéc. Sustainable Energy and Green Technologies : 9787-9797.
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Quantifying the effect of landscape structure on transport costs for biorefinery of agricultural and forestry wastes in Malaysia. Ong Chu Lee, Deprés Gabrielle, Hollebecq Jean-Eudes, Shaiffudin Hishamudin Mohammad O., Kamaruddin Norfaryanti, Anugerah Adhe R., Amir Mustafa Amira N., Roda Jean-Marc. 2020. Global Change Biology. Bioenergy, 12 (11) : 910-922.

Slow rate of secondary forest carbon accumulation in the Guianas compared with the rest of the Neotropics. Chave Jérôme, Piponiot-Laroche Camille, Marechaux Isabelle, De Foresta Hubert, Larpin Denis, Fischer Fabian Jörg, Derroire Géraldine, Vincent Grégoire, Herault Bruno. 2020. Ecological Applications, 30 (1):e02004, 13 p.
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A dataset on service crop phenotypic characteristics related to their ability to deliver a set of ecological functions. Damour Gaëlle, Meynard Charles, Lakhia Steewy, Ramassamy Mylène, Lakhia Kelly, Dorel Marc. 2020. Data in Brief, 31:105808, 8 p.

A simulation method to infer tree allometry and forest structure from airborne laser scanning and forest inventories. Fischer Fabian Jörg, Labriere Nicolas, Vincent Grégoire, Herault Bruno, Alonso Alfonso, Memiaghe Herve R., Bissiengou Pulcherie, Kenfack David, Saatchi Sassan, Chave Jérôme. 2020. Remote Sensing of Environment, 251:112056, 16 p.


Coupled effect of torrefaction and densification pre-treatment on biomass energetic and physical properties. Keeratiisariyakul Promporn, Rousset Patrick, Pattiya Adisak. 2019. International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environment, 10, 10 p.

Ground data are essential for biomass remote sensing missions. Chave Jérôme, Davies Stuart J., Phillips Oliver L., Lewis Simon L., Sist Plinio, Schepaschenko Dmitry, Armston John, Baker Timothy R., Coomes David A., Disney Mathias, Duncanson Laura, Herault Bruno, Labriere Nicolas, Meyer Victoria, Rejou-Mechain Maxime, Scipal Klaus, Saatchi Sassan. 2019. Surveys in Geophysics, 40 (4), n.spéc. Forest properties and carbon cycle studies from Earth Observations : 863-880.
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High-throughput biomass estimation in rice crops using UAV multispectral imagery. Devia Carlos A., Rojas bustos Juan Pablo, Petro Eliel, Martinez Carol, Mondragon Ivan F., Patino Diego, Rebolledo Cid Maria Camila, Colorado Julian D.. 2019. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 96 (3-4) : 573-589.
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Prefeasitbility study for implementing a biomass to electricity chain in La Digue Island (Seychelles). Broust François, Gazull Laurent, Van De Steene Laurent. 2019. Montpellier : CIRAD, 20 p.


Analyzing and modelling biomass accumulation in sorghum stem and its drought regulation at tissue and organ level – genotypic variability and implications for ideotype conception. Luquet Delphine, Perrier Lisa, Clément-Vidal Anne, Jaffuel Sylvie, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Pot David, Larue Florian, Soutiras Armelle, Roques Sandrine, Baptiste Christelle, Gatineau Frédéric, Beurier Grégory, Rouan Lauriane. 2018. . s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 1 p. Sorghum in the 21st century "Food, Feed and Fuel in a Rapidly Changing World", Cape Town, Afrique du Sud, 9 Avril 2018/12 Avril 2018.

Coupling dynamic carbon accounting and partial-equilibrium economic model for energy policy assessment. Albers Ariane Christine, Collet Pierre, Lorne Daphné, Benoist Anthony, Helias Arnaud. 2018. In : SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting - Abstract book. SETAC Europe. Bruxelles : SETAC Europe, Résumé, p. 134., 1 diaporama (14 vues) SETAC Europe Annual Meeting. 28, Rome, Italie, 13 Mai 2018/17 Mai 2018.

Effect of Mechanical Stress from the Grinding Device on the Biomass Powder Properties and Energy Consumption. Rajaonarivony Karine, Rouau Xavier, Mayer-Laigle Claire. 2018. In : Proceedings of the 26th European Biomass Conference (EUCBE). Persson M. (ed.), Scarlat N. (ed.), Grassi A. (ed.), Helm P. (ed.). Florence : ETA, 567-571. ISBN 978-88-89407-18-9 European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 26, Copenhagen, Danemark, 14 Mai 2018/17 Mai 2018.
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Oxidative pyrolysis of pine wood, wheat straw and miscanthus pellets in a fixed bed. Pham Xuan Huynh, Piriou Bruno, Salvador Sylvain, Valette Jérémy, Van de Steene Laurent. 2018. Fuel Processing Technology, 178 : 226-235.

Oxidative pyrolysis of various biomass in a fixed bed: yields, composition and properties of the products. Pham Xuan Huynh, Piriou Bruno, Salvador Sylvain, Valette Jérémy, Van de Steene Laurent. 2018. In : Proceedings of the 26th European Biomass Conference (EUCBE). Persson M. (ed.), Scarlat N. (ed.), Grassi A. (ed.), Helm P. (ed.). Florence : ETA, 1152-1157. ISBN 978-88-89407-18-9 European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 26, Copenhagen, Danemark, 14 Mai 2018/17 Mai 2018.
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Revisiting IPCC Tier 1 coefficients for soil organic and biomass carbon storage in agroforestry systems. Cardinael Rémi, Umulisa Viviane, Toudert Anass, Olivier Alain, Bockel Louis, Bernoux Martial. 2018. Environmental Research Letters, 13 (12):124020, 20 p.

Valorization of pyrolysis by-products for the protection of biomaterials. Boer Febrina, Commandre Jean-Michel, Thévenon Marie-France, Fournier Meriem. 2018. In : Actes des 7e journées scientifiques du GDR 3544 Sciences du Bois. INRA, AgroParisTech. Cluny : CNRS-AgroParisTech, 264-266. Journées Scientifiques du Groupement de Recherche 3544 Sciences du bois. 7, Cluny, France, 20 Novembre 2018/22 Novembre 2018.

Waste to resources: Energy or materials. Abd Rashid Ahmad Hazri, Hashim Haslenda, Jeng Shiun Lim, Sie Ting Tan, Roda Jean-Marc, Lalchand Gulabrai, Nordin Laili, Ramasamy Puvaneswari, Ho Wai Shin, Mohd Sood Alias, Ong Chu Lee, Chen Brenna. 2018. In : ASM local and transboundary haze study - HAZE: Help action toward zero emissions. Jaafar, A. Bakar (ed.). Kuala Lumpur : Academy of Sciences Malaysia, 60-74., Annexes (67 p.)


Assessing economic and environmental benefits of dedicated energy cane using a simulation tool: ReefCane®. Masson Jérôme, Lejars Caroline, Fusillier Jean-Louis, Auzoux Sandrine, Poser Christophe. 2017. Sugar Industry, 142 (5) : 270-276. ISSCT Congress. 29, Chiang Mai, Thaïlande, 5 Décembre 2016/8 Décembre 2016.

Remote sensing of industrial palm groves in Cameroon. Komba Mayossa Prune Christobelle, Gadal Sébastien, Roda Jean-Marc. 2017. ASM Science Journal (1), n.spéc. ICT-Bio : 16-45.


Effects of harvest frequency on leaf biomass and triterpenoid content of Centella asiatica (L.) Urb from Madagascar. Rahajanirina Voninavoko, Faramalala Miadana Harisoa, Roger Edmond, Zebrowski Cyrille, Leong Pock Tsy Jean-Michel, Danthu Pascal. 2016. Journal of Medical and Biological Science Research, 2 (1) : 1-8.

Exploring modeling concepts to deal with carbon source - sink relationships in EcoMeristem: implications for analyzing the phenotypic variability of biomass sorghum. Fumey Damien, Soulie Jean-Christophe, Fabre Denis, Luquet Delphine. 2016. . s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 1 p. IEEE International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (FSPMA 2016), Qingdao, Chine, 7 Novembre 2016/11 Novembre 2016.

Sustainable biomass production in eucalypt plantations under climate changes: insights from a throughfall exclusion experiment. Laclau Jean-Paul. 2016. In : IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania 2016: Forests for sustainable development the role of research. IUFRO. Beijing : IUFRO, 42. IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania 2016, Beijing, Chine, 24 Octobre 2016/27 Octobre 2016.

Towards a consensual method to assess climate change impacts from bio-based systems. Benoist Anthony, Cornillier Claire. 2016. In : SETAC Europe Annual Meeting: Environmental contaminants from land to sea: continuities and interface in environmental toxicology and chemistry. Nantes : SETAC Europe, 2 p. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting: Environmental contaminants from land to sea: continuities and interface in environmental toxicology and chemistry. 26, Nantes, France, 22 Mai 2016/26 Mai 2016.

A mathematical model of tree-grass interactions using impulsive differential equations and non-linear feedback functions of grass biomass onto fire-induced tree mortality. Tchuinte Tamen Alexis, Dumont Yves, Bowong Samuel, Tewa Jean Jules, Couteron Pierre. 2016. . Perpignan : Université de Perpignan, Résumé, 1 p. Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Conference (ETAMM 2016), Perpignan, France, 30 Mai 2016/3 Juin 2016.


Characterisation of the most representative agricultural and forestry biomasses in France for gasification. Da Silva Perez Denilson, Dupont Capucine, Guillemain Hélène, Jacob Sylvain, Labalette Françoise, Briand Sarah, Marsac Sylvain, Guerrini Olivier, Broust François, Commandre Jean-Michel. 2015. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 6 (4) : 515-526.

Innovative solutions for the combustion of unsuitable biomass resources by mixing. Piednoir Brice, Commandre Jean-Michel, Benoist Anthony, Vaitilingom Gilles. 2015. . Firenze : ETA-Renewable Energies, 1 poster European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 23, Vienna, Autriche, 1 Juin 2015/4 Juin 2015.

International finance for forest and agribusiness. Roda Jean-Marc. 2015. . Kuala Lumpur : FRIM, 1 p. Conference on Forestry and Forest Products Research, Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie, 21 Septembre 2015/23 Septembre 2015.

Using rapid fluorescence for phenotyping C source regulation by drought and its impact on growth in contrasted biomass sorghum genotypes. Perrier Lisa, Roques Sandrine, Sartre Pascal, Luquet Delphine, Fabre Denis. 2015. . Montpellier : EUCARPIA, 1 poster EUCARPIA Conference "Recent progress in drought tolerance: from genetics to modelling", Montpellier, France, 8 Juin 2015/9 Juin 2015.

Volatile yields and solid grindability after torrefaction of various biomass types. Commandre Jean-Michel, Leboeuf Alexandre. 2015. Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 34 (4) : 1180-1186.
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Optimization of quality of charcoal for steelmaking using statistical analysis approach. Noumi Eric Serges, Blin Joël, Rousset Patrick. 2014. In : WasteEng 2014: 5th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 25-28, 2014. WasteEng, WTERT Brasil, UNIFEI, Ecole des Mines Albi-Carmaux. s.l. : s.n., 14 p. International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation. 5, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil, 25 Août 2014/28 Août 2014.


Disponibilidad de nitrogeno en el suelo bajo especies maderables y leguminosas usadas como sombra en sistemas de Coffea arabica. Gutiérrez Castillo Martha, Harmand Jean-Michel, Dambrine Etienne. 2004. AgroForestería en las Américas, 11 (41-42) : 69-76.

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