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Linked avian influenza epidemiological and genomic data in EMPRES-i for epidemic intelligence (2012-2021). Arinik Nejat, Interdonato Roberto, Roche Mathieu, Teisseire Maguelonne. 2025. Data in Brief, 59:111410, 16 p.


Analysis of tuberculosis epidemiological distribution characteristics in Fujian province, China, 2005-2021: Spatial-temporal analysis study. Yu Shanshan, Zhan Meirong, Li Kangguo, Chen Qiuping, Liu Qiao, Gavotte Laurent, Frutos Roger, Chen Tianmu. 2024. Journal of Medical Internet Research Public Health and Surveillance, 10:e49123, 14 p.

Association between profiles of accelerometer-measured daily movement behaviour and mortality risk: A prospective cohort study of British older adults. Yerramalla Manasa Shanta, Chen Mathilde, Dugravot Aline, van Hees Vincent, Sabia Severine. 2024. BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, 10 (2):e001873, 25 p.

A Bayesian analysis of birth pulse effects on the probability of detecting Ebola virus in fruit bats. Pleydell David R.J., Ndong Bass Innocent, Mba Djondzo Flaubert Auguste, Meta Djomsi Dowbiss, Kouanfack Charles, Peeters Martine, Cappelle Julien. 2024. Peer Community Journal, 4:e39, 27 p.

Building integrated plant health surveillance: A proactive research agenda for anticipating and mitigating disease and pest emergence. Soubeyrand Samuel, Estoup Arnaud, Cruaud Astrid, Malembic-Maher S., Meynard Charles, Ravigne Virginie, Barbier M., Barrès Benoit, Berthier Karine, Boitard S., Dallot Sylvie, Gaba Sabrina, Grosdidier Marie, Hannachi Mourad, Jacques Marie Agnès, Leclerc M., Lucas P., Martinetti D., Mougel Christophe, Robert Corinne, Roques Alain, Rossi Jean-Pierre, Suffert Frédéric, Abad Pierre, Auger-Rozenberg M.A., Ay Jean-Sauveur, Bardin Marc, Bernard H., Bohan David A., Candresse Thierry, Castagnone-Sereno Philippe, Danchin Etienne G. J., Delmas Chloé E. L., Ezanno Pauline, Fabre Frédéric, Facon Benoît, Gabriel E., Gaudin Jacqueline, Gauffre Bertrand, Gautier Mathieu, Guinat Claire, Lavigne Claire, Lemaire Olivier, Martinez C., Michel L., Moury Benoit, Nam Kiwoong, Nédellec Claire, Ogliastro Mylène, Papaïx Julien, Parisey N., Poggi Sylvain, Radici A., Rasplus Jean-Yves, Reboud Xavier, Robin C., Roche Mathieu, Rusch Adrien, Sauvion Nicolas, Streito Jean-Claude, Verdin Eric, Walker Anne Sophie, Xuereb Anne, Thébaud Gaël, Morris Cindy E.. 2024. CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, 5:72, 29 p.

Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the first Xanthomonas genome sequences - how genomics revolutionized taxonomy, provided insight into the emergence of pathogenic bacteria, enabled new fundamental discoveries and helped developing novel control measures - a perspective from the French network on Xanthomonads. Koebnik Ralf, Cesbron Sophie, Chen Nicolas W.G., Fischer-Le Saux Marion, Hutin Mathilde, Jacques Marie Agnès, Noel Laurent D., Pérez-Quintero Alvaro L., Portier Perrine, Pruvost Olivier, Rieux Adrien, Szurek Boris. 2024. Peer Community Journal, 4:e19, 22 p.

Demonstration of insect vector-mediated transfer of a betasatellite between two helper viruses. Fouad Noun, Granier Martine, Blanc Stéphane, Thébaud Gaël, Urbino Cica. 2024. Viruses, 16 (9), n.spéc. Plant Viruses and Their Vectors: Epidemiology and Control:1420, 14 p.

Do Malagasy dogs sound the epidemiological alarm bell? Ramaroson Herilantonirina Solotiana, Durand Benoit, Fock Jeff Rambinisoa, Rabemananjara Najaina Vatosoa, Solofoarilala Tiana, Kassie Daouda, Lacoste Vincent, Andriamandimby Soa Fy, Raliniaina Modestine, Ratsimbasoa Claude Arsène, Chevalier Véronique, Chevalier Laure. 2024. In : Tropical veterinary medicine in challenging times. Book of abstracts. AITVM, STVM, CIRAD. Montpellier : AITVM, p. 83 Joint AITVM–STVM International Conference. 3, Montpellier, France, 21 Mai 2024/24 Mai 2024.

Does resistance host modify airborne spore dynamics and leaf infection? Case of Black Leaf Streak Disease. Seidel Marine, Avelino Jacques, Fourneau Gorka, Chilin-Charles Yolande, Abadie Catherine. 2024. Acorbat Revista de Tecnología y Ciencia, 1 (1):24, 9 p. Reunión Internacional Acorbat 2024. 24, Mérida, Mexique, 23 Avril 2024/25 Avril 2024.

Feasibility of eliminating tuberculosis by shortening the diagnostic delay: A retrospective analysis and modelling study in China during the pre-COVID-19 era. Liu Qiao, Chen Qiuping, Guo Yichao, Yu Shanshan, Rui Jia, Li Kangguo, Qu Huimin, Gavotte Laurent, Frutos Roger, Chen Tianmu. 2024. Heliyon, 10 (15):e35016, 10 p;

Life history traits of the target pest and transmission routes of the biocide are critical for the success of the boosted Sterile Insect Technique. Herbillon Fanny, Diouf Esther Gnilane, Brévault Thierry, Haramboure Marion, Fellous Simon, Piou Cyril. 2024. Current Research in Insect Science, 6:100101, 9 p.

Transmissibility and control of tuberculosis in school outbreaks: A modeling study based on four outbreaks in China. Liu Qiao, Yang Meng, Chen Qiuping, Liu Chan, He Yue, Gavotte Laurent, Zhao Zeyu, Su Yanhua, Frutos Roger, Luo Kaiwei, Chen Tianmu. 2024. BMC Infectious Diseases, 24:1354, 11 p.

Tuberculosis prevalence trends from a predictive modelling study-10 high-burden countries, 1980-2035. Chen Qiuping, Liu Qiao, Li Kangguo, Gavotte Laurent, Frutos Roger, Chen Tianmu. 2024. China CDC Weekly, 6 (12) : 225-229.

A regressive analysis of the main environmental risk factors of human echinococcosis in 370 counties in China. Wang Liying, Wang Zhiyi, Qin Min, Lei Jiaxi, Cheng Xixi, Yan Jun, Gavotte Laurent, Frutos Roger. 2024. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 18 (5):e0012131, 15 p.


Characterization of Xanthomonas citri pv. citri from the western and south-western regions of Saudi Arabia based on CRISPR typing. Ibrahim Yasser Eid, Widyawan Arya, Pruvost Olivier, Sharafaddin Anwar Hamoud, Boyer Karine, Al‐Saleh Mohammed Ali. 2023. Plant Pathology, 72 (6) : 1149-1159.

Dissemination of information in event-based surveillance, a case study of Avian Influenza. Valentin Sarah, Boudoua Bahdja, Sewalk Kara, Arinik Nejat, Roche Mathieu, Lancelot Renaud, Arsevska Elena. 2023. PloS One, 18 (9):e0285341, 18 p.

First report of african eggplant yellowing virus on tomato exhibiting necrotic yellowing symptoms in Northern Côte d'Ivoire. N'Cho A.J., Seka Koutoua, Bele L., Diallo H., Martin Thibaud, Coulibaly Noupe, Fondio Lassina, Hoareau Murielle, Lefeuvre Pierre, Lett Jean-Michel. 2023. Plant Disease, 107 (2) : p. 590.

Identification des facteurs de risque de dirofilariose, d'ehrlichiose et d'anaplasmose dans les populations de chiens de l'île de la Réunion. Roger-Callewaert Juliette. 2023. Toulouse : ENVT, 76 p. Thèse de doctorat : Médecine vétérinaire et santé animale : Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse

Risk factors associated with Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus circulation among human, livestock and ticks in Mauritania through a one health retrospective study. El Ghassem Abdellahi, Apolloni Andrea, Vial Laurence, Bouvier Romain, Bernard Célia, Khayar Mariem Seyidna, Cheikh Ahmed Mariem, Fausther-Bovendo Hugues, Beyit Abdellahi Diambar, Yahya Barry, Ould El Mamy Mohamed Bezeid, Elbara Ahmed, Bollahi Mohamed Abdallahi, Cetre-Sossah Catherine, Ould Mohamed Salem Boukhary Ali. 2023. BMC Infectious Diseases, 23:764, 14 p.

Towards the sustainable elimination of gambiense human African trypanosomiasis in Côte d'Ivoire using an integrated approach. Kaba Dramane, Koffi Mathurin, Kouakou Lingué, N'Gouan Kouassi Emmanuel, Djohan Vincent, Courtin Fabrice, N'Djetchi Martial Kassi, Coulibaly Bamoro, Adingra Guy Pacôme, Berté Djakaridja, Ta Bi Tra Dieudonné, Koné Minayégninrin, Traoré Barkissa Mélika, Sutherland Samuel A., Crump Ronald E., Huang Ching-I, Madan Jason, Bessell Paul R., Barreaux Antoine, Solano Philippe, Crowley Emily H., Rock Kat S., Jamonneau Vincent. 2023. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 17 (7):e0011514, 25 p.


Epidemiology of yam viruses in Guadeloupe: Role of cropping practices and seed-tuber supply. Diouf Mame Boucar, Guyader Sébastien, Gaspard Olyvia, Francius Eric, Teycheney Pierre-Yves, Umber Marie. 2022. Viruses, 14 (11), n.spéc. Plant Virus Epidemiology and Control 2022:2366, 18 p.

Feasibility of hepatitis C elimination in China: From epidemiology, natural history, and intervention perspectives. Zhao Zeyu, Chu Meijie, Guo Yichao, Yang Shiting, Abudurusuli Guzainuer, Frutos Roger, Chen Tianmu. 2022. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:884598, 11 p.

Longitudinal study of the immune response and memory following natural bovine respiratory syncytial virus infections in cattle of different age. Hägglund Sara, Näslund Katarina, Svensson Anna, Lefverman Cecilia, Enül Hakan, Pascal Leonore, Siltenius Jari, Holzhauer Menno, Delabouglise Alexis, Österberg Julia, Alvåsen Karin, Olsson Ulf, Eléouët Jean-François, Riffault Sabine, Taylor Geraldine, Rodriguez María Jose, Garcia Duran Marga, Valarcher Jean-François. 2022. PloS One, 17 (9):e0274332, 21 p.

Modelling Japanese encephalitis virus transmission dynamics and human exposure in a Cambodian rural multi-host system. Ladreyt Héléna, Chevalier Véronique, Durand Benoit. 2022. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 16 (7):e0010572, 24 p.

Optimization of oviposition trap settings to monitor populations of Aedes mosquitoes, vectors of arboviruses in La Reunion. Brouazin Ronan, Claudel Iris, Lancelot Renaud, Dupuy Guillaume, Gouagna Louis-Clément, Dupraz Marlene, Baldet Thierry, Bouyer Jérémy. 2022. Scientific Reports, 12:18450, 14 p.

Overview of lethal yellowing disease in the world. Myrie Wayne, Yankey Egya Ndede, Pilet Fabian, Dickinson Mathhew, Oropeza Carlos, Bertaccini Assunta. 2022. Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 12 (1) : p. 66. TROPICSAFE Final Conference, San Giuliano, France, 3 Avril 2022/5 Avril 2022.

Population structure of Moniliophthora perniciosa in the main cacao producing departments of Colombia. Jaimes Yeirme, Gonzalez Carolina, Rojas Jairo, Rivera Jessica Johana, Cilas Christian, Argout Xavier. 2022. Plant Disease, 106 (5) : 1492-1501.

Viruses of yams (Dioscorea spp.): Current gaps in knowledge and future research directions to improve disease management. Diouf Mame Boucar, Festus Ruth, Silva Gonçalo, Guyader Sébastien, Umber Marie, Seal Susan, Teycheney Pierre-Yves. 2022. Viruses, 14 (9), n.spéc. Special Issue Emerging Plant Viruses:1884, 23 p.


African swine fever (ASF) activities in Southeast Asia carried out by CIRAD and partners. Chevalier Véronique, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Goutard Flavie, Morand Serge, Roger François. 2021. . GREASE, CIRAD. Bangkok : GREASE Network, 1 p. Regional (Virtual) Consultation Workshop on ASF Preparedness and Response, Bangkok, Thaïlande, 9 Mars 2021/10 Mars 2021.

Alfalfa leaf curl virus is efficiently acquired by its aphid vector Aphis craccivora but inefficiently transmitted. Ryckebusch Faustine, Peterschmitt Michel, Granier Martine, Sauvion Nicolas. 2021. Journal of General Virology, 102 (2):1516, 18 p.

Editorial: Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR): Generating evidence to support eradication efforts. Roger François, Fournié Guillaume, Binot Aurélie, Wieland Barbara, Kock Richard, Diallo Adama, Caron Alexandre, Jones Bryony Anne. 2021. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7:636509, 3 p.

Peste des Petits Ruminants virus infection at the wildlife-livestock interface in the greater serengeti ecosystem, 2015-2019. Jones Bryony Anne, Mahapatra Mana, Mdetele Daniel, Keyyu Julius, Gakuya Francis, Eblate Ernest, Lekolool Isaac, Limo Campaign, Ndiwa Josephine N, Hongo Peter, Wanda Justin, S., Shilinde Ligge, Mdaki Maulid, Benfield Camilla T.O., Parekh Krupali, Neto Martin Mayora, Ndeereh David, Misinzo Gerald, Makange Mariam R., Caron Alexandre, Bataille Arnaud, Libeau Geneviève, Guendouz Samia, Swai Emmanuel, Nyasebwa Obed, Koyie Stephen L., Oyas Harry, Parida Satya, Kock Richard. 2021. Viruses, 13 (5):838, 30 p.

A decade of plague in Madagascar: A description of two hotspot districts. Rakotosamimanana Sitraka, Kassie Daouda, Taglioni François, Ramamonjisoa Josélyne, Rakotomanana Fanjasoa, Rajerison Minoarisoa. 2021. BMC Public Health, 21:1112, 9 p.


African swine fever epidemiology and control. Dixon Linda, Stahl Karl, Jori Ferran, Vial Laurence, Pfeiffer Dirk Udo. 2020. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences, 8 : 221-246.

Chaos theory applied to the outbreak of COVID-19: An ancillary approach to decision making in pandemic context. Mangiarotti Sylvain, Peyre Marie-Isabelle, Zhang Y., Huc Mireille, Roger François, Kerr Yann. 2020. Epidemiology and Infection, 148:e95, 9 p.

Diversity, distribution and prevalence of vegetable-infecting geminiviruses in Burkina Faso. Ouattara Alassane, Tiendrebeogo Fidèle, Lefeuvre Pierre, Hoareau Murielle, Claverie Sohini, Allibert Agathe, Chiroleu Frédéric, Traoré Edgar Valentin, Barro Nicolas, Traoré O., Lett Jean-Michel. 2020. Plant Pathology, 69 (2) : 379-392.

Forecasting severe grape downy mildew attacks using machine learning. Chen Mathilde, Brun François, Raynal Marc, Makowski David. 2020. PloS One, 15 (3):e0230254, 20 p.

Peste des Petits Ruminants at the wildlife-livestock interface in the western Albertine rift and nile basin, East Africa. Fernandez Aguilar Xavier, Mahapatra Mana, Begovoeva Mattia, Kalema-Zikusoka Gladys, Driciru Margaret, Ayebazibwe Chrisostom, Adwok David Solomon, Kock Michael, Kabemba Lukusa Jean-Paul, Muro Jesus, Marco Ignasi, Colom-Cadena Andreu, Espunyes Johan, Meunier Nastacha, Cabezón Oscar, Caron Alexandre, Bataille Arnaud, Libeau Geneviève, Parekh Krupali, Parida Satya, Kock Richard. 2020. Viruses, 12 (3):293, 19 p.

Seroprevalence and molecular characterization of foot‐andmouth disease virus in Chad. Abdel-Aziz Arada Izzedine, Romey Aurore, Relmy Anthony, Gorna Kamila, Laloy Eve, Metras Raphaëlle, Munoz Facundo, Blaise-Boisseau Sandra, Zientara Stéphan, Lancelot Renaud, Bakkali Kassimi Labib. 2020. Veterinary Medicine and Science, 6 (1) : 114-121.

Weather-based predictive modeling of orange rust of sugarcane in Florida. Chaulagain Bhim, Small Ian M., Shine James M., Fraisse Clyde W., Raid Richard Neil, Rott Philippe. 2020. Phytopathology, 110 (3) : 626-632.

The pattern of anthrax at the wildlife-livestock-human interface in Zimbabwe. Mukarati Norman L., Matope Gift, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Ndhlovu Daud N., Caron Alexandre, Pfukenyi Davies Mubika. 2020. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 14 (10):e0008800, 20 p.


CRISPR elements provide a new framework for the genealogy of the citrus canker pathogen Xanthomonas citri pv. citri. Jeong Kwanho, Muñoz-Bodnar Alejandra, Arias Rojas Nathalia, Poulin Lucie, Rodríguez-R Luis Miguel, Gagnevin Lionel, Vernière Christian, Pruvost Olivier, Koebnik Ralf. 2019. BMC Genomics, 20:917, 19 p.

Clinical and epidemiological evolution of sheep pox in Morocco. Lafar Sara, Zro Khalil, Haegeman Andy, Khayli Mounir, De Clercq Kris, Lancelot Renaud, Ennaji Mustapha. 2019. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. A : 103-113.

Epidemiological survey of peste des petits ruminants in Ethiopia: Cattle as potential sentinel for surveillance. Agga Getahun E., Raboisson Didier, Walch Ludovic, Alemayehu Fitsum, Semu Dawit T., Bahiru Getahun, Woube Yilkal A., Belihu Kelay, Tekola Berhe G., Bekana Merga, Roger François, Waret-Szkuta Agnès. 2019. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 6:302, 6 p.

Epidemiology of African swine fever in Africa today: Sylvatic cycle versus socio-economic imperatives. Penrith Mary-Louise, Bastos Armanda, Etter Eric, Beltrán-Alcrudo Daniel. 2019. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 66 (2) : 672-686.

Factors affecting the dynamics of frosty pod rot in the main cocoa areas of Santander State, Colombia. Jaimes Yeirme, Ribeyre Fabienne, Gonzalez Carolina, Rojas Jairo, Furtado Edson L., Cilas Christian. 2019. Plant Disease, 103 (7) : 1665-1673.
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How could an African swine fever outbreak evolve in an enzootic context? The case of Imerintsiatosika, Madagascar in 2015. Rasamoelina Andriamanivo Harentsoaniaina, Randriamananjara Dinaniaina, Ralalarison Rijaniaina Ambinintsoa, Nomenjanahary Lalaina Arivony, Razafindraibe Nivohanitra Perle, Andria-Mananjara Diana Edithe, Rakotomanana Domoina Oninirina, Fenozara Peter Samuel, Biarmann Marcelin, Halm Ariane, Razafimandimby harimahefa, Flachet Loïc, Cardinale Eric. 2019. PloS One, 14 (9):e0221928, 16 p.

Pteropus lylei primarily forages in residential areas in Kandal, Cambodia. Choden Kinley, Ravon Sébastien, Epstein Jonathan H., Hoem Thavry, Furey Neil M., Gély Marie, Jolivot Audrey, Hul Vibol, Neung Chhoeuth, Tran Annelise, Cappelle Julien. 2019. Ecology and Evolution, 9 (7) : 4181-4191.

Spatial modeling of mosquito vectors for rift valley fever virus in northern Senegal: Integrating satellite-derived meteorological estimates in population dynamics models. Tran Annelise, Fall Assane Gueye, Biteye Biram, Ciss Mamadou, Gimonneau Geoffrey, Castets Mathieu, Talla Seck Monar, Chevalier Véronique. 2019. Remote Sensing, 11 (9), 1024, 24 p.

An optimized microsatellite scheme for assessing populations of Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. manihotis. Rache Leidy, Blondin Laurence, Flores Carolina, Trujillo Cesar, Szurek Boris, Restrepo Silvia, Koebnik Ralf, Bernal Adriana Jimena, Vernière Christian. 2019. Phytopathology, 109 (5) : 859-869.
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The risk posed by Xanthomonas wilt disease of banana: Mapping of disease hotspots, fronts and vulnerable landscapes. Ocimati Walter, Bouwmeester Hein, Groot Jeroen C.J., Tittonell Pablo, Brown David, Blomme Guy. 2019. PloS One, 14 (4):e0213691, 19 p.


Bi-stable dynamics of a host-pathogen model. Anguelov Roumen, Bekker Rebecca, Dumont Yves. 2018. Biomath Communications, 5 (1), suppl. BIOMATH 2018, 1 p. Biomath 2018 : International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences and a School for Young Scientists, Sofia, Bulgarie, 24 Juin 2018/29 Juin 2018.

Mathematical models of the epidemiological dynamics of soil-borne pathogens. Bekker Rebecca. 2018. Pretoria : University of Pretoria, 100 p. Magister scientiae : Applied mathematics : University of Pretoria

Sheep pox in Tunisia: Current status and perspectives. Ben Chehida Faten, Ayari-Fakhfakh Saïda Emna, Caufour Philippe, Amdouni J., Nasr J., Messaoudi L., Haj Ammar H., Sghaier Soufien, Bernard C., Ghram Abdeljelil, Cetre-Sossah Catherine. 2018. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 65 (1) : 50-63.

Using crop-pathogen modeling to identify plant traits to control Zymoseptoria tritici epidemics on wheat. PIV-58. Gigot Christophe, Claessen David, Garin Guillaume, Fournier Christian, Pradal Christophe, Robert Corinne. 2018. In : Congress Abstracts of EUCARPIA Cereal section Meeting and 2nd International wheat innovation workshop. Thierry Langin (ed.), Gilles Charmet (ed.), Jacques Le Gouis (ed.), Philippe Leroy (ed.). Clermont-Ferrand : INRA, Résumé, 113. ISBN 978-2-9563873-0-5 EUCARPIA Cereal section Meeting "Breeeding cereals for sustainable agriculture, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 19 Mars 2018/22 Mars 2018.

The role of human and animal mobility, within the poultry production networks, in the global spread of avian influenza viruses: context and perspectives. Hautefeuille Claire, Peyre Marie-Isabelle. 2018. In : Actes de conférences : Le printemps de Baillarguet. CIRAD. Montpellier : CIRAD, Résumé, 15. Le printemps de Baillarguet 2018. 10, Montpellier, 28 Mai 2018/29 Mai 2018.


Animal health surveillance constraints in North and South: same-same but different? Peyre Marie-Isabelle, Pham H.T.T., Calba C., Schulz K., Delabouglise Alexis, Goutard Flavie, Roger François, Antoine-Moussiaux Nicolas. 2017. In : Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Animal Health Surveillance: Beyond animal health surveillance. NZVA, ICAHS3. Wellington : ICAHS, 105-107. International Conference on Animal Health Surveillance. 3, Rotorua, Nouvelle-Zélande, 31 Avril 2017/4 Mai 2017.

Genetic diversity of the Ralstonia solanacearum species complex in the Southwest Indian Ocean Islands. Yahiaoui Noura, Cheron Jean-Jacques, Ravelomanantsoa Santatra, Hamza Abdou Azali, Petrousse Bobb, Jeetah Rajan, Jaufeerally-Fakim Yasmina, Félicité Jérôme, Fillâtre Jacques, Hostachy Bruno, Guérin Fabien, Cellier Gilles, Prior Philippe, Poussier Stéphane. 2017. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8:2139, 18 p.

Population structure of the soft tick Ornithodoros maritimus and its associated infectious agents within a colony of its seabird host Larus michahellis. Dupraz Marlene, Toty Céline, Devillers Elodie, Blanchon Thomas, Elguero Eric, Vittecoq Marion, Moutailler Sara, McCoy Karen D.. 2017. International Journal for Parasitology. Parasites and Wildlife, 6 (2) : 122-130.


Climate change projections of West Nile virus infections in Europe: Implications for blood safety practices. Semenza Jan C., Tran Annelise, Espinosa Laura, Sudre Bertrand, Domanovic Dragoslav, Paz Shlomit. 2016. Environmental Health, 15 (28), suppl. 1. Healthy-Polis: Challenges and Opportunities for Urban Environmental Health and Sustainability, 12 p.

Divergent evolutionary and epidemiological dynamics of cassava mosaic geminiviruses in Madagascar. De Bruyn Alexandre, Harimalala Mireille Aurélie, Zinga Innocent, Mabvakure Batsirai, Hoareau Murielle, Ravigné Virginie, Walters Matthew, Reynaud Bernard, Varsani Arvind, Harkins Gordon William, Martin Darren Patrick, Lett Jean-Michel, Lefeuvre Pierre. 2016. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 16 (182), 21 p.

Emergence of lineage IV peste des petits ruminants virus in Ethiopia: Complete genome sequence of an Ethiopian isolate 2010. Muniraju Murali, Mahapatra Mana, Ayelet Gelagay, Babu A., Olivier G., Munir M., Libeau Geneviève, Batten Carrie, Banyard Ashley C., Parida Satya. 2016. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 63 (4) : 435-442.
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MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus) outside the Arabian Peninsula an One Health approach: Understanding the role of wildlife, livestock and human in the virus dynamic. Akhmetsadykov Nourlan, Ayelet Gelagay, Baubekova Almagul, Ben Bencheikh M.N., Bourgarel Mathieu, Boussini H., Chevalier Véronique, Chu Daniel K.W., El Berbri Ikhlass, Fassi-Fihri Ouafaa, Faye Bernard, Grosbois Vladimir, Fekadu G., Maher W., Miguel Eve, Peiris Malik, Perera Ranawaka A.P.M., Roche Benjamin, Roger François, Shimekit D., Traoré Amadou, Van Kerkhove Maria D.. 2016. In : One-Health 2016 Abstract-book. ZSL , Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa Consortium. Londres : Zoological Society of London, 38-39., 1 poster International symposium, ‘One Health for the Real World: zoonoses, ecosystems and wellbeing’, Londres, Royaume-Uni, 17 Mars 2016/18 Mars 2016.

Système de collecte de données Web pour analyser l'émergence et la propagation de maladies animales. Falala Sylvain, De Goër Jocelyn, Arsevska Elena, Roche Mathieu, Rabatel Julien, Chavernac David, Hendrikx Pascal, Lefrançois Thierry, Dufour Barbara, Lancelot Renaud. 2016. In : Actes des 27es Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances. Pernelle Nathalie (ed.), Bringay Sandra (ed.). AFIA. Montpellier : AFIA, 239-241. IC2016 : Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances. 27, Montpellier, France, 6 Juin 2016/10 Juin 2016.


EDEN & EDENext: the impact of a decade of research (2004-2015) on vector-borne diseases. Lancelot Renaud (ed.), Laurens Sylvie (ed.), Lewer Andrew (ed.), Alexander Neil, Allepuz Alberto, Alten Bulent, Bodker René, Bonnet Sarah, Carpenter Simon, Cetre-Sossah Catherine, Chirouze Emilie, Depaquit Jérôme, Dressel Kerstin, Ducheyne Els, Dvorak Vit, Kasap Ozge Erisoz, Gall Yvonne, Fall Assane Gueye, Farkas Kata, Figuerola Jordi, Garros Claire, Groschup Martin, Halada Petr, Hendrickx Guy, Henttonen Heikki, Hlavackova Kristyna, Hornok Sandor, Hubalek Zdenek, Iltis Nicole, Kazimirova Maria, Kley Nils, Lambert Marie-Christine, Lancelot Renaud, Mihalca Andrei Daniel, Miranda Miguel, Napp Sebastian, Niedrig Matthias, Plantard Olivier, Purse Bethan V., Rizzoli Annapaola, Rogers David, Schmidt Katja, Searle Kate R., Silaghi Cornelia, Sironen Tarja, Vayssier-Taussat Muriel, Volf Petr, Votypka Jan, Vourc'h Gwenaël, White Steven, Wint William. 2015. Montpellier : CIRAD, 130 p. ISBN 978-2-87614-707-2

Epidemiological surveillance methods for vector-borne diseases. Thompson Peter, Etter Eric. 2015. Revue scientifique et Technique - Office International des Epizooties, 34 (1) : 235-247.

Pilot projects on protocols for PPR control. Ouattara Lassina, Savadogo Joseph, Bourzat Daniel, Domenech Joseph, Lancelot Renaud. 2015. Bulletin - OIE (English ed.) (2) : 78-83.


Malaria parasite detection increases during pregnancy in wild chimpanzees. De Nys Hélène, Calvignac-Spencer Sébastien, Boesch Christophe, Dorny P., Wittig Roman M., Mundry Roger, Leendertz Fabian Hubertus. 2014. Malaria Journal, 13:413, 6 p.


Bovine paramphistomosis in Galicia (Spain): Prevalence, intensity, aetiology and geospatial distribution of the infection. González-Warleta Marta, Lladosa Silvia, Castro-Hermida José Antonio, Martínez-Ibeas Ana María, Conesa David, Munoz Facundo, López-Quıílez Antonio, Manga-González Yolanda, Mezo Mercedes. 2012. Veterinary Parasitology, 191 (3-4) : 252-263.

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