
Résultats pour : "adsorption"

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Nombre de documents : 34.

Interfacial adsorption and activity of pancreatic lipase-related protein 2 onto heteogeneous plant lipid model membranes. Kergomard Jeanne, Carrière Frédéric, Paboeuf Gilles, Chonchon Lauriane, Barouh Nathalie, Vié Véronique, Bourlieu Claire. 2023. Biochimie, 215 : 12-23.
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Chlordecone-contaminated epilithic biofilms show increased adsorption capacities. Hubas Cédric, Monti Dominique, Mortillaro Jean-Michel, Augagneur Sylvie, Carbon Anne, Duran Robert, Karama Solange, Meziane Tarik, Pardon Patrick, Risser Théo, Tapie Nathalie, Thiney Najet, Budzinski Hélène, Lauga Béatrice. 2022. Science of the Total Environment, 825:153942, 11 p.

Interfacial adsorption of gastrointestinal lipases onto heterogenous biomimetic vegetal membranes. Duplessis-Kergomard Jeanne, Bourlieu-Lacanal Claire, Carrière Frédéric, Lambeau Gérard, Paboeuf Gilles, Villeneuve Pierre, Vié Véronique. 2022. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 99 (S1), suppl. 2022 AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo, Résumé : 178-179. 2022 AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo, Atlanta, États-Unis, 1 Mai 2022/4 Mai 2022.

Binders used in feed for their protection against mycotoxins. Ahmadou Abderahim, Brun Nicolas, Napoli Alfredo, Durand Noël, Montet Didier. 2021. In : Mycotoxins in food and beverages: innovations and advances, Part II. Montet Didier (ed.), Brabet catherine (ed.), Schorr-Galindo Sabine (ed.), Ray Ramesh C. (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 175-186. (Food Biology Series) ISBN 978-1-032-00837-0

High physical properties of cashew nut shell biochars in the adsorbtion of mycotoxins. Ahmadou Abderahim, Napoli Alfredo, Durand Noel, Montet Didier. 2019. International Journal of Food Research (Southport), 6 (1) : 18-28.

Effective coupling of phenol adsorption and photodegradation at the surface of micro-and mesoporous TiO2-activated carbon materials. Telegang Chekem Cédric, Richardson Yohan, Drobek Martin, Plantard G., Blin Joël, Goetz V.. 2017. Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 122 (2) : 1297-1321.
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Comparison of the affinity and extraction yield of trace amounts of three Cry proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis in contrasting types of soil. Hung Truong Phuc, Truong Le Van, Binh Ngo Dinh, Frutos Roger, Quiquampoix Hervé, Staunton Siobhán. 2016. European Journal of Soil Science, 67 (1), n.spéc. issue on Including Landmark Papers 5 : 90-98.

From soil to plants: crop contamination by chlordecone. Clostre Florence, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie, Gaude Jean-Marie, Carles Céline, Cattan Philippe, Letourmy Philippe. 2016. In : Crisis management of chronic pollution: contaminated soil and human health. Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie (ed.), Cattan Philippe (ed.), Woignier Thierry (ed.), Clostre Florence (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 131-142. (Urbanization, industrialization and the environment series) ISBN 978-1-4987-3783-8

Persistence of detectable insecticidal proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Cry) and toxicity after adsorption on contrasting soils. Hung Truong Phuc, Truong Le Van, Binh Ngo Dinh, Frutos Roger, Quiquampoix Hervé, Staunton Siobhán. 2016. Environmental Pollution, 208 (Part B) : 318-325.

In Silico analysis of usher encoding genes in Klebsiella pneumoniae and characterization of their role in adhesion and colonization. Khater Fida, Balestrino Damien, Charbonnel Nicolas, Dufayard Jean-François, Brisse Sylvain, Forestier Christianne. 2015. PloS One, 10 (3):e0116215, 24 p.

Multiple mechanisms of nitrate sensing by Arabidopsis nitrate transceptor NRT1.1. Bouguyon E., Brun F., Meynard Donaldo, Kubes M., Pervent M., Leran Sophie, Lacombe Benoit, Krouk G., Guiderdoni Emmanuel, Zazimalova E., Hoyerova K., Nacry Philippe, Gojon A.. 2015. Nature Plants, 1 (3):15015, 8 p.

Stable isotope tracing: A powerful tool for selenium speciation and metabolic studies in non-hyperaccumulator plants (ryegrass Lolium perenne L.). Di Tullo Pamela, Versini Antoine, Bueno Maïté, Le Hécho Isabelle, Thiry Yves, Biron Philippe, Castrec-Rouelle Maryse, Pannier Florence. 2015. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407 (30) : 9029-9042.
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Pan-tropical analysis of climate effects on seasonal tree growth. Wagner Fabien, Rossi Vivien, Aubry-Kientz Mélaine, Bonal Damien, Dalitz Helmut, Gliniars Robert, Stahl Clément, Trabucco Antonio, Hérault Bruno. 2014. PloS One, 9 (3):e92337, 15 p.

Protection against lead contamination by strains of lactic acid bacteria from fermented camel milk. Akhmetsadykova Shynar, Konuspayeva Gaukhar, Loiseau Gérard, Baubekova Almagul, kanayat Shattik, Akhmetsadykov Nourlan, Faye Bernard. 2013. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 25 (4) : 274-282.

Adsorption and transport of nitrate and potassium in an andosol under banana (Guadeloupe, French West Indies). Sansoulet Julie, Cabidoche Yves-Marie, Cattan Philippe. 2007. European Journal of Soil Science, 58 (2) : 478-489.

Comportement des nitrates dans les sols et pratiques agricoles respectueuses de l'environnement. Feder Frédéric, Saint Macary Hervé, Chopart Jean-Louis. 2007. In : Le Cirad à la Réunion en 2006. Gay Jean-Pierre (ed.). CIRAD-Délégation de la Réunion. Montpellier : CIRAD, 6-8.

Nitrogen dynamics and soil nitrate retention in a Coffea arabica - Eucalyptus deglupta agroforestry system in southern Costa Rica. Harmand Jean-Michel, Avila Hector, Dambrine Etienne, Skiba Ute, De Miguel Sergio, Renderos Duran Reina Vanessa, Oliver Robert, Jimenez Francisco, Beer John. 2007. Biogeochemistry, 85 (2) : 125-139.

Soil functional diversity and P solubilization from rock phosphate after inoculation with native or allochtonous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Ouahmane Lahcen, Thioulouse Jean, Hafidi Mohamed, Prin Yves, Ducousso Marc, Galiana Antoine, Plenchette Christian, Kisa Marija, Duponnois Robin. 2007. Forest Ecology and Management, 241 : 200-208.

In vitro adhesion assay of lactic acid bacteria, Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. by microbiological and PCR methods. Nitisinprasert Sunee, Pungsungworn Nuntaporn, Wanchaitanawong Penkhae, Loiseau Gérard, Montet Didier. 2006. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, 28 (suppl.1) : 99-106.

Characterization of vegetable oils-alumina membranes interactions by diffuse reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Hafidi Abdellatif, Anglaret Eric, Pioch Daniel, Ajana Hamid. 2004. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 106 : 11-25.

Adsoprtive fouling of inorganic membranes during microfiltration of vegetable oils. Hafidi Abdellatif, Pioch Daniel, Ajana Hamid. 2003. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 105 : 138-148.

Contribution à l'estimation de la surface spécifique des fibres de coton ; relations entre surface et propriétés physiques. Kaewprasit C.. 1997. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier 2, 182 p. Thèse de doctorat : Chimie des Polymères, Interfaces et Etats Amorphes. Chimie Théorique, Physique, Analytique : Université des sciences et techniques du Languedoc

Gari, a traditional cassava semolina in West Africa : its stability and shelf life and the role of water. Zakhia Nadine, Chuzel Gérard, Griffon Dany. 1996. In : Cassava flour and starch : progress in research and development. Dufour Dominique (ed.), O'Brien Gerard M. (ed.), Best Rupert (ed.). CIRAD-SAR. Cali : CIAT, 176-183. (CIAT Publication, 271) ISBN 958-9439-88-8 International Meeting on Cassava Flour and Starch, Cali, Colombie, 11 Janvier 1994/15 Janvier 1994.

Les propriétés émulsifiantes d'un oligosaccharide. Laurent Serge. 1994. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier 2, 230 p. Thèse de doctorat : Chimie Organique : Université des sciences et techniques du Languedoc

Adsorption isotherms of gari for estimation of packaged shelf-life. Chuzel Gérard, Zakhia Nadine. 1991. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 26 (6) : 583-593.

Consequences of fouling and macromolecule adsorption onto ultrafiltration membrane for pineapple juice processing. Doko M.B., Valente Marc, Jacob M., Puech A.. 1991. Journal of Food Process Engineering (14) : 279-289.

Constituants et propriétés de surface des sols dérivés de pyroclastes basaltiques du Cameroun occidental - Approches génétique de leur fertilité. Delvaux Bruno. 1988. Louvain : Université Catholique de Louvain, 2 vol. (398 p.). Thèse de doctorat : Sciences Agronomiques : Université catholique de Louvain

Essai de purification d'un acide gras essentiel : l'acide gamma-linolénique. Camara M.S.. 1988. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier 2, 154 p. Mémoire DESS : Nutrition et Alimentation dans les Pays en Développement : Université des sciences et techniques du Languedoc

Comparaison de tests de chaulage et étude des caractéristiques d'andosols acides a la Réunion. Albertelli C.. 1987. Saint-Denis : CIRAD-IRAT, 69 p. Mémoire : Institut supérieur technique d'Outre-mer

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