
Résultats pour : "conditions météorologiques"

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Nombre de documents : 104.

Belowground nitrogen transfer from Pterocarpus officinalis to Taro under field and controlled conditions. Fall Fatoumata, Galiana Antoine, Pruneau Ludovic, Roux-Cuvelier Michel, Bâ Amadou Moustapha. 2024. Plant and Soil, 16 p.

Effects of Eucalyptus plantation characteristics and environmental factors on GEDI waveform metrics. Manizheh Rajab Pourrahmati, Le Maire Guerric, Baghdadi Nicolas, Ferraço Scolforo Henrique, Alcarde Alvares Clayton, Stape Jose Luiz, Fayad Ibrahim. 2024. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 45 (11) : 3737-3763.

The overlooked effects of environmental impacts on root: Shoot ratio in experiments and soil-crop models. Seidel Sabine Julia, Ahmadi S.H., Weihermüller Lutz, Couedel Antoine, Lopez G., Behrend D., Kamali Bahareh, Gaiser Thomas, Hernández-Ochoa I.M.. 2024. Science of the Total Environment, 955:176738, 11 p.

A regressive analysis of the main environmental risk factors of human echinococcosis in 370 counties in China. Wang Liying, Wang Zhiyi, Qin Min, Lei Jiaxi, Cheng Xixi, Yan Jun, Gavotte Laurent, Frutos Roger. 2024. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 18 (5):e0012131, 15 p.


Realistic physiological options to increase grain legume yield under drought. Sinclair Thomas R., Ghanem Michel Edmond. 2023. Plants, 12 (17), n.spéc. Legumes and Stressful Conditions:3137, 11 p.

Contribution of deep soil layers to the transpiration of a temperate deciduous forest: Implications for the modelling of productivity. Maysonnave Jean, Delpierre Nicolas, François Christophe, Jourdan Marion, Cornut Ivan, Bazot Stéphane, Vincent Gaëlle, Morfin Alexandre, Berveiller Daniel. 2022. Science of the Total Environment, 838 (2):155981, 12 p.

Influence des variations climatiques sur la croissance et la qualité du bois de deux essences des zones semi-arides tchadiennes : Faidherbia albida (Del.) A. Chev. et Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile. Dougabka Dao. 2022. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 203 p. Thèse de doctorat : Mécanique et génie civil : Université de Montpellier

Influence of weather and endogenous cycles on spatiotemporal yield variation in oil palm. Monzon Juan P., Jabloun Mohamed, Cock James, Caliman Jean-Pierre, Couedel Antoine, Donough Christopher, Ho Vun Vui Philippe, Lim Ya Li, Mathews Joshua, Oberthür Thomas, Prabowo Noto E., Rattalino Edreira Juan Ignacio, Sidhu Manjit, Slingerland Maja, Sugianto Hendra, Grassini Patricio. 2022. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 314:108789, 10 p.

Le premier observatoire de la croissance de l'herbe en Outre-Mer : présentation du dispositif de la Réunion et des premiers résultats. Miralles-Bruneau Maëva, Pellier Yoann, Pierre Patrice, Averna Jeanne, Tillard Emmanuel, Delaby Luc. 2022. Fourrages (249) : 39-44.

Assessment of atmospheric and soil water stress impact on a tropical crop: The case of Theobroma cacao under Harmattan conditions in eastern Ghana. Della Sala Pietro, Cilas Christian, Gimeno Teresa E., Wohl Steven, Opoku Stephen Yaw, Găinuşă-Bogdan Alina, Ribeyre Fabienne. 2021. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 311:108670, 17 p.

How does El Niño Southern Oscillation affect rice-producing environments in central Colombia? Barrios-Perez Camilo, Okada Kensuke, Garcés Varón Gabriel, Ramirez-Villegas Julian, Rebolledo Maria Camila, Prager Steven D.. 2021. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 306:108443, 14 p.

Predictive modeling of brown rust of sugarcane based on temperature and relative humidity in Florida. Chaulagain Bhim, Small Ian M., Shine James M., Raid Richard Neil, Rott Philippe. 2021. Phytopathology, 111 (8) : 1401-1409.

The powdery mildew disease of rubber (Oidium heveae) is jointly controlled by the winter temperature and host phenology. Zhai De-Li, Thaler Philippe, Luo Yiqi, Xu Jianchu. 2021. International Journal of Biometeorology, 65 : p. 17071718.
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C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery for the classification of diverse cropping systems. Dingle Robertson Laura, Davidson Andrew M., McNairn Heather, Hosseini Mehdi, Mitchell Scott W., de Abelleyra Diego, Verón Santiago R., Le Maire Guerric, Plannells Milena, Valero Silvia, Ahmadian Nima, Coffin Alisa, Bosch David, Cosh Michael H., Basso Bruno, Saliendra Nicanor. 2020. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41 (24) : 9628-9649.

Impact of extreme weather conditions on European crop production in 2018. Beillouin Damien, Schauberger Bernhard, Bastos Ana, Ciais Philippe, Makowski David. 2020. Philosophical Transactions - Royal Society. Biological Sciences, 375 (1810), dossier Impacts of the 2018 severe drought and heatwave in Europe: from site to continental scale:20190510, 13 p.

Latitudinal shift in the timing of flowering of tree species across tropical Africa: Insights from field observations and herbarium collections. Ouédraogo Dakis-Yaoba, Hardy Olivier J., Doucet Jean-Louis, Janssens Steven B., Wieringa Jan J., Stoffelen Piet, Angoboy Ilondea Bhely, Baya Fidèle, Beeckman Hans, Daïnou Kasso, Dubiez Emilien, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Fayolle Adeline. 2020. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 36 : 159-173.
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Weather-based predictive modeling of orange rust of sugarcane in Florida. Chaulagain Bhim, Small Ian M., Shine James M., Fraisse Clyde W., Raid Richard Neil, Rott Philippe. 2020. Phytopathology, 110 (3) : 626-632.

Black Sigatoka in bananas: Ecoclimatic suitability and disease pressure assessments. Yonow Tania, Ramirez-Villegas Julian, Abadie Catherine, Darnell Ross E., Ota Noboru, Kriticos Darren J.. 2019. PloS One, 14 (8):e0220601, 25 p.

Infrared spectroscopy as a useful tool to predict land use depending on Mediterranean contrasted climate conditions: A case study on soils from olive-orchards and forests. Delcourt Ninon, Rébufa Catherine, Dupuy Nathalie, Boukhdoud Nathalie, Brunel Caroline, Abadie Juliet, Giffard Isabelle, Farnet Da Silva Anne Marie. 2019. Science of the Total Environment, 686 : 179-190.


Spatial variation of wood density for Eucalyptus grandis by near infra red hyperspectral imaging combined with X-ray analysis. Chambi Legoas Roger, Tomazello Filho Mario, Gorretta Nathalie, Pasquini Célio, Vidal Cristiane, Roger Jean-Michel, Chaix Gilles. 2019. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, 39, n.spéc., Résumé : 175-176. IUFRO World Congress 2019 "Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development". 25, Curitiba, Brésil, 29 Septembre 2019/5 Octobre 2019.

Ecological distribution and population dynamics of Rift Valley fever virus mosquito vectors (Diptera, Culicidae) in Senegal. Biteye Biram, Fall Assane Gueye, Ciss Mamadou, Seck Momar Talla, Apolloni Andrea, Fall Moussa, Tran Annelise, Gimonneau Geoffrey. 2018. Parasites and Vectors, 11:27, 10 p.

Are subsidies to weather-index insurance the best use of public funds? A bio-economic farm model applied to the Senegalese groundnut basin. Ricome Aymeric, Affholder François, Gérard Françoise, Muller Bertrand, Poeydebat Charlotte, Quirion Philippe, Sall Moussa. 2017. Agricultural Systems, 156 : 149-176.

Biology and epidemiology of Moniliophthora roreri, causal agent of Moniliophthora pod rot of cacao. Leandro Munoz Mariela Eugenia. 2017. Turrialba : CATIE, 167 p. Thesis Ph. D. : Ecological agriculture : CATIE

Diversifying biomass uses through new cropping systems. Goebel François-Régis, Chopart Jean-Louis, Poser Christophe, Braconnier Serge, Martiné Jean-François, Gérardeaux Edward. 2017. In : Sustainable development and tropical agri-chains. Biénabe Estelle (ed.), Rival Alain (ed.), Loeillet Denis (ed.). Dordrecht : Springer, 187-200. ISBN 978-94-024-1015-0

Long-term change in rainfall distribution in Northeast Thailand: Will cropping systems be able to adapt? Lacombe Guillaume, Polthanee Anan, Trébuil Guy. 2017. Cahiers Agricultures, 26 (2):e25001, 10 p.

Yield and nitrogen losses in oil palm plantations: Main drivers and management trade-offs determined using simulation. Pardon Lénaïc, Huth Neil, Netelenbos Nelson Paul, Banabas Murom, Gabrielle Benoît, Bessou Cécile. 2017. Field Crops Research, 210 : 20-32.

Intégrer les nouvelles valorisations de la biomasse dans la conception des systèmes de culture. Goebel François-Régis, Chopart Jean-Louis, Poser Christophe, Braconnier Serge, Martiné Jean-François, Gérardeaux Edward. 2016. In : Développement durable et filières tropicales. Biénabe Estelle (ed.), Rival Alain (ed.), Denis Loeillet (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 183-195. (Agricultures et défis du monde) ISBN 978-2-7592-2475-3

Invasion by Bactrocera dorsalis and niche partitioning among tephritid species in Comoros. Mze Hassani I., Raveloson-Ravaomanarivo Lala Harivelo, Delatte Hélène, Chiroleu Frédéric, Allibert Agathe, Nouhou Salima, Quilici Serge, Duyck Pierre François. 2016. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 106 (6) : 749-758.
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Modeling sugar content of pineapple under agro-climatic conditions on Reunion Island. Dorey Elodie, Fournier Patrick, Lechaudel Mathieu, Tixier Philippe. 2016. European Journal of Agronomy, 73 : 64-72.

Plasticité phénotypique du palmier à huile: adaptation au stress et incidence sur le développement reproducteur. Jaligot Estelle. 2016. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 145 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Biodiversité, agriculture, alimentation, environnement : Université de Montpellier


Vulnerability and resilience in livestock systems in the drylands of Sub-Saharan Africa. De Haan Cees, Cervigni Raffaello, Mottet Anne, Conchedda Giulia, Gerber Pierre, Msangi Siwa, Lesnoff Matthieu, Ham Frédéric, Fillol Erwann, Nigussie Kidus. 2016. In : Prospects for livestock-based livelihoods in Africa's drylands. De Haan Cornelis (ed.). Washington : World Bank, 79-122. ISBN 978-1-4648-0836-4

Vulnerability of export commodities to climate change. McGregor Andrew, Michael Bourke R., Lebot Vincent, Taylor Mary B.. 2016. In : Vulnerability of Pacific Island agriculture and forestry to climate change. Taylor M. (ed.), McGregor A. (ed.), Dawson B. (ed.). Auckland : Secretariat of the Pacific Community, SPC, 239-293. ISBN 978-982-00-0882-3

The potential distribution of Bactrocera dorsalis: Considering phenology and irrigation patterns. De Villiers Marelize, Hattingh V., Kriticos Darren J., Brunel S., Vayssières Jean-François, Sinzogan Antonio Alain Coffi, Billah Max, Mohamed S.A., Mwatawala Maulid W., Abdelgader Hayder, Salah Faiza Elgaili Elhassan, De Meyer Marc. 2016. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 106 (1) : 19-33.
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Estudio de la epidemiología y alternativas de manejo agroecológico del ojo de gallo (Mycena citricolor) en cafeto bajo sistemas agroforestales en Costa Rica. Del Milagro Granados Montero Maria. 2015. San Pedro : Universidad de Costa Rica, 256 p. Tesis doctorado : Sistemas de Produccion Agricola Tropical Sostenible : Universidad de Costa Rica

Fiabilité d'une liste minimale de descripteurs agromorphologiques recommandée par le COGENT dans l'étude de la diversité génétique du cocotier. Yao Saraka Didier Martial, Konan Jean-Louis, Sié Raoul Sylvère, Diarrassouba Nafan, Lekadou Thierry, Koffi Eric-Blanchard Z., Yoboue Koffi, Bourdeix Roland, Issali Auguste Emmanuel, Doh Franceline, Allou Kouassi, Zoro Bi Arsène Irié. 2015. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 26 (1) : 4006-4022.

Optimization of sugarcane farming as a multipurpose crop for energy and food production. Sabatier Damien, Martiné Jean-François, Chiroleu Frédéric, Roussel Camille, Letourmy Philippe, Van Antwerpen Rianto, Gabrielle Benoît, Ney Bertrand. 2015. Global Change Biology. Bioenergy, 7 (1) : 40-56.

Quinoa genetic resources and ex situ conservation. Rojas Wilfredo, Pinto Milton, Alanoca Carolina, Gomez Pando Luz, Leon-Lobos Pedro, Alercia Adriana, Diulgheroff Stefano, Padulosi Stefano, Bazile Didier. 2015. In : State of the art report on quinoa around the world in 2013. Bazile Didier (ed.), Bertero Hector Daniel (ed.), Nieto Carlos (ed.). Rome : FAO, 56-82. ISBN 978-92-5-108558-5

Sowing windows for a spring crop introduced in rice cultivation areas affected by low temperature and radiation. Luu Ngoc Quyen, Affholder François, Montagne Jennyfer, Jourdain Damien, Ripoche Aude, Capillon Alain. 2015. Experimental Agriculture, 51 (4) : 540-566.
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Suitable rubber growing in Ecuador: An approach to South American leaf blight. Rivano Franck, Maldonado Lucrecia, Simbaña Blanca, Lucero Rigoberto, Gohet Eric, Cevallos Victor, Yugcha Trajano. 2015. Industrial Crops and Products, 66 : 262-270.

A predictive model based on a pluviothermic index for leathery pocket and fruitlet core rot of pineapple cv. 'Queen'. Fournier Patrick, Benneveau Aurore, Hardy Christelle, Chillet Marc, Lechaudel Mathieu. 2015. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 142 (3) : 449-460.

Effects of dairy husbandry practices and farm types on raw milk quality collected by different categories of dairy processors in the Peruvian Andes. Fuentes Eduardo, Bogue Joe, Gomez Carlos, Vargas Jorge, Le Gal Pierre-Yves. 2014. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 46 (8) : 1419-1426.

Estado de la conservación ex situ de los recursos genéticos de quinua. Rojas Wilfredo, Pinto Milton, Alanoca Carolina, Gomez Pando Luz, Leon-Lobos Pedro, Alercia Adriana, Diulgheroff Stefano, Padulosi Stefano, Bazile Didier. 2014. In : Estado del arte de la quinua en el mundo en 2013. Bazile Didier (ed.), Bertero Hector Daniel (ed.), Nieto Carlos (ed.). Santiago du Chili : FAO-CIRAD, 65-94. ISBN 978-92-5-308558-3

Evaluation of climate adaptation options for Sudano-Sahelian cropping systems. Traoré Bouba Sidi, Van Wijk Mark T., Descheemaeker Katrien, Corbeels Marc, Rufino Mariana Cristina, Giller Ken E.. 2014. Field Crops Research, 156 : 63-75.

How reliable is the MODIS land cover product for crop mapping Sub-Saharan agricultural landscapes? Leroux Louise, Jolivot Audrey, Bégué Agnès, Lo Seen Danny, Zoungrana Bernardin. 2014. Remote Sensing, 6 (9) : 8541-8564.

Major atmospheric emissions from peat fires in Southeast Asia during non-drought years: Evidence from the 2013 Sumatran fires. Gaveau David L.A., Salim Mohammad A., Hergoualc'h Kristell, Locatelli Bruno, Sloan Sean, Wooster Martin, Marlier Miriam E., Molidena Elis, Yaen Husna, Defries Ruth, Verchot Louis, Murdiyarso Daniel, Nasi Robert, Holmgren Peter, Sheil Douglas. 2014. Scientific Reports, 4 (6112), 7 p.


Wood specific gravity and anatomy of branches and roots in 113 Amazonian rainforest tree species across environmental gradients. Fortunel Claire, Ruelle Julien, Beauchêne Jacques, Fine Paul V.A., Baraloto Christopher. 2014. New Phytologist, 202 (1) : 79-94.

The threat of midge-borne equine disease: investigation of Culicoides species on UK equine premises. Robin M., Archer D., Garros Claire, Gardes Laëtitia, Baylis Matthew. 2014. Veterinary Record, 174 (12) : 301.

Climate induced effects on livestock population and productivity in the mediterranean area. Lacetera Nicola, Segnalini Maria, Bernabucci Umberto, Ronchi Bruno, Vitali Andrea, Tran Annelise, Guis Hélène, Caminade Cyril, Calvete Carlos, Morse Andrew P., Baylis Matthew, Nardonne Alessandro. 2013. In : Regional assessment of climate change in the Mediterranean. Agriculture, forests and ecosystem services and people. Navarra Antonio (ed.), Tubiana Laurence (ed.). Dordrecht : Springer [Pays-Bas], 135-156. (Advances in Global Change Research, 51) ISBN 978-94-007-5771-4

Effects of irradiation, presence of females, and sugar supply on the longevity of sterile males Aedes albopictus (Skuse) under semi-field conditions on Reunion Island. Oliva Clelia F., Maier Marco J., Gilles Jérémie, Jacquet Maxime, Lemperière Guy, Quilici Serge, Vreysen Marc J.B., Schooneman François, Chadee Dave D., Boyer Sébastien. 2013. Acta Tropica, 125 (3) : 287-293.

Estado de la conservación ex situ de los recursos genéticos de quinua : [Resumen]. Rojas Wilfredo, Pinto Milton, Alanoca Carolina, Gomez Pando Luz, Leon-Lobos Pedro, Alercia Adriana, Diulgheroff Stefano, Padulosi Stefano, Bazile Didier. 2013. In : Estado del arte de la quinua en el mundo en 2013: Libro de resúmenes. Bazile Didier (ed.), Bertero Hector Daniel (ed.), Nieto Carlos (ed.). Santiago : FAO-CIRAD, Résumé, 20-21.

Evaluation of MODIS gross primary productivity for Africa using eddy covariance data. Sjöström M., Zhao M., Archibald S., Arneth Almur, Cappelaere Bernard, Falk U., De Grandcourt Agnès, Hanan N., Kergoat Laurent, Kutsch Werner L., Merbold L., Mougin E., Nickless A., Nouvellon Yann, Scholes Robert J., Veenendaal Elmar M., Ardö Junas. 2013. Remote Sensing of Environment, 131 : 275-286.

How much can diptera-borne viruses persist over unfavourable seasons? Charron Maud, Balenghien Thomas, Seegers Henri, Langlais Michel, Ezanno Pauline. 2013. PloS One, 8 (9):e74213, 12 p.

Indigenous past climate knowledge as cultural built-in object andiIts accuracy. Leclerc Christian, Mwongera Caroline Njeri, Camberlin Pierre, Boyard-Micheau Joseph. 2013. Ecology and Society, 18 (4):22, 13 p.

Modelling economic and biophysical drivers of agricultural land-use change. Calibration and evaluation of the Nexus Land-Use model over 1961-2006. Souty François, Dorin Bruno, Brunelle Thierry, Dumas Patrice, Ciais Philippe. 2013. GeoScientific Model Development Discussions, 6 : 6975-7046.

Modifying the G'DAY process-basedmodel to simulate the spatial variability of Eucalyptus plantation growth on deep tropical soils. Marsden Claire, Nouvellon Yann, Laclau Jean-Paul, Corbeels Marc, McMurtrie Ross E., Stape Jose Luiz, Epron Daniel, Le Maire Guerric. 2013. Forest Ecology and Management, 301 : 112-128.

Télédétection, analyse et modélisation spatiales appliquées à l'épidémiologie des maladies vectorielles. Tran Annelise. 2013. Montpellier : UM2, 207 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Université Montpellier 2

The environmental impacts of lowland paddy rice: A case study comparison between rainfed and irrigated rice in Thailand. Perret Sylvain, Thanawong Kwansirinapa, Basset-Mens Claudine, Mungkung Rattanawan. 2013. Cahiers Agricultures, 22 (5) : 369-377.

Climate variability and environmental stress in the Sudan-Sahel zone of West Africa. Mertz Ole, D'Haen Sarah, Maiga Abdou Yéhiya, Bouzou Moussa Ibrahim, Barbier Bruno, Diouf Awa, Diallo Drissa, Dapola Da Evariste, Dabi Daniel. 2012. Ambio, 41 (4) : 380-392.

Validation and comparison of two soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer models for tropical Africa. Akkermans T., Lauwaet D., Demuzere M., Vogel G., Nouvellon Yann, Ardö Junas, Caquet B., De Grandcourt Agnès, Merbold L., Kutsch Werner L., Van Lipzig N.P.M.. 2012. Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences, 117 (G2), 15 p.

Risk factors associated with observed clinical lumpy skin disease in Ethiopia. Gari Getachew, Waret-Szkuta Agnès, Grosbois Vladimir, Jacquiet Philippe, Roger François. 2010. Epidemiology and Infection, 138 (11) : 1657-1666.

Segmentation applied to weather-disease relationships in South American leaf blight of the rubber tree. Guyot Jean, Condina Virgile, Doare Fabien, Cilas Christian, Sache Ivan. 2010. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 126 (3) : 349-362.

Fonio Millet (Digitaria Exilis) Response to N, P and K fertilizers under varying climatic conditions in West Africa. Gigou Jacques, Stilmant Didier, Diallo Thierno Alimou, Cissé N., Sanogo Moussa D., Vaksmann Michel, Dupuis Brice. 2009. Experimental Agriculture, 45 (4) : 401-415.

Relative radiometric normalization and atmospheric correction of a SPOT 5 time serie. El Hajj Mahmoud, Bégué Agnès, Lafrance Bruno, Hagolle O., Dedieu G., Rumeau M.. 2008. Sensors (8) : 2774-2791.

Citrus cultivation. Vanniere Henri. 2007. Fruitrop (English ed.) (150) : 30-31.

La culture des agrumes. Vanniere Henri. 2007. Fruitrop (Ed. Française) (150) : 30-31.

Topography and crop management are key factors for the development of american leaf spot epidemics on coffee in Costa Rica. Avelino Jacques, Cabut Sandrine, Barboza Bernado, Barquero Miguel, Alfaro Ronny, Esquivel César, Durand Jean-François, Cilas Christian. 2007. Phytopathology, 97 (12) : 1532-1542.

Some epidemiological investigations on Colletotrichum leaf disease on rubber tree. Guyot Jean, Ntawanga Omanda Edith, Pinard Fabrice. 2005. Crop Protection, 24 (1) : 65-77.

A field study of pollen-mediated gene flow from Mediterranean GM rice to conventional rice and the red rice weed. Messeguer Joaquima, Marfa Victoria, Catala M.M., Guiderdoni Emmanuel, Melé Enric. 2004. Molecular Breeding, 13 (1) : 103-112.

Abundance of sorghum panicle-feeding bugs (Hemiptera : Miridae) in Mali and empirical relationships with weather. Ratnadass Alain, Butler David R.. 2003. Insect Science and its Application, 23 (3) : 239-250.

Sorghum head-bugs and grain molds in West and Central Africa: 2. Relationships between weather, head-bug and mold damage on sorghum grains. Ratnadass Alain, Butler David R., Marley Paul S., Bandyopadhyay R., Hess D.E., Akintayo Inussa. 2003. Crop Protection, 22 : 853-858.

A field study of pollen-mediated gene flow from GM rice to conventional rice and the red rice weed [M-30]. Messeguer Joaquima, Marfa Victoria, Catala M., Guiderdoni Emmanuel, Melé Enric. 2003. In : 7th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, ISPMB 2003, Barcelona (Spain), June 23-28. Book of abstracts. ISPMB. Barcelone : ISPMB Office, Résumé, 435. International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology. 7, Barcelone, Espagne, 23 Juin 2003/28 Juin 2003.

Phytophthora katsurae (Phythiaceae) du cocotier en Côte d'Ivoire : tolérances variétales de 53 hybrides et données épidémiologiques de base. Allou Kouassi, Bourdeix Roland, Aké S., Konan Jean-Louis, Zakra N.. 2002. Agronomie Africaine, 14 (2) : 99-115.

Utilization of water resources in supporting upland farming : (Case study at Bunder sub-watershed of the Oyo watershed, Gunungkidul, DIY). Heryani N., Kartiwa Budi, Gatot Irianto, Lidon Bruno. 2002. In : The Role of Agroclimate in Supporting Development of Upland Farming. Sofyan Agus (ed.), Le Istiqlal Amien (ed.), Abdurachman Adimihardja (ed.). CSAR, CRIFC, Indonésie-Ministry of Agriculture. Bogor : CSAR, 47-71. ISBN 979-9474-12-4 Seminar on The Role of Agroclimate in Supporting Development of Upland Farming, Bogor, Indonésie, 17 Octobre 2001.

Conhecimento e manejo dos hidrosistemas dos cerrados. Affholder François. 2001. In : O Cirad no Brasil : relatorio de atividades 2000. CIRAD. Brasilia : CIRAD, 38-39.

Connaissance et gestion des hydrosystèmes des cerrados. Affholder François. 2001. In : Le Cirad au Brésil : rapport d'activités 2000. CIRAD. Brasilia : CIRAD, 38-39.

Conditions climatiques de la campagne 1997. Roux-Cuvelier Michel, Féougier Gérard, Bénézet L., Pons Valérie. 1998. Arles : CIRAD-CA, 15-19.

Rapport de mission Hevecam-Hevegab du 21/09/96 au 22/12/96. Contributions à l'étude des maladies foliaires de l'hévéa. Garcia Dominique. 1996. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 40 p. N° de rapport : CP_SIC 587

La double floraison du palmier dattier dans le Sud-est du Niger. Jahiel Michel, Blay J.C.. 1994. Fruits, 49 (2) : 111-120.

Rapport 1994 du comité de suivi de coopération CIRAD-CA/EMBRAPA-CPAC du projet "Connaissance et gestion des hydrosystèmes agricoles des Cerrados". Reyniers François, Affholder François, Assad Eduardo D., Santos Oliveira M.A.. 1994. Brasilia : CIRAD-CA, 24 p.

Use of a meteorology model to correct atmospheric effects in NOAA-AVHRR data. Ouaidrari H., Imbernon Jacques, Dedieu G.. 1994. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 15 (11) : 2257-2271.

Section de génétique cotonnière. Station de Bébedjia. Rapport annuel 1993-1994. Ousmane E., Guibordeau P.. 1993. Tchad : CIRAD-CA, 63 p.

Synthèse météo 1992. Combres Jean-Claude, Nativel Raymond, Kamieniarz C., Brossier Jean-Luc. 1993. Saint-Pierre : CIRAD-CA, n.p.

Le climat Ouest africain et l'irrigation. Rijks D.. 1973. L'Agronomie Tropicale. Série 2, Agronomie Générale. Etudes Techniques, 28 (9) : 848-852. Séminaire International sur les Perspectives pour l'Irrigation en Afrique de l'Ouest, Ibadan, Nigeria, 22 Octobre 1972/27 Octobre 1972.

Problèmes posés par le désherbage des cultures de maïs, de mil et de sorgho. Jan P.. 1972. L'Agronomie Tropicale. Série 2, Agronomie Générale. Etudes Techniques, 27 (2) : 236-238. Symposium sur le désherbage des cultures tropicales, Antibes, France, 7 Septembre 1971/8 Septembre 1971.

Schéma d'une action sur la phéniciculture en République du Niger. Cuillé Jean, Sizaret A.. 1970. Paris : GERDAT-IFAC, 10 p.

Essai climat 1955-56. Boulanger J., Poisson Christian. 1956. Bambari : IRCT, 82 p.

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