
Résultats pour : "efficacité d'utilisation"

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Nombre de documents : 40.

Assessing the efficiency of smallholder sugarcane production: The case of Faisalabad, Pakistan. Asghar Sobia, Tsusaka Takuji W., Jourdain Damien, Saqib Shahab E., Sasaki Nophea. 2022. Agricultural Water Management, 269:107643, 11 p.

Sequential one-pot NaDES assisted extraction and biotransformation of rice bran: A new strategy to boost antioxidant activity of natural extracts. Barros Santos Millena, Barouh Nathalie, Baréa Bruno, Villeneuve Pierre, Bourlieu-Lacanal Claire, Larraz Ferreira Mariana Simões, Durand Erwann. 2022. Process Biochemistry (1991), 117 : 110-116.

Control of cocoa mirids using aqueous extracts of Thevetia peruviana and Azadirachta indica. Mboussi Serge Bertrand, Ambang Zachée, Kakam Stéphanie, Bagny-Beilhe Leïla. 2018. Cogent Food and Agriculture, 4 (1):e1430470, 13 p.

Is mulching an efficient way to control weeds? Effects of type and amount of crop residue in rainfed rice based cropping systems in Madagascar. Ranaivoson Lalaina, Naudin Krishna, Ripoche Aude, Rabeharisoa R. Lilia, Corbeels Marc. 2018. Field Crops Research, 217 : 20-31.

Ethnobotanical uses and antimicrobial properties of plants in small-scale tropical fish farms: The case of Indonesian fish farmers in Java (Indonesia). Caruso Domenico, Lusiastuti Angela Maria, Taukhid Taukhid, Avarre Jean-Christophe, Yuhana Munti, Sarter Samira. 2017. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 48 (1) : 83-92.

Genetic variability of nitrogen use efficiency in rainfed upland rice. Rakotoson Luciano Tatiana, Dusserre Julie, Letourmy Philippe, Ratsimiala Ramonta Isabelle, Cao Tuong-Vi, Ramanantsoanirina Alain, Roumet Pierre, Ahmadi Nourollah, Raboin Louis-Marie. 2017. Field Crops Research, 213 : 194-203.

Unraveling the enduring paradox of increased pressure on groundwater through efficient drip irrigation. Kuper Marcel, Ameur Fatah, Hammani Ali. 2017. In : Drip irrigation for agriculture: untold stories of efficiency, innovation and development. Venot Jean-Philippe (ed.), Kuper Marcel (ed.), Zwarteveen Margreet (ed.). Abingdon : Routledge, 85-104. ISBN 978-1-13-868707-3
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Yield and nitrogen losses in oil palm plantations: Main drivers and management trade-offs determined using simulation. Pardon Lénaïc, Huth Neil, Netelenbos Nelson Paul, Banabas Murom, Gabrielle Benoît, Bessou Cécile. 2017. Field Crops Research, 210 : 20-32.

A user-centred approach to irrigation performance: drip irrigation in the Khrichfa area, Morocco. Van der Kooij Saskia, Kuper Marcel, Zwarteveen Margreet, De Fraiture Charlotte. 2017. Water International, 42 (7) : 794-809.
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Electronic support tools for identification and management of rice weeds in Africa for better-informed agricultural change agents. Rodenburg Jonne, Le Bourgeois Thomas, Grard Pierre, Carara Alain, Irakiza Runyambo, Makokha Derek, Kabanyoro Ruth, Dzomeku Israel, Chiconela Tomas, Malombe Itambo, Sarra Soungalo, Ekeleme Friday, Mariko Marianne, Andrianaivo Alain-Paul, Marnotte Pascal. 2016. Cahiers Agricultures, 25 (1):15006, 8 p.

Insecticide and repellent mixture pour-on protects cattle against animal trypanosomosis. Gimonneau Geoffrey, Alioum Yaya, Abdoulmoumini Mamoudou, Zoli André, Cene Bila, Adakal Hassane, Bouyer Jérémy. 2016. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 10 (12):e0005248, 16 p.

Life-history traits of Macrolophus pygmaeus with different prey foods. Sylla Serigne, Brévault Thierry, Diarra Karamoko, Bearez Philippe, Desneux Nicolas. 2016. PloS One, 11 (11):e0166610, 8 p.

Members of BTB Gene Family of Scaffold Proteins Suppress Nitrate Uptake and Nitrogen Use Efficiency. Araus Viviana, Vidal Elena A., Puelma Tomas, Alamos Simón, Mieulet Delphine, Guiderdoni Emmanuel, Gutiérrez Rodrigo A.. 2016. Plant Physiology, 171 (2) : 1523-1532.

Naturally occurring bioactive compounds from four repellent essential oils against Bemisia tabaci whiteflies. Deletre Emilie, Chandre Fabrice, Barkman Barbara, Menut Chantal, Martin Thibaud. 2016. Pest Management Science, 72 (1) : 179-189.
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The O-carbamoyl-transferase Alb15 is responsible for the modification of albicidin. Petras Daniel, Kerwat Dennis, Pesic Alexander, Hempel Benjamin, Von Eckardstein Leonard, Semsary Siamak, Arasté Julie, Marguerettaz Mélanie, Royer Monique, Cociancich Stéphane, Süssmuth Roderich. 2016. ACS Chemical Biology, 11 (5) : 1198-1204.

Zoonotic trypanosomes in South East Asia: Attempts to control Trypanosoma lewisi using veterinary drugs. Desquesnes Marc, Yangtara Sarawut, Kunphukhieo Pawinee, Chalermwong Piangjai, Jittapalapong Sathaporn, Herder Stéphane. 2016. Experimental Parasitology, 165 : 35-42.

Zoonotic trypanosomes in South East Asia: attempts to control Trypanosoma lewisi using human and animal trypanocidal drugs. Desquesnes Marc, Yangtara Sarawut, Kunphukhieo Pawinee, Jittapalapong Sathaporn, Herder Stéphane. 2016. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 44 : 514-521.

Ecologie et lutte contre les Culicoides vecteurs de la peste équine et de la fièvre catarrhale ovine au Sénégal. Fall Moussa. 2015. Dakar : Université Cheikh Anta Diop, 200 p. Thèse de doctorat : Entomologie : Université Cheikh Anta Diop

Evaluation of the safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of three capripoxvirus vaccine strains against lumpy skin disease virus. Gari Getachew, Abie Getnet, Gizaw Daniel, Wubete Alajegn, Kidane Menbere, Asgedom Hagos, Bayissa Berecha, Ayelet Gelagay, Oura Christopher, Roger François, Tuppurainen Eeva. 2015. Vaccine, 33 (28) : 3256-3261.

How do species, population and active ingredient influence insecticide susceptibility in Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) of veterinary importance? Venail Roger, Lhoir Jonathan, Fall Moussa, Del Rio R., Talavera Sandra, Labuschagne Michel, Miranda Miguel, Pagès Nonito, Venter Gert J., Rakotoarivony Ignace, Allene Xavier, Scheid Bethsabée, Gardes Laëtitia, Gimonneau Geoffrey, Lancelot Renaud, Garros Claire, Cetre-Sossah Catherine, Balenghien Thomas, Carpenter Simon, Baldet Thierry. 2015. Parasites and Vectors, 8 (439), 9 p.

Potential toxicity of [Alpha]-Cypermethrin-Treated nets on Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Biondi Antonio, Zappala Lucia, Desneux Nicolas, Aparo A., Siscaro G., Rapisarda C., Martin Thibaud, Tropea Garzia Giovanna. 2015. Journal of Economic Entomology, 108 (3) : 1191-1197.

Quality of sterile male tsetse after long distance transport as chilled, irradiated pupae. Seck Momar Talla, Pagabeleguem Soumaila, Bassene Mireille, Fall Assane Gueye, Diouf Thérèse A.R., Sall Baba, Vreysen Marc J.B., Rayaissé Jean-Baptiste, Takac Peter, Sidibé Issa, Parker Andrew Gordon, Mutika Gratian N., Bouyer Jérémy, Gimonneau Geoffrey. 2015. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (11):e0004229, 13 p.

Repellent effect of topical deltamethrin on blood feeding by Culicoides on horses. Robin M., Archer D., McGowan C., Garros Claire, Gardes Laëtitia, Baylis M.. 2015. Veterinary Record, 176 (22), 8 p.

Un parasitoïde oophage pour contrôler Paysandisia archon (Burmeister, 1880) (Lepidoptera : Castniidae) : le trichogramme. Premier succès en laboratoire. Ferrero Emma, Fourcade Annabel, Colombel Etty, Venard Marine, Buradino Maurane, Ollivier Laurence, Tabone Elisabeth. 2015. Entomologie Faunistique, 68 : 195-201.

Use of low cost pest exclusion nets can boost cabbage yield. Kiptoo J.J., Kasina M., Wanjala F., Kipyab P., Wasilwa Luike A., Ngouajio Mathieu, Martin Thibaud. 2015. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal, 81 (2-4) : 112-119.

A melting pot world of species: reply to Speziale et al. Tassin Jacques, Kull Christian A.. 2015. Conservation Biology, 29 (2) : 593-595.

A user-friendly and scalable process to prepare a ready-to-use inactivated vaccine: The example of heartwater in ruminants under tropical conditions. Marcelino Isabel, Lefrançois Thierry, Martinez Dominique, Giraud-Girard Ken, Aprelon Rosalie, Mandonnet Nathalie, Gaucheron Jérôme, Bertrand François, Vachiery Nathalie. 2015. Vaccine, 33 (5) : 678-685.

Efficacy of insect nets for cabbage production and pest management depending on the net removal frequency and microclimate. Simon Serge, Assogba Komlan Françoise, Adjaïto L., Mensah Armel, Coffi Hubert Kacou, Ngouajio Mathieu, Martin Thibaud. 2014. International Journal of Pest Management, 60 (3) : 208-216.

Evaluation of candidate systems for mass trapping against Ceratitis spp. on La Réunion island. Peñarrubia Maria Esther, Quilici Serge, Schmitt Chloé, Escudero-Colomar Adriana. 2014. Pest Management Science, 70 (3) : 448-453.

Sensibilité aux insecticides et évaluation préliminaire des méthodes de lutte antivectorielle disponibles contre les Culicoides (Diptera : Ceratopogonidae) paléarctiques, vecteurs de virus émergents d'intérêt en santé animale. Venail Roger. 2014. Montpellier : Université Montpellier 2, 256 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie santé. Entomologie médicale : Université Montpellier 2

Sensitivity of Culicoides obsoletus (Meigen) (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) to deltamethrin determined by an adapted WHO standard susceptibility test. Del Rio R., Venail Roger, Calvette C., Barcelo Carlos, Baldet Thierry, Lucientes Javier, Miranda Miguel Angel. 2014. Parasitology, 141 (4) : 542-546.

Relationship between udder morphology traits, alveolar and cisternal milk compartments and machine milking performances of dairy camels (Camelus dromedarius). Ayadi Moez, Aljumaah Riyadh Saleh, Musaad Abdelgader, Samara Emad Mohammed, Abelrahman M.M., Alshaikh M.A., Saleh Saeed K., Faye Bernard. 2013. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 11 (3) : 790-797.

Evaluation des inefficiences zootechnique et environnementale pour intensifier écologiquement les systèmes d'élevage tropicaux. Etude de cas à la Réunion. Vayssières Jonathan, Thevenot Alexandre, Vigne Mathieu, Cano M., Broc Anthony, Bellino R., Diacono Emilie, De Laburthe Bruno, Bochu Jean-Luc, Tillard Emmanuel, Lecomte Philippe. 2011. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 64 (1-4) : 73-79.

Lutte biologique par augmentation contre Empoasca vitis au moyen de lâchers d'anagrus atomus. Sentenac Gilles, Delvare Gérard, Sforza René. 2011. In : La faune auxiliaire des vignobles de France. IFV. Paris : Ed. France agricole, 195-196. ISBN 978-2-85557-213-0

Cycle de l'azote et rôle des légumineuses d'ombrage dans les systèmes caféiers au Costa Rica. Harmand Jean-Michel. 2010. Montpellier : Agropolis International, 1 p.

Efficiency of inactivated vaccines against heartwater in Burkina Faso: Impact of Ehrlichia ruminantium genetic diversity. Adakal Hassane, Stachurski Frédéric, Konkobo Maurice, Zoungrana Sébastien, Meyer Damien, Pinarello Valérie, Aprelon Rosalie, Marcelino Isabel, Alves Paula M., Martinez Dominique, Lefrançois Thierry, Vachiery Nathalie. 2010. Vaccine, 28 (29) : 4573-4580.

An acaricide-treated net to control phytophagous mites. Martin Thibaud, Assogba-Komlan Françoise, Sidick I., Ahle V., Chandre Fabrice. 2010. Crop Protection, 29 (5) : 470-475.

Near infrared spectroscopy for estimating wood basic density in Eucalyptus urophylla and Eucalyptus grandis. Gherardi Hein Paulo Ricardo, Maioli Campos Ana Carolina, Trugilho Paulo Fernando, Tarcisio Lima Jose, Chaix Gilles. 2009. Revista Cerne, 15 (2) : 133-141.

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