
Résultats pour : "sex ratio"

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Nombre de documents : 26.

Mating harassment may boost the effectiveness of the sterile insect technique for Aedes mosquitoes. Zhang Dongjing, Maiga Hamidou, Li Yongjun, Bakhoum Mame Thierno, Wang Gang, Sun Yan, Damiens David, Mamaï Wadaka, Bimbilé Somda Nanwintoum Séverin, Wallner Thomas, Bueno-Masso Odet, Martina Claudia, Kotla Simran Singh, Yamada Hanano, Lu Deng, Tan Cheong Huat, Guo Jiatian, Feng Qingdeng, Zhang Junyan, Zhao Xufei, Paerhande Dilinuer, Pan Wenjie, Wu YU, Zheng Xiaoying, Wu Zhongdao, Xi Zhiyong, Vreysen Marc J.B., Bouyer Jérémy. 2024. Nature Communications, 15:1980, 13 p.

Exploring the effects of rearing densities on epigenetic modifications in the zebrafish gonads. Valdivieso Alejandro, Caballero Huertas Marta, Moraleda-Prados Javier, Piferrer Francesc, Ribas Laia. 2023. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24 (21):16002, 18 p.

Investigating population dynamics and sex structure of Exolontha castanea Chang (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) using light traps in sugarcane fields in China. Shang Xian-Kun, Wei Ji-Li, Liu Wei, Pan Xue-Hong, Huang Cheng-Hua, Nikpay Amin, Goebel François-Régis. 2022. Sugar Tech, 24 : 1441-1448.
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Transgenic expression of Nix converts genetic females into males and allows automated sex sorting in Aedes albopictus. Lutrat Célia, Olmo Roenick P., Baldet Thierry, Bouyer Jérémy, Marois Eric. 2022. Communications Biology, 5:210, 10 p.

Density-dependent mating behaviors reduce male mating harassment in locusts. Maeno Koutaro Ould, Piou Cyril, Ould Ely Sidi, Ould Mohamed Sid' Ahmed, Jaavar Mohamed el Hacen, Ghaout Saïd, Babah Ebbe Mohamed Abdallahi Ould. 2021. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118 (42):e2104673118, 10 p.

Narrow versus broad: Sexual dimorphism in the wing form of western European species of the subgenus Avaritia (Culicoides , Ceratopogonidae). Muñoz-Muñoz Francesc, Pagès Nonito, Durao Ana F., England Marion, Werner Doreen, Talavera Sandra. 2021. Integrative Zoology, 16 (5) : 769-784.

Progeny fitness determines the performance of the parasitoid Therophilus javanus, a prospective biocontrol agent against the legume pod borer. Aboubakar Souna Djibril, Bokono-Ganta Aimé Hippolyte, Ravallec Marc, Alizannon Mesmin, Srinivasan Ramasamy, Pittendrigh Barry Robert, Volkoff Anne-Nathalie, Tamo Manuele. 2021. Scientific Reports, 11:8990, 10 p.

Sex determination in the GIFT strain of tilapia is controlled by a locus in linkage group 23. Taslima Khanam, Wehner Stefanie, Taggart John B., De Verdal Hugues, Benzie John A.H., Bekaert Michaël, McAndrew Brendan J., Penman David J.. 2020. BMC Genetics, 21:49, 15 p.

Comparative effects of a natural androgen 11 Beta-hydroxyandrostenedio ne, and a synthétic androgen, 17 Alpha-methyltesterone, on the sex ratios of Oreochromis niloticus. Baroiller Jean-François, Toguyeni Aboubacar. 2002. In : The Third International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. Pullin Roger S.V. (ed.), Lazard Jérôme (ed.), Legendre Marc (ed.), Amon Kothias Jean-Baptiste (ed.), Pauly Daniel (ed.). ICLARM, CRO, ORSTOM, CIRAD-EMVT. Manila : ICLARM, 238-245. (ICLARM Conference Proceedings, 41) ISBN 971-8709-42-8 International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture (ISTA). 3, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, 11 Novembre 1991/15 Novembre 1991.

Rapport d'activité 1993 du service Entomologie CIRAD-EMVT/Montpellier. Cuisance Dominique. 1993. Montpellier : CIRAD-EMVT, 23 p.

Interrelations entre les paramètres de la reproduction. Coulibaly Moussa. 1989. Maisons-Alfort : CIRAD-IEMVT, 23 p. Mémoire DESS (Synthèse bibliographique) : Productions Animales en Régions Chaudes : Ecole nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort


Note sur le sex-ratio chez le zébu Gobra au C.R.Z. de Dahra. Denis Jean-Pierre. 1978. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 31 (4) : 443-445.

Structure des populations de Glossina tachinoides W. à la Réserve de Kalamaloué. VI. Gruvel Jean. 1975. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 28 (2) : 195-215.

Elevage d'Eldana saccharina. IRAT - FRA. Nogent-sur-Marne : IRAT, 18 p.

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