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Nombre de documents : 68.

Shade canopy density variables in cocoa and coffee agroforestry systems. Somarriba Eduardo, Saj Stéphane, Orozco-Aguilar Luis, Somarriba Aurelio, Rapidel Bruno. 2024. Agroforestry Systems, 98 : 585-601.
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Afforestation of savannah using cocoa agroforestry: impacts on ecosystem services and effects of associated tree species on soil fertility. Harmand Jean-Michel, Nijmeijer Annemarijn, Sauvadet Marie, Enock Seguy, Essobo Nieboukaho Jean-Daniel, Fonkeng Eltson Eteckji, Jagoret Patrick, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Saj Stéphane. 2023. In : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cocoa Research 2022 - ISCR 2022. Montpellier : ICCO-CIRAD, 11 p. ISBN 978-2-9563177-0-8 ; 978-2-87614-798-0 International Symposium on Cocoa Research (ISCR 2022). 2, Montpellier, France, 5 Décembre 2022/7 Décembre 2022.

DEXiCacao: a new tool to assess the overall sustainability of cocoa-based cropping systems. Saj Stéphane, N'Dja Kassi Justin, Lammoglia Sabine Karen Djidemi. 2023. In : International Symposium on Cocoa Research 2022 - ISCR 2022. Booklet of Abstracts. Montpellier : ICCO-CIRAD, 38-39. International Symposium on Cocoa Research (ISCR 2022), Montpellier, France, 5 Décembre 2022/7 Décembre 2022.

The ESSU concept for designing, modeling and auditing ecosystem service provision in intercropping and agroforestry systems. A review. Rafflegeau Sylvain, Gosme Marie, Barkaoui Karim, Garcia Leo, Allinne Clémentine, Deheuvels Olivier, Grimaldi Juliette, Jagoret Patrick, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Mérot Anne, Metay Aurélie, Reyes Francisco, Saj Stéphane, Curry George Nicolas, Justes Eric. 2023. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43:43, 24 p.

Effect of neighbouring perennials on cocoa tree pod production in complex agroforestry systems in Cameroon. Saj Stéphane, Jagoret Patrick, Todem Ngnogue Hervé, Tixier Philippe. 2023. European Journal of Agronomy, 146:126810, 11 p.

Farmer's perception of development opportunities of cacao agroforestry in growing cocoa-producing districts of Uganda. Wibaux Thomas, Saj Stéphane, Chemutai Alunga J., Nazziwa Musoke J., Gavard-Lonchey A., Ntale C.. 2023. In : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cocoa Research 2022 - ISCR 2022. Montpellier : ICCO-CIRAD, 12 p. ISBN 978-2-9563177-0-8 ; 978-2-87614-798-0 International Symposium on Cocoa Research (ISCR 2022), Montpellier, France, 5 Décembre 2022/7 Décembre 2022.

WP4 : Systèmes Agroforestiers. Étude technico-économique prospective des systèmes café/cacao. Rapport final. Mazardin Agathe, Saj Stéphane. 2023. Montpellier : CIRAD-European Union, 90 p.

Cocoa4Future: A research in partnership project contributing to the agroecological and organizational transition of cocoa production in West Africa. Poster L18. Jagoret Patrick, Saj Stéphane. 2022. In : En transition vers un monde viable. Québec : Université de Laval-IUAF-ICRAF, Résumé, 1 p. Congrès mondial d'agroforesterie. 5, Québec, Canada, 17 Juillet 2022/20 Juillet 2022.

Du cacao marchand au chocolat. Les étapes de transformation et leurs impacts sur les caractéristiques organoleptiques du chocolat. Forestier-Chiron Nelly, Doaré Fabien, Mazardin Agathe, Maraval Isabelle, Saj Stéphane. 2022. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 diaporama (23 vues)

Le cacao : de la cabosse aux fèves fermentées et séchées. Retour d'expérience de récolte sur cacaoyers guiana en Guyane Française (année 2021). Durand Noël, Mazardin Agathe, Doaré Fabien, Saj Stéphane. 2022. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 diaporama (44 vues)

Le défi de la co-conception d'agroécosystèmes poly-efficients fondés sur de solides principes techniques. Saj Stéphane, Demenois Julien. 2022. In : Transformations agroécologiques pour des systèmes alimentaires durables. Panorama de la recherche France-CGIAR = Agroecological transformation for sustainable food systems. Insight on France-CGIAR research. Atta-Krah Kwesi (ed.), Chotte Jean-Luc (ed.), Gascuel Chantal (ed.), Gitz Vincent (ed.), Hainzelin Etienne (ed.), Quintero Marcela (ed.), Sinclair Fergus L. (ed.). Agropolis. Montpellier : Agropolis International, 71-72. (Les dossiers d'Agropolis International, 26)

Moderate C storage, weak conservation ability and the need to renew old cocoa plantations from the Talba forest pioneer front in Centre Cameroon. Ndje Mbile Jean-Guy, Saj Stéphane, Enock Seguy, Mala William, Harmand Jean-Michel. 2022. In : En transition vers un monde viable. Québec : Université de Laval-IUAF-ICRAF, Résumé, 1 p. Congrès mondial d'agroforesterie. 5, Québec, Canada, 17 Juillet 2022/20 Juillet 2022.

Viabilité de la culture du cacaoyer en Guyane française – approche par simulation. Saj Stéphane, Heck Louis, Decayeux Emma. 2022. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 26 (1) : 57-67.

Agroecosystem diversification with legumes or non-legumes improves differently soil fertility according to soil type. Sauvadet Marie, Trap Jean, Damour Gaëlle, Plassard Claude, Van Den Meersche Karel, Achard Raphaël, Allinne Clémentine, Autfray Patrice, Bertrand Isabelle, Blanchart Eric, Deberdt Peninna, Enock Seguy, Essobo Nieboukaho Jean-Daniel, Freschet Grégoire T., Hedde Mickaël, de Melo Virginio Filho Elias, Rabary Bodovololona, Rakotoarivelo Miora, Randriamanantsoa Richard, Rhino Béatrice, Ripoche Aude, Rosalie Elisabeth, Saj Stéphane, Becquer Thierry, Tixier Philippe, Harmand Jean-Michel. 2021. Science of the Total Environment, 785:148934, 11 p.

Feuille de route des recherches Cirad à 10 ans sur la filière Cacao. Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Cilas Christian, Saj Stéphane, Argout Xavier, Boulanger Renaud, Carimentrand Aurélie, Cerdan Claire, Clément Didier, Dromard Marine, Harmand Jean-Michel, Jagoret Patrick, Muller Emmanuelle, Rapidel Bruno, De Romemont Aurelle, Rhone Bénédicte, Ribeyre Fabienne, Ruf François, Wibaux Thomas, Côte François-Xavier. 2021. Montpellier : CIRAD, 156 p.

Litterfall seasonal dynamics and leaf-litter turnover in cocoa agroforests established on past forest lands or savannah. Saj Stéphane, Nijmeijer Annemarijn, Essobo Nieboukaho Jean-Daniel, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Harmand Jean-Michel. 2021. Agroforestry Systems, 95 (4) : 583-597.
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Management and maintenance of cocoa trees. Pruning of young and mature trees, grafted in terminal slit, grown from seeds. Saj Stéphane, Decayeux Emma. 2021. Montpellier : CIRAD-PERSYST-UMR ABSys, 66 p.

Symptômes foliaires et manques nutritionnels sur cacaoyers Guiana. Saj Stéphane, Decayeux Emma. 2021. Montpellier : CIRAD-PERSYST-UMR ABSys, 22 p.

Agroforestry for sustainable cocoa production in the forest–savannah transition zone in the north of the Congo Basin including Cameroon. Harmand Jean-Michel, Nijmeijer Annemarijn, Sauvadet Marie, Enock Seguy, Essobo Nieboukaho Jean-Daniel, Fonkeng Eltson Eteckji, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Jagoret Patrick, Saj Stéphane. 2020. In : FTA 2020 Science Conference: Forests, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change: Book of abstracts. Gitz V., Meybeck A., Ricci F., Belcher B., Brady M.A., Coccia F., Elias M., Jamnadass R., Kettle C., Larson A., Li Y., Louman B., Martius C., Minang P., Sinclair F., Sist P., Somarriba E. (editors). Bogor : CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA), 108. FTA 2020 Science Conference: Forests, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change, Bogor, Indonésie, 14 Septembre 2020/25 Septembre 2020.



Cocoa agroforest multifunctionality and soil fertility explained by shade tree litter traits. Sauvadet Marie, Saj Stéphane, Freschet Grégoire T., Essobo Nieboukaho Jean-Daniel, Enock Seguy, Becquer Thierry, Tixier Philippe, Harmand Jean-Michel. 2020. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57 (3) : 476-487.


Implementing organic farming in vineyards. Mérot Anne, Belhouchette Hatem, Saj Stéphane, Wery Jacques. 2020. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 44 (2) : 164-187.

STRADIV - System approach for the TRAnsition to bio-DIVersified agroecosystems. Data Management Plan. Auzoux Sandrine, Naudin Krishna, Ripoche Aude (collab.), Autfray Patrice (collab.), Bélières Jean-François (collab.), Sib Ollo (collab.), Kouakou Patrice Koffi (collab.), Dabire Der (collab.), Rhino Béatrice (collab.), Van Den Meersche Karel (collab.), Notaro Martin (collab.), Allinne Clémentine (collab.), Saj Stéphane (collab.). 2020. Montpellier : CIRAD, 34 p.

Afforestation of savannah with cocoa agroforestry: a climate-smart sustainable agricultural practice. Harmand Jean-Michel, Nijmeijer Annemarijn, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Jagoret Patrick, Freschet Grégoire T., Essobo Nieboukaho Jean-Daniel, Enock Seguy, Fonkeng Eltson Eteckji, Sauvadet Marie, Gond Valéry, Saj Stéphane. 2019. In : 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Book of abstracts. Dupraz Christian (ed.), Gosme Marie (ed.), Lawson Gerry (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, Agropolis International, MUSE. Montpellier : CIRAD-INRA, Résumé, p. 595. World Congress on Agroforestry. 4, Montpellier, France, 20 Mai 2019/22 Mai 2019.

Agroecology and climate change: close links which give cause for hope. Torquebiau Emmanuel, Roudier Philippe, Demenois Julien, Saj Stéphane, Hainzelin Etienne, Maraux Florent. 2019. In : The agroecological transition of agricultural systems in the Global South. Côte François-Xavier (ed.), Poirier-Magona Emmanuelle (ed.), Perret Sylvain (ed.), Roudier Philippe (ed.), Bruno Rapidel (ed.), Thirion Marie-Cécile (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 239-249. (Agricultures et défis du monde) ISBN 978-2-7592-3056-3

Agroforestry: Lifeline of world cocoa production. Utopia or credible alternative? Jagoret Patrick, Malézieux Eric, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Saj Stéphane. 2019. In : 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Book of abstracts. Dupraz Christian (ed.), Gosme Marie (ed.), Lawson Gerry (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, Agropolis International, MUSE. Montpellier : CIRAD-INRA, Résumé, p. 589. World Congress on Agroforestry. 4, Montpellier, France, 20 Mai 2019/22 Mai 2019.

Agroforestry: diversified practices for the agroecological transition of African cacao farming. Jagoret Patrick, Ruf François, Du Castel Antoine, Harmand Jean-Michel, Rafflegeau Sylvain, Saj Stéphane, Snoeck Didier, Wibaux Thomas. 2019. In : The agroecological transition of agricultural systems in the Global South. Côte François-Xavier (ed.), Poirier-Magona Emmanuelle (ed.), Perret Sylvain (ed.), Roudier Philippe (ed.), Bruno Rapidel (ed.), Thirion Marie-Cécile (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 59-73. (Agricultures et défis du monde) ISBN 978-2-7592-3056-3

Carbon dynamics in cocoa agroforestry systems in Central Cameroon: afforestation of savannah as a sequestration opportunity. Nijmeijer Annemarijn, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Harmand Jean-Michel, Saj Stéphane. 2019. Agroforestry Systems, 93 (3) : 851-868.

Compromis entre séquestration de carbone, conservation et productivité dans les systèmes agroforestiers à base de cacaoyers au Centre-Cameroun. Saj Stéphane, Jagoret Patrick, Mvondo Sakouma Kenneth, Essobo Nieboukaho Jean-Daniel, Bouambi Emmanuel, Todem Ngnogue Hervé. 2019. In : Agroforesterie et services écosystémiques en zone tropicale : Recherche de compromis entre services d'approvisionnement et autres services écosystémiques. Seghieri Josiane (ed.), Harmand Jean-Michel (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 95-107. (Update sciences et technologies) ISBN 978-2-7592-3059-4

Ecosystem services functional motif: a new concept to analyse and design agroforestry systems. Rafflegeau Sylvain, Allinne Clémentine, Barkaoui Karim, Deheuvels Olivier, Jagoret Patrick, Garcia Leo, Gosme Marie, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Mérot Anne, Metay Aurélie, Meziere Delphine, Saj Stéphane, Smits Nathalie, Justes Eric. 2019. In : 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Book of abstracts. Dupraz Christian (ed.), Gosme Marie (ed.), Lawson Gerry (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, Agropolis International, MUSE. Montpellier : CIRAD-INRA, Résumé, 733. World Congress on Agroforestry. 4, Montpellier, France, 20 Mai 2019/22 Mai 2019.

Les systèmes cacaoyers du Centre-Cameroun. Jagoret Patrick, Saj Stéphane. 2019. Auch : Association française d'agroforesterie, 2 p.

Long-term dynamics of cocoa agroforestry systems established on lands previously occupied by savannah or forests. Nijmeijer Annemarijn, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Harmand Jean-Michel, Freschet Grégoire T., Essobo Nieboukaho Jean-Daniel, Kenfack Fogang Patrick, Enock Seguy, Saj Stéphane. 2019. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 275 : 100-111.

Sensitivity analysis of the water balance in the WaNuLCAS model: a case study using cocoa-based agroforests in Cameroon. Fayolle Stolian, Justes Eric, Metay Aurélie, Saj Stéphane. 2019. In : 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Book of abstracts. Dupraz Christian (ed.), Gosme Marie (ed.), Lawson Gerry (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, Agropolis International, MUSE. Montpellier : CIRAD-INRA, Résumé, p. 835. World Congress on Agroforestry. 4, Montpellier, France, 20 Mai 2019/22 Mai 2019.

Shade tree species with Ca-enriched litter improve cocoa agroforest functions in Central Cameroon. Sauvadet Marie, Saj Stéphane, Freschet Grégoire T., Essobo Nieboukaho Jean-Daniel, Enock Seguy, Becquer Thierry, Tixier Philippe, Harmand Jean-Michel. 2019. In : 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Book of abstracts.. Dupraz Christian (ed.), Gosme Marie (ed.), Lawson Gerry (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, Agropolis International, MUSE. Montpellier : CIRAD-INRA, 738. World Congress on Agroforestry. 4, Montpellier, France, 20 Mai 2019/22 Mai 2019.

Agro-écologie et changement climatique : des liens intimes et porteurs d'espoir. Torquebiau Emmanuel, Roudier Philippe, Demenois Julien, Saj Stéphane, Hainzelin Etienne, Maraux Florent. 2018. In : La transition agro-écologique des agricultures du Sud. Côte François-Xavier (ed.), Poirier-Magona Emmanuelle (ed.), Perret Sylvain (ed.), Roudier Philippe (ed.), Bruno Rapidel (ed.), Thirion Marie-Cécile (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 344-359. (Agricultures et défis du monde) ISBN 978-2-7592-2824-9


Exploring management strategies to enhance the provision of ecosystem services in complex smallholder agroforestry systems. Andreotti Federico, Mao Zhun, Jagoret Patrick, Speelman Erika N., Gary Christian, Saj Stéphane. 2018. Ecological Indicators, 94 (1) : 257-265.

L'agroforesterie : des pratiques diversifiées pour la transition agroécologique de la cacaoculture africaine. Jagoret Patrick, Ruf François, Du Castel Christophe, Harmand Jean-Michel, Rafflegeau Sylvain, Saj Stéphane, Snoeck Didier, Wibaux Thomas. 2018. In : La transition agro-écologique des agricultures du Sud. Côte François-Xavier (ed.), Poirier-Magona Emmanuelle (ed.), Perret Sylvain (ed.), Roudier Philippe (ed.), Bruno Rapidel (ed.), Thirion Marie-Cécile (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 80-104. (Agricultures et défis du monde) ISBN 978-2-7592-2824-9

Rehabilitation practices that shape cocoa agroforestry systems in Central Cameroon: key management strategies for long-term exploitation. Jagoret Patrick, Snoeck Didier, Bouambi Emmanuel, Ngnogue Hervé Todem, Nyassé Salomon, Saj Stéphane. 2018. Agroforestry Systems, 92 (5) : 1185-1199.
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Supporting and regulating ecosystem services in cacao agroforestry systems. Mortimer Róisín, Saj Stéphane, David Christophe. 2018. Agroforestry Systems, 92 (6) : 1639-1657.
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Cocoa-based agroforestry vs fallow: what option for soil quality regeneration in the Peruvian amazon? Deheuvels Olivier, Saj Stéphane, Xavier-Rousseau Guillaume, Valverde Jean, Robiglio Valentina. 2017. In : Booklet of abstracts of the first International Symposium on Cocoa Research ISCR 2017. ICCO. Lima : ICCO, Résumé, 273-274. International Symposium on Cocoa Research – ISCR 2017 : Promoting Advances in Research to Enhance the Profitability of Cocoa Farming. 1, Lima, Pérou, 13 Novembre 2017/17 Novembre 2017.

Contribution of associated trees to long-term species conservation, carbon storage and sustainability: A functional analysis of tree communities in cacao plantations of Central Cameroon. Saj Stéphane, Durot Claire, Mvondo Sakouma Kenneth, Tayo Gamo Kevin, Avana-Tientcheu Marie-Louise. 2017. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 15 (3) : 282-302.
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Lessons learned from the long-term analysis of cacao yield and stand structure in central Cameroonian agroforestry systems. Saj Stéphane, Jagoret Patrick, Essola Etoa Louis, Fonkeng Eltson Eteckji, Ngala Tarla Justin, Essobo Nieboukaho Jean-Daniel, Mvondo Sakouma Kenneth. 2017. Agricultural Systems, 156 : 95-104.

PCP Agroforesterie Cameroun. Pôle en compétences en partenariat. Faits scientifiques marquants : 2010-2016. Harmand Jean-Michel, Babin Régis, Bagny-Beilhe Leïla, Bidzanga Nomo Lucien, Jagoret Patrick, Saj Stéphane, Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Pédelahore Philippe, Michel Isabelle, Avana Marie-Louise, Youmbi Emmanuel, Sounigo Olivier. 2017. Montpellier : CIRAD-IRAD, 30 p.

Traditional cacao agroforestry in Central Africa can provide both respectable yields and levels of ecosystem services. Saj Stéphane, Jagoret Patrick. 2017. In : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cocoa Research 2017. ICCO. Lima : ICCO, 8 p. International Symposium on Cocoa Research (ISCR 2017), Lima, Pérou, 13 Novembre 2017/17 Novembre 2017.

The way forward: An agroecological perspective for Climate-Smart Agriculture. Saj Stéphane, Torquebiau Emmanuel, Hainzelin Etienne, Pagès Jacques, Maraux Florent. 2017. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 250 : 20-24.

Carbon content in cacao AFS: afforestation of savannah as a carbon storage opportunity in central Cameroon. Nijmeijer Annemarijn, Bouambi Emmanuel, Harmand Jean-Michel, Saj Stéphane. 2016. In : EcoSummit 2016 - Ecological Sustainability: Engineering Change. INRA, IRD. Montpellier : INRA, 1 p. International EcoSummit Congress 2016. 5, Montpellier, France, 29 Août 2016/1 Septembre 2016.

Carbon dynamics in cacao agroforestry plantations setup after forest or savannah: a chronosequence analysis in a forest-savannah transition zone in Cameroon. Nijmeijer Annemarijn, Harmand Jean-Michel, Bouambi Emmanuel, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Saj Stéphane. 2016. In : Regional Cocoa Symposium - Next Generation of Cocoa Research for West and Central Africa - Program and Book of Abstracts. WCF. Ibadan : World Cocoa Foundation, 50-51. Regional Cocoa Symposium : Next Generation of Cocoa Research for West and Central Africa, Ibadan, Nigeria, 8 Novembre 2016/10 Novembre 2016.

Effect of simplification/complexification on functional features of associated trees community in cocoa based agroforestry systems. Saj Stéphane, Jagoret Patrick, Mvondo Sakouma Kenneth. 2016. In : Tropical ecology and society reconciliating conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Program and abstracts. Plinio Sist (ed.), Stéphanie Carrière (ed.), Pia Parolin (ed.), Pierre-Michel Forget (ed.). ATBC. Storrs : ATBC, Résumé, p. 374. Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC 2016), Montpellier, France, 19 Juin 2016/23 Juin 2016.

An innovative public/private partnership for a sustainable transformation of the cocoa agri-chain in the Dominican Republic. Deheuvels Olivier, Costet Pierre, Martinet Marianne, Jagoret Patrick, Saj Stéphane. 2016. In : AC and SD 2016 Agri-Chains and Sustainable Development: linking local and global dynamics. CIRAD. Montpellier : CIRAD, 43-44. International Conference on Agri-Chains and Sustainable Development, Montpellier, France, 12 Décembre 2016/14 Décembre 2016.

L'agroforesterie en zone humide : une opportunité pour une nouvelle cacaoculture. Jagoret Patrick, Deheuvels Olivier, Saj Stéphane. 2015. . Paris : Académie d'agriculture de France, Résumé, 1 p. Colloque : Les systèmes agroforestiers permettent-ils de fonder un développement agricole durable ?, Paris, France, 16 Avril 2015/16 Avril 2015.
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Matching uses and functional traits of companion trees in cocoa agroforests: a win-win scheme toward resilient systems. [P50]. Saj Stéphane, Jagoret Patrick. 2015. In : Building tomorrow’s research agenda and bridging the science-policy gap. CIRAD, INRA, IRD, Agropolis International, Wageningen UR, CGIAR, UCDAVIS, FAO, Agreenium, GFAR. Montpellier : CIRAD, Résumé, 131. Climate-Smart Agriculture 2015 : Global Science Conference. 3, Montpellier, France, 16 Mars 2015/18 Mars 2015.

Mulch type affects soil biological functioning and crop yield of conservation agriculture systems in a long-term experiment in Madagascar. Djigal Djibril, Saj Stéphane, Rabary Bodovololona, Blanchart Eric, Villenave Cécile. 2012. Soil and Tillage Research, 118 (1) : 11-21.

Grassland management history affects the response of the nematode community to changes in above-ground grazing regime. Villenave Cécile, Saj Stéphane, Attard Eléonore, Klumpp Katja, Le Roux Xavier. 2011. Nematology, 13 (8) : 995-1008.

Additive and interactive effects of functionally dissimilar soil organisms on a grassland plant community. Ladygina Natalia, Henry Frederic, Kant Merijn R., Koller Robert, Reidinger Stefan, Rodriguez Alia, Saj Stéphane, Sonnemann Ilja, Witt Christian, Wurst Susanne. 2010. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 42 : 2266-2275.

Influence of long-term organic and mineral fertilization on soil nematofauna when growing Sorghum bicolor in Burkina Faso. Villenave Cécile, Saj Stéphane, Pablo Anne-laure, Sall Saidou, Djigal Djibril, Chotte Jean-Luc, Bonzi Mousa. 2010. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 46 (7) : 659-670.

The "soil microbial loop" is not always needed to explain protozoan stimulation of plants. Ekelund Flemming, Saj Stéphane, Vestergard Mette, Bertaux Joanne, Mikola Juha. 2009. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41 : 2336-2342.

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