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Nombre de documents : 95.


Different viral genes modulate virulence in model mammal hosts and Culex pipiens vector competence in Mediterranean basin lineage 1 West Nile virus strains. Fiacre Lise, Nougairède Antoine, Migné Camille, Bayet Maëlle, Cochin Maxime, Dumarest Marine, Helle Teheipuaura, Exbrayat Antoni, Pagès Nonito, Vitour Damien, Richardson Jennifer, Failloux Anna-Bella, Vazeille Marie, Albina Emmanuel, Lecollinet Sylvie, Gonzalez Gaëlle. 2024. Frontiers in Microbiology, 14:1324069, 16 p.

Stable isotopes analysis combined with X-ray absorption spectroscopy reveal the fate of organic waste-borne copper and zinc in amended soils. Pappoe Abraham Nii Akwei, Fekiacova-Castanet Zuzana, Guihou Abel, Bosch-Serra Angela D., Deschamps Pierre, Feder Frédéric, Magid Jakob, Morvan Thierry, Testemale Denis, Doelsch Emmanuel. 2024. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 480:136039, 10 p.

The genome and population genomics of allopolyploid Coffea arabica reveal the diversification history of modern coffee cultivars. Salojärvi Jarkko, Rambani Aditi, Yu Zhe, Guyot Romain, Strickler Susan R., Lepelley Maud, Wang Cui, Rajaraman Sitaram, Rastas Pasi, Zheng Chunfang, Santos Muñoz Daniella, Meidanis João, Rossi Paschoal Alexandre, Bawin Yves, Krabbenhoft Trevor J., Wang Zhen Qin, Fleck Steven J., Aussel Rudy, Bellanger Laurence, Charpagne Aline, Fournier Coralie, Kassam Mohamed, Lefebvre Gregory, Métairon Sylviane, Descombes Patrick, Rigoreau Michel, Stolte Jens, Hamon Perla, Couturon Emmanuel, Tranchant-Dubreuil Christine, Mukherjee Minakshi, Lan Tianying, Engelhardt Jan, Stadler Peter, De Lemos Samara Mireza Correia, Ivamoto Suzuki Suzana, Sumirat Ucu, Wai Ching Man, Dauchot Nicolas, Orozco-Arias Simon, Garavito Giovanny, Kiwuka Catherine, Musoli Pascal, Nalukenge Anne, Guichoux Erwan, Reinout Havinga, Smit Martin, Carretero-Paulet Lorenzo, Guerreiro Filho Oliveiro, Toma Braghini Masako, Padilha Lilian, Hiroshi Sera Gustavo, Ruttink Tom, Henry Robert, Marraccini Pierre, et al.. 2024. Nature Genetics, 56 : 721-731.


Analyse des déterminants de l'utilisation des pesticides dans les rizières Cambodgiennes. Garnier Suzon. 2023. Marseille : Université Aix-Marseille, 52 p. Mémoire de master 2 : Mathématique appliquées statistique pour les sciences humaines et sociales : Université Aix-Marseille

Bilan et Analyse du mandat 2019-2022 du CSO R&I (Ecophyto II+). Reboud Xavier, De Tarlé Sibylle, Lequin Sonia, Bonato Olivier, Bordin Thierry, De Lapeyre de Bellaire Luc, Durlin Christian, Fontaine Laurence, Galindo Sabine, Le Bellec Fabrice, Malausa Thibaut, Messéan Antoine, Moreau Jérôme, Nicot Philippe, Ranjard Lionel, Thibierge Jérôme, Van Baaren John, Baldi Isabelle, Bemadac Gérard, Gallien Marc, Payrastre Laurence, Mortaud Stéphane, Salles Bernard, Goutte Aurélie, Graber Marianne, Kammerer Martine, Le Gall Philippe, Richard Freddie-Jeanne, Rouïl Laurence, Barthélémy Carole, Bureau-Point Eve, Carpentier Alain, Dumat Camille, Fleury-Bahi Ghozlane, Gibert Caroline, Jourjon Frédérique, Miralles André, Temple Ludovic, Marchand Philippe, Cousinié Philippe, Bottou Caroline. 2023. s.l. : CSO R&I 2019-2022, 73 p.

Habitat mosaic as a driver of the resilience of native species: The case of the assemblage of small mammals from the city of Franceville, Gabon. Mangombi-Pambou J.B., Fossati-Gaschignard Odile, N'Dilimabaka Nadine, Banga Mve-Ella Octavie, Longo Pendy N.M., Dibakou S.E., Mediannikov Oleg, Fenollar Florence, Leroy Eric M., Bourgarel Mathieu. 2023. Journal of Zoology, 320 (3) : 179-192.

Inhibition of Aspergillus carbonarius growth and Ochratoxin A production using lactic acid bacteria cultivated in an optimized medium. Domínguez-Gutiérrez G.A., Perraud-Gaime Isabelle, Escalona-Buendía H., Durand Noël, Champion-Martinez Elena Isabel, Fernández-Soto R.R., Saucedo-Castaneda Gerardo, Rodríguez-Serrano Gabriela Mariana. 2023. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 404:110320, 9 p.

Les pesticides au Cambodge. Garnier Suzon, Sester Mathilde (collab.), Heuclin Benjamin (collab.), Letourmy Philippe (collab.). 2023. s.l. : s.n., 4 p.

Main conclusions and perspectives from the collective scientific assessment of the effects of plant protection products on biodiversity and ecosystem services along the land-sea continuum in France and French overseas territories. Pesce Stéphane, Mamy Laure, Sanchez Wilfried, Amichot Marcel, Artigas Joan, Aviron Stéphanie, Barthélémy Carole, Beaudouin Rémy, Bedos Carole, Berard Annette, Berny Philippe, Bertrand Cédric, Bertrand Colette, Betoulle Stéphane, Bureau-Point Eve, Charles Sandrine, Chaumot Arnaud, Chauvel Bruno, Coeurdassier Michaël, Corio-Costet Marie-France, Coutellec Marie-Agnès, Crouzet Olivier, Doussan Isabelle, Fabure Juliette, Fritsch Clémentine, Gallai Nicola, Gonzalez Patrice, Gouy Véronique, Hedde Mickaël, Langlais Alexandra, Le Bellec Fabrice, Leboulanger Christophe, Margoum Christelle, Martin-Laurent Fabrice, Mongruel Rémi, Morin Soizic, Mougin Christian, Munaron Dominique, Nelieu Sylvie, Pelosi Céline, Rault Magali, Sabater Sergi, Stachowski-Haberkorn Sabine, Sucre Eliott, Thomas Marielle, Tournebize Julien, Leenhardt Sophie. 2023. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 16 p.

Predicting global distributions of eukaryotic plankton communities from satellite data. Kaneko Hiroto, Endo Hisashi, Henry Nicolas, Berney Cédric, Mahe Frédéric, Poulain Julie, Labadie Karine, Beluche Odette, El Hourany Roy, Acinas Silvia G., Babin Marcel, Bork Peer, Bowler Chris, Cochrane Guy, de Vargas Colomban, Gorsky Gabriel, Guidi Lionel, Grimsley Nigel, Hingamp Pascal, Iudicone Daniele, Jaillon Olivier, Kandels Stefanie, Karsenti Eric, Not Fabrice, Poulton Nicole, Pesant Stéphane, Sardet Christian, Speich Sabrina, Stemmann Lars, Sullivan Matthew B., Sunagawa Shinichi, Chaffron Samuel, Wincker Patrick, Nakamura Ryosuke, Karp-Boss Lee, Boss Emmanuel, Bowler Chris, de Vargas Colomban, Tomii Kentaro, Ogata Hiroshi Y.. 2023. ISME Communications, 3 (1), 9 p.

Pseudomonas brassicacearum siderophores as mineral weathering agents: potential for plant nutritional benefits and carbon sequestration. Girard Tom, Fochesato Sylvain, Duvivier Adrien, Doelsch Emmanuel, Heulin Thierry, Basile-Doelsch Isabelle, Achouak Wafa. 2023. In : 16th Plant Bacteria Meeting. Abstract Booklet. INRAE. Aussois : INRAE, Résumé, 136. Rencontres plantes-bactéries. 16, Aussois, France, 20 Mars 2023/24 Mars 2023.

Structure and chemical composition of soil C‑Rich Al−Si−Fe coprecipitates at nanometer scale. Jamoteau Floriane, Cam Nithavong, Levard Clément, Doelsch Emmanuel, Gassier Ghislain, Duvivier Adrien, Boulineau Adrien, Saint-Antonin François, Basile-Doelsch Isabelle. 2023. Environmental Science and Technology, 57 (49) : 20615-20626.
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The compact genome of the sponge Oopsacas minuta (Hexactinellida) is lacking key metazoan core genes. Santini Sébastien, Schenkelaars Quentin, Jourda Cyril, Duchesne Marc, Belahbib Hassiba, Rocher Caroline, Selva Marjorie, Riesgo Ana, Vervoort Michel, Leys Sally P., Kodjabachian Laurent, Le Bivic André, Borchiellini Carole, Claverie Jean-Michel, Renard Emmanuelle. 2023. BMC Biology, 21:139, 21 p.

A transition support system to build decarbonization scenarios in the academic community. Gratiot Nicolas, Klein Jérémie, Challet Marceau, Dangles Olivier, Janicot Serge, Candelas Miriam, Sarret Géraldine, Panthou Géremy, Hingray Benoît, Champollion Nicolas, Montillaud Julien, Bellemain Pascal, Marc Odin, Bationo Cédric-Stéphane, Monnier Loïs, Laffont Laure, Foujols Marie-Alice, Riffault Véronique, Tinel Liselotte, Mignot Emmanuel, Philippon Nathalie, Dezetter Alain, Caron Alexandre, Piton Guillaume, Verney-Carron Aurélie, Delaballe Anne, Bardet Nelly, Nozay-Maurice Florence, Loison Anne-Sophie, Delbart Franck, Anquetin Sandrine, Immel Françoise, Baehr Christophe, Malbet Fabien, Berni Céline, Delattre Laurence, Echevin Vincent, Petitdidier Elodie, Aumont Olivier, Michau Florence, Bijon Nicolas, Vidal Jean-Philippe, Pinel Sébastien, Biabiany Oceane, Grevesse Cathy, Mimeau Louise, Biarnès Anne, Récapet Charlotte, Costes-Thiré Morgane, Poupaud Mariline, Barret Maialen, Bonnin Marie, Mournetas Virginie, Tourancheau Bernard, Goldman Bertrand, Bonnet Marie-Paule, Michaud Soret Isabelle. 2023. PLoS Sustainability and Transformation, 2 (4):e0000049, 31 p.


Contrasted fate of zinc sulfide nanoparticles in soil revealed by a combination of X-ray absorption spectroscopy, diffusive gradient in thin films and isotope tracing. Le Bars Maureen, Legros Samuel, Levard Clément, Chevassus-Rosset Claire, Montes Mélanie, Tella Marie, Borschneck Daniel, Guihou Abel, Angeletti Bernard, Doelsch Emmanuel. 2022. Environmental Pollution, Part B:118414, 9 p.

DNA metabarcoding suggests adaptive seasonal variation of individual trophic traits in a critically endangered fish. Villsen Kurt, Corse Emmanuel, Meglécz Emese, Archambaud-Suard Gaït, Vignes Hélène, Ereskovsky Alexander V., Chappaz Rémi, Dubut Vincent. 2022. Molecular Ecology, 31 (22) : 5889-5908.

Dynamics of carbon loss from an Arenosol by a forest to vineyard land use change on a centennial scale. Quéro Solène, Hatté Christine, Cornu Sophie, Duvivier Adrien, Cam Nithavong, Jamoteau Floriane, Borschneck Daniel, Basile-Doelsch Isabelle. 2022. Soil, 8 (2) : 517-539.

Genome-wide footprints in the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua) unveil a new domestication pattern of a fruit tree in the Mediterranean. Baumel Alex, Feliner Gonzalo Nieto, Médail Frédéric, La Malfa Stefano, Di Guardo Mario, Bou Dagher Kharrat Magda, Lakhal-Mirleau Fatima, Frelon Valentine, Ouahmane Lahcen, Diadema Katia, Sanguin Hervé, Viruel Juan. 2022. Molecular Ecology, 31 (15) : 4095-4111.

Impacts des produits phytopharmaceutiques sur la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques - Synthèse de l'Expertise scientifique collective - Mai 2022. Leenhardt Sophie (ed.), Mamy Laure (ed.), Pesce Stéphane (ed.), Sanchez Wilfried (ed.), Amichot Marcel, Artigas Joan, Aviron Stéphanie, Barthélémy Carole, Beaudouin Rémy, Bedos Carole, Berard Annette, Berny Philippe, Bertrand Cédric, Bertrand Colette, Betoulle Stéphane, Bureau-Point Eve, Charles Sandrine, Chaumot Arnaud, Chauvel Bruno, Coeurdassier Michaël, Corio-Costet Marie-France, Coutellec Marie-Agnès, Crouzet Olivier, Doussan Isabelle, Fabure Juliette, Fritsch Clémentine, Gallai Nicola, Gonzalez Patrice, Gouy-Boussada Véronique, Hedde Mickaël, Langlais Alexandra, Le Bellec Fabrice, Leboulanger Christophe, Margoum Christelle, Martin-Laurent Fabrice, Mongruel Rémi, Morin Soizic, Mougin Christian, Munaron Dominique, Nelieu Sylvie, Pelosi Céline, Rault Magali, Ris Nicolas, Sabater Sergi, Stachowski-Haberkorn Sabine, Sucre Eliott, Thomas Marielle, Tournebize Julien, Douzals Jean-Paul (collab.). 2022. Paris : INRAE-IFREMER, 136 p.

Impacts des produits phytopharmaceutiques sur la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques- Résumé de l'Expertise scientifique collective - Mai 2022. Leenhardt Sophie (ed.), Mamy Laure (ed.), Pesce Stéphane (ed.), Sanchez Wilfried (ed.), Achard Anne-Laure, Amichot Marcel, Artigas Joan, Aviron Stéphanie, Barthélémy Carole, Beaudouin Rémy, Bedos Carole, Berard Annette, Berny Philippe, Bertrand Cédric, Bertrand Colette, Betoulle Stéphane, Bureau-Point Eve, Charles Sandrine, Chaumot Arnaud, Chauvel Bruno, Coeurdassier Michaël, Corio-Costet Marie-France, Coutellec Marie-Agnès, Crouzet Olivier, Delebarre Estelle, Doussan Isabelle, Douzals Jean-Paul, Fabure Juliette, Fritsch Clémentine, Gallai Nicola, Gonzalez Patrice, Gouy-Boussada Véronique, Hedde Mickaël, Langlais Alexandra, Larras Floriane, Le Bellec Fabrice, Leboulanger Christophe, Le Gall Morgane, Le Perchec Sophie, Margoum Christelle, Martin-Laurent Fabrice, Mongruel Rémi, Morin Soizic, Mougin Christian, Munaron Dominique, Nelieu Sylvie, Pelosi Céline, Rault Magali, Ris Nicolas, Sabater Sergi, Stachowski-Haberkorn Sabine, Sucre Eliott, Thomas Marielle, Tournebize Julien. 2022. Paris : INRAE-IFREMER, 12 p.

Les pesticides au prisme des sciences humaines et sociales. Focus sur les deuxièmes journées d'études du réseau SHS-Pesticides. Bureau-Point Eve, Aulagnier Alexis, Barthélémy Carole, El Kotni Mounia, Goulet Frédéric, Hunsmann Moritz, Jas Nathalie, Temple Ludovic. 2022. Natures Sciences Sociétés, 30 (1) : 82-88.

Macrotermes termite mounds influence the spatial pattern of tree species in two African rainforest sites, in northern Congo. But were they really forests in the past? Penel Benoit, Freycon Vincent, Marcon Eric, Rossi Vivien, Cornu Guillaume, Bénédet Fabrice, Forni Eric, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie. 2022. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 38 (5) : 267-274.

Molecular assessment of Theileria equi and Babesia caballi prevalence in horses and ticks on horses in southeastern France. Rocafort-Ferrer Gloria, Leblond Agnès, Joulié Aurélien, René-Martellet Magalie, Sandoz Alain, Poux Valérie, Pradier Sophie, Barry Séverine, Vial Laurence, Legrand Loïc. 2022. Parasitology Research, 121 (3) : 999-1008.

Molecular detection of parapoxvirus in Ixodidae ticks collected from cattle in Corsica, France. Cicculli Vincent, Ayhan Nazli, Luciani Léa, Pezzi Laura, Maitre Apolline, Decarreaux Dorine, De Lamballerie Xavier, Paoli Jean-Christophe, Vial Laurence, Charrel Rémi, Falchi Alessandra. 2022. Veterinary Medicine and Science, 8 (2) : 907-916.

One Health surveillance of West Nile and Usutu viruses: A repeated cross-sectional study exploring seroprevalence and endemicity in Southern France, 2016 to 2020. Constant Orianne, Gil Patricia, Barthelemy Jonathan, Bolloré Karine, Foulongne Vincent, Desmetz Caroline, Leblond Agnès, Desjardins Isabelle, Pradier Sophie, Joulié Aurélien, Sandoz Alain, Amaral Rayane, Boisseau Michel, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Baldet Thierry, Marie Albane, Francés Benoit, Reboul Salze Florence, Tinto Bachirou, Van de Perre Philippe, Salinas Sara, Beck Cécile, Lecollinet Sylvie, Gutierrez Serafin, Simonin Yannick. 2022. Eurosurveillance, 27 (25)

Organic waste-borne ZnS nanoparticles: The forgotten ones. Levard Clément, Le Bars Maureen, Fromentini T., Legros Samuel, Doelsch Emmanuel. 2022. Environmental Pollution, 308:119629, 3 p.

Participatory detection of language barriers towards multilingual sustainability(ies) in Africa. Litre Gabriela, Hirsch Fabrice, Caron Patrick, Andrason Alexander, Bonnardel Nathalie, Fointiat Valerie, Nekoto Wilhelmina Onyothi, Abbott Jade, Dobre Cristiana, Dalboni Juliana, Steuckardt Agnès, Luxardo Giancarto, Bohbot Hervé. 2022. Sustainability, 14 (13), n.spéc. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Multilingual Sustainability:8133, 15 p.

Pesticide resurrection. Mottes Charles, Sabatier Pierre, Evrard Olivier, Cottin Nathalie, Arnaud Fabien, Comte Irina, Piot Christine, Lesueur-Jannoyer Magalie, Lichtfouse Eric, Poulenard Jérôme. 2022. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 20 : 3357-3362.
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Plant viruses are growing in the European virus archive network. Accotto Gian Paolo, Candresse Thierry, Chabannes Matthieu, Ciuffo Marina, Desbiez Cécile, Gentit Pascal, Glasa Miroslav, Iskra Caruana Marie-Line, Jelkmann Wilhelm, Marais Armelle, Menzel Wulf, Mulabisana Julia, Niehl Annette, Prat Christian, Predajna Lukas, Richert-Pöggeler Katja R., Romette Jean-Louis, Rubino Luisa, Urbino Cica, Verdin Eric, Ziebell Heiko, Zikeli Kerstin. 2022. In : International Advances in Plant Virology 2022. AAB. Ljubljana : AAB, 1 International Advances in Plant Virology (IAPV 2022), Ljubljana, Slovénie, 5 Octobre 2022/7 Octobre 2022.

Size and strain of zinc sulfide nanoparticles altered by interaction with organic molecules. Le Bars Maureen, Levard Clément, Legros Samuel, Vidal Vladimir, Fernandez-Martinez Alejandro, Michel Marc F., Thill Antoine, Prelot Bénédicte, Dublet-Adli Gabrielle, Borschneck Daniel, Rose Jérôme, Doelsch Emmanuel. 2022. Environmental Science and Technology, 56 (23) : 16831-16837.

Study of the mating behavior of Bactrocera dorsalis in Reunion Island. Hoareau Cécile. 2022. Marseille : Université Aix-Marseille, 30 p. Mémoire de master 2 : Sciences et technologies de l'agriculture, de l'alimentation et de l'environnement.Biologie et biotechnologies environnementales (BBE) : Université Aix-Marseille

A one-health approach to investigating an outbreak of alimentary tick-borne encephalitis in a non-endemic area in France (Ain, Eastern France): A longitudinal serological study in livestock, detection in ticks, and the first tick-borne encephalitis virus isolation and molecular characterisation. Gonzalez Gaëlle, Bournez Laure, Moares Rayane Amaral, Dumarest Marine, Galon Clémence, Vorimore Fabien, Cochin Maxime, Nougairède Antoine, Hennechart-Collette Catherine, Perelle Sylvie, Leparc-Goffart Isabelle, Durand Guillaume André, Grard Gilda, Bénet Thomas, Danjou Nathalie, Blanchin Martine, Lacour Sandrine A., Boué Franck, Chenut Guillaume, Mainguet Catherine, Simon Catherine, Brémont Laurence, Zientara Stéphan, Moutailler Sara, Martin-Latil Sandra, Dheilly Nolwenn M., Beck Cécile, Lecollinet Sylvie. 2022. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:863725, 15 p.


Avis de l'Anses relatif à l'évaluation du rapport bénéfice risque des pratiques de lutte anti-vectorielle habituellement mises en oeuvre pour lutter contre la dengue, dans le contexte actuel de confinement global. Saisine n°2020-SA-0057. Fite Johanna (ed.), Quillery Elsa (ed.), Bastos Henry (ed.), Baldet Thierry, Devillers James, Olive Marie-Marie, Paty Marie-Claire, Paupy Christophe, Raude Jocelyn, Roiz David, Thiann-Bo-Morel Marie, Claeys Cécilia, Quenel Philippe. 2021. Maisons-Alfort : ANSES, 57 p.

Biodiversité et dégradation des terres. Un combat commun pour le développement durable en zones sèches. Cornet Antoine (ed.), Amsallem Isabelle, Bonnet Bernard, Duponnois Robin, Gauquelin Thierry, Hiernaux Pierre, Ickowicz Alexandre, Leroy Maya, Loireau Maud, Raimond Christine, Requier-Desjardins Mélanie, Soubelet Hélène (collab.). 2021. Montpellier : CSFD, 6 p. (Fiche d’actualité du CSFD 2021)

Ciencia y tecnología : fundamento de la bioeconomía - Propuestas del foco de biotecnología, bioeconomía y medio ambiente. Volumen 3. Gaviria Uribe Alejandro, Manrique Reol Esteban, Di Palma Frederica, Poveda Germán, Baena Garzón Sandra, Duque Beltrán Carmenza, Restrepo Restrepo Silvia, Eisenhauer Markus, Noriega Escobar María del Pilar, Henry Guy, Hodson De Jaramillo Elisabeth, Wessjohann Ludger. 2021. Bogota : Universidad de los Andes-Ediciones Uniandes, 207 p. (Misión Internacional de Sabios 2019) ISBN 978-958-8290-96-6

Des océans indigestes : l'émergence de l'eutrophisation côtière comme problème environnemental global. Levain Alix, Barthélémy Carole, Bourblanc Magalie, Douguet Jean-Marc, Euzen Agathe, Souchon Yves. 2021. VertigO (33), h.s. La mer, un objet hautement politique, 32 p.

First investigation of pathogenic bacteria, protozoa and viruses in rodents and shrews in context of forest-savannah-urban areas interface in the city of Franceville (Gabon). Mangombi-Pambou J.B., N'Dilimabaka Nadine, Lekana-Douki Jean-Bernard, Banga Octavie, Maghendji-Nzondo Sydney, Bourgarel Mathieu, Leroy Eric M., Fenollar Florence, Mediannikov Oleg. 2021. PloS One, 16 (3):e0248244, 28 p.

Learning from the past to build the future governance of groundwater use in agriculture. Petit Olivier, Dumont Aurélien, Leyronas Stéphanie, Ballin Quentin, Bouarfa Sami, Faysse Nicolas, Kuper Marcel, Molle François, Alcazar Charlotte, Durand Emmanuel, Ghoudi Ridha, Hubert Aline, Le Visage Selin, Messaoudi Imane, Montginoul Marielle, Ndao Seyni, Ferroudji Audrey Richard, Rinaudo Jean-Daniel, Trottier Julie, Aubriot Olivia, Elloumi Mohamed, Boisson Marc, Fofack-Garcia Rhoda, Maurel Frédéric, Rojat Dominique, Romagny Bruno, Salgues Emmanuelle. 2021. Water International, 46 (7-8) : 1037-1059.

Plant viruses go global: The European Virus Archive. Richert-Poeggeler Katja R., Accotto Gian Paolo, Candresse Thierry, Chabannes Matthieu, Desbiez Cécile, Gentit Pascal, Glasa Miroslav, Iskra Caruana Marie-Line, Jelkmann Wilhelm, Marais Armelle, Menzel Wulf, Mulabisana Julia, Niehl Annette, Pierro Roberto, Predajna Lukas, Romette Jean-Louis, Rubino Luisa, Verdin Eric, Urbino Cica, Ziebell Heiko, Zikeli Kerstin. 2021. In : Proceedings of the XV International Symposium on Virus Diseases of Ornamental Plants. Wong S.M. (ed.), Hammond J. (ed.), Adkins S. (ed.). ISHS. Louvain : ISHS, 75-86. (Acta Horticulturae, 1392) International Symposium on Virus Diseases of Ornamental Plants. 15, Singapour, Singapour, 13 Décembre 2021/17 Décembre 2021.
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Rapport d'expertise collective. Évaluation de l'efficacité des pièges utilisés dans le cadre de la lutte anti-vectorielle contre les moustiques Aedes vecteurs d'arboviroses. Saisine n° 2020-SA-0150. Fite Johanna (ed.), Jaffal Ali (ed.), Baldet Thierry, Delaunay Pascal, Jourdain Frédéric, Mora-Castillo Ronald, Olive Marie-Marie, Roiz David, De Sousa Georges, Aymard Alain, Cahuzac Jean-Christophe, Devillers James, Greve Pierre, Hartemann Philippe, Hellio Claire, Pessel Dominique, Richard Vincent, Soumet Christophe, Quenel Philippe, Arnaud Frédérick, Boëte Christophe, Bonnet Sarah, Claeys Cécilia, Lazzari Claudio R., Lienard Emmanuel, Ludwig Antoinette, Manguin Sylvie, Paty Marie-Claire, Paupy Christophe, Raude Jocelyn, René-Martellet Magalie, Saegerman Claude, Simard Frédéric, Stahl Jean-Paul. 2021. Maisons-Alfort : ANSES, 64 p.

Social network analysis of the stakeholders involved in the dromedary sector in the Mediterranean region. Alary Véronique, Amsidder Lina, Araba Abdelillah, Capote Cecilio Barba, Bedhiaf-Romdhani Sonia, Bensalem Wiem, Boujenane Ismail, Ciani Elena, Letaief Neirouz, Faye Bernard, Gaouar Suheil Semir Bechir, Pastrana Carlos Iglesias, Baena Garzón Sandra, Amine Laridji. 2021. Sustainability, 13 (21):12127, 19 p.

The variety, roasting, processing, and type of cultivation determine the low OTA levels of commercialized coffee in Chiapas State, Mexico. Aguilar-Alvarez Maria Eugenia, Saucedo-Castaneda Gerardo, Durand Noël, Perraud-Gaime Isabelle, González-Robles Rosa Obdulia, Rodríguez-Serrano Gabriela Mariana. 2021. Food Control, 126:108088, 7 p.


AVIS de l'ANSES relatif à " l'évaluation du rapport bénéfice risque des pratiques de lutte anti-vectorielle habituellement mises en oeuvre pour lutter contre la dengue, dans le contexte actuel de confinement global ". Baldet Thierry, Devillers James, Olive Marie-Marie, Paty Marie-Claire, Paupy Christophe, Raude Jocelyn, Roiz Pereda David, Stahl Jean-Paul, Thiann-Bo-Morel Marie, Claeys Cécilia, Quenel Philippe. 2020. Paris : ANSES, 57 p. (Avis de l'Anses : Rapport d'expertise collective, 2020-SA-0057)

Bartonella gabonensis sp. nov., a new Bartonella species from savannah rodent Lophuromys sp. in Franceville, Gabon. Mangombi-Pambou J.B., N'Dilimabaka Nadine, Medkour H., Banga O.L., Tall M.L., Ben Khedher M., Terras J., Abdi S., Bourgarel Mathieu, Leroy E., Fenollar Florence, Mediannikov Oleg. 2020. New Microbes and New Infections, 38:100796, 9 p.

Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus antibodies among livestock on Corsica, France, 2014-2016. Grech-Angelini Sébastien, Lancelot Renaud, Ferraris Olivier, Peyrefitte Christophe Nicolas, Vachiéry Nathalie, Pédarrieu Aurélie, Peyraud Armelle, Rodrigues Valérie, Bastron Denise, Libeau Geneviève, Fernandez Bernard, Holzmuller Philippe, Servan de Almeida Renata, Michaud Vincent, Tordo Noël, Comtet Loïc, Metras Raphaëlle, Casabianca François, Vial Laurence. 2020. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 26 (5) : 1041-1044.

Genipap (Genipa americana L.) juice intake biomarkers after medium-term consumption. Dickson Livia, Tenon Mathieu, Svilar Ljubica, Fança-Berthon Pascale, Martin Jean-Charles, Rogez Hervé, Vaillant Fabrice. 2020. Food Research International, 137:109375, 8 p.

Incorporating phylogeography for modelling the distribution of the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua, Leguminosae) in future climate change. Baumel Alex, Potenza Eleonora, Frelon Valentine, Viruel Juan, Nieto-Feliner Gonzalo, Bou Dagher Kharrat Magda, Ouahmane Lahcen, Sanguin Hervé, La Malfa Stefano, Diguardo Mario, Pironon Samuel, Suc Jean-Pierre, Le Galliot Nicolas, Médail Frédéric, Leriche Agathe. 2020. . Avignon : INRA, 1 poster Genetics to the rescue: Managing forests sustainably in a changing world., Avignon, France, 27 Janvier 2020/31 Janvier 2020.

A strong east–west Mediterranean divergence supports a new phylogeographic history of the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua, Leguminosae) and multiple domestications from native populations. Viruel Juan, Le Galliot Nicolas, Pironon Samuel, Nieto-Feliner Gonzalo, Suc Jean-Pierre, Lakhal-Mirleau Fatima, Juin Marianick, Selva Marjorie, Bou Dagher Kharrat Magda, Ouahmane Lahcen, La Malfa Stefano, Diadema Katia, Sanguin Hervé, Médail Frédéric, Baumel Alex. 2020. Journal of Biogeography, 47 (2) : 460-471.
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Alternative and resistance movements: The two faces of sustainability transformations? Pelenc Jérôme, Wallenborn Grégoire, Milanesi Julien, Sébastien Léa, Vastenaekels Julien, Lajarthe Fany, Ballet Jérôme, Cervera-Marzal Manuel, Carimentrand Aurélie, Merveille Nicolas, Frère Bruno. 2019. Ecological Economics, 159 : 373-378.
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Changing landscapes of Southeast Asia and rodent‐borne diseases: decreased diversity but increased transmission risks. Morand Serge, Blasdell Kim R., Bordes Frédéric, Buchy Philippe, Carcy Bernard, Chaisiri Kittipong, Chaval Yannick, Claude Julien, Cosson Jean François, Desquesnes Marc, Jittapalapong Sathaporn, Jiyipong Tawisa, Karnchanabanthoen Anamika, Pornpan Pumhom, Rolain Jean-Marc, Tran Annelise. 2019. Ecological Applications, 29 (4):e01886, 15 p.
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Estimating leaf mass per area and equivalent water thickness based on leaf optical properties: Potential and limitations of physical modeling and machine learning. Feret Jean Baptiste, Le Maire Guerric, Jay Sylvain, Berveiller Daniel, Bendoula Ryad, Hmimina Gabriel, Cheraiet A., Oliveira J.C., Ponzoni Flávio Jorge, Solanki T., De Boissieu Florian, Chave Jérôme, Nouvellon Yann, Porcar-Castell A., Proisy Christophe, Soudani Kamel, Gastellu-Etchegorry J.P., Lefèvre-Fonollosa Marie-José. 2019. Remote Sensing of Environment, 231:110959, 14 p.

In the intimacy of an old Mediterranean affair between a fruit tree and a microbiota: perspectives in conservation and agroecology. Sanguin Hervé, Mahé Frédéric, Ouahmane Lahcen, Khassali Hamza, Tournier Estelle, Tisseyre Pierre, Geoffroy Alexandre, Le Roux Christine, Prin Yves, Hafidi Mohamed, Hugot Laetitia, Diadema Katia, Mirleau Fatma, Nieto-Feliner Gonzalo, Bou Dagher Kharrat Magda, La Malfa Stefano, Médail Frédéric, Viruel Juan, Baumel Alex. 2019. In : Dedicated to the origins of agriculture and the domestication, evolution and utilization of genetic resources. Abstracts book. IRD, Bioversity International, Agropolis International, CIRAD, Montpellier SupAgro, Université de Montpellier, INRA. Montpellier : IRD, Résumé, p. 133. Jack R. Harlan International Symposium. 3, Montpellier, France, 3 Juin 2019/7 Juin 2019.

Infrared spectroscopy as a useful tool to predict land use depending on Mediterranean contrasted climate conditions: A case study on soils from olive-orchards and forests. Delcourt Ninon, Rébufa Catherine, Dupuy Nathalie, Boukhdoud Nathalie, Brunel Caroline, Abadie Juliet, Giffard Isabelle, Farnet Da Silva Anne Marie. 2019. Science of the Total Environment, 686 : 179-190.

Lead, zinc, and copper redistributions in soils along a deposition gradient from emissions of a Pb-Ag smelter decommissioned 100 years ago. Gelly R., Fekiacova Z., Guihou Abel, Doelsch Emmanuel, Deschamps Pierre, Keller Catherine. 2019. Science of the Total Environment, 665 : 502-512.

Phytoavailability of silver at predicted environmental concentrations: Does the initial ionic or nanoparticulate form matter? Layet Clément, Santaella Catherine, Auffan Mélanie, Chevassus-Rosset Claire, Montes Mélanie, Levard Clément, Ortet Philippe, Barakat Mohamed, Doelsch Emmanuel. 2019. Environmental Science. Nano, 6 (1) : 127-135.
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Soil organo-mineral associations formed by co-precipitation of Fe, Si and Al in presence of organic ligands. Tamrat Wuhib Zewde, Rose Jérôme, Grauby Olivier, Doelsch Emmanuel, Levard Clément, Chaurand Perrine, Basile-Doelsch Isabelle. 2019. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 260 : 15-28.

Stable Cu and Zn isotopes as tracers of contamination in organic waste-amended soils. Fekiacova Z., Formentini Thiago Augusto, Da Veiga Milton, Favaretto N., Ceretta C. A., Doelsch Emmanuel. 2019. In : Biogeochemistry of trace elements for improved environmental sustainability and human health. Nanjing : ISTEB, Résumé, 1 p. International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE 2019). 15, Nanjing, Chine, 5 Mai 2019/9 Mai 2019.

Tracking Rift Valley fever: From Mali to Europe and other countries, 2016. Tong Christelle, Javelle Emilie, Grard Gilda, Dia Aissata, Lacrosse Constance, Fourié Toscane, Gravier Patrick, Watier-Grillot Stéphanie, Lancelot Renaud, Letourneur Franck, Comby Frédéric, Grau Martin, Cassou Lionel, Meynard Jean-Baptiste, Briolant Sébastien, Leparc-Goffart Isabelle, Pommier de Santi Vincent. 2019. Eurosurveillance, 24 (8):21, 9 p.

Zinc speciation in organic waste and soil characteristics control zinc fate in soil after agricultural recycling. Le Bars Maureen, Legros Samuel, Levard Clément, Chevassus-Rosset Claire, Montes Mélanie, Séréni L., Guichemerre Audrey, Guihou Abel, Angeletti Bernard, Bravin Matthieu, Thuriès Laurent, Doelsch Emmanuel. 2019. In : Biogeochemistry of trace elements for improved environmental sustainability and human health. Nanjing : ISTEB, Résumé, 1 p. International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE 2019). 15, Nanjing, Chine, 5 Mai 2019/9 Mai 2019.


Agroecological Crop Protection in South East Asia. Tran Van Khai, Le Van Hoa, Soysouvanh Pheophanh, Chittarath Khonesavanh, Chounlamountry Thisadee, Soth Sereyboth, Sen Pham Thi, Nguyen N. Hai, Nguyen Duy Phuong, Bui Thi Suu, Dinh Thi Yen Phuong, Tran Thi My Hanh, Nguyen Khanh Ngoc, Nguyen Thi Phung Kieu, Tran Van Thinh, Pham Thi Hoa, Nguyen Minh Chau, Nguyen Thi Thu Nga, Franck Antoine, Le Thanh Toan, Trinh Thi Xuan, Nguyen Thi Hong Ung, Tran Van Khai, Tixier Philippe, Aubertot Jean-Noël, Lambert Guy, Le Van Vang, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Truc, Lim Ngoc Han, Duong Minh Vien, Kris Wyckhuys, Cao Van Philippe, Deguine Jean-Philippe. 2018. s.l. : AFD-CIRAD, 4 p.

Agroecological protection of mango orchards in La Réunion. Deguine Jean-Philippe, Jacquot Maxime, Allibert Agathe, Chiroleu Frédéric, Graindorge Rachel, Laurent Philippe, Lambert Guy, Albon Bruno, Marquier Marlène, Gloanec Caroline, Vanhuffel Luc, Vincenot Didier, Aubertot Jean-Noël. 2018. In : Sustainable agriculture reviews 28: Ecology for agriculture. Gaba Sabrina (ed.), Smith Barbara (ed.), Lichtfouse Eric (ed.). Cham : Springer International Publishing, 249-307. (Sustainable agriculture reviews, 28) ISBN 978-3-319-90308-8

Communs en crise. Agdals, terres collectives, forêts et terroirs au Maroc. Romagny Bruno, Aderghal Mohamed, Auclair Laurent, Ilbert Hélène, Lemeilleur Sylvaine. 2018. Revue Internationale des Etudes du Développement, 233 (1) : 53-73.

Composition and molecular scale structure of nanophases formed by precipitation of biotite weathering products. Tamrat Wuhib Zewde, Rose Jérôme, Grauby Olivier, Doelsch Emmanuel, Levard Clément, Chaurand Perrine, Basile-Doelsch Isabelle. 2018. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 229 : 53-64.

Etude de la stabilité génétique d'un vaccin contre la Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR). Boyer Marie, Eloiflin Roger-Junior, Bataille Arnaud. 2018. In : Actes de conférences : Le printemps de Baillarguet. CIRAD. Montpellier : CIRAD, Résumé, 11. Le printemps de Baillarguet 2018. 10, Montpellier, 28 Mai 2018/29 Mai 2018.

Etude génomique de la stabilité génétique des vaccins contre la Peste des Petits Ruminants. Boyer Marie. 2018. Marseille : Université Aix-Marseille, 57 p. Mémoire de master 2 : Sciences et technologie. Bioinformatique et génomique : Université Aix-Marseille

Exploring the potential of PROCOSINE and close-range hyperspectral imaging to study the effects of fungal diseases on leaf physiology. Morel Julien, Jay Sylvain, Feret Jean Baptiste, Bakache Adel, Bendoula Ryad, Carreel Françoise, Gorretta Nathalie. 2018. Scientific Reports, 8 (1), 13 p.

Improvement of mosquito identification by MALDI-TOF MS biotyping using protein signatures from two body parts. Vega-Rúa Anubis, Pagès Nonito, Fontaine Albin, Nuccio Christopher, Héry Lyza, Goindin Daniella, Gustave Joel, Almeras Lionel. 2018. Parasites and Vectors, 11:574, 12 p.

Main human urinary metabolites after genipap (Genipa americana L.) juice intake. Dickson Livia, Tenon Mathieu, Svilar Ljubica, Fança-Berthon Pascale, Lugan R., Martin Jean-Charles, Vaillant Fabrice, Rogez Hervé, Vaillant Fabrice, Rogez Hervé. 2018. Nutrients, 10 (9):1155, 16 p.

New genomic data and analyses challenge the traditional vision of animal epithelium evolution. Belahbib Hassiba, Renard Emmanuelle, Santini Sébastien, Jourda Cyril, Claverie Jean-Michel, Borchiellini Carole, Le Bivic André. 2018. BMC Genomics, 19:393, 15 p.

Nonhuman primates across sub-Saharan Africa are infected with the yaws bacterium Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue. Knauf Sascha, Gogarten Jan F., Schuenemann Verena J., De Nys Hélène, Düx Ariane, Strouhal Michal, Mikalová Lenka, Bos Kirsten I., Armstrong Roy, Batamuzi Emmanuel K., Chuma Idrissa S., Davoust Bernard, Diatta Georges, Fyumagwa Robert, Kazwala Reuben R., Keyyu Julius, Lejora Inyasi A. V., Levasseur Anthony, Liu Hsi, Mayhew Michael A., Mediannikov Oleg, Raoult Didier, Wittig Roman M., Roos Christian, Leendertz Fabian Hubertus, Smajs David, Nieselt Kay, Krause Johannes, Calvignac-Spencer Sébastien. 2018. Emerging Microbes and Infections, 7 (1) : 1-4.

Seroprevalence of horses to Coxiella burnetii in an Q fever endemic area. Desjardins Isabelle, Joulié Aurélien, Pradier Sophie, Lecollinet Sylvie, Beck Cécile, Vial Laurence, Dufour Philippe, Gasqui Patrick, Legrand Loïc, Edouard Sophie, Sidi-Boumedine Karim, Rousset Elodie, Jourdain Elsa, Leblond Agnès. 2018. Veterinary Microbiology, 215 : 49-56.

The carob tree at the crossroad of domestication center and refugia hypotheses. Baumel Alex, Mirleau Pascal, Pironon Samuel, Nieto-Feliner Gonzalo, Bou Dagher Kharrat Magda, La Malfa Stefano, Ouahmane Lahcen, Diadema Katia, Suc Jean-Pierre, Juin Marianick, Médail Frédéric, Sanguin Hervé, Le Galliot Nicolas, Viruel Juan. 2018. . Montpellier : ESEB, Résumé, 1 p. Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, Montpellier, France, 19 Août 2018/22 Août 2018.

The genomic basis of color pattern polymorphism in the harlequin ladybird. Gautier Mathieu, Yamaguchi Junichi, Foucaud Julien, Loiseau Anne, Ausset Aurélien, Facon Benoît, Gschloessl Bernhard, Lagnel Jacques, Loire Etienne, Parrinello Hugues, Severac Dany, Lopez-Roques Céline, Donnadieu Cécile, Manno Maxime, Berges Hélène, Gharbi Karim, Lawson-Handley Lori, Zang Lian-Sheng, Vogel Heiko, Estoup Arnaud, Prud'homme Benjamin. 2018. Current Biology, 28 (20):e7 : 3296-3302.

An update of the Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) checklist for the Balkans. Pudar Dubravka, Petric Dusan, Allene Xavier, Alten Bulent, Ayhan Nazli, Cvetkovikj Aleksandar, Garros Claire, Goletic Teufik, Gunay Filiz, Hlavackova Kristyna, Ignjatovic Cupina Aleksandra, Kavran Michaela, Lestinova Tereza, Mathieu Bruno, Mikov Ognyan, Pajovic Igor, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Stefanovska Jovana, Vaselek Slavica, Zuko Almedina, Balenghien Thomas. 2018. Parasites and Vectors, 11:462, 10 p.


Deciphering the routes of invasion of Drosophila suzukii by means of ABC random forest. Fraimout Antoine, Debat Vincent, Fellous Simon, Hufbauer Ruth A., Foucaud Julien, Pudlo Pierre, Marin Jean-Michel, Price Donald K., Cattel Julien, Chen Xiao, Deprá Marindia, Duyck Pierre François, Guedot Christelle, Kenis Marc, Kimura Masahito T., Loeb Gregory, Loiseau Anne, Martinez-Sañudo Isabel, Pascual Marta, Richmond Maxi Polihronaki, Shearer Peter, Singh Nadia, Tamura Koichiro, Xuereb Anne, Zhang Jinping, Estoup Arnaud. 2017. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 34 (4) : 980-996.

Do the venous blood samples replicate malaria parasite densities found in capillary blood? A field study performed in naturally-infected asymptomatic children in Cameroon. Sandeu Maurice M., Bayibéki Albert N., Tchioffo Majoline T., Abate Luc, Gimonneau Geoffrey, Awono-Ambéné Parfait, Nsango Sandrine E., Diallo Diadier, Berry Antoine, Texier Gaëtan, Morlais Isabelle. 2017. Malaria Journal, 16:345, 9 p.

Effect of the harvest stage on the chemical composition and bioactivity of Moroccan Artemisia herba alba essential oils. Boussoula E., Satrani Badr, Ghanmi Mohamed, Rhafouri Rachid, Thévenon Marie-France, Burri S., Alaoui M.B., Chaouch Abdelaziz. 2017. International Journal of Academic Studies, 3 (3) : 58-69.

Remote sensing of industrial palm groves in Cameroon. Komba Mayossa Prune Christobelle, Gadal Sébastien, Roda Jean-Marc. 2017. ASM Science Journal (1), n.spéc. ICT-Bio : 16-45.

Safer by design nanomaterials through environmental genomics (metabarcoding) and metabolomics. Santaella Catherine, Collin Blanche, Hamidat Mohamed, Barakat Mohamed, Ortet Philippe, Harir Mourad, Auffan Mélanie, Doelsch Emmanuel, Schmitt-Kopplin Philippe, Heulin Thierry, Achouak Wafa. 2017. . Marseille : GDR "Génomique Environnementale", Résumé, 1 p. Colloque de Génomique Environnementale. 4, Marseille, France, 13 Septembre 2017/15 Septembre 2017.

A biogeography inquiry to decipher the origin of carob populations (Ceratonia siliqua, Leguminosae). Alex A., Viruel J., Médail Frédéric, Juin Marianick, Haguenauer Anne, Selva Marjorie, Nieto-Feliner Gonzalo, Bou Dagher Kharrat Magda, La Malfa Stefano, Ouahmane Lahcen, Sanguin Hervé. 2017. In : XIV MEDECOS and XIII AEET Meeting: Human driven scenarios for evolutionary and ecological changes. Abstract book. ISOMED, AEET. Madrid : AEET, p. 26. MEDECOS International Confrence. 24, Seville, Espagne, 31 Janvier 2017/4 Février 2017.


Actes - Séminaires Innovation frugale et développement. Séminaire permanent Innovation et développement. Temple Ludovic, Mignon Sophie, Triomphe Bernard, Haudeville B. (collab.), Le Bas C. (collab.), Palpacuer Florence (collab.), Balas Nicolas (collab.), Lafont Anne-Laurence (collab.), Temri Leïla (collab.), Yousfi Ouidad (collab.). 2016. Montpellier : s.n., 32 p.


Biodiversity and health: Lessons and recommendations from an interdisciplinary conference to advise Southeast Asian research, society and policy. Walther Bruno Andreas, Boëte Christophe, Binot Aurélie, By Youlet, Cappelle Julien, Carrique-Mas Juan, Chou Monidarin, Furey Neil M., Kim Sothea, Lajaunie Claire, Lek Sovan, Méral Philippe, Neang Malyne, Tan Boon-Huan, Walton Catherine, Morand Serge. 2016. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 40 : 29-46.

Daphne: a generic database to integrate multiscale agronomic and phenotypic information for crop modelling. Rouan Lauriane, Pot David, Boulnemour Medhi, Auzoux Sandrine. 2016. In : Seeking Sustainable Agricultural Solutions AgMIP6 Global Workshop: Oral and poster abstracts. Montpellier : AgMIP, Résumé, 61. Global Workshop of the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP), Montpellier, France, 28 Juin 2016/30 Juin 2016.

Direct uptake of organic carbon by grass roots and allocation in leaves and phytoliths: 13C labeling evidence. Alexandre Anne, Balesdent Jérôme, Cazevieille Patrick, Chevassus-Rosset Claire, Signoret Patrick, Mazur Jean-Charles, Harutyunyan Araks, Doelsch Emmanuel, Basile-Doelsch Isabelle, Miche Hélène, Santos Guaciara M.. 2016. Biogeosciences, 13 (5) : 1693-1703.

Dissemination of the mcr-1 colistin resistance gene. Olaitan Abiola Olumuyiwa, Chabou Selma, Okdah Liliane, Morand Serge, Rolain Jean-Marc. 2016. Lancet Infectious Diseases, 16 (2) : 147.
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Développer un système de gestion des données pour le suivi des dispositifs expérimentaux agronomiques. Boulnemour Medhi. 2016. Marseille : Université Aix-Marseille, 58 p. Mémoire de master 2 : Sciences et technologie. Bioinformatique et génomique : Université Aix-Marseille

Emergence of colistin-resistant bacteria in humans without colistin usage: a new worry and cause for vigilance. Olaitan Abiola Olumuyiwa, Morand Serge, Rolain Jean-Marc. 2016. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 47 (1) : 1-3.
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Plasmid-mediated mcr-1 gene in colistin-resistant clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae in France and Laos. Rolain Jean-Marc, Kempf Marie, Leangapichart Thongpan, Chabou Selma, Olumuyiwa Olaitan Abiola, Le Page Stéphanie, Morand Serge, Raoult Didier. 2016. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 60 (11) : 6994-6995.

A multiscale simulation approach for linking mangrove dynamics to coastal processes using remote sensing observations. Proisy Christophe, Degenne Pascal, Anthony Edward J., Berger Uta, Blanchard Elodie, Fromard François, Gardel Antoine, Olagoke Adewole, Santos Valdenira, Walcker Romain, Lo Seen Chong Danny. 2016. Journal of Coastal Research, n.spéc. 75 : 810-814. International Coastal Symposium. 14, Sydney, Australie, 6 Mars 2016/11 Mars 2016.


Clonal transmission of a colistin-resistant Escherichia coli from a domesticated pig to a human in Laos. Olaitan Abiola Olumuyiwa, Thongmalayvong Boupha, Akkhavong Kongsap, Somphavong Silaphet, Paboriboune Phimpha, Khounsy Syseng, Morand Serge, Rolain Jean-Marc. 2015. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 70 (12) : 3402-3404.
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Deciphering genome content and evolutionary relationships of isolates from the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae attacking different host plants. Chiapello Hélène, Mallet Ludovic, Guerin Cyprien, Aguileta Gabriela, Amselem Joelle, Kroj Thomas, Ortega-Abboud Enrique, Lebrun Marc-Henri, Henrissat Bernard, Gendrault Annie, Rodolphe François, Tharreau Didier, Fournier Elisabeth. 2015. Genome Biology and Evolution, 7 (10) : 2896-2912.

Developing a method to map coconut agrosystems from high-resolution satellite images. Komba Mayossa Prune Christobelle, Coppens D'Eeckenbrugge Geo, Borne Frédéric, Gadal Sébastien, Viennois Gaëlle. 2015. In : Maps connecting the world. ICA, Brazilian Society of Cartography. Rio de Janeiro : Non spécifié, 1-14. International Cartographic Conference. 27, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil, 23 Août 2015/28 Août 2015.

A study on African animal trypanosomosis in four areas of Senegal. Ravel Sophie, Mediannikov Oleg, Bossard Géraldine, Desquesnes Marc, Cuny Gérard, Davoust Bernard. 2015. Folia Parasitologica, 62:044, 6 p.

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