Nombre de documents : 15.
Effect of post-harvest management practices on the mycobiome and ochratoxin A contamination of differently processed Robusta coffees from Ivory Coast.
Lopez Rodríguez Claudia, Strub Caroline, Chochois Vincent, Verheecke-Vaessen C., Durand Noël, Jourdan Christophe, Fontana Angélique, Guehi Tagro Simplice, Medina Angel, Schorr-Galindo Sabine.
Postharvest Biology and Technology,
206:112573, 9 p.
In vitro detoxification of aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A by lactic acid bacteria isolated from Algerian fermented foods.
Badji Tiziri, Durand Noël, Bendali Farida, Piro-Metayer Isabelle, Zinedine Abdellah, Ben Salah-Abbès Jalila, Abbès Samir, Montet Didier, Riba Amar, Brabet Catherine.
Biological Control,
179:105181, 11 p.
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Ability of two Lactobacillus plantarum strains for Ochratoxin A reduction in coffee cherries during post-harvest processing carried out at the farm.
Beugre Guézéré Corinne, Kadjo Adobi Christian, Kedjebo Kra Brou Didier, Yao M.K., Durand Noel, Fontana Angélique, Guehi S.T..
. Society for Mycotoxin Research
. Toulouse : Society for Mycotoxin Research, 1 p.
Mycotoxin Workshop. 43, Toulouse, France, 30 Mai 2022/1 Juin 2022.
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The variety, roasting, processing, and type of cultivation determine the low OTA levels of commercialized coffee in Chiapas State, Mexico.
Aguilar-Alvarez Maria Eugenia, Saucedo-Castaneda Gerardo, Durand Noël, Perraud-Gaime Isabelle, González-Robles Rosa Obdulia, Rodríguez-Serrano Gabriela Mariana.
Food Control,
126:108088, 7 p.
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Detection and quantification of ochratoxin A in food by aptasensor.
Elsaadani Moez, Durand Noel, Sorli Brice, Montet Didier.
In : 12th Conference RME2018: Rapid analysis and diagnostics. Food feed water animal human. Abstracts of lecutres and posters
. Bilthoven : Bastiaanse Communication, Résumé, 74-75.
(RME Conference Series, 12)
Conference in the Rapid Methods Europe (RME 2018). 12, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas, 5 Novembre 2018/7 Novembre 2018.
Using Rhizopus sp. against the growth of Aspergillus carbonarius as a potential biological control method of ochratoxin A contamination in raw cocoa beans.
Kedjebo Kra Brou Didier, Guehi Tagro Simplice, Koné Mai Koumba, Alter Pascaline, Durand Noël, Boulanger Renaud, Fontana Angélique, Montet Didier.
In : 4th International Congress on Cocoa Coffee and Tea
. Turin : s.n., 1 poster
International Congress on Cocoa Coffee and Tea. 4, Turin, Italie, 25 Juin 2017/28 Juin 2017.
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Effect of post-harvest treatments on the occurrence of ochratoxin A in raw cocoa beans.
Kedjebo Kra Brou Didier, Guehi Tagro Simplice, Brou Kouakou, Durand Noël, Aguilar Philip, Fontana Angélique, Montet Didier.
Food Additives and Contaminants. Part A. Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment,
33 (1) : 157-166.
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