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Nombre de documents : 42.

Contrasting effects of polysaccharide components on the cooking properties of roots, tubers and bananas. Mestres Christian, Taylor Mark, McDougall Gordon, Arufe Vilas Santiago, Tran Thierry, Nuwamanya Ephraim, Dufour Dominique, Nakitto Mariam, Meghar Karima, Rinaldo Dominique, Ollier Léa, Domingo Romain, Moreno Jhon Larry, Delgado Luis Fernando, Kouassi Hermann Antonin, Diby N'Nan Affoué Sylvie, Mbeguie A Mbeguie Didier, Akissoé Noël, Adinsi Laurent, Rolland-Sabaté Agnès. 2024. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 104 (8), n.spéc. Tropical roots, tubers and bananas: New breeding tools and methods to meet consumer preferences : 4652-4661.

End-user preferences to enhance prospects for varietal acceptance and adoption in potato breeding in Uganda. Nantongo Judith Ssali, Tinyiro Samuel Edgar, Nakitto Mariam, Serunkuma Edwin, Namugga Prossy, Ayetigbo Oluwatoyin, Mayanja Sarah, Moyo Mukani, Ssali Reuben, Mendes Thiago. 2024. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 104 (8), n.spéc. Tropical roots, tubers and bananas: New breeding tools and methods to meet consumer preferences : 4606-4614.

Hyperspectral imaging for the determination of relevant cooking quality traits of boiled cassava. Meghar Karima, Tran Thierry, Delgado Luis Fernando, Ospina Maria Alejandra, Moreno John Larry, Luna Jorge, Londoño Luis Fernando, Dufour Dominique, Davrieux Fabrice. 2024. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, n.spéc. Tropical roots, tubers and bananas: New breeding tools and methods to meet consumer preferences : 4782-4792.

Improved correlation between instrumental and sensory texture of boiled sweet potato. Nakitto Mariam, Ayetigbo Oluwatoyin, Moyo Mukani, Ssali Reuben Tendo. 2024. Kampala : RTB Breeding-CIRAD, 13 p.

Improving the relationship between organoleptic/sensory attributes and instrumental texture measurements of Gari-Eba. Maziya-Dixon Busie, Adesokan Michael, Aghogho Cynthia, Ayetigbo Oluwatoyin, Rabbi Ismail. 2024. Ibadan : RTB Breeding, 13 p.

Mapping stem volume in fast-growing eucalypt plantations: Integrating spectral, textural, and temporal remote sensing information with forest inventories and spatial models. Lanzi Alo Livia, Le Maire Guerric, Thiersch Cláudio Roberto, Santos Mota Thiago, Costa Pinheiro Rafael, de Souza Passos José Raimundo. 2024. Annals of Forest Science, 81:43, 16 p.

Multivariate regional deep learning prediction of soil properties from near-infrared, mid-infrared and their combined spectra. Nyawasha Rumbidzai, Wadoux Alexandre M. J. C., Todoroff Pierre, Chikowo Régis, Falconnier Gatien, Lagorsse Maeva, Corbeels Marc, Cardinael Rémi. 2024. Geoderma Regional, 37:e00805, 11 p.

Standard operating procedure for determination of extensibility of pounded yam using Kieffer dough extensibility method. Adinsi Laurent, Diby Sylvie Nnan, Bouniol Alexandre, Hotegni Francis, Deffan Prudence, Domingo Romain, Honfozo Laurenda, Adesokan Michael, Alamu Ayomide, Chijioke Ugo, Otegbayo Bolanle, Arufe Santiago, Akissoé Noël, Mestres Christian, Dufour Dominique, Ayetigbo Oluwatoyin. 2024. Cotonou : RTB Breeding Project-CIRAD, 20 p.

Standard operating procedure for textural characterization of boiled yam by Ottawa extrusion. Adesokan Michael, Alamu Emmanuel, Fawole Segun, Ayetigbo Oluwatoyin, Maziya-Dixon Busie. 2024. Ibadan : RTB Breeding-CIRAD, 13 p.

Technological aptitude of different chickpea cultivars for canning: a kinetic approach to textural changes and their sensory acceptability. Siguemoto Erica, Chaumont Lucile, Domingo Romain, Delpech Charlotte, Forestier-Chiron Nelly, Bugaud Christophe, Bohuon Philippe. 2024. . IUFoST, AIM. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 1 p. World Congress of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST 2024). 22, Rimini, Italie, 8 Septembre 2024/12 Septembre 2024.

Whole-genome sequencing and comparative genomics reveal candidate genes associated with quality traits in Dioscorea alata. Zotta Mota Ana, Dossa Komivi, Lechaudel Mathieu, Cornet Denis, Mournet Pierre, Santoni Sylvain, Lopez David, Chaïr Hâna. 2024. BMC Genomics, 25:248, 17 p.

Evaluation of the suitability of new yam genotypes to RTB users' needs and preferences, at UAC-FSA in Benin. Gender equitable positioning, promotion and performance, WP5. Adinsi Laurent, Djibril Moussa Imayath, Honfozo Fifamè Laurenda, Bouniol Alexandre, Hounhouigan Joseph Djidjoho, Akissoé Noël. 2023. Abomey-Calavi : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 15 p.

SOP for characterization of extrusion-texture of boiled cassava. Biophysical Characterization of Quality Traits, WP2. Tran Thierry, Escobar Andrés, Dahdouh Layal (collab.), Ayetigbo Oluwatoyin (collab.), Mestres Christian (collab.). 2023. Cali : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 19 p.

SOP for the characterization of instrumental texture of matooke. Biophysical characterization of quality traits, WP2. Nowakunda Kephas, Khakasa Elizabeth, Matovu Moses, Balikoowa Brian, Dahdouh Layal (collab.), Ricci Julien (collab.), Ayetigbo Oluwatoyin (collab.). 2023. Kampala : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 13 p.

Sensory Evaluation of Fried Plantain (Aloco). Biophysical Characterization of Quality Traits, WP2. Kouassi Hermann Antonin, Beugre Tatiana Anne-Marie, Yapi Eric, N’Goran Haddad Patricia, Deffan Prudence Kahndo, Diby N'Nan Affoué Sylvie, Adiko Cho Evelyne Judicaël R., Forestier-Chiron Nelly, Bugaud Christophe, Ebah Djedji Catherine, Mbéguié-A-Mbéguié Didier. 2023. Abidjan : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 20 p.

Sensory evaluation of boiled plantain. Biophysical characterization of quality traits, WP2. Kouassi Hermann Antonin, Forestier-Chiron Nelly, Bugaud Christophe. 2023. Abidjan : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 22 p.

Standard Operating Protocol for Determination of Bi-extensional viscosity of pounded yam by Lubricated Squeezing Flow (LSF) method. Biophysical characterization of quality traits, WP2. Arufe Vilas Santiago, Ayetigbo Oluwatoyin (collab.), Domingo Romain (collab.), Mestres Christian (collab.). 2023. Montpellier : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 19 p.

State of knowledge on fresh yam and pounded yam in Côte d'Ivoire. Understanding the drivers of trait preferences and the development of multi-user RTB product profiles, WP1. Djedji Ebah Bomoh Catherine, Diby N'Nan Affoué Sylvie, Kanon Landry, Oura Raphael, Kouakou Amani Michel, Bouniol Alexandre (collab.). 2023. Abidjan : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 23 p.

Training on instrumental textural characterization of extensibility of pounded yam. Biophysical and textural characterization, WP2. Ayetigbo Oluwatoyin, Mestres Christian (collab.), Arufe Vilas Santiago (collab.). 2023. Iwo : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 21 p.

Breeding RTB products for end-user preferences (RTBfoods). Annual report period 4 (Jan - Dec 2021). Dufour Dominique, Fauvelle Eglantine, Méjean Cathy, Marciano Delphine, Pérignon Anne Laure. 2022. Montpellier : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 84 p.

SOP for characterization of water absorption, cooking time and closing angle of boiled cassava. Biophysical characterization of quality traits, WP2. Escobar Salamanca Andrés Felipe, Tran Thierry, Arufe Vilas Santiago (collab.). 2022. Cali : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 17 p.

Standard operating protocol for textural characterization of boiled sweetpotato - Version A. Biophysical characterization of quality traits, WP2. Nakitto Mariam, Moyo Mukani, Ricci Julien, Swanckaert Jolien, Ssali Reuben, Banda Linly, Muzhingi Tawanda, Mestres Christian, Dahdouh Layal. 2022. Kampala : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 10 p.

Standard operating protocol for textural characterization of fufu. Biophysical characterization of quality traits, WP2. Chijioke Ugo, Okoronkwo Justice, Achonwa Oluchi, Iro Ugochi Jane, Udoka Precious, Chikere Juliet, Ogunka Amaka Promise, Mestres Christian (collab.), Ayetigbo Oluwatoyin (collab.). 2022. Umudike : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 17 p.

Breeding RTB products for end-user preferences (RTBfoods). Annual report period 3 (Jan - Dec 2020). Dufour Dominique, Fauvelle Eglantine, Méjean Cathy, Marciano Delphine, Pérignon Anne Laure. 2021. Montpellier : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 90 p.

Conception intégrée, multi-échelle et multi-objectif d'une unité mobile de transformation de fruits et légumes. Savouré Timoty. 2021. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 228 p. Thèse de doctorat : Génie des procédés : Montpellier SupAgro

Predicting quality, texture and chemical content of yam (Dioscorea alata L.) tubers using near infrared spectroscopy. Ehounou Adou Emmanuel, Cornet Denis, Desfontaines Lucienne, Marie-Magdeleine Carine, Maledon Erick, Nudol Elie, Beurier Grégory, Rouan Lauriane, Brat Pierre, Lechaudel Mathieu, Noûs Camille, N'Guetta Assanvo Simon-Pierre, Kouakou Amani Michel, Arnau Gemma. 2021. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 29 (3) : 128-139.
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Proof of concept about biophysical bases of processing and cooking ability of boiled sweet potato. Biophysical characterization of quality traits, WP2. Mestres Christian, Ollier Léa, Tran Thierry, Moreno Jhon L., Zum Felde Thomas, Swanckaert Jolien, Banda Linly, Taylor Mark, McDougall Gordon. 2021. Montpellier : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 9 p.

Sensory characterization of boiled cassava. Biophysical characterization of quality traits, WP2. Adinsi Laurent, Akissoé Noël, Maraval Isabelle (collab.), Forestier-Chiron Nelly (collab.), Bugaud Christophe (collab.). 2021. Cotonou : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 13 p.

Sensory characterization of boiled cassava. Biophysical characterization of quality traits, WP2. Nuwamanya Ephraim, Iragaba Paula, Kawuki Robert Sezi, Nanyonjo Ann Ritah, Kanaabi Michael, Khakasa Elizabeth, Maraval Isabelle (collab.), Forestier-Chiron Nelly (collab.), Bugaud Christophe (collab.). 2021. Kampala : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 18 p.

Sensory characterization of boiled yam. Biophysical characterization of quality traits, WP2. Adinsi Laurent, Akissoé Noël, Maraval Isabelle (collab.), Forestier-Chiron Nelly (collab.), Bugaud Christophe (collab.). 2021. Cotonou : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 13 p.

Assessment of acoustic-mechanical measurements for texture of French fries: Comparison of deep-fat frying and air frying. Gouyo Teko, Mestres Christian, Maraval Isabelle, Fontez Bénédicte, Hofleitner Céline, Bohuon Philippe. 2020. Food Research International, 131:108947, 10 p.
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Breeding RTB products for end-user preferences (RTBfoods). Annual report period 2 (Jan - Dec 2019). Dufour Dominique, Fauvelle Eglantine, Méjean Cathy, Marciano Delphine, Pérignon Anne Laure. 2020. Montpellier : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 554 p.

Innovative non-destructive sorting technique for juicy stone fruits: textural properties of fresh mangos and purees. Labaky Paola, Grosmaire Lidwine, Ricci Julien, Wisniewski Christelle, Louka Nicolas, Dahdouh Layal. 2020. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 123 : 188-198.

UAV-based canopy textures assess changes in forest structure from long-term degradation. Bourgoin Clément, Betbeder Julie, Couteron Pierre, Blanc Lilian, Dessard Hélène, Oszwald Johan, Le Roux Renan, Cornu Guillaume, Reymondin Louis, Mazzei Lucas, Sist Plinio, Läderach Peter, Gond Valéry. 2020. Ecological Indicators, 115:106386, 11 p.

Breeding RTB products for end-user preferences (RTBfoods). Annual report period 1 (Nov. 2017-Dec. 2018). Dufour Dominique, Fauvelle Eglantine, Méjean Cathy, Marciano Delphine, Pérignon Anne Laure. 2019. Montpellier : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 250 p.

Flash vacuum-expansion process: Effect on the sensory, color and texture attributes of avocado (Persea americana) puree. Salgado-Cervantes Marco, Servent Adrien, Maraval Isabelle, Vargas Ortiz Manuel Alejandro, Pallet Dominique. 2019. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 74 (3) : 370-375.

State of knowledge on boiled yam in Benin. Food Science & Gender. Adinsi Laurent, Adétonah Sounkoura, Akissoé Noël, Bakpe Jules, Hounhouigan Joseph Djidjoho, Assogba Jacob, Kleih Ulrich (collab.), Fliedel Geneviève (collab.), Forsythe Lora (collab.). 2019. Cotonou : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 74 p.

Impact of fruit texture on the release and perception of aroma compounds during in vivo consumption using fresh and processed mango fruits. Bonneau Adeline, Boulanger Renaud, Lebrun Marc, Maraval Isabelle, Valette Jérémy, Guichard Elisabeth, Günata Ziya. 2018. Food Chemistry, 239 : 806-815.

Texture-based classification for characterizing regions on remote sensing images. Borne Frédéric, Viennois Gaëlle. 2017. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 11 (3):e036028, 31 p.

Banana plantain functional properties evaluation during water cooking processes: a NIRS original assay and perspectives. Gibert Olivier, Prades Alexia, Giraldo Toro Andres. 2015. . Québec : IAEF-Elsevier, Résumé, 1 p. International Congress on Engineering and Food. 12, Québec, Canada, 14 Juin 2015/18 Juin 2015.

Textural classification on remote sensing images. Borne Frédéric, Viennois Gaëlle. 2015. . Illkirch Graffenstaden : CNRS-EGC, 1 poster Ecole thémarique Fouille Collaborative Incrémentale de Masses de Données Multisources Multitemporelles : Application en Sciences de l'Environnement, Illkirch Graffenstaden, France, 28 Juin 2015/2 Juillet 2015.

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