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Nombre de documents : 99.


Beyond trait distances: Functional distinctiveness captures the outcome of plant competition. Mahaut Lucie, Violle Cyrille, Shihan Ammar, Pélissier Rémi, Morel Jean-Benoit, de Tombeur Felix, Rahajaharilaza Koloina, Fabre Denis, Luquet Delphine, Hartley Sue E., Thorne Sarah J., Ballini Elsa, Fort Florian. 2023. Functional Ecology, 37 (9) : 2399-2412.


Linking drone and ground-based liana measurements in a congolese forest. Kacamak Asli Begum, Barbier Nicolas, Aubry-Kientz Mélaine, Forni Eric, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Guibal Daniel, Loumeto Jean-Joël, Pollet Sasha, Rossi Vivien, Rowe Nick P., Van Hoef Yorick, Rejou-Mechain Maxime. 2022. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5:803194, 16 p.

Modeling sorghum-cowpea intercropping for a site in the savannah zone of Mali: Strengths and weaknesses of the Stics model. Traoré Amadou, Falconnier Gatien, Ba Alassane, Sissoko Fagaye, Sultan Benjamin, Affholder François. 2022. Field Crops Research, 285:108581, 16 p.


The 4C approach as a way to understand species interactions determining intercropping productivity. Justes Eric, Bedoussac Laurent, Dordas Christos, Frak Ela, Louarn Gaëtan, Boudsocq Simon, Journet Etienne-Pascal, Lithourgidis Anastasios, Pankou Chrysanthi, Zhang Chaochun, Carlsson Georg, Jensen Erik Steen, Watson Christine, Li Long. 2021. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 13 p.

Accounting for competition in multi-environment tree genetic evaluations: a case study with hybrid pines. Belaber Ector C., Gauchat María E., Schoffen Cristian D., Munoz Facundo, Borralho Nuno, Sanchez Leopoldo, Cappa Eduardo Pablo. 2021. Annals of Forest Science, 78:2, 15 p.


Comparative analysis of nutritional status and growth of immature oil palm in various intercropping systems in southern Benin. Koussihouèdé Hermione, Aholoukpe Hervé, Adjibodou Jeremie, Hinkati Haniel, Dubos Bernard, Chapuis-Lardy Lydie, Barthès Bernard, Amadji Guillaume Lucien, Clermont-Dauphin Cathy. 2020. Experimental Agriculture, 56 (3) : 371-386.
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Evidence for Elton's diversity-invasibility hypothesis from belowground. Zhang Zhijie, Liu Yanjie, Brunel Caroline, van Kleunen Mark. 2020. Ecology, 101 (12):e03187, 10 p.

On-farm effect of bamboo intercropping on soil water content and root distribution in rubber tree plantation. Andriyana Yusef, Thaler Philippe, Chiarawipa Rawee, Sopharat Jessada. 2020. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, 29 (4) : 205-221.
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Effect of a water gradient on the intensity of competition and productivity of annual crops intercropped with olive trees. Temani Fida, El Mrini S., Daoui Khalid, Bouaziz Ahmed, Wery Jacques, Barkaoui Karim. 2019. In : 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Book of abstracts. Dupraz Christian (ed.), Gosme Marie (ed.), Lawson Gerry (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, Agropolis International, MUSE. Montpellier : CIRAD-INRA, Résumé, p. 654. World Congress on Agroforestry. 4, Montpellier, France, 20 Mai 2019/22 Mai 2019.


Cocoa agroforestry is less resilient to sub-optimal and extreme climate than cocoa in full sun. Abdulai Issaka, Vaast Philippe, Hoffmann Munir P., Asare Richard, Jassogne Laurence, Van Asten Piet J.A., Rötter Reimund P., Graefe Sophie. 2018. Global Change Biology, 24 (1) : 273-286.

Gestion durable de la flore adventice en cultures tropicales. Marnotte Pascal, Le Bourgeois Thomas. 2018. In : Gestion durable de la flore adventice des cultures. Chauvel Bruno (ed.), Darmency Henri (ed.), Munier-Jolain, Nicolas (ed.), Rodriguez Alain (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 275-283. (Synthèses : Quae) ISBN 978-2-7592-2818-8

Rehabilitation practices that shape cocoa agroforestry systems in Central Cameroon: key management strategies for long-term exploitation. Jagoret Patrick, Snoeck Didier, Bouambi Emmanuel, Ngnogue Hervé Todem, Nyassé Salomon, Saj Stéphane. 2018. Agroforestry Systems, 92 (5) : 1185-1199.
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Weed control by two cover crops Neonotonia wightii and Centrosema pascuorum in banana plantations-impact on nitrogen competition and banana productivity. Achard Raphaël, Fevrier Amélie, Estrade J.R.. 2018. In : Proceedings of the X International Symposium on Banana: ISHS-ProMusa Symposium on Agroecological Approaches to Promote Innovative Banana Production Systems. Van den Bergh Inge (ed.), Risède Jean-Michel (ed.), Johnson Vincent (ed.). ISHS. Louvain : ISHS, 87-94. (Acta Horticulturae, 1196) ISBN 978-94-6261-192-4 International Symposium on Banana: ISHS-ProMusa Symposium on Agroecological Approaches to Promote Innovative Banana Production Systems. 10, Montpellier, France, 10 Octobre 2016/14 Octobre 2016.


14 questions for invasion in ecological networks. Pantel J.H., Bohan David A., Calcagno V., David Patrice, Duyck Pierre François, Kamenova Stefanyia, Loeuille N., Mollot Grégory, Romanuk T.N., Thébault Elsa, Tixier Philippe, Massol François. 2017. In : Networks of Invasion: A Synthesis of Concepts. Bohan David A. (ed.), Dumbrell Alex J. (ed.), Massol François (ed.). Londres : Academic Press, 293-340. (Advances in Ecological Research, 56) ISBN 978-0-12-804338-7
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Improving accuracy of breeding values by incorporating genomic information in spatial-competition mixed models. Cappa Eduardo Pablo, El-Kassaby Yousry A., Munoz Facundo, Garcia Martín N., Villalba Pamela V., Klápste Jaroslav, Marcucci Poltri Susana N.. 2017. Molecular Breeding, 37:125, 13 p.

Increased light-use efficiency sustains net primary productivity of shaded coffee plants in agroforestry system. Charbonnier Fabien, Roupsard Olivier, Le Maire Guerric, Guillemot Joannès, Casanoves Fernando, Lacointe André, Vaast Philippe, Allinne Clémentine, Audebert Louise, Cambou Aurélie, Clément-Vidal Anne, Defrenet Elsa, Duursma Remko A., Jarri Laura, Jourdan Christophe, Khac Emmanuelle, Leandro Patricia, Medlyn Belinda E., Saint André Laurent, Thaler Philippe, Van den Meersche Karel, Barquero Aguilar Alejandra, Lehner Peter, Dreyer Erwin. 2017. Plant, Cell and Environment, 40 (8) : 1592-1608.
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Lessons learned from the long-term analysis of cacao yield and stand structure in central Cameroonian agroforestry systems. Saj Stéphane, Jagoret Patrick, Essola Etoa Louis, Fonkeng Eltson Eteckji, Ngala Tarla Justin, Essobo Nieboukaho Jean-Daniel, Mvondo Sakouma Kenneth. 2017. Agricultural Systems, 156 : 95-104.

Stand age and species richness dampen interannual variation of ecosystem-level photosynthetic capacity. Musavi Talie, Migliavacca Mirco, Reichstein Markus, Kattge Jens, Wirth Christian, Black Andrew, Janssens Ivan A., Knohl Alexander, Loustau Denis, Roupsard Olivier, Varlagin Andrej, Rambal Serge, Cescatti Alessandro, Gianelle Damiano, Kondo Hiroaki, Tamrakar Rijan, Mahecha Miguel D.. 2017. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 1 (2):0048, 6 p.

What tree rings can tell us about the competition between trees and lianas? A case study based on growth, anatomy, density, and carbon accumulation. Venegas-González Alejandro, Brancalion Pedro H.S., Albiero Junio Alci, Peres Chagas Matheus, Anholetto Junior Claudio R., Chaix Gilles, Tomazello Filho Mario. 2017. Dendrochronologia, 42 : 1-11.

An impulsive modelling framework of fire occurrence in a size-structured model of tree–grass interactions for savanna ecosystems. Yatat Valaire, Couteron Pierre, Tewa Jean Jules, Bowong Samuel, Dumont Yves. 2017. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 74 (6) : 1425-1482.
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A minimalistic model of tree-grass interactions using impulsive differential equations and non-linear feedback functions of grass biomass onto fire-induced tree mortality. Tchuinte Tamen Alexis, Dumont Yves, Tewa Jean Jules, Bowong Samuel, Couteron Pierre. 2017. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 133 : 265-297.


Interactions of pulsed fires and water in tree--grass savanna ecosystems. Tchuinte Tamen Alexis, Dumont Yves, Bowong Samuel, Tewa Jean Jules, Couteron Pierre. 2016. Biomath Communications, 3 (1), 1 p. International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences and School for Young Scientists, Blagoevgrad, Bulgarie, 19 Juin 2016/25 Juin 2016.

Plant functional traits have globally consistent effects on competition. Kunstler Georges, Falster Daniel S., Coomes David A., Hui Francis, Kooyman Robert, Laughlin Daniel C., Poorter Lourens, Vanderwel Mark, Vieilledent Ghislain, Wright S. Joseph, Aiba Masahiro, Baraloto Christopher, Caspersen John, Cornelissen J. Hans C., Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Hanewinkel Marc, Hérault Bruno, Kattge Jens, Kurokawa Hiroko, Onoda Yusuke, Peñuelas Josep, Poorter Hendrik, Uriarte Maria, Richardson Sarah, Ruiz-Benito Paloma, Sun I-Fang, Ståhl Göran, Swenson Nathan G., Thompson Jill, Westerlund Bertil, Wirth Christian, Zavala Miguel A., Zeng Hongcheng, Zimmerman Jess K., Zimmermann Niklaus E., Westoby Mark. 2016. Nature, 529 (7585) : 204-207.

Rarefaction and elevational richness pattern: A case study in a high tropical island (New Caledonia, SW Pacific). Ibanez Thomas, Grytnes John-Arvid, Birnbaum Philippe. 2016. Journal of Vegetation Science, 27 (3) : 441-451.
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Root biomass, turnover and net primary productivity of a coffee agroforestry system in Costa Rica: effects of soil depth, shade trees, distance to row and coffee age. Defrenet Elsa, Roupsard Olivier, Van den Meersche Karel, Charbonnier Fabien, Pérez-Molina Junior Pastor, Khac Emmanuelle, Prieto Iván, Stokes Alexia, Roumet Catherine, Rapidel Bruno, de Melo Virginio Filho Elias, Vargas Victor J., Robelo Diego, Barquero Alejandra, Jourdan Christophe. 2016. Annals of Botany, 118 (4) : 833-851.
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Tree–grass interaction dynamics and pulsed fires: Mathematical and numerical studies. Tchuinte Tamen Alexis, Dumont Yves, Tewa Jean Jules, Bowong Samuel, Couteron Pierre. 2016. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40 (11-12) : 6165-6197.

Uptake of soil mineral nitrogen by Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus urophylla × grandis: No difference in N form preference. Epron Daniel, Koutika Lydie-Stella, Tchichelle Sogni Viviane, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Mareschal Louis. 2016. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 179 (6) : 726-732.
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Information criteria and approximate Bayesian computing for agent-based modelling in ecology: New tools to infer on Individual-level processes. Piou Cyril. 2015. Biomath Communications, 2 (1), Résumé, 1 p. International conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences (Biomath 2015), Blagoevgrad, Bulgarie, 14 Juin 2015/19 Juin 2015.

Wood specific gravity variations and biomass of central African tree species: The simple choice of the outer wood. Bastin Jean-François, Fayolle Adeline, Tarelkin Yegor, Van den Bulcke Jan, De Haulleville Thales, Mortier Frédéric, Beeckman Hans, Van Acker Joris, Serckx Adeline, Bogaert Jan, De Cannière Charles. 2015. PloS One, 10 (11):e0142146, 16 p.

A novel individual-tree mixed model to account for competition and environmental heterogeneity: A Bayesian approach. Cappa Eduardo Pablo, Munoz Facundo, Sanchez Leopoldo, Cantet Rodolfo J.C.. 2015. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 11:120, 15 p.


Invasion d'une subéraie naturelle d'Algérie par un acacia australien: Acacia mearnsii (De Wild). Boudiaf Imene, Beddiar Arifa, Le Roux Christine, Prin Yves, Duponnois Robin. 2014. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin, 101 : 11-14. Proceedings of Integrated Protection in Oak Forests, Isle sur la Sorgue, France, 7 Octobre 2013/11 Octobre 2013.
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Mathematical analysis of a size structured tree-grass competition model for savanna ecosystems. Yatat Valaire, Dumont Yves, Tewa Jean Jules, Couteron Pierre, Bowong Samuel. 2014. Biomath, 3 (1), 18 p.


Functional structure and ecohydrology of Mediterranean rangelands along a soil water availability gradient. Barkaoui Karim. 2013. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 335 p. Thèse de doctorat : Evolution, écologie, ressources génétiques, paléontologie : Montpellier SupAgro

Mixing Eucalyptus and Acacia trees leads to fine root over-yielding and vertical segregation between species. Laclau Jean-Paul, Nouvellon Yann, Reine Caroline, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, Krusche Alex Vladimir, Jourdan Christophe, Le Maire Guerric, Bouillet Jean-Pierre. 2013. Oecologia, 172 (3) : 903-913.

Stem production, light absorption and light use efficiency between dominant and non-dominant trees of Eucalyptus grandis across a productivity gradient in Brazil. Camargo Campoe Otávio, Stape Jose Luiz, Nouvellon Yann, Laclau Jean-Paul, Bauerle William L., Binkley Dan, Le Maire Guerric. 2013. Forest Ecology and Management, 288 : 14-20.

The exotic legume tree species, Acacia mearnsii, alters microbial soil functionalities and the early development of a native tree species, Quercus suber, in North Africa. Boudiaf Imene, Baudoin Ezékiel, Sanguin Hervé, Beddiar Arifa, Thioulouse Jean, Galiana Antoine, Prin Yves, Le Roux Christine, Lebrun Michel, Duponnois Robin. 2013. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 65 : 172-179.


Competitive interactions between forest trees are driven by species' trait hierarchy, not phylogenetic or functional similarity: implications for forest community assembly. Kunstler Georges, Lavergne Sébastien, Courbaud Benoît, Thuiller Wilfried, Vieilledent Ghislain, Zimmermann Niklaus E., Kattge Jens, Coomes David A.. 2012. Ecology Letters, 15 (8) : 831-840.

Functional traits and their plasticity predict tropical trees regeneration niche even among species with intermediate light requirements. Laurans Marilyne, Martin Olivier, Nicolini Eric-André, Vincent Grégoire. 2012. Journal of Ecology, 100 (6) : 1440-1452.

Rôles de la haie vive antiérosive sur la gestion de l'eau, du sol et le rendement des cultures du centre sud du bassin arachidier sénégalais. Diatta Malaïny, Faye El Hadji, Grouzis Michel, Perez Pascal. 2012. In : Lutte antiérosive : réhabilitation des sols tropicaux et protection contre les pluies exceptionnelles. Roose Eric (ed.), Duchaufour Hervé (ed.), De Noni Georges (ed.). Marseille : IRD [Marseille], 1 Cd-Rom (Colloques et séminaires) ISBN 978-2-7099-1728-5

A growth model for azobé, Lophira alata, in Gabon. Engone Obiang Nestor Laurier, Ngomanda Alfred, White Lee, Jeffery Kathryn J., Chézeaux Eric, Picard Nicolas. 2012. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (314) : 65-72. IUFRO International Conference on Research Priorities in Tropical Silviculture, Montpellier, France, 15 Novembre 2011/18 Novembre 2011.


Analyse intégrée du partage des ressources (eau, azote et rayonnement) et des performances dans les systèmes de culture en relais sous semis direct en zone tropicale subhumide. Balde Alpha Bocar. 2011. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 165 p. Thèse de doctorat : Ecosystèmes. Agronomie : Montpellier SupAgro Centre international d'études supérieures en sciences agronomiques

Investigation of pollen competition between wild and cultivated sorghums (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) using simple sequence repeats markers. Muraya Moses, Geiger Hartwig H., De Villiers Santie, Sagnard Fabrice, Kanyenji Ben M., Kiambi Dan, Parzies Heiko K.. 2011. Euphytica, 178 (3) : 393-401.

Model evaluation of cover crops, application to eleven species for banana cropping systems. Tixier Philippe, Lavigne Christian, Alvarez Stéphanie, Gauquier Antoine, Blanchard Morgane, Ripoche Aude, Achard Raphaël. 2011. European Journal of Agronomy, 34 (1) : 53-61.

Native forest individual-tree modelling in Papua New Guinea. Fox Julian C., Vieilledent Ghislain, Keenan Rodney J.. 2011. In : Native forest management in Papua New Guinea: advances in assessment, modelling and decisison-making. (Eds.) J.C. Fox, R.J. Keena, C.L. Brack, S. Saulei. Canberra : ACIAR, 106-120. (ACIAR Proceedings, 135) ISBN 978-1-921962-10-3

Promoting native trees in shade coffee plantations of southern India: Comparison of growth rates with the exotic Grevillea robusta. Nath Cheryl D., Pélissier Raphaël, Ramesh B.R., Garcia Claude A.. 2011. Agroforestry Systems, 83 (2) : 107-119.


Cadres formels pour la simulation des peuplements hétérogènes de plantes en compétition pour les ressources. Le Chevalier Vincent. 2010. s.l. : Ecole centrale Paris, 129 p. Thèse de doctorat : Mathématiques appliquées : Ecole centrale Paris

Rhizosphere microbiota interfers with plant-plant interactions. Sanon Arsene, Andrianjaka Z.N., Prin Yves, Bailly R., Thioulouse Jean, Comte Gilles, Duponnois Robin. 2010. In : Rhizosphere: achievements and challenges. Dessaux Yves (ed.), Hinsinger Philippe (ed.), Lemanceau Philippe (ed.). Berlin : Springer [Allemagne], 259-278. (Developments in Plant and Soil Sciences, 104) ISBN 978-90-481-2855-6


Dynamics of fine root distribution after establishment of monospecific and mixed-species plantations of Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium. Da Silva Eduardo Vinicius, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, De Freitas Coelho Selma Regina, Moreira e Moreira Rildo, De Miranda Mello Sergio Luis, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Jourdan Christophe, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2009. Plant and Soil, 325 (1-2) : 305-318.

Mixing plant species in cropping systems: concepts, tools and models. A review. Malézieux Eric, Crozat Yves, Dupraz Christian, Laurans Marilyne, Makowski David, Ozier Lafontaine Harry, Rapidel Bruno, De Tourdonnet Stéphane, Valantin-Morison Muriel. 2009. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 29 (1) : 43-62.

Mixing plant species in cropping systems: concepts, tools and models: A review. Malézieux Eric, Crozat Yves, Dupraz Christian, Laurans Marilyne, Makowski David, Ozier Lafontaine Harry, Rapidel Bruno, De Tourdonnet Stéphane, Valantin-Morison Muriel. 2009. In : Sustainable agriculture: volume 1. Lichtfouse Eric (ed.), Navarrete Mireille (ed.), Debaeke Philippe (ed.), Souchère Véronique (ed.), Alberola Caroline (ed.). Heidelberg : Springer [Allemagne], 329-353. ISBN 978-90-481-2665-1


Does the structure-function Model GREENLAB deal with crop phenotypic plasticity induced by plant spacing? : A case study on tomato. Qiaoxue Dong, Louarn Gaëtan, Yiming Wang, Barczi Jean-François, De Reffye Philippe. 2008. Annals of Botany, 101 (8) : 1195-1206.

Mixed-species plantations of Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus grandis in Brazil : 1. Growth dynamics and aboveground net primary production. Laclau Jean-Paul, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Silva E.V., Jourdan Christophe, Cunha M.C.S., Moreira M.R., Saint André Laurent, Maquère Valérie, Nouvellon Yann, Ranger Jacques. 2008. Forest Ecology and Management, 255 (12) : 3905-3917.

Using virtual plants to analyse the light-foraging efficiency of a low-density cotton crop. Dauzat Jean, Clouvel Pascal, Luquet Delphine, Martin Pierre. 2008. Annals of Botany, 101 (8) : 1153-1166.


Ecophysiological approach of Bolboschoenus maritimus and Echinochloa crus-gallis competitiveness on irrigated rice in Camargue (France). Audebert Alain, Sanusan Suchada, Roques Sandrine, Carrara Alain, Marnotte Pascal. 2007. In : Proceedings of the Fourth Temperate Rice Conference, 25-28 June 2007, Novara, Italy. Edited by S. Bocci, A. Ferrero, A. Porro. Perugia : SIRFI, 152-153. Temperate Rice Conference. 4, Novara, Italie, 25 Juin 2007/28 Juin 2007.

Simulation and visualisation of functional landscapes : Effects of the water resource competition between plants. Le Chevalier Vincent, Jaeger Marc, Xing Mei, Cournède Paul-Henry. 2007. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 22 (6) : 835-845.

A functional landscape prototype to simulate water resource competition between plants. Le Chevalier Vincent, Jaeger Marc, Xing Mei, Lesluye Aurelien, Cournède Paul-Henry. 2007. In : Plant growth modeling and applications. Proceedings PMA06 : The Second International Symposium on plant growth modeling, simulation, visualization and applications, Beijing, China, November 13-17, 2006. Fourcaud Thierry (ed.), Zhang Xiao-Peng (ed.). Institut d'automatique-LIAMA, IEEE. Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society, 124-131. ISBN 0-7695-2851-1 International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA06). 2, Beijing, Chine, 13 Novembre 2006/17 Novembre 2006.

A generalized poisson model to estimate inter-plant competition for light. Cournède Paul-Henry, De Reffye Philippe. 2007. In : Plant growth modeling and applications. Proceedings PMA06 : The Second International Symposium on plant growth modeling, simulation, visualization and applications, Beijing, China, November 13-17, 2006. Fourcaud Thierry (ed.), Zhang Xiao-Peng (ed.). Institut d'automatique-LIAMA, IEEE. Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society, 11-15. ISBN 0-7695-2851-1 International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA06). 2, Beijing, Chine, 13 Novembre 2006/17 Novembre 2006.


Past, present and future criteria to breed crops for water-limited environments in West Africa. Dingkuhn Michaël, Singh B.B., Clerget Benoît, Chantereau Jacques, Sultan Benjamin. 2006. Agricultural Water Management, 80 (1-3) : 241-261.


Couplage de modèles de flux de gènes et de modèles de dynamique forestière. Dreyfus Philippe, Pichot Christian, De Coligny François, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Cornu Guillaume, Jésel Sébastien, Dessard Hélène, Oddou-Muratorio Sylvie, Gerber Sophie, Caron Patrick, Latouche-Hallé Céline, Lefèvre François, Courbet François, Seynave Ingrid. 2005. In : Un dialogue pour la diversité génétique : 5e Colloque National BRG - ISARA, Lyon, 3-4-5 novembre 2004 = A dialog for the genetic diversity. BRG. Paris : BRG, 231-250. (Les Actes du BRG, 5) ISBN 2-908447-33-9 Colloque national BRG Dialogue pour la diversité génétique. 5, Lyon, France, 3 Novembre 2004/5 Novembre 2004.

Environmental and genetic control of morphogenesis in crops : towards models simulating phenotypic plasticity. Dingkuhn Michaël, Luquet Delphine, Quilot Bénédicte, De Reffye Philippe. 2005. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 56 (11) : 1289-1302.

Genetic effects of inter-tree competition in mixed cocoa stands on yield, vigour and cropping efficiency. Lachenaud Philippe. 2005. In : Proceedings of the International workshop on cocoa breeding for improved production systems, 19th-21th October 2003, Accra, Ghana. Bekele Frances L. (ed.), End Michelle (ed.), Eskes Albertus (ed.). INGENIC, CRIG. Reading : INGENIC, 110-117. ISBN 1-900527-03-0 International Workshop on Cocoa Breeding for Improved Production Systems. 4, Accra, Ghana, 19 Octobre 2003/21 Octobre 2003.


Approche écophysiologique de la nuisibilité d'Echinochloa crus-galli sur le riz irrigué en Camargue (France). Audebert Alain, Marnotte Pascal, Vongsana Khosada, Roques Sandrine, Carrara Alain. 2004. In : Douzième Colloque international sur la biologie des mauvaises herbes, 31 août - 2 septembre 2004, Dijon, France = Twelfth International conference on weed biology. AFPP, INRA, ENESAD, EWRS. Paris : AFPP, 57-64. ISBN 2-9519497-6-6 Colloque International sur la Biologie des Mauvaises Herbes. 12, Dijon, France, 31 Août 2004/2 Septembre 2004.

Improved fallows implementation in southern Xayabury. Towards a better use of waste lands. Tran Quoc Hoa, Lienhard Pascal, Tivet Florent, Sosomphou Thammakham, Khamxaykhay Chanthasone, Chantharath Bounsay, Panyasiri Khamkèo, Julien Patrick, Séguy Lucien. 2004. In : Poverty reduction and shifting cultivation stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR: Technologies, approaches and methods for improving Upland livelihoods: Proceedings of a workhsop, Luang Prabang, january 27-30 2004. eds. by Bounthong Bouahom, Aiden Glen. Vientiane : NAFRI, 1 p. Poverty Reduction and Shifting Cultivation Stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR : Technologies, Approaches and Methods for Improving Upland Livelihoods, Luang Prabang, Laos, 27 Janvier 2004/30 Janvier 2004.

Interacciones competitivas enter Coffea arabica y arboles maderables de rapido crecimiento en Pérez Zeledon, Costa Rica. Van Kanten Rudi, Beer John, Schroth Götz, Vaast Philippe. 2004. AgroForestería en las Américas, 11 (41-42) : 5-15.

Past, present and future criteria to breed crops for water-limited environments in West Africa. Dingkuhn Michaël, Singh B.B., Clerget Benoît, Chantereau Jacques, Sultan Benjamin. 2004. In : New directions for a diverse planet : Proceedings for the 4th International Crop Science Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 26 Sep - 1 Oct 2004. Turner Neil (ed.), Angus John (ed.), Mc Intyre Lynne (ed.), Robertson Michael (ed.), Borrell Andrew (ed.), Lloyd David (ed.). Gosford : Regional Institute, 1-15. ISBN 1-920842-20-9 International Crop Science Congress. 4, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2004/1 Octobre 2004.

Using 3D architectural models for evaluation of smallholder coconut-based agroforestry systems. Lamanda Nathalie, Dauzat Jean, Jourdan Christophe, Malézieux Eric, Martin Philippe. 2004. In : Book of abstracts, 1st World congress of agroforestry: Working together for sustainable land-use systems, 27 June - 2 July 2004, Orlando (USA). IFAS, University of Florida. Gainesville : IFAS, Résumé, 188. World Congress of Agroforestry. 1, Orlando, États-Unis, 27 Juin 2004/2 Juillet 2004.

Using 3D architectural models for the evaluation of smallholders coconut based agroforestry systems. Lamanda Nathalie, Dauzat Jean, Jourdan Christophe, Malézieux Eric, Martin Philippe. 2004. In : First World Congress of Agroforestry, Orlando (USA), 27 June-2 July 2004. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. World Congress of Agroforestry. 1, Orlando, États-Unis, 27 Juin 2004/2 Juillet 2004.


Diversité spécifique et regroupement d'espèces arborescentes en forêt guyanaise. Blanc Lilian, Flores Olivier, Molino Jean-François, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Sabatier Daniel. 2003. Revue Forestière Française, 55 (spec.) : 131-146.


Evaluation of competitive ability of the main cultivated rice varieties against red rice. Rodrigues de Matos Célina, Martins Da Silva Lubélia, Carmona Maria Alexandra, Valério Menido João Paulo, Diniz Rocha Carla. 2002. In : Rice genetic resources and breeding for Europe and other temperate areas : proceedings of Eurorice 2001 Symposium, Cirad, Ird, Ksau, Krasnodar Territory, Vniirisa, September, 3-8, 2001, Krasnodar, Russia. CIRAD, IRD, KSAU, Krasnodar. Montpellier : CIRAD ISBN 2-87614-504-9 Eurorice 2001 Symposium, Krasnodar, Russie, 3 Septembre 2001/8 Septembre 2001.


Degradacion de pasturas mejoradas por la presencia de especies no deseadas en Carimagua, Colombia. Escobar M.E., Escobar German, Rippstein Georges. 2001. In : Agroecologia y biodiversidad de las sabanas en los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. Rippstein Georges (ed.), Escobar German (ed.), Motta Francisco (ed.). Cali : CIAT, 223-239. ISBN 958-694-033-0

Influence de la compétition herbacée sur la croissance et l'architecture de jeunes Chênes rouges d'Amérique (Quercus rubra L.) en plantation. Guérard Natacha, Barthélémy Daniel, Cabanettes A., Courdier Florence, Trichet Patrick, Willm Jérôme. 2001. Annals of Forest Science, 58 (4) : 395-410.

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