
Résultats pour : "petit agriculteur"

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Nombre de documents : 61.


Balancing economic and ecological functions in smallholder and industrial oil palm plantations. Wenzel Arne, Westphal Catrin, Ballauff Johannes, Berkelmann Dirk, Brambach Fabian, Buchori Damayanti, Camarretta Nicolò, Corre Marife D., Daniel Rolf, Darras Kevin, Erasmi Stefan, Formaglio Greta, Hölscher Dirk, Iddris Najeeb Al-Amin, Irawan Bambang, Knohl Alexander, Kotowska Martyna M., Krashevska Valentyna, Kreft Holger, Mulyani Yeni, MuBhoff Olivier, Paterno Gustavo B., Polle Andrea, Potapov Anton, Röll Alexander, Scheu Stefan, Schlund Michael, Schneider Dominik, Sibhatu Kibrom T., Stiegler Christian, Sundawati Leti, Tjoa Aiyen, Tscharntke Teja, Veldkamp Edzo, Waite Pierre-andré, Wollni Meike, Zemp Delphine Clara, Grass Ingo. 2024. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121 (17):e2307220121, 11 p.

Collective action, replanting and resilience; Key lessons from 40 years of smallholder oil palm cultivation in the Ophir plantation, Indonesia. Jelsma Idsert, Turinah Turinah, Gay Frédéric, Ollivier Jean, Rapidel Bruno. 2024. Agricultural Systems, 213:103801, 14 p.

Exploring social indicators in smallholder food systems: modeling children's educational outcomes on crop-livestock family farms in Madagascar. Thom Amy E., Bélières Jean-François, Conradie Beatrice, Salgado Paulo, Vigne Mathieu, Fangueiro David. 2024. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8:1356985, 17 p.

Is agricultural lime a profitable investment for African smallholders? Evidence from Rwanda. Jaleta Moti, Vasco Silva João, Ruganzu Vicky, Mvuyekure Simon Martin, Mujanama Erick, Voss Rachel C., Chamberlin Jordan, Baudron Frédéric. 2024. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 18 (3) : 276-293.

Targeting smallholder farmers for climate information services adoption in Africa: A systematic literature review. Nyoni Rejoice, Bruelle Guillaume, Chikowo Régis, Andrieu Nadine. 2024. Climate Services, 34:100450, 14 p.

Validating a novel genetic technology for hybrid maize seed production under management practices associated with resource-poor farmers in Zimbabwe. Hamadziripi Esnath Tatenda, Collinson Sarah, Voss Rachel C., Baudron Frédéric, Labuschagne Michel, Franke Angelinus C., Zaman-Allah Mainassara, Olsen Mike, Burgueño Juan, Cairns Jill E.. 2024. Plants, People, Planet, 15 p.

Vulnerability and resilience in the face of climate changes in Senegal's drylands: Measurement at the household level and determinant assessment. Yessoufou Adjani Nourou-Dine, Kumar Shalander, Houessionon Prosper, Worou Omonlola Nadine, Wane Abdrahmane, Whitbread Anthony M.. 2024. Frontiers in Climate, 6:1330025, 13 p.

The need for social impacts analysis in smallholders' AR4D: A case study of five agricultural research projects in Madagascar. Thom Amy E., Padrão Temudo Marina, Belieres Jean-François, Salgado Paulo. 2024. Journal of Rural Studies, 108:103299, 12 p.


Disentangling effects of altitude and shade cover on coffee fruit dynamics and vegetative growth in smallholder coffee systems. Sarmiento-Soler Alejandra, Rötter Reimund P., Hoffmann Munir P., Jassogne Laurence, Van Asten Piet J.A., Graefe Sophie, Vaast Philippe. 2022. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 326:107786, 16 p.

Ecosystem-based practices for smallholders' adaptation to climate extremes: Evidence of benefits and knowledge gaps in Latin America. Vignola Raffaele, Jimena Esquivel Maria, Harvey Celia A., Rapidel Bruno, Bautista Solis Pavel, Alpizar Francisco, Donatti Camila I., Avelino Jacques. 2022. Agronomy (Basel), 12 (10), n.spéc. Climate-Smart Agriculture Practices for Reducing Production Risks for Smallholder Farmers:2535, 40 p.

La proximité à distance. Comment les agri-youtubeurs communiquent sur leurs pratiques. Rénier Louis, Cardona Aurélie, Goulet Frédéric, Ollivier Guillaume. 2022. Réseaux, 231 (1) : 225-257.

Scenarios for an agroecological transition of smallholder family farmers: A case study in Guadeloupe. Andrieu Nadine, Blundo Canto Genowefa, Chia Eduardo, Diman Jean-Louis, Dugue Patrick, Fanchone Audrey, Howland Fanny, Ott Salomé, Poulayer Célia. 2022. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 42:95, 17 p.

Smallholders' livelihoods in the presence of commercial farms in central Kenya. Giger Markus, Reys Aurélien, Anseeuw Ward, Mutea Emily, Kiteme Boniface. 2022. Journal of Rural Studies, 96 : 343-357.

Tailoring management practices to the structure of smallholder households in Sudano-Sahelian Burkina Faso: Evidence from current practices. Berre David, Adam Myriam, Koffi Christophe K., Vigne Mathieu, Gautier Denis. 2022. Agricultural Systems, 198:103369, 11 p.


Agroforestry innovation by smallholders facing uncertainty: The case of clove-based cropping systems in Madagascar. Michel Isabelle, Lobietti Mélanie, Danthu Pascal, Penot Eric, Velonjara Francisco, Jahiel Michel, Michels Thierry. 2021. European Journal of Agronomy, 123:126218, 11 p.
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Cacao, copoazu and macambo: Exploring Theobroma diversity in smallholder agroforestry systems of the Peruvian Amazon. Lagneaux Elisabeth, Andreotti Federico, Neher Charlotte. 2021. Agroforestry Systems, 95 (7) : 1359-1368.

Can fair trade resolve the "hungry farmer paradox"? Sirdey Ninon, Lemeilleur Sylvaine. 2021. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, 102 : 81-106.
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Climate change impact and variability on cereal productivity among smallholder farmers under future production systems in west Africa. MacCarthy Dilys Sefakor, Adam Myriam, Freduah Bright Salah, Fosu-Mensah Benedicta Yayra, Ampim Peter A. Y., Ly Mouhamed, Traoré Pierre Sibiry, Adiku Samuel G.K.. 2021. Sustainability, 13 (9):5191, 22 p.

Co-production of ecosystem services through agricultural practices: perception of stakeholders supporting smallholders in the Brazilian Amazon. Resque Antonio Gabriel Lima, Piketty Marie-Gabrielle, Coudel Emilie, Messad Samir, Le Page Christophe. 2021. Cahiers Agricultures, 30:20, 11 p.


Crop diversity management: Sereer smallholders' response to climatic variability in Senegal. Ruggieri Faustine, Porcuna-Ferrer Anna, Gaudin Alexandre, Faye Ndeye Fatou, Reyes-Garcia Victoria, Labeyrie Vanesse. 2021. Journal of Ethnobiology, 41 (3) : 389-408.

How to enhance the sustainability and inclusiveness of smallholder aquaculture production systems in Zambia? Avadi Tapia Angel Daniel, Cole Steven M., Kruijssen Froukje, Dabat Marie-Hélène, Muwe Mungule Charles. 2021. Aquaculture, 547:737494, 14 p.

The challenge of reconciling conservation and development in the tropics: Lessons from Brazil's oil palm governance model. Brandão Frederico, Schoneveld George, Pacheco Pablo, Vieira Ima, Piraux Marc, Mota Dalva. 2021. World Development, 139:105268, 15 p.


Agriculture - familiale. Gisclard Marie, Goulet Frédéric. 2020. In : Dictionnaire critique de l'anthropocène. CNRS. Paris : CNRS Editions, 18-20. (CNRS Dictionnaires) ISBN 978-2-271-12427-2
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Determinants of vulnerability of bean growing households to climate variability in Colombia. Perez Lisset, Rios David A., Giraldo Diana C., Twyman Jennifer, Blundo Canto Genowefa, Prager Steven D., Ramirez-Villegas Julian. 2020. Climate and Development, 12 (8) : 730-742.
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Modelling climate change impacts on maize yields under low nitrogen input conditions in sub-Saharan Africa. Falconnier Gatien N., Corbeels Marc, Boote Kenneth J., Affholder François, Adam Myriam, MacCarthy Dilys Sefakor, Ruane Alex C., Nendel Claas, Whitbread Anthony M., Justes Eric, Ahuja Lajpat R., Akinseye Folorunso M., Alou Isaac N., Amouzou Kokou A., Anapalli Saseendran S., Baron Christian, Basso Bruno, Baudron Frédéric, Bertuzzi Patrick, Challinor Andrew J., Chen Yi, Deryng Delphine, Elsayed Maha L., Faye Babacar, Gaiser Thomas, Galdos Marcelo, Gayler Sebastian, Gérardeaux Edward, Giner Michel, Grant Brian, Hoogenboom Gerrit, Ibrahim Esther S., Kamali Bahareh, Kersebaum Kurt Christian, Kim Soo-Hyung, Van Der Laan Michael, Leroux Louise, Lizaso Jon, Maestrini Bernardo, Meier Elizabeth A., Mequanint Fasil, Ndoli Alain, Porter Cheryl, Priesack Eckart, Ripoche Dominique, Sida Tesfaye S., Singh Upendra, Smith Ward N., Srivastava Amit, Sinha Sumit, Tao Fulu, Thorburn Peter J., Timlin Dennis, Traoré Bouba Sidi, Twine Tracy E., Webber Heidi. 2020. Global Change Biology, 26 (10) : 5942-5964.
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Opportunities and constraints for adoption of maize-legume mixed cropping systems in Laos. Lienhard Pascal, Lestrelin Guillaume, Phanthanivong Ienlang, Kiewvongphachan Xaisavanh, Leudphanane Bounma, Lairez Juliette, Tran Quoc Hoa, Castella Jean-Christophe. 2020. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 18 (5) : 427-443.

Participatory farmers-weighted selection (PWS) indices to raise adoption of durum cultivars. Alary Véronique, Yigezu Yigezu Atnafe, Bassi Filippo M.. 2020. Crop Breeding, Genetics and Genomics, 2 (3):e200014, 20 p.

Poultry farmer response to disease outbreaks in smallholder farming systems in southern Vietnam. Delabouglise Alexis, Thanh Nguyen Thi Le, Xuyen Huynh Thi Ai, Nguyen-Van-Yen Benjamin, Tuyet Phung Ngoc, Lam Ha Minh, Boni Maciej F.. 2020. eLife, 9:e59212, 19 p.

Sustainability viewed from farmers' perspectives in a resource-constrained environment. Baccar Mariem, Bouaziz Ahmed, Dugué Patrick, Gafsi Mohamed, Le Gal Pierre-Yves. 2020. Sustainability, 12:8671, 15 p.


Dimensions of smallholder farming's attractiveness in Yucatán, with a focus on decent work aspects. Blundo Canto Genowefa, Becerril García Javier, Knerr Béatrice. 2019. In : Traditional smallholder farmers in a growing economy and a globalized world: Evidence from the state of Yucatán. Knerr Béatrice (ed.), Becerril García Javier (ed.). Kassel : Kassel University Press, 33-57. (International Rural Development, 10) ISBN 978-3-86219-906-8

Does climate opportunity facilitate smallholder farmers' adaptive capacity in the Sahel? Lalou Richard, Sultan Benjamin, Muller Bertrand, Ndonky Alphousseyni. 2019. Palgrave Communications, 5:81, 11 p.

Déterminants socio-économiques des dynamiques des systèmes agroforestiers. Pedelahore Philippe, Droy Isabelle, Bidou Jean-Etienne, Freguin-Gresh Sandrine, Sibelet Nicole, Le Coq Jean-François. 2019. In : Agroforesterie et services écosystémiques en zone tropicale : Recherche de compromis entre services d’approvisionnement et autres services écosystémiques. Seghieri Josiane (ed.), Harmand Jean-Michel (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 211-227. (Update sciences et technologies) ISBN 978-2-7592-3059-4

How does fair trade affect farmers' food security? A review of empirical studies. Sirdey Ninon, Lemeilleur Sylvaine. 2019. In : Systèmes alimentaires = Food systems. Fort Fatiha (ed.). Paris : Classiques Garnier, 93-113. (Systèmes alimentaires, 4) ISBN 978-2-406-09828-7

Motivations for the use of sustainable intensification practices among smallholder farmers in Tanzania and Malawi. Jambo Isaac Jonathan, Groot Jeroen C.J., Descheemaeker Katrien, Bekunda Mateete, Tittonell Pablo. 2019. NJAS Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 89 (1) : 1-10.

Risks of smallholder exclusion from upgrading food chains. Soullier Guillaume, Moustier Paule, Lançon Frédéric. 2019. In : Food systems at risk. New trends and challenges. Dury Sandrine (ed.), Bendjebbar Pauline (ed), Hainzelin Etienne (ed.), Giordano Thierry (ed.), Bricas Nicolas (ed.). Rome : CIRAD-FAO, 79-82. ISBN 978-2-87614-751-5

Turning local knowledge on agroforestry into an online decision-support tool for tree selection in smallholders' farms. van der Wolf Just, Jassogne Laurence, Gram Gil, Vaast Philippe. 2019. Experimental Agriculture, 55 (S1), n.spéc. The options by context approach: A paradigm shift in agronomy : 50-66.


Artisanal mills and local production of palm oil by smallholders. Rafflegeau Sylvain, Nanda Doris, Genot Claude. 2018. In : Achieving sustainable cultivation of oil palm. Volume 2: Diseases, pests, quality and sustainability. Rival Alain (ed.). Cambridge : Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 407-434. (Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, 28) ISBN 978-1-78676-108-8

Farmers' perception to change and adaptation strategies of small ruminant systems in the West Bekaa of Lebanon. Chedid Mabelle, Tourrand Jean-François, Jaber Lina S., Hamadeh Shadi K.. 2018. Small Ruminant Research, 167 : 16-21.


Comprendre et accompagner l'évolution des stratégies de conduite des vergers dans les exploitations arboricoles. Application à la protection phytosanitaire de la pomme en France. Pissonnier Solène. 2017. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 182 p. Thèse de doctorat : Ecologie fonctionnelle et sciences agronomiques : Montpellier SupAgro

Paysage et intensification de l'élevage en Amazonie brésilienne : de nouvelles dynamiques spatio-temporelles à l'échelle des exploitations agricoles. Plassin Sophie, Poccard Chapuis René, Laurent François, Piketty Marie-Gabrielle, Pimentel Martinez Gustavo, Tourrand Jean-François. 2017. Confins (33)

Perception of change: Narratives and strategies of farmers in Madagascar. Stoudmann Natasha, Waeber Patrick O., Randriamalala Ihoby H., Garcia Claude. 2017. Journal of Rural Studies, 56 : 76-86.


Contribuir con la producción y con los mercados internacionales. Rafflegeau Sylvain, Losch Bruno, Daviron Benoit, Bastide Philippe, Charmetant Pierre, Lescot Thierry, Prades Alexia, Sainte-Beuve Jérôme. 2016. In : Las agriculturas familiares y los mundos del futuro. Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.). San José : IICA-AFD, 145-162. (AgriculturaS y retoS mundiales) ISBN 978-92-9248-648-8

Exploring the role of smartphone technology for citizen science in agriculture. Dehnen-Schmutz Katharina, Foster Gemma L., Owen Luke, Persello Séverine. 2016. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 36 (5):e25, 8 p.

Living within their means: Reallocation of farm resources can help smallholder farmers improve crop yields and soil fertility. Rusinamhodzi Leonard, Dahlin Sigrun, Corbeels Marc. 2016. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 216 : 125-136.

Sources de revenus et besoins d'accompagnement des exploitations agricoles familiales en zone cotonnière ouest du Burkina Faso. Koutou Mahamoudou, Sangaré Mamadou, Havard Michel, Toillier Aurélie, Sanogo Lacina, Thombiano Taladidia, Vodouhé Simplice Davo. 2016. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 20 (1) : 42-56.

Trajectories of agricultural change in southern Mali. Falconnier Gatien N.. 2016. Wageningen : Wageningen University, 219 p. ISBN 978-94-6257-759-6. Thesis Ph. D. : Wageningen University


Determinants in the choice of perennial crops in diversified production systems of rubber growers in South-Western Cameroon. Chambon Bénédicte, Gobina Mokoko Simon. 2015. In : Economics and ecology of diversification: the case of tropical tree crops. Ruf François (ed.), Schroth Götz (ed.). Dordrecht : Springer-Ed. Quae, 225-237. ISBN 978-94-017-7293-8

From the coffee-cocoa combination to oil palm cycles: the case of Dabou and Aboisso in Côte d'Ivoire. Sayam Vylie Tientcheu, Cheyns Emmanuelle. 2015. In : Economics and ecology of diversification: the case of tropical tree crops. Ruf François (ed.), Schroth Götz (ed.). Versailles : Springer-Ed. Quae, 103-120. ISBN 978-94-017-7293-8


A network-based method to detect patterns of local crop biodiversity: Validation at the species and infra-species levels. Thomas Mathieu, Verzelen Nicolas, Barbillon Pierre, Coomes Oliver T., Caillon Sophie, McKey Doyle B., Elias Marianne, De Garine Eric, Raimond Christine, Jarvis Devra, Wencelius Jean, Leclerc Christian, Labeyrie Vanesse, Hung Cuong Pham, Nguyen Thi Hue, Sthapit Bhuwon, Rana Ram Bahadur, Barnaud Adeline, Violon Chloé, Arias Reyes Luis Manuel, Latournerie Moreno Luis, De Santis Paola, Massol François. 2015. In : Ecosystem services from biodiversity to society, Part 1. Woodward Guy (ed)., Bohan David A. (ed.). Londres : Academic Press, 259-320. (Advances in Ecological Research, 53) ISBN 978-0-12-803885-7
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Évaluer la durabilité de systèmes de culture en agriculture de conservation à Madagascar (région du lac Alaotra) avec MASC-Mada. Sester Mathilde, Craheix Damien, Daudin Gabriel, Sirdey Ninon, Scopel Eric, Angevin Frédérique. 2015. Cahiers Agricultures, 24 (2) : 123-133.


Cultures pérennes tropicales : Enjeux économiques et écologiques de la diversification. Ruf François (ed.), Schroth Götz (ed.). 2013. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 302 p. (Update sciences et technologies) ISBN 978-2-7592-1854-7

Du binôme caféier-cacaoyer aux cycles du palmier à huile : les cas de Dabou et Aboisso en Côte d'Ivoire. Sayam Vylie Tientcheu, Cheyns Emmanuelle. 2013. In : Cultures pérennes tropicales : Enjeux économiques et écologiques de la diversification. Ruf François (ed.), Schroth Götz (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 85-100. (Update sciences et technologies) ISBN 978-2-7592-1854-7

Les déterminants du choix des cultures pérennes dans les systèmes de production diversifiés des hévéaculteurs au sud-ouest du Cameroun. Chambon Bénédicte, Gobina Mokoko Simon. 2013. In : Cultures pérennes tropicales : Enjeux économiques et écologiques de la diversification. Ruf François (ed.), Schroth Götz (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 185-195. (Update sciences et technologies) ISBN 978-2-7592-1854-7


Intensification de la caféiculture chez les petits producteurs du Guatemala : rapports entre la structure, le fonctionnement et les performances des exploitations. Mendez Barrios Juan Carlos. 1995. Montpellier : ENSAM, 234 p. Thèse de doctorat : Agro-économie : Ecole nationale supérieure agronomique de Montpellier

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